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Dedicated to sharing the life, teachings, and spiritual lineage of Hieromonk Seraphim Rose of Platina and promoting his veneration and glorification (canonization) by the Orthodox Church

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Frankly, Vladika John during his lifetime was not understood even by many of his fellow bishops, precisely because he was always first and foremost living in the organism of the Church and never let the organization take precedence. That is his testament to us all, and don’t worry if you think you don’t understand it right now; it can’t really be ‘understood,’ but only experienced and suffered through as you grow in the Church and her tradition. God will send you occasions for ‘understanding’ it in your heart.

-Fr. Seraphim Rose to Fr. Alexey Young, Oct 31/Nov 13, 1972

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

It’s later than you think!

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

The Great Mystery of Diveyevo

Blessed feast of St. Seraphim of Sarov!

-The Orthodox Word, May-June 1973, #50

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Relics of St. Paisius in Neamt, Romania

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

The First Icon of Father Herman

The Orthodox Word, Nov-Dec 1969, #29

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

In a 1976 letter, Fr. Seraphim referred to the 10th anniversary of St. John Maximovitch’s repose as his “feast.”

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute


Excerpt from Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works, Ch. 18 “The Way of the Philosopher”

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

As I stood beside Fr. Seraphim’s coffin in his simple monastery church, beholding the radiant, heavenly image of his face in repose, I shed tears of gratitude, thanking him for giving me the Truth — the pearl of great price, for which it is worth selling everything that is in the world.

-Fr. Damascene of Platina, Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works, “Introduction”

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Today we commemorate the repose of Blessed Met. Philaret of New York. This was Fr. Seraphim’s Chief Hierarch for almost all 20 years of his life as an Orthodox Christian, for whom he had the greatest respect. Fr. Seraphim and Fr. Herman prepared to receive the Metropolitan in Platina one year but the plans fell through. Met. Philaret’s relics remain incorrupt to this day.

May the memory of Metropolitan Philaret be eternal and may he intercede for us before the throne of God!

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Update on Fr. Ambrose (Alexey) Young

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

From an undated letter Eugene Rose sent to a friend, probably in early 1956.

At this time he was deeply struggling to find his “place” in the world and his “calling,” and still had very little contact with or understanding of Holy Orthodoxy. One can see how, even amidst his intellectual aptitude and standing on the edge of nihilism, seeds of potential are to be found.

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

To be rescheduled:

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Wherever the inherited spiritual link of grace going back to the holy Apostles and their successors the Apostolic Men and Holy Fathers has been broken, wherever various innovations have been introduced in faith and morals with the aim of "keeping in step with the times," of "progressing," of not getting out of date and of adapting to the demands and fashions of this world lying in evil-there can be no talk of the true Church.

Where one finds the dogmas shaken and the moral teachings of the Gospel and the canonical structure of the Church founded on them undermined, this is clearly the work of servants of the coming Antichrist, no matter what they might call themselves and no matter how they are dressed.

-Archbishop Averky of Jordanville, Stand Fast in Truth

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

A beautiful, catechetical film inspired by and containing the teachings from Fr. Seraphim Rose’s famous talk:

God’s Revelation to the Human Heart

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

In 1804 the saint was attacked by robbers and beaten almost to death. The Mother of God appeared to him in his affliction, together with the ApostlesPeter and John the Theologian, saying of him: “This is one of our kind." After this attack he was bent over and walked always with a staff.

Now the saint undertook yet greater struggles. Returning to his forest desert, he undertook an exploit like that of the ancient pillar saints of Syria: for a thousand days and nights he spent the better part of his time kneeling on a stone not far from his cell, constantly calling out to God with the prayer of the publican: "O God, be merciful to me a sinner." Strengthened by divine grace for this humanly impossible task, he entered into open battle with the demons at this time, like St. Anthony of old in the tombs; often he would see the demons, whom he would only describe as "foul."

-The Life of St. Seraphim of Sarov (by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose)

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Fr. Seraphim Rose standing in his cell with the icon of his patron saint, St. Seraphim of Sarov, over his shoulder

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Russia’s Catacomb Saints

PDF above ⬆️

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Little Russian Philokalia, Vol. 4: St. Paisius Velichkovsky

Translated by Fr. Seraphim Rose

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

“We are not monks; this is not required of us” — this is how modern secular people normally answer the call to live the spiritual life and to begin the battle against their sinful, evil habits.

-Archbishop Averky, The Struggle for Virtue: Asceticism in a Modern Secular Society

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

“We are told by the Holy Fathers that we are supposed to see in everything something for our salvation. If you can do this, you can be saved.”

-Fr. Seraphim Rose

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

St. Nektarios of Aegina

His Life and two articles from issue #8 of The Orthodox Word, Apr-May-Jun 1966

See PDF of complete issue below ⬇️

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

We in America are grateful for our freedom, but we know the dark masonic origins of our American ideology and tremble for the future when the meaning of the occult symbols of our government (visible in our currency, for example—the unfinished pyramid, the all-seeing eye, the number 13 everywhere, the “novus ordo seclorum”) will begin to be fulfilled.

-Fr. Seraphim Rose, Letter dated Jan. 21/Feb. 3, 1976

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

A Letter to Thomas Merton

by Eugene [Fr. Seraphim] Rose

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

St. John Maximovitch and Fr. Seraphim Rose carrying the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute


Due to ongoing censorship on Youtube, The Orthodox Ethos received a strike on our channel for discussing the covid vaccine last night. The stream with Timothy Honeycutt scheduled Friday and next week’s Revelation course will be rescheduled.

We will share the unedited clip from our RUMBLE and ODYSEE channels soon! ☦️


OrthodoxEthos:b" rel="nofollow">

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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

Unknown to the fevered Orthodox “revivalists,” the Lord has reserved in the world, even as in the days of Elijah the Prophet, seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to BaalMany of them follow the bishops of the few Orthodox jurisdicitions that have strong stands against the apostasy of our times: the Catacomb Church of Russia, the Russian Church 0utside of Russia, the True Orthodox Christians [Old Calendarists] of Greece. But there are some left in other jurisdictions also, grieving over the ever more evident apostasy of their hierarchs and striving somehow to keep their own Orthodoxy intact; and there are still others outside of the Orthodox Church who by God’s grace, their hearts being open to His call, will undoubtedly yet be joined to genuine Holy Orthodoxy. These “seven thousand “are the foundation of the future and only 0rthodoxy of the latter times.
Seraphim Rose


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Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute

He never changed his basic, original philosophy; he was no closer to becoming an ecumenist, modernist, or a New Calendarist at the end of his life than he had been when he had first started printing The Orthodox Word. It was just that now, especially after witnessing the bitter fruits of "correctness disease" in the Church, he saw that there was something much more essential that he should be preaching in these last times, when "the love of many grows cold." Above all, Fr. Seraphim became a preacher of Orthodoxy of the heart. Besides the resurrection of Holy Russia (of which more will be said later), this was his main theme during the last part of his life.

-Fr. Damascene of Platina

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