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4️⃣ Adjectives that end -ien, -ion, and -on become -ienne, -ionne, and -onne in the feminine form.
➖Le monument est ancien et l’église est également ancienne.
The monument is ancient and the church is also ancient.
➖Je pense qu’Emmanuel est mignon, mais je pense aussi que Clara est mignonne.
I think Emmanuel is cute, but I also think that Clara is cute.
➖Mon père est canadien, et ma mère est australienne.
My father is Canаdian, and my mother is Australian.
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2️⃣ Adjectives that Double the Final Consonant and Add an -e
*️⃣Adjectives that end with -el, -eil, -il, -ul, -et, -s will double their final consonant and add an -e in the feminine form.
➖Paul est un homme gentil et Charlotte est une femme gentille.
Paul is a nice man and Charlotte is a nice woman.
➖Le salon est net et la chambre à coucher est nette aussi.
The living room is neat and the bedroom is neat too.
➖Le pain est bon et la confiture est bonne.
The bread is good and the jam is good.
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Je n’ai pas peur
*️⃣It’s translated in English as “I’m not afraid” or “I’m not scared“, because we don’t have the same difference between “scared” vs. “afraid” in French.
As you can see, we use “have + fear” to express this feeling while in English you use “be + afraid/scared“. So in French “fear” is rather something you have than something you are.
➖Je n’ai pas peur des araignées. (I’m not scared of spiders)
*️⃣The antonym is “J’ai peur” (I’m scared / I’m afraid).
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3️⃣Adjectives that end -eux become -euse in the feminine form.
➖Je suis furieux contre elle, et elle est furieuse contre moi.
I am mad at her, and she is mad at me.
➖Je trouve Jean ennuyeux et je trouve aussi Pauline ennuyeuse.
I find Jean boring and I also find Pauline boring.
➖Gabriel est un homme curieux, et Bernadette est une femme curieuse.
Gabriel is a curious man, and Bernadette is a curious woman.
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1️⃣ Adjectives that end with -er become -ère in the feminine form.
➖Elle a un téléphone cher et une jupe chère.
She has an expensive phone and an expensive skirt.
➖Cher Jean, chère Alexandra, comment vont les choses en France ?
Dear Jean, dear Alexandra, how is everything in France?
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How to Use Colours in French
Adjectives of simple colours must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.
Generally speaking the following rules apply:
*️⃣in the feminine singular form an –e is added,
*️⃣in the masculine plural form an –s is added,
*️⃣in the feminine plural form an –es is added.
The colours yellow (jaune), orange, pink (rose), and red (rouge) remain the same in the feminine singular form, because they end with a mute -e.
The colours brown (marron) and orange don’t change.
➖J’ai un placard blanc et une chaise blanche.
I have a white closet and a white chair.
➖J’ai une voiture bleue et deux vélos bleus.
I have a blue car and two blue bicycles.
➖J’ai un téléphone noir et deux guitares noires.
I have a black phone and two black guitars.
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Synonyms and similarities
*️⃣ Courage ! (“Courage!“)
*️⃣ Soit fort(e) ! (“Be strong!“)
*️⃣ Tu peux le faire ! (“You can do it!“)
*️⃣ (Similar yet different) Bonne chance. (“Good luck“)
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This is the best way to say “Good luck” in French, but people confuse it often with “Bon courage” which means “Hang in there/Be strong“.
*️⃣“Bonne chance” expresses the wish of good fortune for someone who is trying to achieve something that relies on luck or external factors.
*️⃣In case you want to encourage someone on a task that doesn’t rely on luck but on hard work/dedication, use instead: “Bon courage!” (Hang in there!)
*️⃣Also, “Chance” is a feminine word, so it is never correct to say “Bon chance” as we see quite often.
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*️⃣Passe une bonne nuit → Have a good night
*️⃣Passez une bonne nuit → Have a good night (Formal &/or Plural)
*️⃣Je te souhaite une bonne nuit → I wish you a good night
*️⃣Je vous souhaite une bonne nuit → I wish you a good night (Formal &/or Plural)
*️⃣Dors bien → Sleep well
*️⃣Dormez bien → Sleep well (Formal &/or Plural)
*️⃣Repose toi bien → Rest well
*️⃣Reposez vous bien → Rest well (Formal &/or Plural)
*️⃣Fais de beaux rêves → Sweet dreams
*️⃣Faites de beaux rêves → Sweet dreams (Formal &/or Plural)
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*️⃣Read and listen to this dialogue.
*️⃣Try to repeat it.
*️⃣Write this dialogue in the comments, replacing the prоnoun "JE" with the pronoun "ELLE".
*️⃣Remember to put the verb "AVOIR" in the correct conjugation.
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Synonyms and similarities
*️⃣Tu as quel âge ? (“How old are you?“)
*️⃣T’as quel âge ? (“How old are you?“)(Familiar)
*️⃣Quel âge tu as ? (“How old are you?“)
*️⃣Vous avez quel âge ? (“How old are you?“)(Formal & Plural)
*️⃣Quel âge avez-vous ? (“How old are you?“)(Formal & Plural)
*️⃣Quel âge a-t-elle ? (“How old is she?“)
*️⃣Quel âge elle a ? (“How old is she?“)
*️⃣Quel âge a-t-il ? (“How old is he?“)
*️⃣Quel âge il a ? (“How old is he?“)
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Usage of Avoir
Avoir means “to have” and is an irregular verb. There are 4 general usages for the verb avoir in French:
*️⃣The verb avoir is used to say one’s age
➖J’ai 30 ans. (I am 30.)
*️⃣To talk about one’s family, friends, and loved ones.
➖Tu as une petite amie française? (Do you have a French girlfriend?)
*️⃣To talk about one’s possesions
➖Il a un ordinateur. (He has a computer.)
*️⃣To talk about certain sensations/feelings one has.
➖Nous avons faim. (We are hungry.)
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Listen, read and repeat this dialogue. Write in the comment to the post what other question phrase you can use instead of “C’est quoi ça?”
➖”C’est quoi ça?“ (”What is it?“)
➖”Je ne sais pas, tu as une idée?“ (”I don’t know, do you have an idea?“)
➖”Aucune idée“ (”No idea“)