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In French, L'Impératif has three main characteristics:
1️⃣ There are only 3 persons in L'Impératif: tu, nous, vous since you only issue commands to 'you' or 'us/we'.
2️⃣ Like in English, the subject pronoun is dropped in L'Impératif.
3️⃣ The verb is at the same form as in Le Présent for tu, nous and vous:
➖Tu finis ta soupe. Finis ta soupe!
You're finishing your soup. Finish your soup.
❗️ATTENTION: We note that for verbs whose ending is “es” (verbs of the first group whose infinitive ends in -ER) in the second person “tu” the “s” disappears.
➖Tu manges ton dessert. Mange ton dessert!
You're eating your dessert. Eat your dessert!
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Amusez → Enjoy / Have fun
Vous → Yourself
Bien → Good
Another famous way to express such things is “Profitez bien“.
It literally means:
Amuse → Enjoy / Have fun
Toi → Yourself
Bien → Good
Boris O'Klein. The picture title "Everyone in turn"
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Translation: Love is a rose. Every petal an illusion. Every thorn a reality. (Charles Baudelaire, French poet)
Читать полностью…#pronoun
If you want to say “each/every of the (things)” in French, then you will say:
*️⃣chacun/ chacune des (choses) : each of the (things)
In this case the “things” have to be plural.
➖Chacune des trois filles a gagné un prix.
Each of the three girls won a prize.
➖Chacun des plats était délicieux.
Each one of the dishes was delicious.
❗️Please not that if the things that you are referring to are feminine, then you will use chacune.
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If you want to say «the same» in French, then you will say:
*️⃣ le même 🟰the same
*️⃣ la même 🟰the same
*️⃣ les mêmes 🟰the same
the word changes depending on the gender and number of the object that you are referring to.
➖Nous avons le même âge.
We’re the same age.
➖Nous défendons la même cause.
We are defending the same cause.
➖Ils ont les mêmes habitudes.
They have the same habits.
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🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤
A high level of quantity in French can be express with the words “beaucoup de“.
*️⃣beaucoup de 🟰 many/a lot of
➖J’ai beaucoup de photos.
I have a lot of pictures.
➖Tu as beaucoup de livres.
You have many books.
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A few: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
The smallest form of quantity in French can be express
with the word “quelques“.
*️⃣ quelques 🟰 a few/ some/ a couple
➖Je voudrais quelques enveloppes.
I would like some envelopes.
➖J’ai quelques questions.
I have a couple of questions.
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Write in the comments to this post the translation of the phrase into French
"Êtes-vous triste? Avez-vous__________?»
(Are you sad? Are you missing someone intensely?)
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Read, listen and repeat the phrase.
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Write in the comments the translation of the inscription in the picture.
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
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If you want to say “each/every (one)” in French, then you will say:
➖Chacun a son propre caractère.
Everyone has a character of his own.
➖Elles sont à trente dollars chacune.
They’re thirty dollars each.
➖Chacun d’entre vous est un héros !
Every one of you is a hero!
❗️Please not that if you want to refer to specific individuals or groups then you will use:
*️⃣chacun/chacune d’entre nous/vous/eux/elles = each one of us/you/them
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If you want to say “each/every (thing)” in French, then you will say:
*️⃣chaque (chose) = each/every (thing)
In this case the “thing” has to be singular.
➖Chaque personne compte.
Every person counts.
➖Étudies-tu chaque jour ?
Do you study every day?
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Audio dialogue from French people
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It literally means:
* Sois → Be
* Toi-même → Yourself
Such a classic inspirational sentence: very useful as a personal reminder or to motivate someone else.
It simply means “Be yourself” and it encourages us to stop chasing to be like someone else, look like someone else, etc.
#Phonetics #Vocabulary
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Several: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
A medium level of quantity in French can be express with the word “plusieurs“.
*️⃣ plusieurs 🟰 several
➖Plusieurs routes sont fermées.
Several roads are closed.
➖Elle a plusieurs jupes.
She has several skirts.
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Read, listen, repeat and translate into English the phrase. Write it in the comments.
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#Vocabulary #pronoun
*️⃣Someone in French is quelqu’un
➖Est-ce que quelqu’un connaît la réponse?
Does someone/anyone know the answer?
*️⃣Someone else in French is quelqu’un d’autre.
➖Est-ce que quelqu’un d’autre peut le faire pour moi ?
Can someone else do it for me?
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