Reporting mainly on Greek matters Content submissions or questions: @GBG_Submission_bot OUR MODERATORS WILL NEVER DM PEOPLE, THOSE ARE SCAMMERS Links (Pastebins, Documentary & Donate) Chat:
And let's continue the previous post with the smaller four players:
🧭 Hellenic Solution - Kyriakos Velopoulos: A party that came to prominence in the aftermath of the banning of Golden Dawn, claims the space from the right of New Democracy up to the far-right, as a patriotic, nationalist party.
🔸 The leader, Kyriakos Velopoulos, was for years a telemarketer on smaller television stations, giving opinion pieces, selling books about or inspired by Hellenic culture and history, as well as various dubious Christian items, such as letters from Jesus Christ and wax creams that claim to solve all ailments. Not a lot of genuine political positions.
🟠 MeRA25: The Greek branch of the European DiEM25, led by Yanis Varoufakis, the co-founder of the European movement.
🔸 Yanis Varoufakis, an international economist, known also for (at least partly) designing Valve's Steam virtual economy, participated in the first six months of the SYRIZA government, from January to August of 2015, as minister of finance.
🔸 His attempts to negotiate the terms of the deal with ECB and IMF led to yet another bailout, with worse terms than the ones proposed, when the threat of a "Grexit" and a return to the national currency backfired due to lacklustre planning. The party itself centers around leftist, internationalist and pan-European ideas, with no concrete plans and an attitude of student protest, that also characterised the early days of SYRIZA.
☦️ NIKH: A new party, led by theologian Dimitrios Natsios.
🔸 The party has released a surprisingly detailed programme, especially when it comes to education. The results of the first elections of 2023 surprised everyone, when ΝΙΚΗ almost made it to the parliament, and
surpassed MeRA25, which participated in the previous parliament.
🔸 A strong focus on the "Faith, Fatherland, Family" triptych, with mandatory Orthodox Christian education for all children. The party does not accept incumbent politicians or freemasons at its ranks. To participate, you have to be Greek and Orthodox Christian.
💜 Plefsi Eleftherias (Course of Freedom): Founded by the former SYRIZA member and President of the Hellenic Parliament, Zoe Konstantopoulou.
🔸 While the members all come from various leftist parties and organisations, she has tried to distance the ideological position of the party, instead trying to pass it off as an anti-establishment organisation seeking justice (notably for the WWII reparations), heavily relying on her own as a lawyer.
🔸 Came surprisingly close to entering the parliament in the first elections of 2023, after which, the founder curiously replaced the top performers of the elections with either celebrities or, in one case, her civil partner.
Footage that's gone viral today across the Eurozone of a random assault by a likely 'migrant/asylum-seeker' in Bordeaux, France, upon a 10-year-old-girl and her grandmother
Читать полностью…⚡️🇪🇬🇪🇺 Josep Borrel : The EU will provide 20 million Euros to support Egypt with handling the large influx of Sudanese refugees.
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 Frontex video shows the immigrant ship 16 hours before it reached Pylos and sank
👉 Previous post on shipwreck
🔸 The video was revealed to have been taken by a FRONTEX drone/plane 16 hours before the ship carrying hundreds of illegal immigrants sank in the Mediterranean
❓ The question now is why did FRONTEX not act? a ship absolutely full of people can be seen in the video and even better with thermal imaging, how many boats does FRONTEX spots on a regular basis and simply allows to enter Europe?
🟢 Europeans should be demanding that FRONTEX does its job and prevents these ships from even entering European waters, not observe until they do, the deaths are not FRONTEX or Europe's fault either, its the fault of those who wanted to go to europe and exploit the system posing as 'refugees'
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Videos from the last moments of the immigrant ship before it sank
👉 Previous post
🔸 These are the last images recorded by the immigrants themselves and posted on tiktok while the video from outside was recorded from a cargo ship that tried to tow the boat and send them supplies but the immigrants refused to be towed
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Two Egyptian men arrested for smuggling 80 illegal immigrants to Crete
💸💵 Illegal immigrants reportedly paid between 6000 to 8000 to be transported to Italy
🔸 The ship sailed from Attaleia (antalya), Turkey, and has headed towards Italy, it was spotted by Greek authorities south of Crete and had been in the sea for 5 days
‼️ 78 illegal immigrants are at the port and will be later identified and processed, the 2 smugglers have been arrested
/GBG/ 🗂
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 Ship carrying over 750 illegal immigrants headed to Italy sinks near Pylos, Greece. 80 dead so far
🔸 The ship sailed from Tobruk, Libya, and had Italy as its final destination, it was carrying 750 people according with NGOs, but sank in international waters near Pylos, Greece in an area 5000 m (16 404 ft) deep
‼️ So far 79 bodies were found, 104 people from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Palestine have been rescued, of which 30 were hospitalized with hypothermia and minor wounds, ALL males, young and middle aged
‼️ Hundreds are still missing and the bodies are being transported to Corinth for forensic examination
🔸 According with their testimonies, the captain abandoned them in the middle of the sea, they had run out of water and there were already six dead people on board but NGOs were able to locate the ship and alert the authorities
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Illegal immigrants try to hijack cargo ship near Italy
🔸 The Turkish cargo ship had France as its destination, supposed to reach the port of Sete but the hijack attempt happened near the coast of Naples, Italy
🔸 As reported by authorities, 15 illegal immigrants armed with 4 to 5 knives were hiding inside the Turkish cargo ship, the immigrants tried to gain control of the ship threatening the crew and 3 passengers with knives
🔸 The crew consisting of 22 men managed to alert authorities and prevented the hijackers to enter the bridge
‼️ The operation lasted 7 hours as the failed pirates locked themselves in the hold
/GBG/🟢 The Mediterranean now has ship hijaking and pirates. How far have we fallen...
🔴 A large group of immigrants started a fight against Cypriots in Emba Square, Paphos
🔸 According to information, about 50 immigrants, who live in a property of the village, gathered in the square and started to cause trouble.
🔸They moved with threatening attitudes towards Cypriots who were in a cafe nearby, causing damage by throwing rocks and smashing things with sticks, witnesses claim one of them also pulled out a knife and made threats against the customers
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Turkish analyst: "If we do not acquire new F-16s , the Greek Rafale jets will hit us first"
🔸 The Turkish analyst on CNN Turk stated that Turkey intends to buy new F-16 (BLOCK 70) from the U.S and modernize 80 older units.
🔸 He then stated: "We do not have such modern jets, but Greece has. They have bought from France and continue to acquire more. That's why their purchase has value. If we do not get these aircraft, Greece will see our fighters before we see theirs. Greece will locate and strike our aircraft before we even see them"
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 For the first time, the number illegal immigrants living in the Lesvos camp of Kara Tepe has been reduced and now houses less than 1500
🔸 The immigrant camp initially housed an estimate of 9000 illegal immigrants and was extended previously to increase its capacity. Recently the Greek government has announced that an estimate of 1480 officially live in the camp, while 155 live in juvenile camps.
🔸 It is worth noting that 1/3 of the illegal immigrants in the island of Lesvos have legal documents (Asylum visas), which allow them to travel and they are expected to leave the island shortly
/GBG/🟢 The illegal immigrants that have left the island did not get deported, they instead were transferred to camps or villages in mainland Greece as part of a government move to reduce their presence in the islands and please its inhabitants that were asking for it for a very long time (mostly leftists live in the Greek islands of the Aegean)
🔴 Immigrant woman shot dead in Evros this Saturday (16)
🔸 The incident happened Saturday night in the Evros river, near Soufli. The Greek patrol located the illegal immigrants using thermal cameras, they were on board an inflatable boat carrying 11 people
🔸The troops tried to prevent them from crossing the river by making gestures and using spotlights. Shots were then fired from the Turkish side probably by Turkey's military
🔸 When the boat arrived the Greek side of the border, only 5 people were on board and one woman was found dead in the water. She was shot in the back at point blank distance with a .22 handgun, probably by the smuggler as such weapons are not used either by Greeks or Turks at the border
🔸 The 5 illegal immigrants on board were all Africans, most likely Ethiopians and have been transferred to Alexandroupolis, one of them was a "minor" and they paid 2000 Euros each to cross the border
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Boats with illegal immigrants heading towards the Greek island of Kos seen being escorted by drones
🔸 According with sources that have been verified by, boats with dozens of illegal immigrants have reached the island of Kos with Turkish drones following them.
🔸According with the report, the immigrants were being transported mostly to two areas in the island which have now been put under surveillance, but boats with illegal immigrants keep arriving. For the most part, the illegals arrive by boat, stay hidden in the woods for a while and then look for the authorities so that they would be sent to a camp and could apply for asylum
/GBG/🟢 It is likely that the drones are part of the smuggling operation so that the smugglers can advertise their services and also to record the "pushbacks" of Greece protecting its maritime borders
🔴 A Turkish human smuggler 'escaped' from the prison of Trikala
🔸 The 37-year-old human smuggler was, according to police sources, a leading member of a gang that transported illegal immigrants from Turkey to Greece
🔸 He was arrested and sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined 120,000 euros. The criminal received permission to leave the prison on 04/04/2022 (Monday) and had to go back to prison on 06/04/2022 (Wednesday)
/GBG/🟢 The justice system in Europe is obsolete, it was a system created to deal with honest people, who have honor and moral values, things that are virtually non-existent in the west in general. But expecting criminals to willingly go back to prison on a 20 year jail sentence is too stupid
🔴 As mentioned in a previous post, smugglers are still in full operation, not only in the mediterranean but also by land
🔸 Contrary to what Authorities such as FRONTEX and European Governments claim, illegal immigration and human smuggling has not been reduced. In fact, smugglers have become bolder, posting their faces in videos and pictures along with the supposed dates the images were taken
🔸 In the last image, the smugglers posted days in advance their itinerary of 09/04/2022 from Makri (Fethiye) to Rhodes
/GBG/ 🗂
With the second round of elections coming up this Sunday, and based on your responses to recent polls, let's give a quick who's who in terms of parties and some key people of these elections. Let's start with the main four:
🔵 New Democracy: Incumbent government. Traditionally had the base of the "popular right", these days it occupies the space of the centre, with economically and socially liberal policies. During their tenure as government, they handled the 2020 border crisis, the COVID pandemic, during which they enacted restrictions based on vaccination status, secured foreign and domestic investment, enacted policies of subsidies (called "passes"), for getting the vaccine, for shopping groceries or acquiring digital equipment.
🔸 In their pre-election programme for these elections, one key policy they seek to implement is the so-called "Family Ministry" with which they seek to tackle the demographic ageing issue (due to recent pressure from their right) and, curiously, also serve the needs of the homosexual community.
🟣 SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left) - Democratic Alliance: Opposition for the previous 4 years, and governed from 2015 to 2019. Used to be the typical coalition of minor radical leftist parties, with results in the single digits, until the two elections of 2012, at the peak of the economic crisis in the country, where it achieved double digit results, and in 2015, came to power in a coalition with the right-wing ANEL. As the success of the party came from Alexis Tsipras, their president, the character of the party changed to a more presidential style. Ideologically, they range anywhere between centre-left, as with their rise, and the parallel fall of PASOK, they absorbed a lot of opportunity-seeking former PASOK members, to far-left, due to members stemming from various minor radical left parties.
🔸 Their tenure as government was characterised by capital controls in 2015, the Prespes Agreement with FYROM, the attempt to separate Church and State (Tsipras was the first Prime Minister to take a civil oath instead of a religious one), an eventually overruled referendum over the acceptance of the (unneeded) third bailout, harsh austerity measures resulting from it, despite Tsipras' very vocal opposition to them when SYRIZA was in opposition. Recognition of homosexual partnerships, and high taxation. Their key points of their pre-election programme are a rise in taxation in order to fund more social programmes.
🟢 PASOK (Panhellenic Socialist Movement): The party that first brought the left to power in Greece, as well as the only party in the world that has a political syndrome named after it (see: Pasokification). Ideologically pinned to the centre-left, their return to popularity in the recent elections came from their new president, Nikos Androulakis, as well as the harsh (and largely unexpected) decline of SYRIZA, due to more moderate leftists being unable to accept SYRIZA's more polemic and scattered rhetoric. As far as policies are concerned, they are, perhaps purposefully, rather undefined.
🔸Governed in the 80s until the early 2000s, with small gaps. Their tenure as government was characterised by rapid economic growth. Participated in the coalition governments that enacted the first two bailouts after the 2009 economic crisis, and suffered in popularity ever since, getting single-digit results until the first elections of 2023.
🔴 KKE (Communist Party of Greece): The oldest party in Greece, with countless youth or syndicalist branches, and equal number of off-shoot (very) minor parties, like ML KKE (Marxist-Leninist KKE) and KKE ML (KKE Marxist-Leninist). Their results range between 5% to 7%. Their positions have remained largely unchanged in the past 80 years, with the party literature using the same vocabulary since the days of Stalin.
🔸Popular with the university youth, especially with their current president, but curiously, the election result always remains the same.
🔴 Smuggler arrested near the Greek island of Lemnos
🔸 The smuggler was transporting 39 immigrant in his boat, they used NGOs to contact European services of emergency and asked for assistance due to mechanical malfunction
🔸 A 33 year old man was arrested and was pointed out as being the smuggler, his nationality was not released but since the ship sailed from Turkey he is most likely a Turk
/GBG/🟢 News about immigration will increase since its a hot topic due to the shipwreck. That being said 2023's summer has been predicted to be one of the worse since 2015 with immigration in early 2023 being the highest since 2015 and 2016 (post here, here and here)
🔴 France will grant 26 million Euros to Tunisia to deal with immigration
🔸 French Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanen, announced that France will grant Tunisia 25.8 Million Euros to assist the country train their police and border guards to combat immigration as well as purchase gear
‼️ This will be added to the other 105 Million Euros promised by the the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to the country for the same reason
🔸 This comes a few days after the EU promised 20 Million Euros to Egypt
/GBG/🟢 This new method of offering money to reduce immigration will lead to bigger problems and a blackmail-like situation just like Turkey does where these countries will be able to use immigration waves to demand more money or allow millions to flood Europe
🔴 37 illegal immigrants found on a Turkish island in the Evros river
🔸 The illegals were spotted on the Turkish side of the border on an islet that is very close to the Greek border
🔸 The security at the border in this area has been strengthened despite them declaring that it was not an attempt to cross the border (obviously a lie)
/GBG/ 🗂
⚠️‼️ IMPORTANT ‼️⚠️
🔴 Update on shipwreck off Pylos
👉 previous post
🔸 After numerous allegations that 6 people had been killed on board, the Greek authorities were able to verify that the smugglers were beating the immigrants to maintain order, and also one incident where people were stabbed and reportedly 6 would have died, although no bodies or other proof were found
‼️ 8 of the smugglers are in custody while one is hospitalized, they're between 20 and 40 year old Egyptians (pictures above)
🇵🇰 Pakistan arrested 10 people suspected of human smuggling and the Prime Minister vowed to severely punish people involved with human smuggling
🚤 The boat had problems with its engine several times and they were out of food and water for two days, leading them to revolt and being punished by the smugglers. Not long after that the boat started taking water and tilting
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Update on shipwreck near Greece that had 750 illegal immigrants on board
👉 Previous post
🔸 According with authorities, these fishing boats sail from Libya to Italy all the time for the mast 2-3 years, carrying on average 300 - 500 illegal immigrants, usually from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and palestine
💸💵 One of the immigrants paid 4000 Dollars, another claims to have paid 1800 Euros
‼️ No woman or child has been rescued as of this moment, testimonies say they were all in the cargo area
🔸 6 men claimed to be minors (apparently the ones in the last image) despite yesterday's report saying all the rescued were adult men, rescuers from the coast guard also claim to only have seen men in the water
‼️ The smugglers were identified by the Greek authorities, 9 of them so far, all of Egyptian origin
🚤‼️ The ship came originally from Egypt only then going to Tobruk, Libya
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Afghans fight in downtown Athens, one seems to have a sword
🔸 The incident happened near Larisis station, in Athens, they use knives, throw rocks and one seems to have a sword. This is not something out of the ordinary, especially in neighborhoods plagued by immigrants
🔸 The police was not able to make arrests and one of the men was injured
/GBG/🟢 They can't even get along themselves, yet the average European still thinks a multicultural society is possible
🔴 EU council new Immigration Reform
‼️👉 PART 4/4
✳️ Curbing secondary displacements
🔺 All Asylum applications MUST be made at the country of first entry (Greece and Italy), limiting the possibilities of suspension or transfers so that they are unable to choose a country they want to apply for Asylum. The country of first entry will be responsible for the application for TWO YEARS. If a border country rejects the application at the border during the new #AsylumProcedure and the person re-applies, the country's responsibility for that person will expire after 15 months
🟢 The reform will make things worse and speed up mass immigration, benefitting countries that would rather pay to not receive them (as Germany proposed Greece before 👉POST HERE👈 and 👉HERE👈) as well as reducing the sovereignty of countries who refuse to accept them as well as send immigrants back to border countries if they move to other EU countries before or after being granted Asylum
👉 Previous
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Turkish defende minister accused NATO of putting sea mines in the black sea to pressure Turkey
🔸 Speaking at a meeting, the Turkish minister said "there are doubts as to whether the mines were found there by accident", and one theory he developed was that "it may be a NATO plan to pressure Turkey to allow the NATO ships to enter Black Sea"
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 The Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus (4th century BC), Argolis, Greece
The Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus (Peloponnese) is regarded as the best preserved ancient theatre in Greece in terms of its perfect acoustics and fine structure
It was constructed in the late 4th century BC and it was finalized in two stages. Originally the theatre had 34 rows of seats divided into 34 blocks by stairs and walkways.
Due to its incomparable acoustics, the actors can be perfectly heard by all 15,000 spectators. This is a superb example of classical theater with an orchestra and the circular area between the seats and the stage. The highest distance of the concave is 58 meters, while the diameter of the stage is 20 meters
A 27 year old Albanian "man" raped a 17 year old student he had met through Instagram.
The man is known to the authorities to be dangerous, and he had been released from imprisonment recently.
A comment from OP, towards all readers:
Trusting strangers like that is a recipe for disaster. You can never truly know who the other person is, and how wicked they really are. Stay safe.
🏰 3 years ago at this exact time of day, the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris started to burn. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary and a jewel of French Gothic architecture, it was built over a Roman temple to Jupiter and completed in 1260 after a century of labor.
🧭 Notre Dame is the point zéro of France, its historical and spiritual center. It has endured centuries of wars, extensive desecration during the French revolution, an attempted destruction during the end of the Paris Commune, and two world wars.
🕯The fate of Notre-Dame and of the French people is one and the same. And as both get damaged by modern tides, time will tell what will happen of them.
Je vous salue, Marie comblée de grâce
Le Seigneur est avec vous
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
Et Jésus votre enfant est béni
Sainte Marie, mère de Dieu
Priez pour nous, pauvres pêcheurs
Maintenant et à l'heure de la mort
Amen, Amen, Alléluia
Eros Sleeping
Greece, approx. 3 – 4 centuries BC
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA
🔴 "African communities of Ioannina and Filippiada immigrant camps" complain about their living conditions not being good enough and end their letter with an African proverb
🔸 The representatives of such "African community" have complained that they dont have proper access to education, support for disabled people and that the food is not adequate (illegal immigrants have always complained that the food is not good enough, we reported on it several times) and there was even a complaint that they were being racially segregated by the camp's staff and administrators
/GBG/🟢 The fact that there is an "African refugee" community in Greece says a lot about how broken the Asylum system is and how big the problem is when just about any economic immigrant gets to enter Europe, have access to welfare, free food, free housing and they still have the guts to demand more and more
🔴 Immigrants were arrested in Lesvos, Greece, with several fake ID cars inside their shoes
🔸 Two immigrants, aged 21 and 32 were arrested after disembarking from a boat in Lesvos. They had in their possession several fake ID cards which they intended to sell to illegal immigrants in Lesvos
🔸 The practice is well known, the fake ID cards would be enough for the illegals who bought them to freely travel to mainland Greece, where they would most likely try to cross other European borders towards Italy or attempt to fly to another region
👮🏻♂️ 6 fake ID cards were confiscated along with 4 phones and € 1.170,00 in cash
/GBG/ 🗂