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‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 The Emperor of Immigrant Smuggling assassinated in Libya
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🔸 First and foremost, Al Bidja, operated in the Haftar controlled side, which is supported by Europe
⚠️ Al Bidja was assassinated this Sunday 01/09
‼️ He used to work at the Turkish base in Janzour
🔸 The former head of counter-espionage and counter-terrorism for the Italian intelligence service, claims that the Russian military intelligence service GRU was working with Bidja to control immigration in the Mediterranean
🔸 He started his career as a Coast Guard officer in Zawiya, where he built his criminal network and earned the nickname "emperor of smuggling" as well as the fame for being powerful and violent
‼️ In 2017 he attended a meeting between Italian and Libyan officials at the camp of Cara di Mineo, in Catania, Italy
🔸 In 2021 he was arrested but released after 4 months and even promoted to commander of the Libyan Naval Academy
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 This weekend, another 60 illegal immigrants arrived to Greece
🔸 The boat with around 60 illegal immigrants arrived to Katakolon, Greece. The immigrants were heading towards Italy but were "rescued" in the Ionian Sea as they made a distress signal 50 nautical miles west of Zakynthos
‼️ Most of them are seemingly from Iran, the precise ages and origins were not disclosed but there are men, women and children among the group
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Elderly Woman robbed twice by the same immigrant in a day
🔸 An 86 year old was woken up by an immigrant at the foot of her bed, demanding money and jewelry. The man beat the elderly woman and threatened to kill her the next day if she went to the police
🔸 After the rober was gone, the woman went to her daughter's house which is next door, where the robber appeared shortly after, once again robbing the house and threatening both of them
‼️ The criminal is a 40 year old Albanian who has been arrested several times for robberies and drug-related crimes, crossing the border to reach Greece each time
💭 This week has perfectly showcased both the barbaric nature of mass immigration as well as the sheer incompetence of the Greek Justice system, with multiple cases of known criminals being released or in this case re-arrested
🔴 The pakistanis arrested for the rape of the South African tourist have already been released
👉 Previous Post for context
🔸 The three Pakistanis that had been finally identified and arrested last Saturday (24/08) after being on the loose for almost two months have been released without any restrictions (neither house arrest nor monitoring)
🔸 All three men confessed to the crime
‼️ The police also seized their phones which had videos of the rape, according to reports, the video shows the 23 year old victim unconscious
💭 The leniency of European countries have towards criminals especially immigrants only encourages bad actors and reinforces their feelings of impunity, nowhere else in the world would rapists be released even with video evidence being found and nowhere else in the world do criminals get such light sentences regardless of the crimes they commit
💭 Penal codes in Europe MUST become a lot harsher, it should be a priority
🔴 Greek Coast Guard Officer claims 8000 immigrants arrived to Greece in two months
🔸 An interview made shortly before the incident where an immigrant was shot dead by the Greek Coast Guard, an officer identified as "K" talked about how immigrant smugglers using "speedboats" have been able to operate with more success
🔸 The officer explained in detail how these smaller, lighter and faster boats, usually also used by drug dealers in the Ionian Sea, have been increased the number of people being smuggled into Europe by a lot, with them being small and light enough to land in shallower waters and flee faster than regular boats including the Greek CG boats
‼️ The officer explained how these boats managed to deliver almost 8000 illegal immigrants in the last two months
⚠️ Over 200 similar incidents were recorded in 2024, in one of them a Turkish smuggler was shot in the abdomen and in another the smugglers shot at the Greek Coast Guard
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Dutch tourists attacked by immigrants in Crete
🔸 Last Friday, two men from Sudan attempted to rape a 19 year old Dutch tourist girl while she was at a rocky beach with her boyfriend
🔸 The victims say that in the early hours of Friday, after partying, they went to the rocky beach and were attacked by two Sudanese immigrants that were hiding to ambush them
‼️ The male victim tried to fight them off but was attacked by them. One of the immigrants tried raping the girl
🔸 The both of their struggles and screams led the attackers to flee. After reporting it to the local police station the authorities were able to arrest both attackers
💭 Some Europeans are yet to realize that they dont live in a civilized and safe continent anymore
🔴 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Turkey, destroyed in 356 BC
🔸 The temple was once considered one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.
🔺 It was double the size of other temples, including the Parthenon
🔺 It had 127 columns that stood at 18m tall (60 ft) each
🔺 It was extremely well decorated with incredible statues and carvings
🔺 The statue of Artemis was made of ebony and gold, adorned with multiple breasts, symbolizing fertility and abundance
🔸 Some carvings and statues still exist
🏛🌊 7th century BC - A flood affected the area and caused massive damage to the temple, something that proves it's use as a sacred place dating back to the Bronze Age
🏛🔥 356 BC - A man called Herostratus burned the temple seeking fame, the term "Herostratic fame" was used after that to denote the pursuit of recognition or infamy through destructive actions
🏛🔥 262AD - The Goth Invasion raided the city of Ephesus and set fire to the temple once again, making it, the temple's final destruction
/GBG/ 🗂
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 Gypsies steal from Greek Military Base that was hit by Daniel Storm in 2023
🔸 As described by Hellas Journal, the Stefanovikeio airfield, a strategic military airfield was in part heavily damaged by the Daniel Storm that hit Europe in September 2023, some fear that something similar could still happen again
🔸Despite claiming to have images and deciding not to publish them, they described the situation the airfield is in
🔸 Part of the airfield remained flooded for months, some parts still are, with several buildings and equipment being damaged or lost. Important equipment and vehicles were safe and are being stored in areas that were not affected. Over 100 helicopters were moved to safe areas
⚠️ Due to draughts, the water has been receding
‼️ The article discusses how some groups gypsies ofc rush to the airfield when more buildings are out of the water to steal objects such as tools or metals, entering with trucks and even machinery
/GBG/ 🗂
🔸 Europeans must change the way they currently act and take stronger stances to prevent scenes like these from becoming common
🔸 Be that by forming new political alternatives, lobbying more efficiently for anti-immigration policies or getting ready for the chaos that awaits Europe in the following decade
🔸 Whatever is being done today, hardly has any effect, even parties that swore to be anti-immigration and even some politicians who were extremely anti-islam have changed that stance significantly once they got the votes they wanted
🔸 Simply protesting with banners and asking for change does not work, asking the government to support the natives does not work, asking the government to give you security does not work, asking the government to not arrest people for online posts does not work
🔸 Europeans should start moving instead of asking someone to do it for them
🔸 Do not let your people become victims of idleness
‼️Video from North Lodge Park, Darlington, UK
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Areas affected by wildfire increased over 330%
🔸 Data shows that in the last 4 years, 2020-2024, there was an increase of 331,20% in the land areas that have been burned between the years of 2015-2019
🔸 Despite the drastic spending increase of 310% to lease aerial firefighting vehicles, it has not contributed to equally efficient firefighting capabilities
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Bulgarian Mafia shoots restaurant staff in Halkidiki
🔸 Last saturday, a fight broke out between known Bulgarian criminals and a bar owner, the customers also shot in the air, and used chairs, bats and knives against their victims which consist of waiters and the owner
🔸 The leader of the thugs, Kiril Kirov (aka Kircho Ruskia), is part of "Taki's Hammers" mafia organization that is led by Christophoros Amanatidis "Takis". Kiril is considered Bulgaria's Escobar
‼️ Kiril's bodyguards shot two people and severely beat one, one of the victims is in critical state while the one beaten is not in danger
⚠️ It was also revealed that the Bulgarian organized crime has invested in businesses not only in Halkidiki but also other areas in Greece
‼️ The gang was also linked to Ruja Ignatova, who laundered their money through OneCoin under Takis. She was accused of Wire Fraud estimated in 4.5 Billion USD and was reportedly killed in her yacht near Corfu island
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Athens, 2024, "colorized"
🔸 Anyone that still denies that Europe is being invaded is a traitor
/GBG/ 🗂
⚠️‼️ IMPORTANT ‼️⚠️
🔴 The fire in Attica has burned 25,731 Acres (10,413 hectares) of land and damaged 1200 homes
🔸 The fire started on 11/08, reaching the village of Barnabas with flames up to 25 meters
🗺🔍 A new map from Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping service from 15/08 shows that a total of 1,238 buildings were affected and an area of 10,413 Hectares (25,731 Acres) has been in some areas completely destroyed
🗺🔎 Another map from GeoEye-1 shows something similar (second image) with the most active areas marked
/GBG/ 🗂
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 How 'refugees' in Germany exploit the system and make trips to their home countries
🔸 An investigation revealed how 'refugees' in Germany fool the system and travel back to to their home countries
‼️ According with the current Conventions, if a person who received refugee status travels back to their home country or enters that country's embassy, they should lose their asylum status
🔸 The German government issues a "blue pass" (Blauen Pass) which is a passport for refugees, so they could go anywhere BUT their homelands
🔸 The investigation uncovered that Afghans (in this example) travel use Iran's 'Double Entry Visa' in order to make it seem like their stopover in Iran was the destination, that way they get entry stamps in Iran and Afghanistan
🔸 According with reports, people from Afghanistan travel to their homeland weekly. Around 400,000 people with Afghan citizenship lived in Germany last year, around 60,000 of whom have the Blue Pass
‼️ The way to exploit the system is that the visas are not secured in the Blue Pass as they would in a regular one, but instead are loose sheets of paper that can get thrown away before returning to Germany, that way German authorities will only see Iran as a final destination
⚠️ The Blue Pass has been a source of scandal in the past with another report showing that 'refugees' sell their documents on Facebook on a daily basis to people in other countries in order for them to move elsewhere in Europe while not having asylum (🖇source)
/GBG/ 🗂
⚠️‼️ IMPORTANT ‼️⚠️
🔴 37% of forests in Attica burned in the last 8 years
🔸 From 2017 to 2024, 13 wildfires in Attica burned over 175 000 Acres of forest (707,91 km²) according with Copernicus Fast Mapping Service
🔸 Due to the combination of unrelated problems and now the wildfire tragedies, paired with the public being dissatisfied with the Greek Government, anger against the government's lack of decision and incompetence has become widespread
💭 The current Greek Prime Minister was first elected in 2019, and the situation has obviously not improved, although as the data also shows, such wildfires are not something exclusive to the current ND government, but still show a possible unwillingness or lack of interest in trying to solve this problem
🔴 Growing concerns around Chinese investments in European Seaports, especially Greek Piraeus
🔸 The Greek Port of Piraeus was acquired by the Chinese state-owned company, China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO), in 2016. It initially purchased a 51% stake in the port and later increased it to 67% in 2021
🔸 COSCO’s significant influence over the port’s operations and its expansion plans has limited competition and given the company some control over maritime trade in the region
🔸 Piraeus is the 14th-largest port in Europe and one of the biggest in the Mediterranean
🔸 There are reports about illegal activities at Piraeus Port, particularly involving Chinese-owned firms, mostly of smuggling and import of counterfeit goods usually clothing and footwear
🔸 The potential for espionage and surveillance is a major concern. Chinese companies could use their access to record sensitive information, their investments could lead to further dependency
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 NGOs and their fake "rescues"
🔸 In this case we see "Sea Watch 5" a boat from the German "Sea Watch" NGO
‼️ There is an absolute lack of a search movement pattern, the NGO boat goes straight to a specific spot and in this case "rescued" a 4 boats with 289 illegal immigrants in total
🔸 Sea Watch 5 is now en route to Civitavecchia, Rome
💭 This is nothing new or surprising, the NGOs have been caught doing everything from helping smugglers to sending workers to areas where smugglers tend to leave from in order to contact smuggling rings
💭 It shows that Europe, be that individual countries or the union, by funding such NGOs is directly funding the transport of illegal immigrants as well as strengthening immigrant smugglers
🔴 The two sudanese immigrants arrested for attempted rape have been released
👉 Previous post for context
🔸 The two Sudanese immigrants aged 20 and 23 were released Tuesday under the condition that they do not leave Greece and appear at the police station once a month
🔸 The two men were arrested after the attempted rape of a 19 year old Dutch tourist and the assault against her boyfriend, which happened around 5 am last friday (23/08), where the immigrants ambushed the couple at a beach, assaulted her boyfriend and tried to rape the woman
💭 Yes, this happened the same day that the 3 pakistani rapists were also released in Mykonos for raping a 23 year old South African tourist
💭 Any faith in the European justice system is pure delusion, the victims are not receiving any justice
🔴 Pakistanis arrested for raping a 23 year old South African Tourist in Mykonos
🔸 The crime happened on June 30, but the attackers remained unknown until last saturday when the police screened several people that had been detained during a protest by Pakistanis
🔸 The criminals are now under police custody
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 After being blessed by Pope Francis, the NGO "Mediterranea Saving Humans" returns to business
🇻🇦✝️ "I wish you the best and I send my blessing to the crew of Mediterranea Saving Humans and to Migrants. I pray for you. Thank you so much for your testimony. May the Lord bless you and Our Lady keep you. Fraternally, Francesco" - Pope Francis
⚠️‼️ IMPORTANT ‼️⚠️
🔴 One illegal immigrant killed after Greek Coast Guard shot at their boat
🔸 Last Friday, during routine patrol, a Greek Coast Guard vessel located a suspicious boat that did not obey their commands, the boat started to speed up in an attempt to flee back to the Turkish coast and also made dangerous maneuvers near the Greek CG Ship in order to make them retreat due to the risk of ramming
‼️ The Greek Coast Guard fired warning shots which still did not make the smuggler boat stop or comply. After that the decision was made to shoot at the boat's engine to immobilize it (common procedure)
‼️ After the boat was immobilized and upon investigation, the authorities discovered that a 39 year old man had been fatally wounded
⚠️ A total of 14 illegal immigrants were on board, 8 adult men, 1 woman and 5 "minors". Their nationalities were not disclosed
💭 And that is how nothing of value was lost during that patrol
🔴 Another boat with 64 illegal immigrants arrived to Crete
🔸 A wooden boat with 64 illegal immigrants, all adult males, arrived to Crete earlier this week. According with initial reports, most of them claim to be Egyptians and others say they are Syrians and Palestinians
🔸 The illegals left from Tobruk and sent an SOS signal at 50 nautical miles from Lerapetra, Crete. They were picked up by a tanker and taken to Crete
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 UN personnel tried to escort illegal immigrants into Cyprus through the buffer zone
🔸 This monday, a group of illegal immigrants tried to enter Cyprus by pretending to protest
🔸 According to Menelaos Savva, the leader of the community of Avlona (currently occupied), the immigrants were holding sings demanding access to asylum procedures, something they have been demanding after the UNHCR set up a camp in the buffer zone
‼️ The protestors, he added, were moving in an organized manner, carrying bags with their belongings and accompanied by members of the United Nations (UNFICYP staff) towards the village of Akaki
🔸 Mr. Menelaos called the authorities and the Cypriot Ministry of Immigration, which were quick to send police officers to the region and prevent the immigrants from entering Cyprus
⚠️ After 5 hours, the illegal immigrants returned to their tents and stopped protesting
👉 Previous post on the UN turning the buffer zone into a camp
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Colossus of Rhodes, digitally reconstructed
🔸 The giant bronze statue represented the Hellenic God Helios, it was described as being 33 metres (108 feet) tall
🔸 Destroyed in 226 BC by an earthquake, the destroyed statue remained at the bottom of the sea for centuries
🔸 After during the arab invasions of the Byzantine Empire, Arab general Mu’awiya I ordered the scraps of the statue to be melted in 654 AD, after the arab invasions to the island that began in 653 AD and led to the conquest of the island
🔸 The metal of the statue was sold to a Jewish merchant of Edessa, who transported it on 900 camels according with accounts of the time
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 The case of Ruja Ignatova, the 'Crypto Queen' that went missing
🔸 Complementing the previous post, Ruja Ignatova was linked to the Bulgarian Mafia, more specifically to their leader Christophoros Amanatidis "Takis", who led a brutal gang that controls drug trafficking in Bulgaria and now lives in Dubai
🔸 Ruja laundered money through her companies OneCoin which operated as a Ponzi scheme
🔸 Ruja disappeared in 2017 after being tipped off, many arrests were made but Ruja was nowhere to be found even despite being on FBI's most wanted list and rewards for information leading to her arrest. Many people were murdered during the investigation
‼️ An informant claims, Ruja was murdered under the orders of Takis in 2018, in a yacht she was living near the Greek island of Corfu, with bodyguards supplied by Takis. Her body was reportedly dumped in the Ionian sea
🔸 Kiril Kirov (🖇previous post) was seen as Takis right hand since that time
/GBG/ 🗂
⚠️‼️ IMPORTANT ‼️⚠️
🔴 The fire at Mount Orvilos is still burning after over 27 days
🔸 Mount Orvilos is located at the border between Greece and Bulgaria
🔸 The fire started at 18/07 and has so far burned 2,965 Acres (1,200 Hectares) in total, a portion of it in Greece and another portion in Bulgaria
💣🔥💥 Due to the fires, explosions are being heard, likely a result from old war supplies and other materials that likely date back to the World War II and the military has isolated some of the regions where such explosives might be
🇬🇷 2,199 Acres (890 Hectares) are in Greece
🇧🇬 766 Acres (310 Hectares) are in Bulgaria
‼️ The residents of the nearby village as well as the local government say that they feel abandoned due to the complete lack of firefighting resources sent to the area
🎥 The video above shows the progression of the fire, credits to
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Pakistanis celebrate their country's independence in Kotzias Square, Athens
🔸 In yet another show of inhuman levels of stupidity, Pakistanis in Greece celebrated their country's independence day in Kotzias Square, even flying the Pakistani flag and singing their national anthem, turning the square into a ghetto
⚠️ Present at the "celebration" was Javed Aslam, a pakistani who was arrested by Interpol on 2006 in Athens. The warrant issued by Pakistan accused him of smuggling illegal immigrants from Pakistan to Greece and also illegal immigration. He filed an Asylum application at that time and was ultimately given Asylum in Greece, seen as the "president of the pakistani community of Greece"
‼️ Also present was Petros Konstantinou, a member of ANTARSYA (The Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow) a radical left coalition. Petros stood in attention to the pakistani anthem
💭 The biggest problem in the west are the traitors within
🔴 The current "Barnabas" fire in Attica is the worse in the region since 2009
🔸 The current fire is the second worse to affect the region, only losing to a fire from 2009 which also affected the same areas which currently overlap in 60%
🔸 The fire that occurred in 2009 burned an area estimated to be around 13 054 Hectares of land (32 257 Acres) while the current one is estimated to have burned 9 948 Hectares (24 582 Acres) so far, which could increase since it has not yet been controlled
🔺 39% of the area seems to be forests
🔺 9.5% areas in sparse vegetation with scattered construction
🔺 12% agricultural land
🔺 3.5% Urban areas
🗺🔎 In the image above, the area in yellow shows the affected are affected by the fire from 2009 while the area in red shows the current fire in the same region
💭 It once again shows that despite the same problems happening every year, the Greek Government has not improved their response to it despite so many cases
/GBG/ 🗂
🔴 Reporter finds fake documents partially burned near wildfire area
🔸 Despite not giving much attention to it, the reporter of Open News picks up a document on the ground and comments that she found fake IDs and other documents that were probably sent flying due to the fires
🔸 This does not imply that immigrants are behind the fires per se but shows that smugglers are active nearly everywhere in Greece
/GBG/ 🗂