Neither in French can be expressed in the following way:
*️⃣ non plus = neither (do/does) *️⃣
❗️Please take a look at the following sentences to get a practial understanding on how to use neither in French
➖Je n’aime pas le chocolat. – Lui non plus.
I don’t like chocolate. – Neither does he.
➖Je ne joue pas de la guitare. – Elle non plus.
I don’t play the guitar. – Neither does she.
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Read, listen and repeat the phrase with “ne…jamais”.
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Read, listen and repeat the phrase with “ne…jamais”.
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❗️Adjectives that end in -ant and -ent become adverbs in the following way:
*️⃣ ant becomes -amment
*️⃣ ent becomes -emment
➖L’homme bruyant ronfle bruyamment.
The loud man snores loudly.
➖Il parle allemand couramment.
He speaks German fluently.
➖L’homme prudent exhorte Paul à conduire prudemment.
The careful man urged Paul to drive carefully.
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❗️Here are some more examples that show you how to express possession in French.
➖C’est le sac d’Andrea.
This is Andrea‘s bag.
➖Le paquet de Charles est ici.
Charles‘s package is here.
❗️Please note that you always need to add the definite articles (le, la, and les).
➖C'est la montre du père
This is Father's Watch
➖Les jouets des enfants sont là.
The children's toys are there.
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Let's learn or repeat the names of body parts.
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#Vocabulary #Phonetics
Read, listen and repeat the phrase "Je suis malade" (I am sick)
Write in the comments «J’ai mal à la jambe» (I have a pain in my leg)
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#Article #Vocabulary
Parts of the Body in French need articles
When you refer to your body in English you will say things such as:
*️⃣ my hand
*️⃣ my arm
*️⃣ my head
*️⃣ my leg
*️⃣ my fingers
*️⃣ my foot
❗️However in French, this list would look a bit different.
*️⃣ la main
*️⃣ le bras
*️⃣ la tête
*️⃣ la jambe
*️⃣ les doigts
*️⃣ le pied
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Read and listen.
Try to repeat.
Write this phrase in the comment, replace the stress pronoun TOI with LUI.
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Read and listen.
Try to repeat.
Write this phrase in the comment, replace the stress pronoun TOI with VOUS.
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Read and listen.
Try to repeat.
Write this phrase in the comment, replace the stress pronoun TOI with LUI.
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❗️Never in French = Ne [Verb] Jamais
“ne…jamais” gets wrapped around the verb.
➖Tu ne parles jamais.
You never talk.
➖Elle ne va jamais à Paris.
She never goes to Paris.
❗️Please note that ne becomes n’ when in front of a vowel or mute h.
➖Vous n’êtes jamais chez vous.
You are never home.
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Read, listen and repeat the phrase with the adverb «complètement».
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To form regular adverbs in French, take the feminine form of an adjective, and add -ment to the end.
1️⃣ Take the feminine form
*️⃣rapid -> rapide
*️⃣parfait -> parfaite
*️⃣heureux -> heureuse
2️⃣ Add -ment
*️⃣rapide -> rapidement
*️⃣parfaite -> parfaitement
*️⃣heureuse -> heureusement
➖Paul parle rapidement.
Paul speaks quickly.
➖Ils fonctionnent parfaitement ensemble.
They work perfectly together.
➖Heureusement, mon test va être facile.
Fortunately, my test is going to be easy.
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To express possession in French you will use de (of).
❗️In English, you will use ‘s to express possession.
However, in French this will look at bit different.
➖C’est la voiture de Noah.
This is Noah‘s car.
❗️Essentially in English you would say: the person’s object.
But in French you would say: the object of the person.
The French form was also used in Old English
➖Le livre de David.
The book of David.
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#Article #Vocabulary
❗️You have to use definitive articles (le, la, and les) rather than possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes) to refer to parts of the body in French. Please have a look to see how parts of the body in French are used in sentences.
➖Je veux te serrer la main.
I want to shake your hand.
➖J’ai mal à la tête.
I have a headache.
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For French A1, you just need to know these 3 use cases.
3️⃣ Single word reply
➖Elles? Vraiment?
Them? Really?
➖Qui veut du vin ? Nous !
Who wants some wine? We!
➖Qui est votre frère. Lui.
Who is your brother. Him.
So, if you have to give a single word reply, and you have to refer to a person, then stress pronouns will be used.
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