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GDG Hong Kong

🚀 考慮緊參加 Build with AI Hackathon?想參加但未有隊伍?今個星期四嘅 Gemini API online workshop幫到你!參加 hackathon 唔係只為左贏 - 學習過程先係最寶貴!🌟

Pre-Hackathon Workshop: Tuning Gemini with Your Own Data & Custom Functions

📅 日期:2024年4月25日(星期四)
⏰ 時間:晚上8:30 - 11:30
📍 地點:Online

1️⃣ 學習 No-Code Model Tuning:教 Gemini 從你提供嘅答案中學習。
2️⃣ 探索 Context Window & AQA:讓Gemini用你提供嘅knowledge base去回應。
3️⃣ 發掘 Function Calling:自定義functions俾 Gemini 執行特定任務,例如fetch real time data from API或查詢database。
4️⃣ 認識潛在嘅 hackathon 隊友。

無論你有冇報名參加 Hackathon,都歡迎參加workshop。立即報名:

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GDG Hong Kong

⭐Google Gemini用黎generate Quiz?
活動詳情及報名 Event Details & RSVP:

📅 Date: April 20, 2024
🕖 Time: 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
📍 Venue: Master Concept, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong or Online

一齊參加今個星期六4月20號Pre-Hackathon Workshop: Make an AI-Powered Flutter App with Gemini SDK 🤖💻 有hands on環節教你點樣integrate Gemini SDK到你嘅Flutter App,由零開始製作一個嘅AI聊天機械人 & Mini Quiz。唔好錯過!

⭐Did you know that Google Gemini could generate a Quiz?

Let's join the this SAT 20Apr Pre-Hackathon Workshop: Make an AI-Powered Flutter App with Gemini SDK 🤖💻 There'll be a hands-on session where you'll learn how to integrate Gemini AI capabilities into your Flutter app to make a AI Chat bot and Mini Quiz test from zero. Don't miss it!

#BuildwithAI #GDGHongKong #AI #Flutter #GeminiSDK #Hackathon #TechWorkshop

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GDG Hong Kong

Join us for a Pre-Hackathon Workshop: Make an AI-Powered Flutter App with Gemini SDK 🤖💻
Get hands-on experience with cutting-edge Google Gemini and Flutter app development.

📅 Date: April 20, 2024
🕖 Time: 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
📍 Venue: Master Concept@Kwun Tong or Online

Don't miss out on this chance to level up your skills and build something incredible! Register now:

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GDG Hong Kong

Google 推出咗新嘅開源模型 Gemma,性能超越 LLaMA-2。Mistral 7B
Google released new open source model Gemma, outperform than LLaMA-2. Mistral 7B

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GDG Hong Kong

最近GenAI Hackathon 舉辦咗一場 info session,講左更多比賽要求同埋GenAI use case,建議有興趣參加者可以先睇下

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GDG Hong Kong

今個星期六2月3日Flutter Study Group活動,2-5PM荔枝角/Online。
Rive Workshop學整interactive animation + Flame 2D Game Engine Demo + Flutter Global Game Challenge組隊傾idea

Rive係一個工具可以製作interactive animation for 不同平台,包括Flutter。Flame係目前Flutter最多人既game engine。試完你或者會更有信心參加Flutter Global Game Challenge,順便現場組隊!


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GDG Hong Kong

𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐆𝐃𝐆 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐈/𝐌𝐋 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒

▶️ Apply Now:

Are you passionate about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? Here's your chance to shine! GDG Hong Kong is inviting speakers for our AI/ML Study Group in 2024. Whether you're an AI/ML expert or have a fresh perspective to share, we want to hear from you!

What We're Looking For:
▶️ Talks, Workshops (~45mins or more)
▶️ Lightning Talks (~10mins)

Content: Any AI/ML-related topics are welcome!

Application Details:
▶️ Provide your Name, Session Title, and a Brief Description.
▶️ Choose your Session Type and Level of Expertise.
▶️ The application will be processed on a rolling basis.

📣 Submit your proposal today and join an engaging community eager to learn and grow together!

#GDGHongKong #AIMLStudyGroup #CallForSpeakers #TechCommunity

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GDG Hong Kong

🎉 After the excitement of DevFest 2023, GDG Hong Kong continues the momentum with regular AI/ML Study Group meetups!

Registration Link:

[Upcoming Meetup Content]
👨‍💻 "Model Tuning with MakerSuite" – Your DIY guide to customizing AI models with MakerSuite
✍️ "ML Paper Writing Club Introduction": Start your journey in contributing to the AI research community!

📅 Date: 25/11/2023 (Sat)
⏰ Time: 10:30AM - 12:30PM
📍 Location: CG Marketing, Unit 901-03, 9/F, Laford Centre, 838 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan (香港九龍長沙灣荔枝角道838號勵豐中心901-03室, CG Marketing)

Expect to:
🔧 How to do simple fine tuning with FREE COST in MakerSuite
🖋️ Get introduced to our ML Paper Writing Club.
🤝 Network with fellow tech enthusiasts at our regular meetups.

Keep the learning alive and join our thriving community for free!

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GDG Hong Kong

今晚 21Nov星期二 Flutter Study Group邀請到兩位勁人remote分享!

Mangirdas Kazlauskas會分享佢整既package FlutterDeck, 用Flutter 砌presentation slides。
Majid Hajian就會介紹佢而家寫緊本書"Flutter Engineering"從software engineering角度去學習成為Flutter expert。
RSVP Now 🎟

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GDG Hong Kong


📅 日期: 11月18號 (星期六)
🕒 時間: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm (9:30am 開始check-in)
📍地點: 香港專業教育學院(李惠利)

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GDG Hong Kong

🚀 AI/ML Symposium 2023 公眾報名截止倒數最後1天!🤖


星期三(11/10)就係AI/ML Symposium公眾報名deadline,我地列出所有main speaker & lightning talk speaker俾大家參考,未報名就快啲上呢個網址登記啦!

📅日期:2023年10月14日 (星期六)
⏰時間:上午10:30 - 下午5:30 (上午10:00 開始而進場)
📍地點:香港理工大學 Z211 (Z Core)

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GDG Hong Kong

🚀 AI/ML Symposium 2023 公眾報名截止倒數最後5天!🤖


🎤 Speaker: Anthony Chiu (He/him), Patrick Yam (He/him), Tony Tang (He/him)
📚 Title: Inside the Mind of World's Top 0.1% Kaggle Grandmasters: Strategies and Tactics for Winning Competitions (English)
📶 Difficulty: Intermediate

Kaggle係Google旗下對Data Science同Machine Learning 愛好者的免費線上平台,提供不同public dataset、open-source model的資源,而最重要功能係有不同既Competitive Data Science Competition,以model performance爭奪名次,提供豐富獎金。

我地史無前例邀請到3位香港Kaggle Grandmaster/Expert,佢地現時世界排名係Top 0.03% - 0.1%,係香港700萬人口中可謂相當難得。呢次talk session佢哋將會分享多年在Kaggle比賽中的經驗,亦會講到提高model performance常用手段,以及比賽致勝之道。


📅日期:2023年10月14日 (星期六)
⏰時間:上午10:30 - 下午5:30 (上午10:00 開始進場)
📍地點:香港理工大學 Z211 (Z Core)

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GDG Hong Kong

🚀AI/ML Symposium 2023🤖


今個星期六(7 Oct 2023)就係我地Call for Lightning Talk Speaker 既Deadline啦!

為左鼓勵及提升社群參與度,AI/ML Symposium除左有來自不同領域的AI/ML Expert進行演講,我地亦特設Lightning Talk session,邀請大家進行5分鐘的小分享。

如果各位Developer/Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer有興趣分享自己AI/ML Side Project/小知識,不妨可以透過 報名!

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GDG Hong Kong

Google DevFest 2023 嚟啦!

好消息,一年一度既重頭戲 DevFest 已經定好左日子,將會係2023年11月18號(星期六)舉行。

主題方面更加係包羅萬有,由Android,Web去到AI都應有盡有,相信咁多位developers 一定會有所得著。

詳細嘅資料將會係稍後嘅日子公佈,唔想錯過咁精彩活動嘅你就記得留意住我地既最新動態,希望係下次DevFest 見到你啦!

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GDG Hong Kong

It's been more than two months since this year's Google I/O. Have you got a time to catchup with all the interesting updates this year? We are here for you! We are having the Google I/O Extended Hong Kong T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W!!! Besides all the interesting updates, we have also prepared Android Things, Google backpacks and stickers for you to TAKE HOME! Register now and see you tomorrow!
Date:July 19, 2023 (Wed)
Time﹕7:15pm (Check-in)
Venue﹕Chamber 3, G/F, Innocentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue (Kowloon Tong)
Details & RSVPs﹕
今年 Google I/O 眨下眼就過咗兩個幾月,你地有冇研究各種新功能同埋更新﹗(未?)啱喇,我地明晚就會舉辦 Google I/O Extended! 我地除咗有各個精彩演講等緊你,仲有 Android Things, Google 背囊同埋貼紙,就得你地嚟帶佢地返屋企﹗心動不如行動﹗即刻報名,聽晚見﹗
日期:2023年7月19日 (星期三)
時間﹕7:15pm (登記入座)
地點﹕九龍塘達之路創新中心地下 3號展覽廳

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GDG Hong Kong

成功爭取🎉Google Developers資助HKD6000獎金作為Build With AI Hackathon勝出隊伍prize!

GDG HK活動一直以來著重學習體驗、技術交流、連結本地developers。今次Hackathon讓大家親手使用Gemini AI實現創新solutions,是個難得的學習體驗。不要錯過!

📅 日期 When
Hacking Day: April 27, 2024
Presentation Day: May 4, 2024

📍 地點 Where
Day 1 10:00 at Master Concept, Kwun Tong
Day 2 09:30 at Google HK, Causeway Bay

立即報名 Register Now:

#BuildwithAI #GDGHongKong #BuildWithAI #Hackathon #AI #TechCommunity

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GDG Hong Kong

🌟 Get ready to push the boundaries of generative AI with the Build with AI Hackathon! Dive into the world of creativity with Google's Gemini, a state-of-the-art multimodal large language model, and explore its endless possibilities. 🚀

📅 When?
Hacking Day: April 27, 2024
Presentation Day: May 4, 2024

📍 Where?
Day 1 at Master Concept, Kwun Tong
Day 2 at Google HK, Causeway Bay

🎯 Themes
Environmental Sustainability, Education, Health and Fitness

This event is your chance to create innovative solutions for social good, network with like-minded individuals, and win exciting prizes! Whether you're a developer, data scientist, or just passionate about AI, this hackathon is for you.

👥 Team up with 2-4 friends or join solo and we'll help you find a team.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to showcase your skills, learn, and contribute to meaningful causes. 🌍💡

Details and RSVP:

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GDG Hong Kong

🎉 Happy International Women's Day! 🎉
🌍 Join us for IWD 2024: Impact the Future! 🌟
🗓 Date: March 23, 2024 (Sat)
⏱ Time: 9am - 6pm GMT+8, come in anytime!
📍 Location: KPay Merchant Service Ltd - 31/F, Fun Tower, 35 Hung To Road, Ngau Tau Kok
This event is organised by Women Techmakers Hong Kong, co-organized with GDG Hong Kong, GDG Cloud Hong Kong, AllStarsWomen DAO and ProductTank Hong Kong. On this day, you will find:
🎙 Inspiring panel speakers & individual tech experts
🌐 Global gathering of women in design, blockchain, engineering, and more
💡 Exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas
🚀 Together, let's create a better future for all
📢 Sign up to join our movement!
Let's celebrate International Women's Day by empowering and uplifting women in tech. 💪
#IWD2024 #womenintech #empowerment #diversityintech #creatingabetterfuture #impactthefuture

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GDG Hong Kong

🚀 Flutter Study Group 14: Introduction to Riverpod State Management💡

📅 日期: 2024年3月2日 (星期六)
🕥 時間: 下午2:30 至 下午5:00
📍 地點: CG Marketing@Lai Chi Kok & Online


1. Go through basic concept of Riverpod, such as Provider, FutureProvider / StreamProvider and Notifier

2. Hands-on exercise: Use Riverpod to build a To-do list

請帶備有wifi功能手提電腦及充電器,及提前安裝好Flutter SDK 及 IDE (IDE建議VSCode)

對象:Flutter 初學者,具備基本Flutter layout知識,無需事先具備任何State management經驗。

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GDG Hong Kong

Google Cloud organizes GenAI Hackathon APAC Edition, 如果大家有興趣歡迎各位參與其中👍

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GDG Hong Kong

2024年,我哋繼續進行AI/ML Study Group

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GDG Hong Kong

一齊嚟參加我哋Christmas Party & Organizer Recruitment Info Session啦!我哋會準備食物及networking時間,好機會同developers、科技愛好者交流。 如果你對Tech有熱誠,有興趣貢獻本地Tech Community,嚟瞭解下如何成為Community Organizer,一齊傾下點樣塑造末來既developer & tech community!
🗓 Dec 15 Fri | 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
📍 RD Technologies Office @CWB

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GDG Hong Kong

今晚Flutter Study Group 會由作者Mangirdas Kazlauskas親自介紹Flutter Deck!

flutter_deck package支持developer去製作powerful presentation尤其適合展示Flutter既Power!可以在slides embed live Flutter demo,甚至可以embed有完整navigation既working Flutter apps🤯

example slides (Press ">" or Swipe from the left to open menu & find the dark theme btn) :
RSVP Now 🎟

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GDG Hong Kong

DevFest 2023 GDG Hong Kong: AI Everywhere 圓滿舉行,謝謝各單位協作及支持。感謝每一位來參與朋友、開發者,一同創造DevFest。

DevFest 2023 GDG Hong Kong: AI Everywhere was successfully held, thanks to the collaboration and support from all organisations. Thank you to everyone who came to join us to create the DevFest.

* Co-host by *
GDG Hong Kong

* Thanks and undertaken by *
Department of Information Technology, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee) @it.lwl

* Partners *
Google Hong Kong
TechJob Asia
Artificial Intelligence Society of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education
Women Techmakers Hong Kong

#DevFest2023 #GDGHongKong

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GDG Hong Kong

11月18日"DevFest 2023 GDG Hong Kong: AI Everywhere"本年度最大型Google技術Developer Conference! 目前報名人數已超過1,300人! 唔吹水唔sell野,一班熱血本地及海外Tech專家,純技術分享,show you the code!

🌟 30+ 個 Talks / Codelabs 覆蓋 Gen AI、ML、Firebase、Flutter、Android、Web、DEI 、Education 等等
🌟 6 位Google講者,來由美國、新加坡、台灣、香港
🌟 10 位 Google開發技術專家講者
🌟 1300+ 本地developers現場交流
🌟 全日開放Community Lounge與本地developers交流
🌟 Google AI 產品體驗區 (VertexAI, MakerSuite, Mediapipe)
🌟 精美發光Keycaps匙扣紀念品、Google贊助紀念品
🌟 豐富抽獎禮物包括 Google Cloud背包、AndroidThings starter kit、Intel贊助滑鼠、運動手提包、Tee

📅 日期: 11月18號 (星期六)
🕒 時間: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm (9:30am 開始check-in)
📍地點: 香港專業教育學院(李惠利)

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GDG Hong Kong

🚀 AI/ML Symposium 2023 公眾報名截止倒數最後4天!🤖


🎤 Speaker: Ginny Wong (She/her)
📚 Title: From Simulation to Success: How Omniverse's Isaac Sim Shapes AI Training with Synthetic Data (English)
📶 Difficulty: Intermediate

NVIDIA除左GPU出名外,Omniverse亦係商業上有廣泛用途。Omniverse係一個整合各家3D設計應用軟體,並支援多方實時協作既平台,現時除左local deployment之外亦支援部署係不同cloud service,包括Google Cloud。

今次來自NVIDIA的Data Scientist Ginny會介紹Omniverse的Isaac Sim功能如何改變AI訓練流程,例如講述如何利用逼真3D環境模擬AI Robotics運作,以及產生synthetic data去擴充現實既dataset去提高model performance。

📅日期:2023年10月14日 (星期六)
⏰時間:上午10:30 - 下午5:30 (上午10:00 開始而進場)
📍地點:香港理工大學 Z211 (Z Core)

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GDG Hong Kong

🚀 AI/ML Symposium 2023 公眾報名截止倒數最後6天!🤖


🎤 Speaker: Emma Wong (She/her)
📚 Title: MediaPipe for Everyone: Building On-Device ML Applications Without the Hassle

今日開始我哋將會介紹活動每個session既內容。On-Device ML 係我地五大主題之一,今次由我哋既GDG HK Organizer Emma 介紹如何利用MediaPipe係Web/Mobile Device 上提供ML功能。

MediaPipe 係Google 推出既open-source framework,可以幫助developers快速在個人裝置上部署ML Workflow,現時現已支援Web/Android/Raspberry Pi 等設備,佢優勝之處就係可以簡單寫幾行code就可以實現到不同ML情景,例如Image Classification、Audio Classification、Image Segmentation等,developers 亦唔需要花時間處理hardware optimization,大大加快部署ML功能於Web/Mobile App。

如果你對Mobile Development/ On-device ML有興趣的話,就立即報名啦!📲👩‍💻

📅日期:2023年10月14日 (星期六)
⏰時間:上午10:30 - 下午5:30 (上午10:00 開始進場)
📍地點:香港理工大學 Z211 (Z Core)

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GDG Hong Kong

🚀 AI/ML Symposium 2023: From Theory to Impact 🤖

Registration Link:
Call for Lightning Talk Speaker:

2023年是AI發展特別的一年。隨著大眾對AI/ML的認知不斷增加,AI不再局限於學術研究,市面亦越來越多企業利用ML/Generative AI 技術應用於產品上。所以,GDG Hong Kong 推出首個AI/ML大型主題活動,"AI/ML Symposium 2023: From Theory to Impact"!這次活動的目的是為了聚集香港的AI/ML Community,一齊學習同分享。我們的活動涵蓋由理論到應用的各種主題,包括:
- On-device ML
- Applied ML
- Vertex AI
- ML Research
- Kaggle

📅日期:2023年10月14日 (星期六)
⏰時間:上午10:30 - 下午5:00 (上午10:00 開始進場)
📍地點:香港理工大學 Global Student Hub

⚡Lightning Talk Invitation⚡

另外,為了鼓勵及提升社群參與度,我們亦特設Lightning Talk session,現正邀請AI Developer/Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer進行5分鐘的小分享,如有興趣可以透過 報名。

#GDG #gdghongkong #AI #ML #generativeai #GoogleCloud #VertexAI #kaggle

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GDG Hong Kong

‼16/9 明早AI/ML Study Group尚餘少量名額‼
9月剩低每個星期GDG HK都有活動! Study Group覆蓋初級至中級內容,適合有Coding經驗及想深入學習該技術既朋友。準備好投入學習AI ML / Flutter技術未?

‼ few seats left for 16/9 tomorrow morning AI/ML Study Group‼
GDG HK activities every week in second half of September! Study Groups cover beginner to intermediate levels content, suitable for those who have coding experience and want to learn this tech in depth. Ready to dive into learning AI/ML / Flutter?

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GDG Hong Kong

GDG Hong Kong聯同Flutter Hong Kong合辦Flutter Study Group舉行了差不多一個月了,見到有成員持續參與study group又開始主動學習及發問,實在令人鼓舞!7月繼續keep住團火一齊學習!

6月27日 (今個星期二) 7:30pm
Flutter Study Group #3 - Advanced Flutter animation (Cantonese)

7月4日 7:30pm
重開新手班 - Write your first Flutter app (English)

7月11 & 25日 7:30pm
Flutter Study Group #4 & #5 - Topics TBC (Cantonese)

📍 RD Technologies Office @CWB & online(不設錄影重播)
The Flutter Study Group co-hosted by GDG Hong Kong & Flutter Hong Kong has been held for almost a month. It is really encouraging to see members continue to participate in the study group and start learning initiatively! Let keep the momentum in July!

June 27 (this Tuesday) at 7:30pm
Flutter Study Group #3 - Advanced Flutter animation (Cantonese*)

July 4 at 7:30pm
Beginner codelab again - Write your first Flutter app (English)

July 11 & 25 at 7:30pm Flutter Study Group #4 & #5 - Topics TBC (Cantonese*)

Except the July 4 Beginner codelab using English, the study group events will mainly be conducted in Cantonese with English materials. We can have realtime translation for English-speaking participant if needed.

📍 RD Technologies Office @CWB & online (no recording no replay)

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