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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
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French | Français

"🔤🔤 🔤 🔤🔤"
Synonyms and similarities

*️⃣ Allons-y. - (Let’s go)
*️⃣ C’est parti. - (“Let’s go“)
*️⃣ C’est tipar. - (“Let’s go“)( Slang)
*️⃣ Allez. - (“Go“) (Slang)
*️⃣ On y go. - (“We are going“)(Anglicism)
*️⃣ C’est parti mon kiki. - (Let’s go my hoo-ha) (Familiar)

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French | Français

The French sentence "On y va" explained
French people are using “On y va” (Let’s go) when they are on the verge of going somewhere or starting something (typically: a group activity).

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"🔤" replaces: "🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤"
“Y” can also replace a thing introduced by "à".

penser à
Je pense à mon nouveau téléphone portable. – J’y pense.
I am thinking about my new mobile phone. – I am thinking about it.

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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Audio from French people
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1️⃣ If you want to say “to feel like” in French with nouns, then you will use the following idiom:
*️⃣avoir envie de [noun] = to feel like/want [something]

This idiom is generally used when you have a desire for something.
The “something” is a noun.

J’ai envie d’une pizza.
I feel like a pizza.

J’ai envie d’une bière.
I feel like a beer.

Ils ont vraiment envie de vacances.
They really want a holiday.

Please note that de becomes d’ in front of a vowel or mute h.

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1️⃣To need in French with Nouns
If you want to say that you need something in French, you will use the following idiom.

*️⃣avoir besoin de (quelque chose) = to need (something)

Avoir gets conjugated depending on the context.

Tu as besoin de sommeil.
You need some sleep.

Il a besoin de nouvelles chaussures.
He needs new shoes.

J’ai besoin d’une enveloppe.
I need an envelope.

❗️You may have noticed that in the last example there is the article une after d’.
This is because you are using an indefinite article (une).

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Shared Means of Transportation in French
If you talk about travelling, then you will use «en» for shared means of transportation in French (e.g. train/bus/car).

Je vais à l’école en train.
I am going to school by train.

Tu vas au bureau en voiture.
You are going to the office by car.

Nous allons à l’université en métro.
We are going to the university by metro.

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Replace the expression "On y va" in the phrase with a synonym and write your choice in the comments.

- Tu vas au cinéma ? On y va!
(Will you go to the cinema? Let's go there!)

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French | Français

🔤” can also replace a thing introduced by à.
This is often the case with certain verbs that are followed by à.

*️⃣penser à
Je pense à mon nouveau téléphone portable. – J’y pense.
I am thinking about my new mobile phone. – I am thinking about it.

*️⃣réfléchir à
Alexandra réfléchit à ses problèmes. - Elle y réfléchit.
Alexandra is thinking about her problems. She is thinking about them.

*️⃣assister à
Nous allons assister à cette réunion. - Nous allons y assister.
We are going to attend this meeting. We are going to attend it.

*️⃣s’intéresser à
Ils s’intéressent aux trains. - Ils s’y intéressent.
They are interested in trains. They are interested in them.

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"🔤" replaces: "🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤"
The pronoun “y” can be used to replace the word “there”.

Je vais à l’école. – J’y vais.
I am going to school. – I am going there.

Nous allons en France. Nous y allons.
We are going to France. We are going there.

Vous allez chez lui ? Oui, j’y vais !
Are you going to his place? Yes, I am going there!

❗️You cannot use “y” to replace de + a place.
❗️You have to use “en” to replace de + place.

Est-ce qu’elle vient de l’université ? Oui, elle en vient.
Is she coming from the university? Yes, she is coming from there.

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French | Français


Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Rémi Dupont. Ravi de vous rencontrer.
Hello! My name is Rémi Dupont. Nice to meet you.

Je suis Français. J'ai 31 ans, et je suis marié à une femme incroyable !
I am French. I'm 31 years old, and I am married to an amazing woman!

Elle s'appelle Karine. Elle a 30 ans.
Her name is Karine. She is 30 years old.

Nous sommes mariés depuis 9 ans ! Et je suis toujours amoureux d'elle !
We've been married for 9 years! And I'm still in love with her!

Nous n'avons pas d'enfants, mais nous prévoyons d'en avoir bientôt.
We don't have children, but we plan to have some soon.

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#Nouns #pronouns
*️⃣🔤🔤 🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 to replace object nouns with direct object pronouns (le, la, l’, and les), and with indirect object pronouns (lui, and leur).
the direct and indirect pronouns always come before the verb.

Je te donne ma bague.
I am giving you my ring.

Est-ce que tu m’aimes ?
Do you love me?

Il nous pose une question.
He is asking us a question.

Clara nous parle.
Clara is talking to us.

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2️⃣"To need" in French with Verbs
You can also use to need in French with verbs.
You will use the following idiom for that.

*️⃣avoir besoin de (infinitif) = to need (to do)

J’ai besoin d’étudier.
I need to study.

J’ai besoin d’aller en vacances!
I need to go on holiday!

Vous avez besoin d’écrire quelque chose?
Do you need to write something?

❗️As you can see the infinitive (full verb) is used after avoir besoin de.
Please note that de becomes d’ in front of a vowel or mute h in both categories.

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