ใ คใ ค๐๐ฒ๐ ๐ฌ๐ผ๐๐ฟ ๐๐ฒ๐ฎ๐ฟ๐โ with the Pink Venom method when ๐๐ช๐ฏ๐ฌ symbolizes love affection and ๐๐ฆ๐ฏ๐ฐ๐ฎโโ is a deadly poisonใ โโโโโโโ โ ๐โugust 25, 2019 โโโโ โ ื ๊ซ REGIST โฆ @GetYourHeart_Bot ื ๊ซ COMPANY โฆ @GyCompany ื ๊ซ OFFICE โฆ @GyCompany_bot
rise and shine๏ผSELAMAT PAGI ๐๐ฌ๐ฉ๐๐ฅ๐ฆ๐โ. @getyourheart sudah open regist untuk cowo / seme ya!
โ format regist
โ rules / aturan bermain
๐ง ๐ฃ๐ฒ๐ป๐ท๐ฒ๐น๐ฎ๐๐ฎ๐ป ๐ง๐ฒ๐ป๐๐ฎ๐ป๐ด ๐ฆ๐ถ๐๐๐ฒ๐บ๐ง
โ sistem really (easy)
โ sistem tally (medium)
โ sistem money (hard)
๐ก๐ผ๐๐ฒ โแ jangan lupa baca semua rules!
๐๐ผ๐ ๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ด๐ถ๐๐ แ @getyourheart_bot
selamat malam semuanyaaa !! ๐ฉโ๐พ๐ญ
waah aku bawa pasangan baru nih di @getyourheart dari part 13.492 . congrats yaa buat kalian berduaa !! semoga langgeng terus sampe ke jenjang yang lebih serius nanti ๐๐
yang masih berjuang nyari yang cocok, semangat yaaa semoga cepat ke pick && jangan bosenโ buat play di gyh ๐๐๐
HI-YOO GYVERSE!! selamat malaammm, pasti pada semangat kann!! sini merapatt yukkkk aku ada bawain JUYEON yang ganteng bangettt jujurrrrr!! Tapii sebelum ikut room nya pastiin muse kalian kelahiran [1994 - 2002] yaa diluar dari itu tolong temp dulu yaaa ๐ซถ
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…I'm also more of a listener than a talker, and I payed attention to even the smallest thing you'd say, so I hope you don't have to feel like it's "sia-sia" untuk cerita karna it would certainly be remembered by me and I'm open to give advices if I was asked. Come and test me HAHA. For hobbies, I don't really have one? Well I do actually. I'm a Call of Duty enthusiast. I like to tease my partner and joke with him when I have free time and am in a good mood, I like to make my partner laugh happily because of me, it makes my heart flutter because of him. I will take care of my partner as best as possible like a diamond, she will be very precious to me. Besides that, I also like to pamper my partner and of course, pampering him it will make my partner feel happy and comfortable with me. I will give all my love to him and I will always make her day so perfect and happy. I will make my partner feel like he is the luckiest and most precious girl in my eyes, I want to make her always feel happy when she's with you and me because honestly I will always feel guilty if I have made a girl shed her tears of sadness because of me and that's why I will always treat my partner well so that there are no tears of sadness in his beautiful eyes, I want to always pamper my partner every moment and every second, other than that I really will treat my girl as well as possible like a princess who must be treated specially and cared for with care. I'm the type of person who can't be angry with my partner what if you have made a mistake, maybe I can only advise him properly so she can understand it easily. What if my partner is having problems, I can give a solution or opinion for him and of course, I will try my best to help the person who will become my partner. sweet talker is my middle name, and I will make you blush all the time. I am a convobuilder guy if I meet someone who is on the same frequency as me. I'm so damn clingy to my girlfriend, so sometimes I like to ask for a hug, cuddles, or kisses. I will call you "dummy, bub, darl, mbull, babe, dek, honey, kitten, cil" or I will made some special name for u and no one can call u by that name except me. If I'm already falling in love with you, I can give you lots of love songs or even make you a spotify playlist. Anways, I am a person who is royal to my lovely girlfriend. for example, I might often "jajanin kamu" like buying you a wording, setup, usn, or whatever, and don't hesitate to talk to your handsome bf a.k.a ME. Just tell me what you want, babe. My love language is quality time and words of affirmation. So please don't attack me with my love language. I like a girl who can be spoiled and clingy to me, especially if she is begging for some hugs, cuddles, or kisses. Like- U R SO CUTE BABE. REALLY. And don't forget to use ur puppy eyes + ur cute typing. then, I like a soft and cute girl. Bertingkah seperti anak kecil such a cutie little kitten and such a pretty angel. And I like a girl who can give me some cute messages or daily reminders with cute videos or photos because u r the cutest. I like PDA THINGS (Public Display Affection), or what is commonly called "pamer kebucinan". For example, we make a ch bulol, using manips ava, and others. So everyone knows that I have a pretty girlfriend, and also tell them that this pretty girl is mine HAHA. I can also be ur spoiled and clingy baby in front of u, but I prefer to spoiled u. Sometimes I will take pictures of my real-life activities. But if you are uncomfortable, I will not do that. And then I like to play some games in our room chat. Like tod, sod, tns, or maybe movie date in rave. So we don't get bored.
Kriteria : for my criteria I donโt have a spesific criteria, but i love someone who can understand my busy schedule, like always understand what my situation it is and donโt force the situation. Seseorang yang sudah menyelesaikan lembaran lamanya, donโt let the word โgamonโ come between us, itโs kinda freak err... gua gak suka.
Syapa yang maw jalan bareng juyeon ganteng???๐๐
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…โฅ .. The universe excellent news has arrived, delivering all the splendour that was most expected to be heard, along with additional pleasant lines. Respecting actual humanity, where love is expressed in a variety of ways without excluding anything.
So, peace be upon @aHitIer as you convey wonderful news that will bring you all honour. Everything you've written up to this point has lulled the prince into selecting you as the one and only lucky one, and we thus invite all good things to be in your grasp.
Please feel free to complete the PDKT portion to come closer; when the 72-hour time limit has passed, please confirm what you got to @getyourheart_bot. We hope there will be ease for you, with all the joy and love helping a thousand meanings integrate themselves. Enjoy your time together; may there be much love for you! โฟ
sore GYVERSEEeE ๐โโ๏ธ cogan aka jeno Lee mau lewat dulu yakali diliatin aja??? perhatikan age gap yeah <1996-2004> leh ikut, yang lain temp dulu okehh [] besok libur nih, kira kira besok kalian mau ngapain?
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…[๐ธ] CEWE/UKE nc yang lagi luang yuk play diย ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๏ผ๐imak intro namja nya terlebih dahulu yaa ๏ผ
Nama : Caius
Chara : Lee Jeno
Sifat : Hi love. Let me introduce my self , first. my name is โน Caius Bloffer โบ ussually called cai or ais. Maybe you can add a favorite call for me , I like whatever you give me. Jujur gua gabisa memperkenalkan diri dengan baik jadi kalau ada kesalahan sedikit tolong dimaafkan , First maybe.. I like listening to your daily stories pfft u really cute. Alasannya karena suka aja apalagi gua itu orangnya ga tertutup makanya kita bisa saling bagi cerita dan ga lost contacts. Gua tipe orang yang kalau udah cinta langsung terobsesi , intinya gua bakal cemburuan and... Posesif but I won't stop you from socializing. Karena kita semua juga butuh yang namanya pergaulan dan punya kebebasan tersendiri jujur gua gasuka di paksa paksa apalagi di atur atur karena gua lebih suka bebas , gua suka music maybe like it, even really like it biasanya gua dengerin lagu J-pop / Jepang rata rata lagunya adem dan enak aja didenger. Kalo lagu lain paling lagu barat karena gua suka lagu adem adem ayem apalagi yang pas sama kuping gua wkwk. Gua suka ngirim ngirim lagi yang enak didenger maybe setiap hari gua bakal kirimin lagu buat lo kalau risih langsung bilang aja gua ga keberatan soalnya gua gamau ada yang ditutup-tutupi disini. Typ gua campuran b.ind โ b.eng kadang gua suka lupa mau ngetik apa wkwk. Gua itu manusia lemot apalagi pas dikasih pertanyaan pasti mikir dulu sampe dapet jawabannya karena gua kadang bingung sumpah malu kalo di inget inget. Gua juga orangnya kadang peka kadang engga karena kaya yang gua bilang tadi ' lemot ' pasti mikir dulu kan itu kode apa bukan makanya kalo mau kode kodean coba mikir 2 kali deh. I really like being treated like a baby because... it's cute apalagi kalo gua lagi kangen pasti gua spam gajelas bilang kangen kangen wkwk. Gua suka nonton dounghua, anime and... Baca Manhwa/Webtoon maybe kita bisa saling sharing tentang genre yang kita suka biar topik makin panjang , jujur ya gua gasuka sama orang yang cuma asik diawal apalagi makin lama makin cuek... This is really annoying. Maybe last ?? Gua suka bikin sesuatu buat pasangan contohnya Manips , Scribble tapi kadang beli sih kalo lagi males tapi gamungkin karena itu udah jadi salah satu kebiasaan gua. Jujur terakhir nih beneran , gua orangnya memang tipe yang sibuk tapi bakal selalu nyempetin waktu buat lo makanya jangan sungkan buat ngechat gua sekali pun. Love language gua ada beberapa macam.
โ Act Of Service
gua suka bantu pasangan pas susah, gatau kenapa gua udah dibiasakan dari kecil buat membantu meringankan beban seseorang makanya kebawa sampe besar , memang sih gaya gayaan gua sok bisa tapi kalo berusaha semua pasti bisa right? , gua paling gasuka liat pasangan gua kesusahan kalau ada apa apa tinggal bilang. gua bakal berusaha semampu gua buat bantu lo intinya jangan mendem sendirian itu cuma buat nambah beban pikiran.
โ Words Of Affirmation
jangan pernah mikir kalo lo gapunya tempat berteduh & tempat buat cerita , gua disini bisa jadi rumah buat lo gua bakal terima semua curahan hati lo. disini kita bisa belajar banyak hal mulai dari hal kecil sampai hal yang besar , gua paling gasuka liat orang yang selalu mendem sendirian jatuhnya kaya orang yang cenderung kesepian dan menutupi banyak hal. Come on, be open with me.
โ Quality Time
mau gua sibuk hujan badai halilintar intinya gua bakal sempetin waktu buat lo , mau sesibuk apapun pasti bakal gua sempetin. jangan ragu buat bilang ' kangen ' sama gua. pfft gua paling suka dikangenin apalagi sampe mode clingy pokonya jangan pernah ragu buat bilang apapun ke gua.
Kriteria : I want to have a girlfriend who is talkative & cute , gua suka cewe centil + feminim karena gua gemes aja liat cewe begitu, Spammers. No problem gua bakal bacain bbc lo yang lucu itu. Pengertian & Ga egois , gua kurang suka sama orang egois yang mau menang sendiri. Kinda clingy and a lil bit of jealousy person.
rise and shine๏ผSELAMAT PAGI ๐๐ฌ๐ฉ๐๐ฅ๐ฆ๐โ. @getyourheart sudah open regist untuk cowo / seme ya!
โ format regist
โ rules / aturan bermain
๐ง ๐ฃ๐ฒ๐ป๐ท๐ฒ๐น๐ฎ๐๐ฎ๐ป ๐ง๐ฒ๐ป๐๐ฎ๐ป๐ด ๐ฆ๐ถ๐๐๐ฒ๐บ๐ง
โ sistem really (easy)
โ sistem tally (medium)
โ sistem money (hard)
๐ก๐ผ๐๐ฒ โแ jangan lupa baca semua rules!
๐๐ผ๐ ๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ด๐ถ๐๐ แ @getyourheart_bot
haloo gyverse, udahan dulu sedih dan galaunya, yuk kita move on ke cogan svt satu ini. dede dede yang musenya bukan kelahiran <1993-2000> bisa temp dulu ya [] rate kegalauan hari ini
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…tes ombak dulu, react yang banyak kalo mau cogan ๐ฌ๐ฌ
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…nah gimana konten hari ini seru ga?? coba rate donggg, aku harap kontenku kali ini bermanfaat, khususnya bagi aku sendiri, dan umumnya bagi kalian semua. [] jujur, aku sendiri merasa terharu dan kagum sama jawaban kalian semua yang ikut jawab, semoga rasa sakit kalian di balas dengan kebahagian yang melimpah ya gyvers. YOU DID WELL GYVERS!! kalian bener-bener hebatt. aku harap, suatu saat nanti akan ada orang yang menghargai setiap usaha kalian, menghargai pencapaian kalian. makasi buat kalian yang udah mau ramein konten aku kali ini yaa,oh ya, kalau kalian ada kritik atau saran buat konten ku selanjutnya kalian bisa sampaikan ke /channel/Civintaku/10 atau ke bot yang tersedia yaa, jangan ragu jangan takut aku Terima semua saran dan masukan dari kalian. [] jangan tidur terlalu larut, terimakasi && babay gyvers. kalau kata Erika " kapan-kapan lagi?! "
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…last yaa, aku tibaยฒbuntu
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…Apakah kalian udah punya orang yang selalu mengapresiasi setiap hal kecil yang kalian lakukan? gimana rasanya?
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…gimana perasaan kalian setelah kalimat "putus" diketik sama dia?
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…selamat malam semuanyaaa !! ๐ฉโ๐พ๐ญ
waah aku bawa pasangan baru nih di @getyourheart dari part 13.490 . congrats yaa buat kalian berduaa !! semoga langgeng terus sampe ke jenjang yang lebih serius nanti ๐๐
yang masih berjuang nyari yang cocok, semangat yaaa semoga cepat ke pick && jangan bosenโ buat play di gyh ๐๐๐
โฅ .. The universe excellent news has arrived, delivering all the splendour that was most expected to be heard, along with additional pleasant lines. Respecting actual humanity, where love is expressed in a variety of ways without excluding anything.
So, peace be upon @Lemsung as you convey wonderful news that will bring you all honour. Everything you've written up to this point has lulled the prince into selecting you as the one and only lucky one, and we thus invite all good things to be in your grasp.
Please feel free to complete the PDKT portion to come closer; when the 72-hour time limit has passed, please confirm what you got to @getyourheart_bot. We hope there will be ease for you, with all the joy and love helping a thousand meanings integrate themselves. Enjoy your time together; may there be much love for you! โฟ
I like girls who have a broad mind, and it's not just about what they want, kayak jangan terlalu childish, lo ngertiin gua, gua juga akan ngertiin lo, atleast open minded lah. And have a cool-headed girl, jadi kalau punya masalah, dia punya solusi, gak langsung ngajak putus. This is the โpoint plusโ, i love girls who have a clingy side and have mommy side, for me. Dan gue paling suka dikirimin cute reminder (walau gua nanti bingung jawabnya gimana). And effortless to be a cute person, and have a many topic to talk when we starting a chat. Someone who can or wants to give a daily schedule before starting a busy life. Someone who has finished with his old sheets. Please, gua gamau punya cewe yang belum selesai menulis ceritanya di lembaran yang usang, i mean seseorang yang belum selesai sama masa lalunya, gua suka sama cewe yang memiliki pemikiran yang luas dan terbuka, not for narrow minded and childish women. Jadi kalo lagi di suatu masalah, bukan tindakan break up yang diambil, melainkan solusi / jalan keluar yang akan dia bahas. Punya mature mindset, if you talkative, you will get a gift form me, a clingy person yang kaya kitten, nanti gua bungkus karung terus gua buang ke kamar, yang suka kirimin cute message, reminder, bulolan etc. Love to tell the day karna kalo pacar gua terbuka sama gua ya gua ngerasa dihargain. Who can be mommy and baby at the same time. Prefer the one yang effortlessly cute. Can be my femdom or my momma, cause sometimes i looks like malesub. But most important thing is alyways be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else and negative things, do not interact!
๐ah boyfie-abel banget ya namja nya ๏ผeitss, tunggu dulu gyverse belum selesai di intro aja. namja nya masih mau memikat hati kamu dengan menunjukkan love language nya nih ๏ผpenasaran bukan ?ย yuk langsung kita simak ๏ผ
Words Of Affirmation
i am so grateful to have you in my life, love. you make everything brighter and better. i promise to always cherish and prioritize our relationship. my love for you is unwavering and eternal.
i want to make you happy and see you smile, that's my goal in life. i am eternally grateful to have you by my side, making my life more meaningful and filled with love.
๐ah makin terpesona ya setelah tau love language namja nya ๏ผokayy, untuk kamu yang tertarik untuk join bisa ikuti arahan ku berikut ini :
ึผ โญ หย send intro + jelaskan plan 72h kamu dengan sang namja di kolom komentar ๏ผsend dalam satu bubble chat boleh menggunakan pict/gif boleh tidak. good luck gyverse ๏ผึดึถึธ๐
[๐] CEWE nc yuk play diย ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๏ผ๐imak intro namja nya terlebih dahulu yaa ๏ผ
Nama : Edrick
Chara : Juyeon
Sifat : Hi there, before I describe my nature I'll give a disclaimer that all the words here are based on my point of view, so I'm sorry if according to other people's views are different with this. I'm an intp person and a good listener, so I'd like to hear all of your problem or if something bad happened to you, you could tell me whats happened and I will give you advice also cheer you up as best as I can. I'm a type of boyfriend who always being appreciate of my girl and giving a lot affection, also if you need a comfortable backrest to lean on you can come to me and i'll be right there for you. And I'm clingy person kalo udah srek sama orangnya. I like to share my daily life with my future partner and I hope you will too. i'm bilingual, sometimes i really ๐like sending messages in English, and maybe it's just a little, if it's a lot it means I've moved to English maybe I'll always show off on hokabase how cute we are, do you want a partner like the name is taken from the tiktok most favorite character in the novel but sometimes my attitude changes according to my mood, and if you don't like my character a little, you can step back now, and i will often show you off in my Telegram stories and on my channel, what's wrong with that, right? i can always support you, which is definitely not supporting ml. If supporting ml is called Angela, support system and always support your principles, you have the right to have your true supporters. Maybe it's me, if you ask me what my favorite song is, the answer will be Indies or if you like Taylor Swift, we can be Swifties and make a Spotify blend It looks fun, doesn't it My love language is WoA and teasing you hehehe, sometimes i suddenly start calling you things like "oh you look like a buffalo and you smell the same" and that's my love language. Giving you manips, icons, moodboards, and other things, I will also often give you Spotify which contains your favorite songs, if asked about your favorite songs, I really like the songs Arctic Monkey, Hindia, Dewa 19, Pamungkas, Justin bieber oh yes even though cool playlist, I'm not the cool cool type of person. Maybe I often give you memes that are not clear, but that is to prolong our relationship and so that we don't get bored with ordinary conversations, but if you are bothered by people who like all that, get out of here. I'm a swiftie! I like to share my daily life with my future partner and I hope you will too gua bukan orang yang pandai mendeskripsikan diri sendiri, tapi yang pasti gua setia yang gaperlu ditanya lagi sih. Gua gamau cewe gua digenitin ama cowo lain selain gua dan gua suka nunjukin itu frankly. I also like asking my partner for hugs and kisses, atau cuddle sambil di puk-puk sebelum bobo, wkwk. Gua slr juga pasti karna tidur kok, ga bakal sempet nyari cewe lain itu mah, gua bisa jadi support system buat lo, dan gua bakalan selalu ada buat lo meskipun ga 24/7 tapi gua bakalan selalu berusaha jadi seseorang yang bikin lo nyaman pas ngabisin waktu bareng gua, gua bisa jadi superhero sekaligus for my only one princess. I'll make you happy when you're with me, I'll make you smile and even laugh all the time. There's something about the sparkle in someone's eyes when they receive a thoughtful gift or share those cherished moments together that gets me going. I've got this knack for pampering my partner, treating them like the most precious thing in the world. And hey, I kinda dig being babied a bit tooโit's a two-way street of love and care HAHAHA. There's this unique joy in making my partner feel adored, whether it's through surprise gifts, little acts of kindness, or simply being there for them, holding their hand through life's adventures. Even if our love languages might differ, count on me to make you feel cherished in your own way. You won't find a shortage of affection hereโI'll pour my heart into making sure you feel loved and appreciated every single day.
คย เฃชึธ REALLY SYSTEM ๐ฉโก๐ช
คselamat malam gyverse ๏ผ
คkembali lagi dengan saya Lauren
คsebagai pemandu tmo partย 13.500
คdengan sistem yang simple ๏ผ
sebelum mulai silahkan membaca peraturan bermain [ /channel/getyourheart/478425 ]
คย let's follow and keep watching ๏ผ
ค (( ึน #OPLINKGYH ึน ))
คย ๐ง เฃชึธ ๊ ๐๐ข๐ก๐๐ฅ๐๐ง๐ฆ ๐๐ข๐ฅย โต
โ @deeMungiL
โ @cutiieminjeong
โ @berpandang
โ @eleganthness
โ @jagissa
โ @aHitIer
โ @tulkips
โ @beardeduck
โ @dojra
โ @kemaLyu
โ @kelincibasah
โ @sigeulisha
โ @Y00_JlMlNN
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย โ @strawminn
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย โ @cRosebrand
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย โ @boluukukus
selamat bagi nama nama diatas karena berhasil menebak member favorite sang namja, dan kita akan berjumpa lagi di group play, bagi yang belum beruntung jangan bersedih, sampai jumpa di part selanjutnya ๏ผ
คใย ยทย ย ยท ใป โขย โชฉโกโชจย โข ใป ยทย ย ยท
Suka CAPSLOCK pfft soalnya gua suka suka capslock wkwk , Bandar meme ๐ kalaw bisa kita adu meme apalagi humor gua rendah apa apa bisa lucu and bikin ketawa di mata gua. Mau jadi support system and home. Sisanya be yourself aja ya cantik
๐ah boyfie-abel banget ya namja nya๏ผ๐agi kamu yang tertarik untuk lanjut aku akan kasih clue dari member blackpink yang jadi favorite namja dan kalian tebak nama sesuai clue yang diberikan. ๐udah bukan๏ผberikut petunjuknya ๏ผ
เด Bersahabat dengan salah satu pemain film Squid Game.
๐ayyoo menurut kalian yang mana nih member kesukaan namja๏ผ๐uk langsung aja kirim jawaban + username kamu ke @ ๏ผ๐ood luck gyverse โก
คย เฃชึธ TALLY SYSTEM ๐ฉโก๐ช
คselamat sore gyverse ๏ผ
คkembali lagi dengan saya Rebel
คpemandu tmo serta rekan saya
คGenevie pada gyh partย 13.499
คdengan sistem yang super seru ๏ผ
sebelum mulai silahkan membaca peraturan bermain [ /channel/getyourheart/478425 ]
คย let's follow and keep watching ๏ผ
ค (( ึน #OPLINKGYH ึน ))
โฅ .. The universe excellent news has arrived, delivering all the splendour that was most expected to be heard, along with additional pleasant lines. Respecting actual humanity, where love is expressed in a variety of ways without excluding anything.
So, peace be upon @nCeuntiI as you convey wonderful news that will bring you all honour. Everything you've written up to this point has lulled the prince into selecting you as the one and only lucky one, and we thus invite all good things to be in your grasp.
Please feel free to complete the PDKT portion to come closer; when the 72-hour time limit has passed, please confirm what you got to @getyourheart_bot. We hope there will be ease for you, with all the joy and love helping a thousand meanings integrate themselves. Enjoy your time together; may there be much love for you! โฟ
[๐] CEWE nc yuk play diย ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๏ผ๐imak intro namja nya terlebih dahulu yaa ๏ผ
Nama : Razaan
Chara : Mingyu Seventeen
Sifat : warmest greetings for u, gorgeous. u can call me razaan, but anw i love petname! r u willing to make one for me later? spotify ku penuh sama lagu dewa, sheila, cigarettes, the weeknd, the neighbourhood, bruno. i listen to all genres of music, so don' hesitate to blend spotify w/ me. i promise to treat u like a princess. so that there is no reason, no matter how small, that will make u stop smiling. i want to be ur home. aku bukan tipikal yg jgo flirting, but i can make u melt w/ me๐ i enjoy hearing ur daily act (certified good listener) or giving u a hand w/ anykind of helps. aku orang nya bucin abis, jangan kaget kalau tiba-tiba channel aku penuh tentang km. 'cause my lil' gf deserves every percent of my love. aku romantis dgn cara aku sendiri, if I choose u, it means u r the most attractive person that i can' stand w/o u. possesive? yea, maybe kinda lil bit. nah, just lil bit baby. don't scared w/ me. random talk? deeptalk? ayo aja. love to send me a gift and using CAPSLOCK. dry texter dni. kl kamu suka kirim longtext, aku siap baca sampe mampus wkwk. bukan tipikal org yang suka dry text.. jadi jangan sungkan buat cerita tentang hari km ke aku. i love everything abt u, so? tell me about u. kinda slowrespon, cause i love game. sorry love tp aku berusaha buat selalu ada untuk km. aku bkn yg clingy person, tp kl km clingy aku suka wkwk habisnya cewe kl udh clingy gemesin bgt bikin salting wkwk. kl ngobrol sm aku jangan kebanyakan basa basi atau kode kodean. hilangin gengsi mu dek, aku sukanya yg langsung to the point kl kangen bilang kangen bukan ngajak berantem.
Kriteria : jelas cewe talkactive, kl ada masalah dlm hubugan bukan diem tp cerita juga ke aku biar sama sama di selesaiin berdua, cewe yg seneng cerita cerita atau cewe bawel. cewe yg punya banyak ide asik sih wkwk soalnya aku kadang bingung pasti ide ku ujung ujung nya cuma main game bareng. ga perlu cewe yang lucu lucu banget juga, asal lemah lembut tetep di terima sama aku mah sok. gasuka cewe yg terlalu playvict yg ngeluh melulu kl gaada yg bisa ngertiin dia padahal bisa cerita ke aku. maafatin aku sebagai pacar km dong, fungsi punya pacar kan biar ada support system cantiikkk. have a good attitude, butuh orang yang bisa saling paham satu sama lain gak egois. sisanya cukup jadi diri sendiri aja, yang penting pede aja jangan jadi awkward.
๐ah boyfie-abel banget ya namja nya ๏ผeitss, tunggu dulu gyverse belum selesai di intro aja. namja nya masih mau memikat hati kamu dengan menunjukkan love language nya nih ๏ผpenasaran bukan ?ย yuk langsung kita simak ๏ผ
Word of Affirmation
:: i'm so proud of u, pretty.
:: it looks so cute on you
:: thank u for understanding me love.
Quality Time
:: main game ini bareng yuk?
:: boleh gak malam ini kita cerita cerita? aku mau habisin bnyak waktu sama kamu
:: aku di kasih rekomen film baru, mau gak nonton bareng?
๐ah makin terpesona ya setelah tau love language namja nya ๏ผokayy, untuk kamu yang tertarik untuk join bisa ikuti arahan ku berikut ini :
ึผ โญ หย send intro + jelaskan plan 72h kamu dengan sang namja di kolom komentar ๏ผsend dalam satu bubble chat boleh menggunakan pict/gif boleh tidak. good luck gyverse ๏ผึดึถึธ๐
คย เฃชึธ REALLY SYSTEM ๐ฉโก๐ช
คselamat malam gyverse ๏ผ
คkembali lagi dengan saya Rebel
คsebagai pemandu tmo partย 13.498
คdengan sistem yang simple ๏ผ
sebelum mulai silahkan membaca peraturan bermain [ /channel/getyourheart/478425 ]
คย let's follow and keep watching ๏ผ
ค (( ึน #OPLINKGYH ึน ))
coba tag/sebutkan satu atau lebih teman yang selalu mendengarkan keluh kesah kalian, dan ucapkanlah terimakasi kepada mereka.
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…[] Kalau aku boleh tau, gimana cara kalian melakukan "reward" ke diri kalian sendiri??
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…di balik,gimana perasaan kalian pas kalian ngetik kalimat "putus*
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…kalau kalian di pertemukan sama mantan kalian secara ga sengaja, apa yang ingin kalian ucapkan?
ะงะธัะฐัั ะฟะพะปะฝะพัััั…