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French | Français

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

In French, L'Impératif has three main characteristics:
1️⃣ There are only 3 persons in L'Impératif: tu, nous, vous since you only issue commands to 'you' or 'us/we'.
2️⃣ Like in English, the subject pronoun is dropped in L'Impératif.
3️⃣ The verb is at the same form as in Le Présent for tu, nous and vous:
Tu finis ta soupe. Finis ta soupe!
You're finishing your soup. Finish your soup.

❗️ATTENTION: We note that for verbs whose ending is “es” (verbs of the first group whose infinitive ends in -ER) in the second person “tu” the “s” disappears.
Tu manges ton dessert. Mange ton dessert!
You're eating your dessert. Eat your dessert!

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

Amusez → Enjoy / Have fun
Vous → Yourself
Bien → Good

Another famous way to express such things is “Profitez bien“.

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French | Français

It literally means:

Amuse → Enjoy / Have fun
Toi → Yourself
Bien → Good

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French | Français

Boris O'Klein. The picture title "Everyone in turn"
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French | Français

Translation: Love is a rose. Every petal an illusion. Every thorn a reality. (Charles Baudelaire, French poet)

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French | Français

If you want to say “each/every of the (things)” in French, then you will say:

*️⃣chacun/ chacune des (choses) : each of the (things)

In this case the “things” have to be plural.

Chacune des trois filles a gagné un prix.
Each of the three girls won a prize.

Chacun des plats était délicieux.
Each one of the dishes was delicious.

❗️Please not that if the things that you are referring to are feminine, then you will use chacune.

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French | Français

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

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French | Français

If you want to say «the same» in French, then you will say:

*️⃣ le même 🟰the same
*️⃣ la même 🟰the same
*️⃣ les mêmes 🟰the same

the word changes depending on the gender and number of the object that you are referring to.

Nous avons le même âge.
We’re the same age.

Nous défendons la même cause.
We are defending the same cause.

Ils ont les mêmes habitudes.
They have the same habits.

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French | Français

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤

A high level of quantity in French can be express with the words “beaucoup de“.

*️⃣beaucoup de 🟰 many/a lot of

J’ai beaucoup de photos.
I have a lot of pictures.

Tu as beaucoup de livres.
You have many books.

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French | Français

A few: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

The smallest form of quantity in French can be express
with the word “quelques“.

*️⃣ quelques 🟰 a few/ some/ a couple

Je voudrais quelques enveloppes.
I would like some envelopes.

J’ai quelques questions.
I have a couple of questions.

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French | Français

Write in the comments to this post the translation of the phrase into French
"Êtes-vous triste? Avez-vous__________?»
(Are you sad? Are you missing someone intensely?)
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French | Français

"N'aie pas peur d'essayer"

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French | Français

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French | Français

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

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French | Français

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French | Français

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French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
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French | Français

If you want to say “each/every (one)” in French, then you will say:


Chacun a son propre caractère.
Everyone has a character of his own.

Elles sont à trente dollars chacune.
They’re thirty dollars each.

Chacun d’entre vous est un héros !
Every one of you is a hero!

❗️Please not that if you want to refer to specific individuals or groups then you will use:

*️⃣chacun/chacune d’entre nous/vous/eux/elles = each one of us/you/them

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French | Français

If you want to say “each/every (thing)” in French, then you will say:

*️⃣chaque (chose) = each/every (thing)

In this case the “thing” has to be singular.

Chaque personne compte.
Every person counts.

Étudies-tu chaque jour ?
Do you study every day?

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Audio dialogue from French people
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Читать полностью…

French | Français

It literally means:
* Sois → Be
* Toi-même → Yourself

Such a classic inspirational sentence: very useful as a personal reminder or to motivate someone else.
It simply means “Be yourself” and it encourages us to stop chasing to be like someone else, look like someone else, etc.

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French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
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French | Français

Several: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

A medium level of quantity in French can be express with the word “plusieurs“.

*️⃣ plusieurs 🟰 several

Plusieurs routes sont fermées.
Several roads are closed.

Elle a plusieurs jupes.
She has several skirts.

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Read, listen, repeat and translate into English the phrase. Write it in the comments.
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French | Français

#Vocabulary #pronoun
*️⃣Someone in French is quelqu’un

Est-ce que quelqu’un connaît la réponse?
Does someone/anyone know the answer?

*️⃣Someone else in French is quelqu’un d’autre.

Est-ce que quelqu’un d’autre peut le faire pour moi ?
Can someone else do it for me?

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