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16 Apr 2024 10:31
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French | Français
14 Apr 2024 10:01
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French | Français
12 Apr 2024 14:35
How Do You Say Hobbies In French?
In French, the word for “hobbies” is “les passe-temps” or “les loisirs“.
“Les passe-temps” is more commonly used to refer to leisure activities, while
“Les loisirs” is a broader term that can include hobbies, sports, and other leisure activities.
For example👇
●Mes passe-temps préférés sont la lecture et la randonnée – My favorite hobbies are reading and hiking
●Les loisirs créatifs sont très populaires en France – Creative hobbies are very popular in France.
●Pendant mon temps libre, j’aime regarder la télévision – In my spare time i like to watch TV
●Quels sont tes loisirs? – What are your hobbies?
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French | Français
11 Apr 2024 12:27
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French | Français
09 Apr 2024 14:20
The future tense in French
To conjugate regular verbs in the future tense, we use the infinitive form + -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont endings
Nager (to swim)
●Je nagerai
●Tu nageras
●Il nagera/elle nagera
●Nous nagerons
●Vous nagerez
●Ils nageront/elles nageront
Dormir (to sleep)
●Je dormirai
●Tu dormiras
●Il dormira/elle dormira
●Nous dormirons
●Vous dormirez
●Ils dormiront/elles dormiront
finir (to finish)
●Je finirai
●Tu finiras
●Il finira/elle finira
●Nous finirons
●Vous finirez
●Ils finiront/elles finiront
Je vous téléphonerai bientôt (I will call you soon)
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French | Français
08 Apr 2024 13:11
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French | Français
06 Apr 2024 07:07
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French | Français
04 Apr 2024 13:35
The future tense in French
The French future tense (le futur simple) is used in a similar way to the English 'will (+ main verb)': to describe upcoming actions.
L'année prochaine, j'apprendrai le chinois (Next year, I will learn Chinese)
To conjugate regular verbs in the future tense, we use the infinitive form + -
ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont endings.
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French | Français
03 Apr 2024 14:05
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French | Français
02 Apr 2024 15:24
French Pronouns
Direct object pronounsDirect object pronouns replace a direct object in a sentence.
Using direct object pronouns in French can help avoid repetition, making your speech or writing sound more fluid and natural.
Some common examples of direct object pronouns in French include “le,” “la,” “les,” “me,” “te,” and “nous.”
For example:
Je l’ai vu. (I saw
Elle les a mangés. (She ate
Il me parle. (He is talking to
Indirect object pronounsIndirect object pronouns are used to replace an indirect object, which is usually a person or thing that receives the action of the verb indirectly.
Some common examples of indirect object pronouns in French include “lui” (him/her/it), “leur” (them), and “me” (to me).
For example:
Il m’a donné un cadeau. (He gave
me a gift.)
Elle lui parle souvent. (She talks to
him/her/it often.)
Ils nous ont envoyé un message. (They sent
us a message.)
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French | Français
01 Apr 2024 14:23
How to Express Your Feelings in French
□ Je suis fatigue. I am tired
□ Je suis heureux / joyeux. I am happy
□ Je suis triste. I am sad
□ Je suis nerveux(se). I am nervous
□ Je suis fache. I am angry
□ Je suis excite. I am excited
□ Je suis ravi(e). I'm delighted
Now, we can do the same with avoir:
□ J'ai faim. I'm hungry
□ J'ai soif. I'm thirsty
□ J'ai froid. I'm cold
□ J'ai chaud. I'm hot
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French | Français
31 Mar 2024 14:43
How to say the time in French part 2
To say what is the time in French, you can say
Quelle heure est-il?
When giving the time in French, or when someone asks for the time, you would say👇
Il est 13 heures→ it is 1 p.m.
Il est bientôt 13 heures→it is 1 p.m. soon
Il sera bientôt 13 heures→ it will be 1 p.m. soon
Il est presque 13 heures→ it is almost 1 p.m.
this depends on the time the person is asking for.
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French | Français
30 Mar 2024 13:51
Types of French nouns
A common noun (un nom commun) is the general name for any person, animal, place, object, idea or concept. Common nouns can be animate (e.g. un enfant, un chat) or inanimate (e.g. un fauteuil, un billet de train). Common nouns have a plural form unless they are uncountable.
Romain a acheté une
veste et un
pantalon. (singular)
Romain a acheté deux
vestes et trois
pantalons. (plural)
Like in English, common nouns can be
countable (comptables) or
uncountable (non comptables). Uncountable nouns do not have a plural form.
une pomme, un crayon (countable)
lait, eau (uncountable)
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French | Français
29 Mar 2024 12:48
Les noms: Nouns in French grammar
What is a noun?Les noms or les substantifs (nouns) are naming words: they refer to people (la fille), places (la France), animals (le chat), objects (la table) and concepts (l’amour). A noun can be a subject or an object in a sentence. They are often accompanied by an article and can be described by adjectives. To avoid repetition, nouns can be replaced by pronouns.
Examples:Mon chien aime les friandises. (animal)
L’amour rend aveugle. (feeling, concept)
J’ai appelé ma cousine hier. (person)
Quel musée avez-vous visité? (place)
Le livre paraîtra en mai. (object)
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French | Français
28 Mar 2024 11:47
Exercise 1
Conjuguez les verbes au présent de l’indicatif ou à l’infinitif dans les phrases suivantes.
1) J’ _ (aimer) ____(aller) à la plage.
2) Tes amis et toi _ ( nourrir /négatif) pas souvent le lapin.
3) Les enfants __ (découper) des formes de cœur.
4) Ma soeur et moi ___ (jouer) beaucoup aux jeux vidéos.
5) ___(regarder) -tu souvent la télévision?
6) Ton chien ___ (grossir) beaucoup quand il
_(manger) des gâteries.
7) Je __ (remplir) le pichet d’eau chaque matin.
8) Les adultes ___ (grandir / négatif).
Indicatif présent et infinitif
~Good Luck~
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French | Français
15 Apr 2024 23:51
Adjective of Personality in French
shy, timid, reserved timide timide la timititésincere sincère sincère la sincéritésmart, clever, shrewd malin maligne l’astuce (f)sociable sociable sociable la sociabilitéstudious assidu assidu la diligencetalkative bavard bavard la loquacitéupbeat, optimistic optimiste optimiste l’optimismeaggressive, violent agressif agressive l’agressivité (f)aloof, indifferent, careless désinvolte désinvolte la désinvoltureannoying ennuyeux ennuyeuse l’ennuianxious anxieux anxieuse l’anxiétécowardly,
weak lâche lâche la lâchetédisagreeable,
unpleasant désagréable désagréable disagreeable, unpleasant, unlikeable antipathique antipathique l’antipathie (f)disorganized désorganisé désorganisée la désorganisationgrumpy, cranky,
crotchety grincheux grincheuse la mauvaise humeur🇫🇷 Our channel |
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French | Français
13 Apr 2024 14:26
What Are French Demonstrative Pronouns?
French demonstrative pronouns can loosely be translated to these English pronouns: “this one,” “that one,” “these over here” or “those over there.”
The difference is that the French demonstrative pronouns are just a bit more complicated than the English ones.
English demonstrative pronouns only need to agree in number with the nouns they replace. French demonstrative pronouns have to agree in both gender and number with the nouns they replace.
The four French demonstrative pronouns are:
●Celui (the one/that one). Masculine singular. ( Je préfère celui. — I prefer this one.)
●Celle (the one/that one). Feminine singular. ( C’est celle de ma mère. — It’s the one belonging to my mother.)
●Ceux (the ones/those ones). Masculine plural. ( J’aime ceux qui sont sur la table. — I like the ones on the table.)
●Celles (these ones/those ones). Feminine plural. ( Tu préfères celles-ci ou celles-là? — Do you prefer these ones or those ones?)
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French | Français
12 Apr 2024 11:34
Learn and practice French using @, without leaving Telegram
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French | Français
10 Apr 2024 12:26
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French | Français
08 Apr 2024 21:07
⚡️NEW — a unique multiplatform wallet for Telegram!
This wallet stands out with its cutting-edge features, setting a new standard in the market.
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French | Français
06 Apr 2024 12:29
How to Congratulate in French
Basic ways to congratulate someone in French👇
Félicitations! = Congratulations.
Bravo! = Bravo!
Or even👇
Trop fort! (informal) = “Too strong!” (literally) = Very good!
Chapeau! (a bit old-fashioned) = “Hat” (literally) = “Congrats!” (with surprise and admiration)
But never use
Bien fait to congratulate someone!
Yes, literally,
Bien fait means “Well done.” But it’s never used as “Well done!” in spoken French by itself. Instead, it means: “Serves you right.” = “You deserved that bad thing that happened to you.” We also say
Bien fait pour toi!For instance:
Tu as ri quand je suis tombée de vélo. Et maintenant c’est toi qui es tombée ! Ha, bien fait!= You laughed when I fell off my bike. And now you fell off too! Ha, serves you well!
Bien fait is a taunt. Don’t use it and accidentally make fun of someone – it would be an embarrassing mistake.
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French | Français
05 Apr 2024 06:51
The Future Tense in French
Note: There are many irregular verbs. Although the stem changes, the endings remain the same. Here are some common ones👇
être (to be)
●Je serai
●Tu seras
●Il sera/elle sera
●Nous serons
●Vous serez
●Ils seront/elles seront
avoir (to have)
●Tu auras
●Il aura/elle aura
●Nous aurons
●Vous aurez
●Ils auront/elles auront
faire (to make, to do)
●Je ferai
●Tu feras
●Il fera/elle fera
●Nous ferons
●Vous ferez
●Ils feront/elles feront
venir (to come)
●Je viendrai
●Tu viendras
●Il viendra/elle viendra
●Nous viendrons
●Vous viendrez
●Ils viendront/elles viendront
Quand je serai grand, je serai chanteur (When I am older, I will be a singer.)
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French | Français
04 Apr 2024 09:33
The Past Tense in French
Part 3
How to conjugate the passé composé in French?To conjugate the passé composé we use the present tense of avoir or être as an auxiliary verb, followed by the past participle (participe passé) of the main verb👆
In negative sentences, the past participle comes after the second part of the negation (pas)
J’ai rigolé. → Je n’ai pas rigolé (I laughed→I didn't laugh)
Je suis parti.→ Je ne suis pas parti (I left →I didn't leave)
For reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun comes after the first part of the negation (ne) and before the auxiliary verb (avoir/être).
Je ne me suis pas trompé dans mon calcul (I didn't make a mistake in my calculations)
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French | Français
03 Apr 2024 05:04
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French | Français
02 Apr 2024 05:23
French pronouns
Subject pronounsSubject pronouns in French are used to replace a noun as the subject of a sentence.
These include familiar pronouns like “je” (I), “tu” (you), and “il/elle” (he/she) as well as plural forms such as “nous” (we), “vous” (you all), and “ils/elles” (they).
For example:
Je mange une pomme. (
I am eating an apple.)
Tu es
mon ami. (
You are my friend.)
Il court vite. (
He runs fast.)
Elle chante bien. (
She sings well.)
Nous aimons voyager. (
We love to travel.)
Vous parlez français. (
You all speak French.)
Ils étudient à l’université. (
They [masculine] study at the university.)
Elles mangent des croissants.(
They [feminine] are eating croissants.)
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French | Français
01 Apr 2024 06:23
How to Say Good Luck in French
• Good luck!
Bonne chance!• Good luck my friend.
Bonne chance, mon ami(e).• I wish you success.
Je vous/te souhaite de réussir.• Good luck and best wishes.
Bonne chance et meilleurs voeux.
• Good luck on your test.
Bonne chance pour ton/votre examen.• Break a leg!
Merde!• Fingers crossed!
Je croise les doigts!• Knocking on wood!
Je touche du bois!• May luck be with you.
Que la chance vous/t’accompagne.• I hope you’ll be fortunate.
J’espère que tu auras de la veine.• Good courage!
Bon Courage!🇫🇷 Our channel |
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French | Français
31 Mar 2024 04:42
How to Say Time in French
Avant-hier →The day before yesterday
Hier → Yesterday
Aujourd’hui →Today
Demain→ Tomorrow
Après-demain →The day after tomorrow
The expressions above👆 specify the day.
Other time expressions are:
Five minutes ago, expressed as:
Il y a cinq minutesAn hour ago expressed as:
Il y a une heureA week ago as;
Il y a une semaineTwo weeks ago, expressed as:
Il y a deux semainesA month ago expressed as:
Il y a un moisA long time ago expressed as:
Il y a longtemps🇫🇷 Our channel |
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French | Français
30 Mar 2024 05:51
Gender of French nouns
In French, nouns can be masculine (masculins) or feminine (feminins). This is known as gender. We can sometimes recognise a noun’s gender by its ending, but the only way to be sure is to always learn nouns together with their article (le/un or la/une).
l’homme, le chien, le tableau, le travail, le chêne (masculine)
la femme, la danseuse, la librairie, la cuisine}, la France (feminine)
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French | Français
29 Mar 2024 04:46
How to Conjugate Irregular Verbs in French Present Tense
Here are some exceptions that you can encounter. The radicals and endings of these verbs change. Check it out👆👆👆
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French | Français
28 Mar 2024 04:46
How to Conjugate the Present Tense in French
To conjugate a regular verb in the present tense in French grammar, you will replace their infinitive ending with the following:
Does it end in –er?
Yes! Then you have to conjugate using the same endings as the verb
Does it end in –ir?
Yes! Then you have to conjugate using the same endings as the verb
But Wait!!! Some verbs
in –ir are not conjugated like the verb
finir. To know which one do not belong to this category ask yourself whether or not you can end the verb
in –issons at the 1st person singular.
nourrir- nous nourrissons = same conjugation as the verb
finirCourir-nous courissons = does not conjugate like the verb
finir. This verb is therefore part of the
3rd category.
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