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French | Français

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

If you want to say «the same» in French, then you will say:

*️⃣ le même 🟰the same
*️⃣ la même 🟰the same
*️⃣ les mêmes 🟰the same

the word changes depending on the gender and number of the object that you are referring to.

Nous avons le même âge.
We’re the same age.

Nous défendons la même cause.
We are defending the same cause.

Ils ont les mêmes habitudes.
They have the same habits.

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French | Français

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤

A high level of quantity in French can be express with the words “beaucoup de“.

*️⃣beaucoup de 🟰 many/a lot of

J’ai beaucoup de photos.
I have a lot of pictures.

Tu as beaucoup de livres.
You have many books.

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French | Français

A few: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

The smallest form of quantity in French can be express
with the word “quelques“.

*️⃣ quelques 🟰 a few/ some/ a couple

Je voudrais quelques enveloppes.
I would like some envelopes.

J’ai quelques questions.
I have a couple of questions.

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

Write in the comments to this post the translation of the phrase into French
"Êtes-vous triste? Avez-vous__________?»
(Are you sad? Are you missing someone intensely?)
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Читать полностью…

French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
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Читать полностью…

French | Français

"🔤🔤 🔤 🔤🔤"
Synonyms and similarities

*️⃣ Allons-y. - (Let’s go)
*️⃣ C’est parti. - (“Let’s go“)
*️⃣ C’est tipar. - (“Let’s go“)( Slang)
*️⃣ Allez. - (“Go“) (Slang)
*️⃣ On y go. - (“We are going“)(Anglicism)
*️⃣ C’est parti mon kiki. - (Let’s go my hoo-ha) (Familiar)

Читать полностью…

French | Français

The French sentence "On y va" explained
French people are using “On y va” (Let’s go) when they are on the verge of going somewhere or starting something (typically: a group activity).

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French | Français

Audio dialogue from French people
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French | Français

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

"🔤" replaces: "🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤"
“Y” can also replace a thing introduced by "à".

penser à
Je pense à mon nouveau téléphone portable. – J’y pense.
I am thinking about my new mobile phone. – I am thinking about it.

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French | Français

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French | Français

Read the text in the post above. Choose the correct answer to the question.
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Читать полностью…

French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Audio from French people
Read the test in the post above, listen and repeat.
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French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Audio dialogue from French people
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Читать полностью…

French | Français

It literally means:
* Sois → Be
* Toi-même → Yourself

Such a classic inspirational sentence: very useful as a personal reminder or to motivate someone else.
It simply means “Be yourself” and it encourages us to stop chasing to be like someone else, look like someone else, etc.

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French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Read, listen and repeat the phrase.
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Читать полностью…

French | Français

Several: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

A medium level of quantity in French can be express with the word “plusieurs“.

*️⃣ plusieurs 🟰 several

Plusieurs routes sont fermées.
Several roads are closed.

Elle a plusieurs jupes.
She has several skirts.

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French | Français

#Phonetics #Vocabulary
Read, listen, repeat and translate into English the phrase. Write it in the comments.
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French | Français

#Vocabulary #pronoun
*️⃣Someone in French is quelqu’un

Est-ce que quelqu’un connaît la réponse?
Does someone/anyone know the answer?

*️⃣Someone else in French is quelqu’un d’autre.

Est-ce que quelqu’un d’autre peut le faire pour moi ?
Can someone else do it for me?

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

Replace the expression "On y va" in the phrase with a synonym and write your choice in the comments.

- Tu vas au cinéma ? On y va!
(Will you go to the cinema? Let's go there!)

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

Audio dialogue from French people
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Читать полностью…

French | Français

🔤” can also replace a thing introduced by à.
This is often the case with certain verbs that are followed by à.

*️⃣penser à
Je pense à mon nouveau téléphone portable. – J’y pense.
I am thinking about my new mobile phone. – I am thinking about it.

*️⃣réfléchir à
Alexandra réfléchit à ses problèmes. - Elle y réfléchit.
Alexandra is thinking about her problems. She is thinking about them.

*️⃣assister à
Nous allons assister à cette réunion. - Nous allons y assister.
We are going to attend this meeting. We are going to attend it.

*️⃣s’intéresser à
Ils s’intéressent aux trains. - Ils s’y intéressent.
They are interested in trains. They are interested in them.

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French | Français

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

listen and repeat the phrase.
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Читать полностью…

French | Français

"🔤" replaces: "🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤"
The pronoun “y” can be used to replace the word “there”.

Je vais à l’école. – J’y vais.
I am going to school. – I am going there.

Nous allons en France. Nous y allons.
We are going to France. We are going there.

Vous allez chez lui ? Oui, j’y vais !
Are you going to his place? Yes, I am going there!

❗️You cannot use “y” to replace de + a place.
❗️You have to use “en” to replace de + place.

Est-ce qu’elle vient de l’université ? Oui, elle en vient.
Is she coming from the university? Yes, she is coming from there.

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Читать полностью…

French | Français

Read the text in the post above. Choose the correct answer to the question.
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Читать полностью…

French | Français


Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Rémi Dupont. Ravi de vous rencontrer.
Hello! My name is Rémi Dupont. Nice to meet you.

Je suis Français. J'ai 31 ans, et je suis marié à une femme incroyable !
I am French. I'm 31 years old, and I am married to an amazing woman!

Elle s'appelle Karine. Elle a 30 ans.
Her name is Karine. She is 30 years old.

Nous sommes mariés depuis 9 ans ! Et je suis toujours amoureux d'elle !
We've been married for 9 years! And I'm still in love with her!

Nous n'avons pas d'enfants, mais nous prévoyons d'en avoir bientôt.
We don't have children, but we plan to have some soon.

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