If you are a professional, you can mintage risk of activism by creating a safety net. One way of doing this is entering into an insurance union. A scheme where members pay a monthly fee to pool money, and those funds held to pay for the expenses for those members who are doxed and become unemployed, or used for other reasons. These organizations are easy to set up with a few guys and are applicable and adaptable to almost all circumstances. Larger insurance unions may even host useful lectures, conferences and clubs, and their membership may provide a network of people whose experience can be drawn upon in dealing with the circumstances and finding a new job.
Читать полностью…🇺🇸 🇲🇽 Mexico abruptly stops issuing travel permits, adding to migration chaos
⬛️ Mexico heavily cracked down on giving travel permits to migrants Friday, hampering their ability to legally head through the country to the border with the United States, a day after the expiration of Title 42.
⬛️ The National Institute of Migration [INM] ordered its offices across the country to stop issuing Multiple Immigration Forms, temporary permits that allowed people to legally pass through the country.
⬛️ “[The INM]…ordered all immigration offices in all states not to grant Multiple Immigration Forms, or any other document that authorizes transit through the country,” according to a fact sheet shared at a conference by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
🇺🇸 🇲🇽 EL PASO last night- Border Patrol agents try to block the press from filming the first bus being loaded with illegal immigrants being brought into the US from Juarez.
"One CBP agent asks me to back up stating “we’re trying to protect the privacy please”
📎 Savanah Hernandez
🇺🇸 First Things | Spiritual Death of the West |May 2023
—"The most important dystopian novels of the first half of the twentieth century are Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984. Huxley and Orwell captured the two sides of modern despotism, one soft and seductive, the other hard and punitive. The most important dystopian novel of the second half of the century is Jean Raspail’s Le Camp des Saints (The Camp of the Saints, 1973). Its central plotline concerns an armada that transports one million migrants from India to the shores of France. It’s an invasion, an occupation of the Global North by the Global South. As the migrants land, France is thrown into chaos, along with the rest of Europe, and Western civilization dies.
"Yet The Camp of the Saints is not a disaster novel. The book’s significance does not hinge on whether Raspail was correct to predict mass immigration or describe it in catastrophic terms. Rather, the novel’s genius lies in the depiction of an apocalypse in the original sense of that term. Properly translated, apocalypse is rendered as revelation, disclosure, literally an “uncovering.” The Camp of the Saints unveils the perverse logic that pervades late Western civilization, and throws into sharp relief the nihilism of guilt whereby the West welcomes its own destruction."
There’s a lot you can do- it won’t be easy or quick but it is a rewarding task it is a necessary task.
Every awoken white man should:
—Get fit, live as best you can
—Stand up for what you believe, don’t cuck
—Network, join clubs
—Do activism, have a ‘IRL’ presence
—Support Nationalist Business Community
Remember to share if you liked. We are quite new and need it.
⏳🇺🇸⚔️🇬🇧 —248 YEARS AGO TODAY: On April 19th, 1775, skirmishes between Patriot militiamen and British Army regulars at the towns of Lexington and Concord marked the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world...
Theodore Roosevelt
Talking about the news is easy. Your reactions, interactions, online (and offline) feuds may be compelling and popular in the moment. But any rabble about current events will ultimately have no enduring value or outreach.
Читать полностью…There is nothing that more divides civilised from semi-savage man than to be conscious of our forefathers as they really were, and bit by bit to reconstruct the mosaic of the long-forgotten past.
🇺🇸 ❌️ 🇲🇽 Governor of Texas, Greg Abbot: I invoked the Invasion Clauses of the U.S. & Texas Constitutions to fully authorize Texas to take unprecedented measures to defend our state against an invasion.
I'm using that constitutional authority, & other authorization & Executive Orders to keep our state & country safe:
This is sort of misleading, yes only 1,000 people voted in the primary, however the seat that was in contest was in a small residential neighborhood populated primarily by government employees in Missoula and iirc had relatively high voter turnout.
TLDR; the tranny had won before the race began, this was not an issue of “electoral defeatism.”
Post 3/3 Lastly, it goes back to the old point. WE CANNOT RELY ON THESE CHARITIES OR ORGANIZATIONS. Although their reach is so much more vast than ours, we see what happens. NOBODY IS LOOKING OUT FOR THE HERITAGE APPALACHIAN. Charitable work is something that greatly interests me. A few friends and myself, are trying to start something. And I must admit, is a daunting task as none of us really have experience. Even time is hard to come by, as most of us have families and wage slavery to contend with. But we are trying nonetheless, even if it were to only help but a few White families we identify ourselves, it is a small start. But if you're a Pro-White org. who tries to do this using infrastructure of these large orgs, you will be shunned. So much for inclusivity, right? We are going to have to form our own infrastructure, and connections. Parallel charities. I find the actions of the CAP to be reprehensible, but as racialists we should all expect this. However, WE HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE.
Читать полностью…Post 1/3: This was brought to my attention yesterday, thanks to the post by Michael McKevitt, and I also thank the League of the South for their attempt to help the struggling Heritage Appalachians who suffered from the disastrous flooding that occurred in Eastern KY months back. However, the Christian Appalachian Project rejected the $2K donation that League of the South sent... and I must say that sadly, I am not surprised by this. I began to dig a bit into the CAP, and it was started by a Catholic priest from Northern KY named Monsignor (a title given to him by Pope John Paul VI in 1970) Ralph Beiting. They received $300K total in donations 10 days after the floods ravaged Eastern KY. Although $2K is less than 1% of that total, it STILL WOULD HAVE HELPED. Check out the letter here ——-> /channel/sonat61/1864
Читать полностью…I think more non-Whites voted Democrat in 2016 because Trump's platform was "build the wall, kick out the immigrants, bring manufacturing back, end foreign wars, make America great again."
That was a platform for White America and non-Whites clearly recognized that. There was nothing subtle about it.
Some non-Whites are okay voting Republican now because the GOP isn't going with Trump's incredibly successful 2016 platform. It's all 'multiracial working class populism' : "WOW look how INSANE the Left is! Uhhh trannies, amirite?! Conservatives of all races must unite against the Woke Left!"
The racial disparity is still clear in 2022 — Right-Wing means "White" and Left-Wing means "brown" — but it is less pronounced.
"The solution of the problems confronting the world as a whole does not seem to lie in the creation of still bigger social units and still vaster governments whose formation is now attempted with such unimaginative fanaticism by our statesmen. It seems to lie in the elimination of those overgrown organisms that go by the name of great powers, and in the restoration of a healthy system of small and easily manageable States such as characterized earlier ages... A small-state world would not only solve the problems of social brutality and war; it would solve the problems of oppression and tyranny. It would solve all problems arising from power... that is, a small-scale social environment with all its potential for global pluralistic cooperation and largely unaffiliated self-sufficiency, by extending not centralised control but by decontrolling locally centred and nourished communities, each with its own institutional nucleus and a limited but strong and independent gravitational field..."
~Leopold Kohr
🇺🇸🇲🇽 — BREAKING: The Feds have opened the El Paso border gates to the foreign horde!
BREAKING: DHS is using an encrypted online chat room to tell Mexico where to send illegals to cross the border to avoid TX National Guard and DPS officers. DHS is using border detection tech to track TX law enforcement to alert Mexico where/when illegals should cross.
". . . The Undeniably big topics - the ones that will define our future - get no discussion at all: war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic Change, cooperate power, natural resources. When was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those? It's been a long time. Debates like that are not permitted in American Media. Both political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them. And they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it. Suddenly, America looks very much like a one party state. That's a Depressing realization. But it's not permanent - Our current orthodoxies won't last. . ."
There is no metric by which a man is measured beyond the gravity of that which he has done for others. To live is to err and to learn; To die, which we all must do one day, is to err and be remembered for that which you made right.
Think of those men whose tales you've read and despite gaps of decades, centuries, or millennia with whom you have wept in sorrow and cried out in joy. Legacies like these are not built by men who prattle amongst one another and do no good for their fellow men. One good work is worth more than a world of journalists and observers.
Sailing isn't an activity for impostors. In many professions, one can fake and bluff with impunity. On a boat, you either know or you don't.
📖 Éric Tabarly (1931 - 1998), pioneer in naval architecture
Section 1 of the GamerNomics series will release soon and cover the fundamentals of decision-making in economics.
Expect to see subtopics such as:
— Who actually makes choices?
— How do people choose?
— What are the implications of this for markets?
The goal of this project is to put basic economic concepts in digestible terms for zero price to the reader. We hope you are as excited as we are.
Remember how barely 1,000 people voted in an election in Montana and a tranny won the primary? Well now he won the election. Apparently over 300 gays and trannies won elections yesterday.
Читать полностью…Post 2/3 Unfortunately, these large charities with the infrastructure in place to help, are completely pozzed. Even the churches within Appalachia, the Christian religion itself are sadly no different. I abandoned Christianity many years ago, and this post isn't a dig at the religion, but I'm just trying to illustrate something here. I was raised Presbyterian, in a small mountain church (pictured) that had maybe 25-30 people on a good Sunday. My great grandfather was 12 when it was built in 1927, and helped gather rock from the nearby creek for the masons who built it. I recall as a child, back in 1998-99, after church hearing my parents and the church elders discussing how the Presbytery was encouraging the support of legalizing gay marriage. Our church's leaders were outraged by this, and always voted against it. However, the point is, this was happening BACK THEN, 20+ years ago, in extreme rural Appalachia! And these large charitable organizations promote the anti-White globohomo shit show we see today!
Читать полностью…The letter from Christian Appalachian Project rejecting The League's donation for eastern Kentucky flood victims.
Читать полностью…Inflation and Wages
Journalists — and most of the establishment "finance and economics" specialists — will be happy to tell you how inflation will mean lower nominal taxes! Wow!
What they will not tell you is that wages are a part of the general price level. If tax brackets adjust for inflation, you may be paying a smaller nominal amount of your wage in taxes, but if your wage does not increase (via a COLA or other means) in parity with your tax bracket then your real wages have decreased considerably.
To put this into perspective, with current inflation rates in the United States you would need a YoY pay increase of at least six percent (this is the very conservative inflation number, possibly more depending on who you ask) in order to not witness a decrease in your real wage.