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Golang news

Neugo - a simple neural network framework in Go #golang https://github.com/wh1t3w01f/neugo

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Golang news

nate510/don-t-use-go-s-default-http-client-4804cb19f779#.sven6yj0j" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@nate510/don-t-use-go-s-default-http-client-4804cb19f779#.sven6yj0j

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Golang news

5 Useful Ways to Use Closures: http://www.calhoun.io/5-useful-ways-to-use-closures-in-go/

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Golang news

A Go proposal to integrate @letsencrypt into the stdlib: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/17053

Until it happens, use autocert: https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert

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Golang news

How to fill out security questions

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Golang news

Good tutorial about Synchronizing State with Mutexes in Go

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Golang news

Go testing in the browser. Integrates with go test. Write behavioral tests in Go.

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Golang news

Micro is a terminal-based text editor written in Golang that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the full capabilities of modern terminals.

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Golang news

Don't Just Check Errors, Handle Them Gracefully: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsBF58Q-DnY #video

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Golang news

Add Let's Encrypt support to your golang server in 10 lines of code.

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Golang news

How Outdated Are Your Dependencies? http://engineeredweb.com/blog/2016/golang-how-outdated-deps/

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Golang news


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Golang news

Huge collection of examples for using the #golang standard library: https://github.com/radovskyb/go-packages (crypto ones could probably use some vetting)

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Golang news

Not really useful article :(
Tips & tricks for how #Docker can be useful when working w/ #golang code http://bddy.me/2cEO454

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Golang news

There's A Star Wars Easter Egg in Go's 'net' Package: https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/502k2u/easter_egg_in_net_package/

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Golang news

Go 1.7.1 is released!

Get it: http://golang.org/dl


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Golang news

Please, vote for issue comments in different languages for project Go by example

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Golang news

Simple tutorial about creating blog with Gin web framework

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Golang news

Thyme, an open-source command-line tool that lets you easily track and analyze the time you spend on your computer. Think of it as a sampling profiler, but for You instead of your machine.


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Golang news

Ginkgo is a BDD-style Golang testing framework built to help you efficiently write expressive and comprehensive tests. It is best paired with the Gomega matcher library but is designed to be matcher-agnostic.
http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/ 💪

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Golang news

Why #Go is awesome for building security clients: meirwah/why-go-is-awesome-for-building-security-clients-7a502b9edb4e" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@meirwah/why-go-is-awesome-for-building-security-clients-7a502b9edb4e

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Golang news

Специалисты «Доктор Веб» предупреждают об обнаружении новой угрозы для Linux-систем. Троян Linux.Rex.1 написан на языке Go, и атакует сайты, работающие под управлением различных CMS, включая Drupal. Вредонос способен осуществлять DDoS-атаки, рассылать электронные письма и самостоятельно распространяться по сети.

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Golang news

Today I’m going to talk about orthogonality. I wrote a tweet storm (go follow Go In 5 Minutes if you haven’t already) on the concept a few days ago. In it, I explained that this is an easy concept to explain in theory, but it’s much harder to explain how to put it into practice. I’m going to try to do the latter today.


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Solid Go Design

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