No matter you are a programmer or not, fill your insights on this channel. We share information, tips, tricks to humor about the frontend developer every day and every time, JOIN NOW! have any idea? pm @afrianjunior
📖 Just for Flask & React.js Developers: A New Neo4j Movies Template
Let’s jump right into it. You’re a Python developer interested in Neo4j and want to build a web app, microservice or mobile app. You’ve already read up on Neo4j, played around with some datasets, and know enough Cypher to get going. Now you’re looking for a demo app or template to get the ball rolling.
📖 Building a simple camera app clone for iOS with React Native
React Native basically allows developers to build "native" iOS and Android applications using React for the UI. It also allows us to access mobile specific functionality within react quite easily. In this post we'll take a look at the iOS camera, in fact we'll build a simple camera app clone (by using a third party camera module).
Node Line Bot
LINE BOT API wrapper for Node.js
Prerender SPA Plugin
SSR is, like, super hot right now. Personally though, I think it's overrated. It can significantly increase the complexity of your application and for many use cases, prerendering is a simpler and more appropriate solution.
Angular Polymer
angular-polymer is a directive factory that aims at bridging the gaps between using Polymer based Web Components in Angular applications.
📖 Google Interview University
I originally created this as a short to-do list of study topics, but it grew to the large list you see today. Working at Google was the original motivator, hence the name. I didn't get an interview at Google, but the repo name lives on, and it would mess up a lot of folks to change it now. The items listed here will prepare you for a career at just about any software company, including the giants: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook.
Vue Play
A minimalistic framework for demonstrating your Vue components, inspired by react-storybook.
📖 The Difference Between Call and Apply in Javascript
Throughout my time writing Javascript code, I've come to realize that while I love the language to bits, it is a little difficult to understand. A lot of people have attributed this to its (admittedly not so great) design, or its obvious deviations from the paths well worn by other languages. Either way, understanding a few simple truths can go a long way with JS. What follows is the condensed and written version of the introductory class on JavaScript that I give at training programs and user groups.
📖 CSS Protips
A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro.
Preload webpack plugin
A Webpack plugin for automatically wiring up asynchronous (and other types) of JavaScript. This helps with lazy-loading.
Free HTML Udemy Course : Learn HTML5 Programming From Scratch
HTML5 is one of the hot web technologies and is widely gaining acceptance across mobile and web. In our course you get a complete resource which can get you started on application development for HTML5. In our course you work on actual examples and go through important concepts required for through knowledge.
📖 mnemon1ck/why-you-should-not-use-angularjs-1df5ddf6fc99#.655xnt4ja">Why you should not use AngularJS
Angular creates a good “wow-effect”, when you see it for the first time: “wow, I wrote ng-repeat, and implemented this logic only with tags, and it updates by itself!”, but as soon as you have to implement a real application, but not another TODO-list, then it all becomes very frustrating.
📖 dustin/how-to-get-value-from-wireframes-f40c2cf27960#.n053nnfgx">How to get value from wireframes
By using paper, we avoid confusing well-designed wireframes for good ideas.
📖 JavaScript Best Practices
The following is an article full of recommendations and general guidelines for writing clean JavaScript code. While our recommendations may change in the future as we build more sophisticated development tools or with new language features, one thing, however, will never change. You should write your code so that it is easy to understand. Ambiguity, thus, should be avoided at all cost. If you feel that your code is not clear enough for the future readers, please add a comment. Do this only to clarify your code as there is no need to have a life story in the comments. Remember: comments are messages from developer to developer.
📖 JavaScript Best Practices
The following is an article full of recommendations and general guidelines for writing clean JavaScript code. While our recommendations may change in the future as we build more sophisticated development tools or with new language features, one thing, however, will never change. You should write your code so that it is easy to understand. Ambiguity, thus, should be avoided at all cost. If you feel that your code is not clear enough for the future readers, please add a comment. Do this only to clarify your code as there is no need to have a life story in the comments. Remember: comments are messages from developer to developer.
📖 Implementing feature flags in single page apps, using React and Redux Saga
Built on frameworks like React, Angular, and Ember, single page apps (SPA) are becoming the new norm for modern applications. They center around dynamically updating a single HTML page via AJAX and HTML5 to deliver a more fluid and faster user experience. This introduces some new complexity when it comes to controlling access to front-end features, specifically via feature flags.
📖 Introduction to TypeScript
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that features a robust static type system to help build large-scale applications that are refactor-friendly, maintainable, and scalable.
The JavaScript Database
Embedded persistent or in memory database for Node.js, nw.js, Electron and browsers, 100% JavaScript, no binary dependency. API is a subset of MongoDB's and it's plenty fast.
📖 SharePoint and AngularJS Lessons Learned from the Trenches
"Thanks to SharePoint 2013 it is a lot easier to be able to create client based solutions. AngularJS is one of the solutions out there that allows developers to create applications very quickly through an MVC implementation.
In this session we will go over the basics of AngularJS in regards to apps, controllers, services and views. We will create a simple application built entirely through client technologies and in SharePoint. The principles learned here can be used anywhere in SharePoint whether it is a Farm Solution in an on-premises environment or in an app on Office 365. We will also explore some of the issues that you are likely to experience with the release of AngularJS 2."
Parse pragma and its content from JavaScript comments
CSS regression testing in WebdriverIO. This plugin is an automatic visual regression-testing tool for WebdriverIO. It was inspired by James Cryer's awesome project called PhantomCSS. After initialization it enhances a WebdriverIO instance with an additional command called webdrivercss and enables the possibility to save screenshots of specific parts of your application.
📖 The Difference Between Call and Apply in Javascript
One very common thing that trips me up when writing Javascript is knowing when to use call and when to use apply.
Similar to Google Hosted Libraries, jsDelivr is an open source CDN that allows developers to host their own projects and anyone to link to our hosted files in their websites.
whatwg-url is a full implementation of the WHATWG URL Standard. It can be used standalone, but it also exposes a lot of the internal algorithms that are useful for integrating a URL parser into a project like jsdom.
Parses stylesheets and returns an object with statistics. This is the core module used in
📖 Stupid ES6 tricks
Here are a few ES6 techniques that aren’t really tricks, just exploiting some of the new syntax either to reduce code, improve readability, or possibly just have fun. I’m planning on collecting more here, so please feel free to bookmark and check back every once in a while. Also, if you have some fun tricks that I don’t mention here, please write a response!
Vue Router 2 Release!
New Features
* Passing Props to Route Components
* New in-component hook: beforeRouteUpdate
* New router instance method: router.onReady
* New router instance method: router.addRoutes
* Callbacks for router.push() and router.replace()
* Shared Router Instance for Multiple Root Components
Styling CSS without losing your sanity
Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet Structure.
A set of simple ideas to guide your process of building maintainable CSS.
Bottle JS
BottleJS is a tiny, powerful dependency injection container. It features lazy loading, middleware hooks, decorators and a clean api inspired by the AngularJS Module API and the simple PHP library Pimple. You'll like BottleJS if you enjoy:
* building a stack from components rather than a kitchen-sink framework.
* uncoupled objects and dependency injection.
* an API that makes sense.
* lazily loaded objects.
* trying cool stuff 😝
Vue 2 Starter Kit
Vue 2 Starter Kit Project for Production Mode with Webpack and Express