Reporting mainly on Greek matters Content submissions or questions: @GBG_Submission_bot OUR MODERATORS WILL NEVER DM PEOPLE, THOSE ARE SCAMMERS Links (Pastebins, Documentary & Donate) Chat:
🔴 The Greek Government has not sent help to Orvilos, where a wildfire has been raging for over 26 days
🔸 According with the mayor of Sintiki, located in Serres, a wildfire has been raging across Mount Orvilos for over 26 days and not a single firefighting aircraft or other firefighting forces were sent to put it out
‼️ "The fire has been burning without strong winds for 4-5 days. We feel helpless and ask Athens to send aerial support to stop this fire. The fire has burned more than 20,000 acres of virgin forest. [...] We call on the citizens of our municipality to send a strong message to Athens that we need help ”
💭 This is yet another example of how grossly incompetent the current government is, although the fires are not something exclusive from ND-led governments but the situation has not improved in the eyes of most Greeks, with cases such as these showing how far such incompetence goes
🔴 Two fire engines were burned yesterday and a firefighter suffered injuries
🔸 Two fire engines were burned and one firefighter was injured in Voutza
🏥 The firefighter was injured in his arms and legs by the fire, suffering second degree burns in his hand and feet. He was transferred to the 251st General Hospital of Attica
🔸 31 people were reported to have been hospitalized due to breathing problems caused by the smoke
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Sweden introduced bill to force civil servants to report illegal immigrants to authorities
🔸 Up to one million civil servants will be obligated to report to the authorities any contact with undocumented immigrants, be them students or medical patients
🔸 Parties against the measure are making the average emotional arguments calling the measure inhumane and some claims that immigrants said they might consider excluding themselves from the healthcare system
💭 This is the kind of bill that should be implemented across Europe not just to civil servants but to every service in order to make sure to curb illegal immigration, perhaps requiring the identity and visa to immigrants just as it is required to provide ID to native citizens
💭 This should be seen as an example and hopefully implemented in more countries across Europe, with deportation being mandatory in these cases
🔴 Smuggling ring arrested in Rhodes
🔸 The smuggling ring operated in Rhodes and advertised their services on TikTok and Whatsapp, they were caught while renting a home in Rhodes to hide the immigrants before supplying them with fake documents so they could fly to other EU countries
‼️ The smugglers were charging between 3.000 and 4.000 Euros per immigrant to supply them with fake documents and also schedule their trips to other countries
🔸 The smugglers were reported to be 3 Syrians aged 20 and 22 year old, all three were using fake passports from Romania and Belgium
🔸 The home was rented through Booking
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 "Ghost Landings" continue in Rhodes, with dozens of immigrants arriving daily
🔸 The video in question, posted by one of the immigrants arriving to Rhodes at night through a graveyard
🔸 The graveyard in question being "Taxiarchis" which has several security cameras
🔸 The same day (05/08) several reports were made that about 20 illegal immigrants were spotted in the north of Rhodes. It was later discovered the illegals were heading towards Gennadi and Katavia.
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 The truth behind the islamic problem of Europe
👉 see previous post for context HERE
🔸 The previous post details how muslims in Germany are being radicalized by mosques and have been joining gangs even at early ages.
‼️ That on itself is not a problem exclusive to Germany, although sadly the documentation of such phenomenon is very scarce, it is perceptible everywhere in Europe, be that Greece, Sweden, France, Italy, UK or Germany
🇬🇷 In Greece specifically, gangs of muslims have been covered in this channel extensively before, including a recent post (🖇 post HERE) of a gang of pakistanis where minors participate in violent attacks and robberies, something that has become a daily occurrence across Greece anywhere where immigrants gather, the same pattern emerges everywhere
🇵🇱 A great example of how to fix the problem is Poland, although under a government that calls itself "progressive" while jailing the opposition, Poland has for many years remained a very safe countries with no terrorist attacks for refusing to accept the EU's fake "refugees" and also acted to decisively punish bad actors
🏛 The common denominator between the fact that the same problem is happening across Europe is not quite islam, but the governments inability or unwillingness to make decisions that actually have effect over the problem, something also noted by UAE Foreign Minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, in 2017 (🖇 source HERE and 🎥 HERE)
🔸 That is not to defend Islam, a religion that is in this admin's view is diametrically opposed to Western values and society itself, a religion that has always spread by the sword and has as one of its main goals, conquest, but I digress
🔸 That being said, the fact that the EU created rules that make it nearly impossible to actually deport by force immigrants and the fact that pernicious organizations have been protecting immigrants regardless of their actions and turning any prosecution and investigation into a spectacle and accusing the ones who want to fix problems as racists has made the already cowardly governments even more scared of taking action
🔺 The only real solution is a complete change of attitude of the naive population who still altruistically thinks most "refugees" are good people despite the vast majority of them not even willing to get a job and the soaring crime rates that changed how European societies function.
🔺 The above must lead to a deep change in government in which hard and direct measures must be taken to solve problems affecting society especially when the main factors are foreign individuals and organizations that aim to disrupt society. Society must exert pressure over the government to cause these changes to make it so that the governments would fear public outrage more than they fear being called bad words by rich hippies
‼️ A previous post also detailed how Greeks have a near absolute distrust for the government and it raises the question of how is it possible that such a government with so little support is able to keep operating (🖇 post here). With all the abusive measures being passed by European governments it is also easy to assume that similar conditions also exist in many countries across Europe and must change
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Welfare for immigrants in Germany has surged
🔸 According with data, in 2010, immigrants represented 19% of people on welfare, in 2023, immigrants represent over 47% of people on welfare
🔸 The number of Germans receiving Welfare is going down while the number of immigrants receiving welfare is going up, the example cited is that in the spring of 2024 around 26,010 Germans left the welfare program while 61,034 immigrants entered the program
💭 The same is also probably true for the rest of Europe, including Greece, most illegal immigrants do not work and the few that do, are often working irregularly (unregistered) which leads to other problems in itself
🔴 Video shows Turkish Coast Guard escorting illegal immigrants into Greek Waters
🔸 The video recorded by someone inside a boat carrying illegal immigrants, being followed closely by the Turkish Coast Guard, something that has been recorded many times before.
💭 Meanwhile the Greek government will avoid any sort of criticism regarding Turkey's poor job at fulfilling the immigration deal with Europe by allowing and in many times such as in this video, assisting the smugglers to reach Europe, their excuse is to 'maintain good relations'
🔴 The insanity of the current ruling government of Greece on immigration
🔸 When reality contradicts the narrative of the government, what is left are insane statements as an excuse for their sheer incompetency
💬 "If we exclude part of the SE Aegean, the immigration flows to the country are controlled"
🔴 A boat with 66 illegal immigrants 'rescued' by the Greek Coast Guard south of Santorini
🔸 A boat carrying 66 illegal immigrants, mostly Kurds from Iraq, called for help from the Greek Coast Guard while at 16 nautical miles from Santorini
🔸 The illegals were 'rescued' and they were taken to the Greek island of Kos for the process of registration and identification in which they will most likely request Asylum
‼️ The boat set sail from Halicarnassus (present day Bodrum, Turkey), a common spot for smugglers to set sail from
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Massive wildfires raging across the Greek island of Kos
🔸 The fires have been going on since Sunday and have become worse Monday due to strong winds that made the fires spread a lot faster
🔸 Tourists and residents were advised to leave certain areas and many public buildings such as stadiums have been opened as shelters
🔸 According with reports the fires were affecting homes in the region of Kardamena, there were no official updates regarding how many homes were burned or saved
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Immigrant arrested twice for arson in less than 15 days
🔸 The immigrant was arrested on 16/06 and released last week, on 30/06 a few days after his release he was arrested once again trying to start another fire in the region of Rafina, Athens
🔸 The man of an undisclosed foreign origin was also fined €8,538
/GBG/ 🗂
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ATTENTION ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
👉 Due to the growing number of people reporting this, we would like to remind all of our subscribers that this channel will not get in contact with any of you, especially to talk about matters that involve money
👉 Scammers often impersonate channels and DM people
🔴 Greece to support the candidacy of anti-Greek Feridun Sinirlioglu to the OSCE
🔸 Greece will support the candidacy of extreme Turkish nationalist Feridun Sinirliogu to the post of Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
‼️ Greece will support the candidacy of the Turkish candidate in exchange for Turkey to support Greece's candidacy for the post of Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODHIR) through Maria Telalian
🔸 ODHIR records violations of the rule of law, of democratic principles, human and minority rights as well as observes elections, reviews legislation and advises governments on how to develop and sustain democratic institutions
🔸 Maria Telaian has been the Legal Adviser of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Head of the the Legal Department since 2013
💭 Betraying the Greek people is the only consistent thing of the current government
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 Palestinians arrested for espionage in the Greek island of Leros
🔸 4 Palestinians were arrested this saturday in Leros under espionage charges
🔸 The men aged 24, 34, 31 and 39 were first spotted at 1:00 am by a security guard of the nearby immigrant camp
‼️ They were taking pictures of a naval base in the island, which was later confirmed after their arrest and investigated by a forensics team
‼️ The base in question is the Naval Technical Facilities Service of Leros (YNTEL/ΥΝΤΕΛ)
🔸 No further information has been released yet
⚠️ In 2021, despite protests from locals, the government started the building of a massive immigration camp which is located at about 1km of the military base in question
/GBG/ 🗂
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 First fatal victim of wildfire found in Patima Vrilissias
🔸 Authorities were previously looking for a woman, reportedly 65 years old that worked at a business in one of the areas affected by the fire. Since then the woman's cell phone signal was lost and it was inactive
🔸 It is not yet confirmed if the body belongs to the missing 65 year old but it is very likely, some speculate that she got trapped
‼️ From Sunday to Monday a total of 4 firefighters were injured, 2 of them were sent to the hospital for further treatment
/GBG/ 🗂
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 Massive wildfire in Attica
🔸 The wildfire named as Barnabas has been going on for days in the region of Attica and have reportedly burned over 100.000 Acres of land, affecting businesses and homes in the region
‼️ Businesses and homes in Vrilissia and Penteli are burning. One woman was also reported missing in Penteli
⚠️ Italy, France and the Czech Republic have deployed assistance through EU mechanisms
🇫🇷 France will send one Super Puma helicopter with water dropping capabilities, scheduled to arrive in Greece tonight
🇮🇹 Italy has sent two Canadair Firefighting Aircraft scheduled to arrive to Greece by Tuesday morning
🇨🇿 The Czech Republic have sent 75 firefighters and 25 fire trucks, including 9 water trucks, with arrival expected on Tuesday
🔸 Spain is expected to offer assistance soon along with Turkey
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Over 3.300 illegal immigrants entered Greece between June and July
🔸 According with government data, over 3.300 illegal immigrants were registered entering Greece between June and July, the Greek Coast Guard itself performed 171 "rescues" of immigrants at sea and 117 smugglers were arrested, while 60 boats were seized
‼️ Smugglers have also been demanding more money, which has now risen to an average of 4.500 Euros per person, meaning the business of smuggling immigrants keeps becoming more attractive to criminals
🔸 Between June 2023 and June 2024, around 58.600 illegal immigrants were registered entering Greece
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Turkish Court Reveals the location of a secret base near Greek Border
🔸 The Turkish Civil Court of First Instance in Edirne, listed an apartment on July 19, it was under a "special security zone" since 2021
ℹ️ The "Special Security Zone" is a designation that the Turkish Intelligence Agency MIT may create around it's 'secret bases', the area is comprised of a 400m radius, all properties inside such area must be vetted by the agency in case they are sold, no foreign individuals or entities nor Turkish citizens deemed a risk to Turkey may buy a property inside such zone
‼️ The apartment in question is located at Yildiz Cesme street, in the Ortacukur neighborhood of Adrianople (Edirne)
‼️ Only a 10 minute drive from the border crossing near the Greek city of Kastanies
🔸 The court document is either from a liquidation or legal dispute in which the court ordered the property's sale through a public auction and must by law provide all information
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 75 illegal immigrants "rescued" in the Ionian sea
🔸 The ship carrying 75 illegal immigrants, most from Iraq, sent a distress signal while in the Ionian sea (between Greece and Italy)
🔸 The ship was "rescued" by the Greek Coast Guard and taken to the port of Katakolo in the Peloponnese
🎥 The video in question was recorded by the immigrants in the ship
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 German charity says Europe must stop admitting 'refugees'
🔸 The charity called "Die Arche" (the ark) has said that Germany is now at a breaking point.
👁 "Die Arche" is a Christian charity which operates in 33 locations in Germany and has been active for over 20 years, supporting an estimate of 7000 children with immigrant background or from poor families
⚠️ Wolfgang Büscher, the spokesman for Die Arche said that the German system has collapsed due to the influx of refugees and is no longer able to provide help. Another worker called Josi claims that "integration has failed"
‼️ Büscher also noted that among the youngsters being helped by the charity, the ones of Arab origin are becoming more radicalized and criminalized by the day
Young Muslim adolescents in particular show what goes wrong with integration. Eleven-year-olds are already running around with knives here
Come to us if you don't like the Germans. It's better with us
I was told that the parents are afraid that our Western values could spread to the young girls [...] they would then no longer be allowed to come to us. We no longer reach these families. They live in a bubble, in a different system
🔴 Illegal immigrants being deported from Germany to Greece
‼️ Germany has been using the Dublin Regulation (as predicted) to deport illegal immigrants who moved there after reaching Europe, in this case to Greece.
🔸 The Dublin Regulation is an EU immigration law that allows countries to send illegal immigrants back to the first country they entered through and makes those countries the only ones responsible for approving the Asylum Application. Countries where immigrants apply for Asylum after that can deport them back to the first country
🔸 In many cases, illegal immigrants apply for Asylum in countries such as Greece and Italy to prevent deportation but move to Germany, France or UK and apply for asylum there once again to avoid deportation and stay there until their application is finished
👉 Breakdown of regulation here (🖇 Post here)
/GBG/ 🗂
⚠️‼️ IMPORTANT ‼️⚠️
🔴 Only 27% of Greeks trust the justice system
⚖️ Justice: A recent poll shows that trust in the Justice System in Greece is the worse it has been for the past 15 years, with only 27% of the population showing trust in the system
🏛 Parliament: Another poll also shows the trust in the parliament as being the lowest since 2011 (prior to bailout) with only 18% of the population trusting the Greek Parliament
🗳 Political Parties: Political parties remain as a completely discredited institution in Greece, with only 9% of the public trust, being at the same level of 2008
👮🏻♂️ Police: The police is also distrusted by most of the Greek Population, with 54% saying they do not trust the police but with a rate of trust of 43%
🪖 Military: The military is the only institution trusted by the majority, with the trust of 67% of the Greek population
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 70 years since the british said "Never" to the independence of Cyprus
🔸 Yesterday completed 70 years since the British Minister of Colonies, Henry Hopkinson said that Cyprus could Never expect to be fully independent
💬 “there can be no question of any change of sovereignty in Cyprus. There are certain territories in the Commonwealth which, owing to their particular circumstances, can never expect to be fully independent”
🔴 Two big fishing ships loaded with immigrants arrived to Greece and Italy this week
🔸🇬🇷 On 08/07 a fishing boat with 283 illegal immigrants was escorted to the island of Gavdos, south of Crete. The island has a native population of around 120 people
🔸🇮🇹 On 09/07 a fishing boat with an estimated of at least 500 people was spotted 40 nautical miles from Portopalo di Capo Passero, Sicily. The boat apparently set sail from Sirte, Libya.
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Cyprus: 50 Syrians fought with each other in a family feud
🔸 According with reports the massive brawl happened between two families of immigrants from Syria, one family with around 30 people and another with 20
🔸 The fight started because of a discussion happening in Vasileos Pavlou Street, in Limassol
‼️ 6 cars were damaged and two of the people involved had to be taken to a hospital, a 26 year old and a 41 year old
⚠️ 5 arrest warrants were issued
/GBG/ 🗂
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 Illegal immigrant raped and strangled 16 y.o girl WHILE their boat sank
🔸 On June 17, a sailboat with 70 people on board (Iraqi-Iranian Kurds and Afghans) that set sail from Halicarnassus (Bodrum, Turkey), sank 120 nm (222km / 138 mi) east of Calabria, Italy.
‼️ 12 people survived
🔸 The sailboat left from the city of Gundogan, an area full of 5 star hotels
‼️ According with witnesses, the 27 year old Iraqi man raped and killed the 16 year old Iranian girl after seeing his wife and daughter drawn, he did so in front of her mother that also survived and reported it to the police
🔸 The man has been arrested
⚠️ Both videos are from the boat in question, first leaving the Turkish coast and then sinking in the Mediterranean
💭 The sheer silence already shows the absurdity that Europe lives through, where cases of such barbaric crimes are now commonplace, in the name of diversity of course
🔴 Cyprus is set to block the appointment of Turkish Feridun Sinirlioglu to the OSCE
🔸 Cyprus is set to break the tacit process of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and prevent the appointment of Feridun Sinirlioglu as the Secretary General
🔸 The mere protest by Cyprus flags that there is no unanimity and therefore the candidate will not be appointed. The reason being that Turkey does not recognize Cyprus as a country and also illegally occupies the island
‼️ in 2023, the current Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, appointed Feridun Sinirlioglu as Special Coordinator
💭 Cyprus is finally using the powers that they have to do something
🔴 Assassination in Greece shows the vulnerability of the Asylum system
‼️ Turkish gangsters have been fleeing to Greece and applying for asylum, which gets them released very fast, they move somewhere else and keep operating as a criminal organization
🔸 Two Turks in Piraeus victims of an assassination attempt (Samet O. and Mehmet B.) are connected to 'Ramazam B.' the leader of a Turkish drug trade ring with 14 warrants that was arrested in May in Thessaloniki
🔸 Two other gangsters crossed the Evros border in 2023 and were released after applying for Asylum, they immediately fled to Crete and rented a Luxury Villa in Chania. Upon their arrest, weapons and ammo were found, while their leader was in Athens
🔸 A Turkish gang smuggling goods has also been recently taken down under similar circumstances
‼️ Criminals are exploiting the Asylum laws and using Europe as a place to hide and grow their networks, a full reform is necessary
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 SYRIZA released a video celebrating World Refugee Day featuring the wife of a Muslim Brotherhood member
🔸 SYRIZA (radical leftist party) released a video to show support for the 'world refugee day' and they featured Anna Stamou, the wife of Naim Elghandour, a prominent figure of the Muslim Brotherhood in Greece and president of the Muslim Association of Greece (MAG/MEE)
ℹ️ The Muslim Brotherhood in Greece are strong supporters of Mohamed Morsi and Erdogan
🔸 In a seminar held in Turkey and attended by Anna Stamou, titled "Human rights violations faced by muslims" organized by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Turkish ministry accused Greece of persecuting the muslims minority of Thrace and called on countries that are members of OIC to show a strong reaction against Greece because of that
/GBG/ 🗂