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Web Design in 4 Minutes
Your password is not unique
after resolving bug
📖 Understanding the React Component Lifecycle
React enables to create components by invoking the React.createClass() method which expects a render method and triggers a lifecycle that can be hooked into via a number of so called lifecycle methods.
This short article should shed light into all the applicable functions.
Understanding the component lifecycle will enable you to perform certain actions when a component is created or destroyed. Further more it gives you the opportunity to decide if a component should be updated in the first place and to react to props or state changes accordingly.
📖 Why Lorem ipsum is the word we don’t talk about anymore
The popular Latin text which had become synonymous to ‘dummy text’ or ‘filler text’ has finally started to fade away, thanks to the smarter, more empathetic people in the design community. It does not imply that there was a dearth of good designers before, it just means that product designers have now become intolerant to scrambled text which made design layouts incoherent and unrealistic.
What harm can ‘Lorem ipsum’ do to my designs?
📖 jdan/css-is-fine-its-just-really-hard-638da7a3dce0">CSS is Fine, It’s Just Really Hard
Everyone’s upset about CSS again. Now’s the time where I would sit firmly on my high horse and write some satire to make myself feel better, but instead here are some hot takes.
CSS is fine. It’s just really hard, so I compile to it.
📖 Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017
Below you find a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a frontend, backend or a devops. I made these charts for an old professor of mine who wanted something to share with his college students to give them a perspective.
JavaScript syntax tree transformer, nondestructive pretty-printer, and automatic source map generator
📖 The best YouTube channels for designers and developers
YouTube is slowly becoming the new TV – and people are relying more and more on it to get updates on the topics they care about. Here are some popular design and tech channels for you to follow.
Globbing wrapper built from the best parts of other fine watch libs.
Compatible with Node.js 4.x/0.12/0.10, Windows, OSX and Linux.
📖 How to Use CSS Animations Like a Pro
Create animation magic using keyframes, animation properties like timing, delay, play state, animation-count, iteration count, direction, fill mode and will-change.
📖 kamol/implementing-a-basic-promise-in-javascript-b740a122d2b3#.xden04lnk">Implementing a basic promise in Javascript
Hey guys! Kamol’s here. If, like me, you’re a front-end developer in 2017, you should already be using ES6 Promise regularly. In fact, so much so that the concept shouldn’t come as a surprise anymore. A promise is very useful in an environment where synchronous operations and asynchronous ones are written in a not so distinctive way (such as in JavaScript).
Vue.js 2.2.0 is out! Lots of new changes.
This release contains 31 pull requests from 22 different contributors - thank you!
📖 Minimalize bad codes on your javascript project
When you are working on a team that consist of 2 or more people from small to big teams, you will find that not every person coded the same way you code, everyone has their own code style and maybe magic code.
Or in a different case like working on your own, you will find your one month old code unreadable by yourself, yes programmers are often upgrading their skills (including their code style), in the end you will find your code hard to understand by other people, and even yourself. If you find yourself in this position maybe it’s time to pick one of javascript style guide or create one yourself.
📖 Views from the 6 weeks in hell I spent rewriting bumpers in react.
just completely rewrote the Bumpers web app using react. (If you don’t know what bumpers is, it’s this super chill app for recording/sharing audio
Function first.
While it is possible to use UIkit by its own when building Vue components, you may find yourself relying on too many dependencies and building a wrapper to fill the missing logic gap. Vuikit solves all that by providing native, unopinionated, components outputting UIkit layout.
Semantic UI Forest
Get free themes for Semantic UI from Semantic UI Forest
📖 Programming React Native
In this book, we aim to build cross-platform mobile apps, for Android and iOS, using React Native. We'll learn what it means to build a robust application architecture that will stay with you regardless of change in the tooling or ecosystem churn (i.e. by the time you finish your app, there might be new tools and new versions of everything)
React Helmet
This reusable React component will manage all of your changes to the document head.
Helmet takes plain HTML tags and outputs plain HTML tags. It's dead simple, and React beginner friendly.
CodePen Projects
Zero setup, full-featured front end web development environment, right here in your web browser.
📖 The 100% correct way to do CSS breakpoints
For the next minute or so, I want you to forget about CSS. Forget about web development. Forget about digital user interfaces.
And as you forget these things, I want you to allow your mind to wander. To wander back in time. Back to your youth. Back to your first day of school.
It was a simpler time, when all you had to worry about was drawing shapes and keeping your incontinence in check.
📖 Using JSX with Vue.js
Love it or hate it, JSX is a popular extension to Javascript that allows XML tokens in your scripts.
If you want to create templates in your script files and you find Vue’s render() function to be difficult to work with, JSX may be just what you need.
📖 AndreyAzimov/i-learned-to-code-and-build-a-web-app-in-2-months-da8f2932c139#.iwkol783b">I learned to code, build a web app and launch it on Product Hunt in 2 months
Two months ago I started my journey to build my first web app. It’s a very basic web app called When To Surf for surfers to see when is the best time for them to surf every day. I’m launching it today.
📖 Why Do Developers Now Compare Vue.js to JavaScript Giants Angular and React?
Vue.js, an MIT-licensed open source project, is a JavaScript library for building web interfaces. The library was first released in 2013, but not many developers took cognizance of it in web framework technology for the next two years. It was 2016 when Vue.js rose to fame and gained so much traction that it’s now seen as an alternative for even well established JavaScript libraries, such as Angular and React.
📖 Great Teams Are About Personalities, Not Just Skills
At the start of 2016 Google announced that it had discovered the secret ingredients for the perfect team. After years of analyzing interviews and data from more than 100 teams, it found that the drivers of effective team performance are the group’s average level of emotional intelligence and a high degree of communication between members. Google’s recipe of being nice and joining in makes perfect sense (and is hardly counterintuitive).
📖 Comparing the Performance between Native iOS (Swift) and React-Native
React-Native is a hybrid mobile framework that lets you build apps using only JavaScript. However, unlike other hybrid mobile technologies you are not building a “mobile Web App” (Web App wrapped in a native container). In the end, you get the real thing. Your JavaScript codebase is compiled to a mobile app indistinguishable from an iOS app built using Objective-C or an Android app using Java. This means that React-Native provides the benefits from both Native and Hybrid Mobile Apps, without any of the drawbacks.
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