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1️⃣ If you want to say “to feel like” in French with nouns, then you will use the following idiom:
*️⃣avoir envie de [noun] = to feel like/want [something]
This idiom is generally used when you have a desire for something.
The “something” is a noun.
➖J’ai envie d’une pizza.
I feel like a pizza.
➖J’ai envie d’une bière.
I feel like a beer.
➖Ils ont vraiment envie de vacances.
They really want a holiday.
Please note that de becomes d’ in front of a vowel or mute h.
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1️⃣To need in French with Nouns
If you want to say that you need something in French, you will use the following idiom.
*️⃣avoir besoin de (quelque chose) = to need (something)
Avoir gets conjugated depending on the context.
➖Tu as besoin de sommeil.
You need some sleep.
➖Il a besoin de nouvelles chaussures.
He needs new shoes.
➖J’ai besoin d’une enveloppe.
I need an envelope.
❗️You may have noticed that in the last example there is the article une after d’.
This is because you are using an indefinite article (une).
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Shared Means of Transportation in French
If you talk about travelling, then you will use «en» for shared means of transportation in French (e.g. train/bus/car).
Je vais à l’école en train.
I am going to school by train.
Tu vas au bureau en voiture.
You are going to the office by car.
Nous allons à l’université en métro.
We are going to the university by metro.
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Individual Means of Transportation in French
If you talk about travelling, then you will use «à» for individual means of transportation in French (e.g. walking/cycling/motorbike).
Je vais au magasin à pied.
I am going to the store on foot.
Tu veux aller au parc à vélo?
Do you want to go to the park by bicycle?
Claude va à l’université à moto.
Claude goes to the university by motorbike.
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Audio dialogue from French people
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You use de when you want to describe being, coming or returning from a city.
Je suis de Lille.
I am from Lille.
Elles viennent de Nancy.
They are coming from Nancy.
Elle revient de Nantes.
She is returning from Nantes.
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Choose the correct answer in the quiz below this post - Are the country names "In the burgundy flower" masculine or feminine, and are they singular or plural?
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Audio dialogue from French people.
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It literally means:
*️⃣Bon → Good
*️⃣Voyage → Trip
It means “Have a good trip” or “Have a nice trip“. We use it when saying goodbye to someone (or a group of people) leaving for a trip, to wish a safe and nice time during the trip.
Cool thing: “bon voyage” is also used in English with the exact same meaning.
❗️if the trip is about going home, you can also use “Bon retour → Have a good/nice journey home“.
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#Nouns #pronouns
*️⃣🔤🔤 🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 to replace object nouns with direct object pronouns (le, la, l’, and les), and with indirect object pronouns (lui, and leur).
the direct and indirect pronouns always come before the verb.
➖Je te donne ma bague.
I am giving you my ring.
➖Est-ce que tu m’aimes ?
Do you love me?
➖Il nous pose une question.
He is asking us a question.
➖Clara nous parle.
Clara is talking to us.
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2️⃣"To need" in French with Verbs
You can also use to need in French with verbs.
You will use the following idiom for that.
*️⃣avoir besoin de (infinitif) = to need (to do)
➖J’ai besoin d’étudier.
I need to study.
➖J’ai besoin d’aller en vacances!
I need to go on holiday!
➖Vous avez besoin d’écrire quelque chose?
Do you need to write something?
❗️As you can see the infinitive (full verb) is used after avoir besoin de.
Please note that de becomes d’ in front of a vowel or mute h in both categories.
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Сities don’t have articles for the most part.
However, there are a few exceptions.
* Le Havre
* Le Caire
* La Paz
* Les Andelys
* La Nouvelle Orléans
Je suis du Havre.
I am from Havre.
Je vais à la Nouvelle Orléans.
I am going to New Orleans.
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You use à when you want to describe going to or being in a city.
Je vais à Lyon.
I am going to Lyon.
Il est à Toulouse.
He is in Toulouse.
Ils vont à Cannes.
They are going to Cannes.
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*️⃣ Je vous souhaite un bon voyage → I wish you a good/nice trip
*️⃣ Fais bon voyage → Have a good/nice trip
*️⃣ Bonne route → Have a nice (trip on the) road / Be safe on the road
*️⃣ Bon vol → Have a good/nice flight
*️⃣ Bon retour → Have a good/nice journey home
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❗️A little trick, if you add “bon(ne)” before a noun, it will mean: “enjoy *noun*” or “have a nice/good *noun*“.
Few examples:
*️⃣ Bonne journée → Have a nice day
*️⃣ Bon week-end → Have a nice weekend
*️⃣ Bon appétit → Enjoy your meal
*️⃣ Bonne visite → Enjoy your visit
*️⃣ Bon match → Enjoy the game
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