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J’ai habité à Lille pendant deux ans, mais maintenant j’habite à Rotterdam.
I lived in Lille for two years, but now I live in Rotterdam.

Elle lisait pendant des heures.
She used to read for hours.

Chaque jour, nous promenons le chien pendant une heure.
Every day we walk the dog for one hour.

❗️You can see that every action has a clear start and end. All of these actions can take place in the past, present, or future.

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Please take a look at how the idiom jouer à is used in French.

Tu veux jouer aux échecs ?
Do you want to play chess?

Il joue au football.
He plays football.

Ils jouent aux cartes.
They play cards.

Please don’t forget about contractions in French, à + le and à + les contract into au and aux.

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Synonyms and similarities
As an answer:
*️⃣Ça va merci. (“I’m fine, thank you“)
*️⃣Ça va et toi ? (“I’m fine, and you?“)
*️⃣Ça va et vous ? (“I’m fine, and you?“)(Formal and plural)
*️⃣Ça va (très) bien. (“I’m (very) good“)
*️⃣Ça va (très) bien, merci. (“I’m (very) good, thank you?“)
*️⃣Ça va (très) bien, et toi ? (“I’m (very) good, and you?“)
*️⃣Ça va (très) bien, et vous ? (“I’m (very) good, and you?“)(Formal and plural)
*️⃣Tout va (très) bien. (“It’s all (very) good“)
*️⃣(Très) bien. (“(Very) good“)
*️⃣Tranquille. (“Easy / Chill“)(Slang)
*️⃣Super. (“Super“)(Slang)
*️⃣Nickel. (“Great“)(Slang)
*️⃣Pas mal. (“Not bad“)
*️⃣Bof. (“Meh“)(Slang)
*️⃣Moyen. (“So-so“)
*️⃣Comme ci, comme ça. (“So-so“)
*️⃣Pas top. (“Not great“)(Slang)
*️⃣Pas (très) bien. (“Not (very) well“)
*️⃣Je ne vais pas (très) bien. (“I’m not feeling (very) good“)
*️⃣(Très) Mal. (“(Very) bad“)
*️⃣Ça (ne) va pas. (“It’s not going well“)
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Synonyms and similarities
As a question:
*️⃣ Bien ? (“Fine?“)(Slang)
*️⃣ Ça va bien ? (“Are you fine?“)(Informal)
*️⃣ Comment ça va ? (“How are you?“)
*️⃣ Comment vas-tu ? (“How are you?“)
*️⃣ Tu vas bien ? (“Are you doing well?“)
*️⃣ Comment allez-vous? (“How are you?“)(Formal and plural)
*️⃣ Vous allez bien ? (“Are you doing well?“) (Formal and plural)

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French | Français

#Vocabulary #Verb
Aller not Être
Before we go into discussing “how are you“, we first have to mention the right verb.
In English, we say “how are you”, but in French they say “how goes it”.
In old English this was more prelevant.
So, before we proceed, just remember the following:
You have to use aller (to go), if you want to ask “how are you” in French.

Comment ça va ?
How are you?

Ça va ?
How are you?

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If you want to express a purpose with reflexive verbs, then you will use the following idiom:

*️⃣pour + me/te/se/nous/vous/se + (infinitif) = in order to (do something)

Je vais à la fête pour m’amuser.
I am going to the party (in order) to have fun.

J’achète un rasoir pour me raser.
I am buying a razor (in order) to shave (myself).

Elle va à la salle de bain pour se doucher.
She is going to the bathroom (in oder) to take a shower.

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French | Français

#Vocabulary #Verb
If you want to express a purpose, then you will use the following idiom:

* pour + (infinitif) = in order to (do something)

On me paie pour faire ça.
I get paid (in order) to do that.

Nous ne pouvons pas rester pour manger.
We can’t stay (in order) to eat.

Je suis trop malade pour faire ça.
I’m too sick (in order) to do that.

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Audio dialogue from French people
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#Vocabulary #Verb
🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🟰 to Taste

Sometimes, sentir can also be used as “to taste”.
This happens in the context of being able to taste an ingredient in a dish.

Je peux sentir l’ananas.
I can taste the pineapple.

Est-ce que tu sens le citron ?
Do you taste the lemon?

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🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 - Correct matching of French and English phrases
1 - 5
2 - 6
3 - 4
4 - 1
5 - 7
6 - 3
7 - 2
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French | Français

Ongoing Durations = Depuis

*️⃣depuis + [durée] = for + [duration]

Je vis en Allemagne depuis un an.
I’ve been living in Germany for one year.

Tu travailles depuis deux heures.
You’ve been working for two hours.

Il habite ici depuis une semaine.
He has lived here for one week.

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French | Français

#Vocabulary #Verb
When talking about sports and hobbies in French, you will need to know two idioms:

1️⃣ jouer à + [sport/hobby]
2️⃣ faire de + [sport/hobby]

In French you can jouer (play) and faire (do) a sport/hobby.

Je joue au tennis.
I play tennis.

Tu fais du ski ?
Do you ski?

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French | Français

#Vocabulary The literal meaning is:

Comme → Like/As
Ci → That/This
Comme → Like/As
Ça → That/This

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French | Français

It literally means:
* Ça → That / It
* Va → Goes

One of the most important French expressions you should know! It could be a question and an answer, to be more precise: “Ça va ?” → “How are you?” and “Ça va” → “I’m fine“.

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French | Français

- ” Tu sens tellement bon
” You smell so good “
- ” Ohh merci
” Awww thank you “

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French | Français

#Vocabulary #Verb
🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🟰 to Feel

You will use this when you wish to say that you “feel something”.

Je sens quelque chose.
I feel something.

Ca fait encore mal ? – Non, je ne sens rien.
Does it still hurt? – No, I don’t feel anything.

Nous pouvons sentir qu’il y a un problème.
We can feel that there is a problem.
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French | Français

#Vocabulary #Verb
🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🟰 to Smell

Je sens du café.
I smell coffee.

Tu sens bon.
You smell good.

How can you differentiate between “to smell something“, and “to smell of/like something“?
Take a look at the following sentences to see what I mean.

Tu sens la sueur dans le gymnase ?
Do you smell the sweat in the gymnasium?

Tu sens la sueur. Tu veux prendre une douche ?
You smell of sweat. Do you want to take a shower?
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French | Français

#Vocabulary #Verb

The way that you use “to feel” in English, is not exactly how you’d use it in French.

The verbs "sentir" broadly will be used for three things in French:

1️⃣ to smell
2️⃣ to feel
3️⃣ to taste

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French | Français

Translation: Stop being nice, be real! Thomas d'Ansembourg, Belgian psychotherapist

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