Daily forecast time 12:00 5:00 9:00PM
Please find the onlyMy telegram id: /channel/AMG88889
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Читать полностью…As long as the funds are greater than 500, the platform has 0.8% interest. Your account has 10000 rupees, so you have 80 rupees per day
Читать полностью…The total amount of the withdrawal will arrive on the card within 3-10 minutes. do not worry. The withdrawal system of Jill Mall is very stable. Never close. Don't listen to uncertain rumors about Gill Mall Center.
Читать полностью…nvite friends to top up 500 rupees for the first time, you will get 150 rupees, top up 1,000 rupees, reward 200 rupees, etc., the bonus is automatically added to the agent's wallet balance. This is a very good reward system, you can invite more friends to increase your income
Читать полностью…If you start with Rs 100 then you will get a profit of Rs 1600
If you start with Rs 500 then you will get a profit of Rs 8000
If you start with Rs 1000 then you will get a profit of Rs 16000
If you start with Rs 5000 then you will get a profit of Rs 80000
If you start with Rs 10000 then you will get a profit of Rs 160000
⏰12 : 00PM⏰
Prepare for at least 3-5 cycles of venture capital
If the account balance is insufficient, please use EKpay to recharge immediately:
Читать полностью…
Читать полностью…Gill Mall members can save enough money in the club (the club never closes)
The benefits of more money! ! ! !
Point 1: Our Gill Mall has interest, funds are deposited into the club, and additional income is added every day
The second point: you have the funds to keep up with the forecast, and you are not afraid of losses
Point 3: Withdrawals require a lot of fees. Extract 1000rs and only get 950rs. Next time you charge 1000rs, you will lose 80rs!
If you want to get rich, you must first learn how to manage money
✨✨✨Gill Mall Pension Fund✨✨✨
👉👉Invite 5 level 1 subordinates with weekly salary of 500 rupees💰💰
👉👉Invite 10 first-level subordinates with a weekly salary of 1000 rupees💰💰
👉👉 Invite 30 level 1 subordinates and get a weekly salary of 5000 rupees as a reward 💰💰
👉👉Invite 50 first-level subordinates and get a weekly salary of 10,000 rupees as a reward💰💰
🎯🎯This promotion is only valid from July 10th to July 17th
‼️ New member first deposit minimum 200 rupees
🥳🥳Weekly Salary🥳🥳
Next month is July 17th
Note: There cannot be multiple account IDs.
Click on the promotion in your personal account, extract your own link, and send it to your friends. After registration, he belongs to your subordinate friends. Register, recharge, and successfully add me as a friend, you can automatically get the red envelope reward
Читать полностью…Today's prediction is over, congratulations everyone, keep up with this prediction, you get 1600rs profit🤩🤩
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