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➖Est-ce que tu me fais confiance ?
Do you trust me?

➖Je ne leur fais pas entièrement confiance.
I don’t completely trust them.

➖Je te fais confiance.
I trust you.

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If you want to express “trust”, then you will use the following idiom:

📌 faire confiance à
= to trust

➖Je fais confiance à Paul.
I trust Paul.

➖Il ne fait pas confiance à ses amis.
He doesn’t trust his friends.

➖Tout le monde fait confiance à Annabelle.
Everyone trust Annabelle.

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If you want to express that one thing is on the same level as something else, then you will use the following construction:

📌aussi [adverbe] que = as [adverb] as

➖Je pratique aussi bien que mon frère.
I practice as well as my brother.

➖Je nage aussi mal que je cours.
I’m as bad at swimming as I am at running.

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#Verb 🇫🇷 Our channel | Our chat 🇫🇷

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*️⃣Savoir is often followed by an infinitive or a clause with a conjugated verb.
*️⃣Savoir is meant to show that you know facts and have skills.

*️⃣Connaître is followed by a noun.
*️⃣Connaître is meant to show that you know people, placеs, and things.

Je sais jouer au football.
I know how to play football.

Il sait parler le finnois.
He knows how to speak Finnish.

Je connais cette fille.
I know that girl.

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Read, listen and repeat the phrase.
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Audio dialogue from French people
Read, listen and repeat the dialogue.
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Nous sommes partis tôt.
We left early.

Sommes-nous partis tard ?
Did we leave late?

The adverb is positioned at the end of the sentence.
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Hier, je suis allé à Lyon.
Yesterday I went to Lyon.

Je suis allé à Lyon hier.
I went to Lyon yesterday.

Il a bu rapidement.
He drank quickly.

Rapidement, il a bu.
Quickly, he drank .

As you can see, the adverbs are placed either at the beginning, or at the end of the sentence.
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French | Français

In simple tenses, French adverbs are placed after the verb.

Je mange vite.
I eat quickly.

Tu parles fort.
You talk loudly.

Il danse bien.
He dances well.

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Read, listen and repeat the phrase.
J'ai confiance en toi, Thiago.
I trust you, Thiago.
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French | Français

If you want to say “to remember” in French, then you will use the following idiom:

📌 se souvenir de [quelque chose] = to remember [something]

➖Je me souviens de tout.
I remember everything.

➖Tu te souviens de nos vacances en France ?
Do you remember our vacation in France?

➖Elle ne se souvient de rien.
She doesn’t remember anything.

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French | Français

If you want to express that one thing is less than something else, then you will use the following construction:

📌 moins [adverbe] que = less [adverb] than

➖Paul mange moins fréquemment que Charles.
Paul eats less frequently than Charles.

➖Ce bus va moins vite que l’autre.
This bus goes slower than the other one.

❗️Please note that you never have to agree in gender when you compare with adverbs.
This is because adverbs don’t have a gender.
❗️Please also note that you have to use stress pronouns (que moi, toi, lui/elle, nous, vous, eux/elles) when you compare with adverbs.

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French | Français

If you want to express that one thing is more than the other, then you will use the following construction:

📌 plus [adverbe] que
= more [adverb] than / [adverb]-er than

➖Elle court plus vite que moi.
She runs faster than I do.

➖Paul parle plus lentement que Stella.
Paul speaks more slowly than Stella.

➖Les mots font plus mal que les poings.
Words hurt more than fists.

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#Verb 🇫🇷 Our channel | Our chat 🇫🇷

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Synonyms and similarities
Reminder: most of them are not “full synonyms“. Please check the “How to use” section above for more details.
* À plus → See you (Informal)
* A+ → See ya (Texting version of “À plus“)
* À la prochaine → Until next time
* À bientôt → See you soon
* À tout de suite / À toute → See you in few minutes
* À tout à l’heure / À toute → See you later (today)
* Je reviens → I will be back
* Je reviens tout de suite → I will be right back
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French | Français

“À plus tard” is the French way to say “See you later“, it’s often shortened as “À plus” or even “A+” for texting.It’s useful when you don’t know exactly when you will see the person again.
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Read, listen and repeat the phrase.
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How to pronounce rapidement?
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French | Français

Common (short) adverbs are placed in the following manner:

*️⃣ auxiliary verb + adverb + past participle

Je l’ai toujours aimée.
I always liked her.

Tu as bien chanté.
You sang wel.
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French | Français

Je voudrais emprunter ta voiture pour une heure.
I would like to borrow your car for an hour.

Il va à Ibiza pour les vacances.
He is going to Ibiza for the holiday.

Ils partent pour trois semaines en septembre.
They are going away for three weeks in September.

❗️In all of the examples, you are talking about a future duration.

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