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Marginalia Encyclopedia
Viktor (Developer) states it simple:
This is a what-if experiment in web design: What if we designed web-sites according to print principles, an experiment in web design, a high-readability, low-distraction encyclopedia with design choices such as narrow column widths, high line-spacing and a consistent typeface.
It is mostly for my own personal use, but you are very welcome to explore as well.
The experience is primarily designed for full-screen use on desktop computers. It will work on mobile devices as well, tablets better than phones, but only just.
FYI: The contents are sourced from various areas, but mostly indexed from Wikipedia.
For Indian Users Only:
Income Tax Department has introduced a new feature called the "Discard" option for Income Tax Returns (ITRs) filed under sections 139(1), 139(4), and 139(5). This option is applicable for unverified returns from the assessment year 2023-2024 onwards.
The option to discard ITRs is applicable for returns filed for the financial year 2022-2023 onwards. However, taxpayers should note that this option is only available within nine months from the beginning of the relevant fiscal year, with a deadline of December 31.
To access the "Discard" option:
- Logon to https://www.incometax.gov.in
- Go to e-File and select Income Tax Return
- Click on e-Verify ITR
- Select "Discard"
SMTP Smuggling - Spoofing E-Mails Worldwide - SEC Consult
Piskel is a free online editor for animated sprites & pixel art. Create animations in your browser.
URL | Git | Download
Читать полностью…OneClipboard Server - server for OneClipboard to allow clients to sync...
OneClipboard is a collection of collaborative apps to automatically sync clipboards on remote devices. This is the server part. It has no knowledge-of or access-to any clipboards, it simply relays text between connected clients.
Any number of clients can connect to a single server. All clients that are connected to the same server, and identify with the same username/password combination, will effectively share a single clipboard – and an update to any one, will immediately update all. All clipboard text communicated between devices is encrypted over the network.
A corresponding desktop variant is available as well.
AppID: com.cb.oneclipboard.android.server
Author: Warren Bank
APK (3.01.03) | Source | Izzy
Probably the site/theme is not supported
Читать полностью…speaking of HTML-hell, any specific idea why Telegram fails to include an Instant View summary for the linked article from tedium.co ?
Читать полностью…10 Weird HTML Hacks That Shaped The Internet
is a PHP script for building HTML/CSS sites from source documents in PHP, Gemini, Pandoc Markdown, HTML and CSS.
Source | Git
this is more imp, everything to hide, why give to anyone?
Читать полностью…YouTube confirms it has launched a global effort to crack down on ad blockers
Simple. Because people haven't fought hard enough to maintain their privacy, and these vile companies don't care about your privacy one little bit.
Читать полностью…Seal - Video/Audio downloader designed and themed with Material You
* Download videos and audio files from video platforms supported by yt-dlp
* Embed metadata and video thumbnail into extracted audio files
* Download all videos in the playlist with one click
* Use embedded aria2c as external downloader for all your downloads
* Embed subtitles into downloaded videos
* Execute custom yt-dlp commands with templates
* Manage in-app downloads and custom command templates
* Easy to use and user-friendly
* Material Design 3 style UI, with dynamic color theme
* view network connections
* modify or delete the contents of your shared storage
* have full network access
* run foreground service
* show notifications
* ask to ignore battery optimizations
* request install packages
* run foreground service with the type "specialUse"
F-Droid | Source | Releases (Git-Stable | Git-Pre-Release | F-Droid-
Marginalia Search
Open source search engine, which actually showcases non-enterprise results, unlike the others & the main purpose of the search engine is "to help you find and navigate the non-commercial parts of the Internet". It is an attempt to increase the visibility of this quirkier and less-standard part of the Internet.
Engine | Source | Homepage
Reckless DMCA Deindexing Pushes NASA's Artemis Towards Black Hole
Andy Maxwell reports via TorrentFreak: As the crew of Artemis 2 prepare to become the first humans to fly to the moon since 1972, the possibilities of space travel are once again igniting imaginations globally. More than 92% of internet users who want to learn more about this historic mission and the program in general are statistically likely to use Google search. Behind the scenes, however, the ability to find relevant content is under attack. Blundering DMCA takedown notices sent by a company calling itself DMCA Piracy Prevention Inc. claim to protect the rights of an OnlyFans/Instagram model working under the name 'Artemis'.
Instead, keyword-based systems that fail to discriminate between copyright-infringing content and that referencing the word Artemis in any other context, are flooding towards Google. They contain demands to completely deindex non-infringing, unrelated content, produced by innocent third parties all over the world.
A recent deindexing demand dated December 13, 2022, lists DMCA Piracy Prevention Inc. of Canada as the sender.
The name of the content owner is redacted but the notice itself states that the company represents a content creator performing under the name Artemis. The notice demands the removal of 3,617 URLs from Google search. If successful, those URLs would be completely unfindable by more than 92% of the world's population who use that search engine. [...]
At least 9 of the first 20 URLs in the notice demand the removal of non-infringing articles and news reports referencing the Artemis space program. None have anything to do with the content the sender claims to protect. [...]
Theories as to who might own and/or operate DMCA Piracy Prevention Inc. aren't hard to find but the company does exist and is registered as a corporate entity in Canada. Registered at the same address is a company with remarkably similar details. BranditScan is a corporate entity operating in exactly the same market offering similar if not identical services. BranditScan has sent DMCA takedown notices to Google under three different notifier accounts.
This one is a server for the application
Читать полностью…OctoDNS: Tools for managing DNS across multiple providers.
DNS as code - Tools for managing DNS across multiple providers
Not to do with anything open source, but I could not resist sharing these 2 around.
Читать полностью…OneClipboard - OneClipboard Client to sync clipboard contents with other devices...
OneClipboard is a collection of collaborative apps to automatically sync clipboards on remote devices. This is the client part. The server has no knowledge-of or access-to any clipboards, it simply relays text between connected clients.
Any number of clients can connect to a single server. All clients that are connected to the same server, and identify with the same username/password combination, will effectively share a single clipboard – and an update to any one, will immediately update all. All clipboard text communicated between devices is encrypted over the network.
A corresponding desktop variant is available as well.
AppID: com.cb.oneclipboard.android.client
Author: Warren Bank
APK (3.01.03) | Source | Izzy
Thanks. I hope to keep it interesting. Hopefully.
Читать полностью…I like this.
An actual broad interest Foss chat.
And interesting.
It is back on the Libre list. 4.0.5 was just updated successfully.
Читать полностью…https://techcrunch.com/2023/11/21/china-censorship-circumvention-tools-clash-disappear/
Читать полностью…FYI, if anyone is not aware. KeepassDX has a build failing error in F-Droid for the last 2+ weeks and therefore they have added libre builds in Izzy for now as the dev himself is having trouble finding the commits so to do the git rebase.
For now you can export and import your app properties from the old version to the new version and the new version can be installed alongwith the old one as well.
More info | Izzy | APK (4.0.4)
nothing to hide? nothing to lose!
... I do wonder about Accelerated Mobile Pages, until dead.
Agreed. Also, the fault is always on the individual. The word Free is like hypnotic event 😂😂
Читать полностью…https://nypost.com/2023/10/29/tech/how-does-my-private-information-appear-on-people-search-sites/
Читать полностью…Another as* of a ceo...
Twitter/X announces upcoming removal of more features from free version
X (formerly known as Twitter) has outlined plans for new alternatives to its paid Premium version. The new Basic subscription tier is intended to become the only way to access features such as post editing or removal from the social media app, whereas Premium Plus (or Premium+) would be the only way to view certain sections of its UI without ads.