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If you want to say «the same» in French, then you will say:
*️⃣ le même 🟰the same
*️⃣ la même 🟰the same
*️⃣ les mêmes 🟰the same
the word changes depending on the gender and number of the object that you are referring to.
➖Nous avons le même âge.
We’re the same age.
➖Nous défendons la même cause.
We are defending the same cause.
➖Ils ont les mêmes habitudes.
They have the same habits.
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🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤
A high level of quantity in French can be express with the words “beaucoup de“.
*️⃣beaucoup de 🟰 many/a lot of
➖J’ai beaucoup de photos.
I have a lot of pictures.
➖Tu as beaucoup de livres.
You have many books.
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A few: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
The smallest form of quantity in French can be express
with the word “quelques“.
*️⃣ quelques 🟰 a few/ some/ a couple
➖Je voudrais quelques enveloppes.
I would like some envelopes.
➖J’ai quelques questions.
I have a couple of questions.
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Write in the comments to this post the translation of the phrase into French
"Êtes-vous triste? Avez-vous__________?»
(Are you sad? Are you missing someone intensely?)
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
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"🔤🔤 🔤 🔤🔤"
Synonyms and similarities
*️⃣ Allons-y. - (Let’s go)
*️⃣ C’est parti. - (“Let’s go“)
*️⃣ C’est tipar. - (“Let’s go“)( Slang)
*️⃣ Allez. - (“Go“) (Slang)
*️⃣ On y go. - (“We are going“)(Anglicism)
*️⃣ C’est parti mon kiki. - (Let’s go my hoo-ha) (Familiar)
The French sentence "On y va" explained
French people are using “On y va” (Let’s go) when they are on the verge of going somewhere or starting something (typically: a group activity).
Audio dialogue from French people
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"🔤" replaces: "🔤➕ 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤"
“Y” can also replace a thing introduced by "à".
penser à
➖Je pense à mon nouveau téléphone portable. – J’y pense.
I am thinking about my new mobile phone. – I am thinking about it.
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Read the text in the post above. Choose the correct answer to the question.
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Audio from French people
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Audio dialogue from French people
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It literally means:
* Sois → Be
* Toi-même → Yourself
Such a classic inspirational sentence: very useful as a personal reminder or to motivate someone else.
It simply means “Be yourself” and it encourages us to stop chasing to be like someone else, look like someone else, etc.
#Phonetics #Vocabulary
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Several: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
A medium level of quantity in French can be express with the word “plusieurs“.
*️⃣ plusieurs 🟰 several
➖Plusieurs routes sont fermées.
Several roads are closed.
➖Elle a plusieurs jupes.
She has several skirts.
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#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Read, listen, repeat and translate into English the phrase. Write it in the comments.
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#Vocabulary #pronoun
*️⃣Someone in French is quelqu’un
➖Est-ce que quelqu’un connaît la réponse?
Does someone/anyone know the answer?
*️⃣Someone else in French is quelqu’un d’autre.
➖Est-ce que quelqu’un d’autre peut le faire pour moi ?
Can someone else do it for me?
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Replace the expression "On y va" in the phrase with a synonym and write your choice in the comments.
- Tu vas au cinéma ? On y va!
(Will you go to the cinema? Let's go there!)
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Audio dialogue from French people
listen and repeat the dialogue.
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“🔤” can also replace a thing introduced by à.
This is often the case with certain verbs that are followed by à.
*️⃣penser à
➖Je pense à mon nouveau téléphone portable. – J’y pense.
I am thinking about my new mobile phone. – I am thinking about it.
*️⃣réfléchir à
➖Alexandra réfléchit à ses problèmes. - Elle y réfléchit.
Alexandra is thinking about her problems. She is thinking about them.
*️⃣assister à
➖Nous allons assister à cette réunion. - Nous allons y assister.
We are going to attend this meeting. We are going to attend it.
*️⃣s’intéresser à
➖Ils s’intéressent aux trains. - Ils s’y intéressent.
They are interested in trains. They are interested in them.
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"🔤" replaces: "🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤"
The pronoun “y” can be used to replace the word “there”.
➖Je vais à l’école. – J’y vais.
I am going to school. – I am going there.
➖Nous allons en France. Nous y allons.
We are going to France. We are going there.
➖Vous allez chez lui ? Oui, j’y vais !
Are you going to his place? Yes, I am going there!
❗️You cannot use “y” to replace de + a place.
❗️You have to use “en” to replace de + place.
➖Est-ce qu’elle vient de l’université ? Oui, elle en vient.
Is she coming from the university? Yes, she is coming from there.
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Read the text in the post above. Choose the correct answer to the question.
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➖Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Rémi Dupont. Ravi de vous rencontrer.
Hello! My name is Rémi Dupont. Nice to meet you.
➖Je suis Français. J'ai 31 ans, et je suis marié à une femme incroyable !
I am French. I'm 31 years old, and I am married to an amazing woman!
➖Elle s'appelle Karine. Elle a 30 ans.
Her name is Karine. She is 30 years old.
➖Nous sommes mariés depuis 9 ans ! Et je suis toujours amoureux d'elle !
We've been married for 9 years! And I'm still in love with her!
➖Nous n'avons pas d'enfants, mais nous prévoyons d'en avoir bientôt.
We don't have children, but we plan to have some soon.
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