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French | Français

List of Common Fruits in French(LES FRUITS COMMUNS)

Cerise: Cherry
Banane: banana
Pomme: Apple
Abricot: Apricot
Poire: Pear
Pêche: Peach
Prune: Plum
Pastèque: Watermelon
Melon: Melon
Piment: Chilli peppers
Courgettes: Zucchini
Concombre: Cucumber
Cornichon: Pickle
Aubergine: Eggplant
Citrouille: Pumpkin
Tomate: Tomato

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French short phrases with prononciation

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Regular -re verbs in French

The verbs ending in -re are not considered regular. But, some of them follow the same general rule as other regular verbs. This is done by taking off the -re suffix and adding the correct one for the subject. When using the il and elle versions of these -re verbs, you don’t need to add an ending.

Entendre: To hear, e. g.: J'entends un bruit - I'm hearing a noise.

Descendre: To descend/go down, e. g.: Il descend l’escalier - He goes down the stairs.

Vendre: To sell, e. g.: Je vends des gâteaux - I sell cakes.

Perdre: To lose, e. g.: Je perds le jeu - I lose the game.

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Regular -ir French verbs

Similarly to regular -er verbs, if you’re looking to conjugate a regular -ir French verb, just remove the ending and add the appropriate one for the subject you’re using in the sentence. Watch out, there are irregular -ir verbs too. They have their own separate rules for conjugation!

Finir: To finish, e. g. Je finis mon travail à 17 h - I finish work at 5pm.

Choisir: To choose, e.g. Je choisis le film ce soir - I choose the movie tonight

Remplir: To fill, e. g. Il remplit la bouteille avec de l'eau – He’s filling the bottle with water.

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Regular -er French verbs

These verbs follow simple rules. Just remove the -er from the end of the verb and add the right ending for your sentence subject.

There are quite a few common regular -er verbs out there, so this is a great place to start.

Jouer: To play, e. g.: Je joue au foot - I play football.

Donner: To give, e. g.: Je donne des conseils à mes amis - I give advice to my friends.

Trouver: To find, e. g.: Je ne trouve pas la solution - I don’t find the solution.

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Verbs in French

1. Appeler – to call

Je m’appelle Laurie. –> I am called Laurie (my name is Laurie).

2. Apprendre – to learn

J’aimerais apprendre à mieux te connaître. –> I would like to get to know you better.

3. Comprendre – to understand

Comprenez-vous –> Do you understand?

4. Corriger – to correct

Corrige les phrases suivantes. –> Correct the following sentences

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2. This is the ways to complain in French

• Mince/Merde!—Shit!

• Y a de l'abus!—That's going too far!

• Remuer—to stir, to get someone moving

• Remettre ça—start all over again

• Je suis fatigué—I'm tired

• Il fait chaud—It's hot

• Il fait froid—It's cold

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{Vocabulary / Civil status}

« L'âge », « la nationalité », « le pays d'origine »… voilà quelques mots pour vous présenter." [partie2]

•nationalité (la)
nationality (the)

•nom (le)
surname (the)

•pays d'accueil (le)
host country (the)

•pays d'origine (le)
home country (the)

•prénom (le)
first name (the)

•sœur (la)
sister (the)

•ville (la)
city (the)

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When to Use the Present Tense in French

The French present tense is used when talking about:

Ongoing actions in the present
“Je mange” – I am eating

Habitual actions (daily habits or common occurrences)
“Elle rit toujours.” – She is always laughing

Facts or general truths
“Le train vient tous les jours.” – The train comes everyday.

Events happening in the near future
“Je vais à l’école demain.” – I am going to school tomorrow.

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French quiz

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Some useful irregular French verbs

Many very common verbs tend to be irregular. Knowing them will help you to communicate in French. Remember when you wanted to order a coffee? Well, the verb “vouloir” (in the more polite conditional form in our example, “Je voudrais commander un café”) is one of those very useful verbs.

Faire: To do/make, e. g.: Je fais le ménage - I'm [doing the] cleaning.

Vouloir: To be willing to/want, e. g.: Je veux travailler en France - I want to work in France.

Devoir: To have to/must, e. g.: Je dois finir cette tâche - I have to finish this task.

Dire: To say/tell, e. g.: Je dis que je viens - I say I am coming.

Savoir: To be able to/know, e. g.: Je sais cuisiner - I can cook.

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The Three Verb Groups in French

We can classify French verbs by their endings to make it easier to learn their conjugations.

Group 1 verbs end in -er.

The majority of these verbs have a regular conjugation, with the notable exception of aller.

manger, aimer, commencer, créer, penser, oublier

Group 2 verbs end in -ir and their present participle is formed with -issant.

finir (finissant), réussir (réussissant), choisir (choisissant)

Group 3 verbs are irregular verbs that don’t belong to group 1 or 2.

These verbs can also be categorised by their endings. Some end in -oir, others in -re, while some end in -ir and form their present participle with the ending -ant instead of -issant.

pouvoir, savoir, voir, vouloir
prendre, croire, mettre, attendre
découvrir (découvrant), courir (courant), offrir (offrant)

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Family Vocabulary in French

• un frère — brother

• une sœur — sister

• un père — father

• une mère — mother

• un oncle — uncle

• une tante — aunt

• un grandpère — grandfather

• une grandmère — grandmother

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Classroom Objects in French

• un livre — a book

• une chaise — a chair

• un pupitre — a student's desk

• un stylo — a pen

• un crayon — a pencil

• un cahier — a notebook

• un tableau blanc — a whiteboard

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French | Français

{Vocabulary / At the chemist’s}

« Un médicament », « du sirop », « avoir de la fièvre »... apprenez le vocabulaire utile lorsque vous êtes malade et devez vous rendre à la pharmacie. [avec traduction]

1.antibiotique (l'/un/des) => antibiotic

2. aspirine (l'/une/des)=> aspirin

3. comprimé (le)=> tablet

4. fièvre (la)=> fever

5. médicament (le)=> medication

6. mutuelle (la) =>complementary health insurance

7. ordonnance (l'/une/des)=>prescription

8. pilule (la)=> pill

9. vaccin (le)=> vaccine

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{Vocabulary / Civil status}

« L'âge », « la nationalité », « le pays d'origine »… voilà quelques mots pour vous présenter." [partie1]

• âge (l'/un)
age (the / an)

•appeler (s')
to be called

•lieu de travail (le)
workplace (the)


•métier (le)
occupation (the)


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