[JP Event] Saber Wars II: To the Origin Universe (Lite-Edition Rerun)
#Saber Wars II: To the Origin Universe (Lite-Edition Rerun)
**Duration:** Jan. 6th (Wed) 18:00 JST to Jan. 20th (Wed) 12:59 JST; event progression is time-locked.
**Requirement:** Solomon Clear
* [Official news page](https://news.fate-go.jp/2021/re_saberwars2/)
* [Official banner](https://news.fate-go.jp/2021/re_saberwars2_pu/)
* [\[Roll thread\] "I can't believe you're still rolling Ishtar and Jane after the Calamity of Muramasa and how much Space your Wallet has!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/krg2db/i_cant_believe_youre_still_rolling_ishtar_and/)
* [\[Clock\] Current time JST](https://time.is/GMT+9)
* [\[Countdown\] Event end time](https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/2369014/saber-wars-2-rerun-ends-in)
* [Wikia event page](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Saber_Wars_II_Rerun)
* [Appmedia guide](https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/4056163)
* [NicoNikon Event Infographics](https://twitter.com/niconikon01/)
* [Original FGOGuide Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/FGOGuide/comments/donf9p/saber_wars_ii_event_details/)
* [Mission List Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQDFFVgdKbaCqM8LvrUN3a4gRoSUpMOv-u1zKV16_gnO0IjA9n9Kdr_R0OHyy-80L4ZsexsWhWZVmuZ/pubhtml)
##Rate-Up Schedule
Part 1 Banner: Space Ishtar and Calamity Jane.
**I just started the event, what should I focus on?**
Prioritize buying shop CEs as per usual. Artorium is needed to unlock certain story missions, so try to stack a high a bonus as possible in your party setups. Gacha CEs for shop currency should be secondary in priority to Artorium.
**How do I beat this story fight vs. Billy the Kid? He NPs every turn!**
Mystic Code backup is key; pick something that will help you kill him turn 2 or survive turn 2 for a 3rd turn of damage. If you have the MC from Summer 3, try:
* Use all Ishtar's skills W1, lock on Arts NP, BAA
* Use all MC's skills, NPAAExtra
**Do I lose Artorium if I enter a quest that requires it and fail?**
No, attempt as many times as you need to.
**How much Artorium do I need to farm?**
You need 7410 Artorium to clear out everything. 4260 to buy all the Wanted Quests and 2750 to pass all the main story locks. The mission list, however, should give you 900 Artorium for completing stuff.
**I can't progress! How do I unlock the next quest?!**
When the next step of the story is locked, it will usually tell you what you need to do to unlock it. In the example below early on in the event, it is telling you that you need to complete Mission No. 12 (Kill 25 Humanoids) to progress. Run the Free Quest node below it till you can proceed.
**Are bounty quests required to complete the story? / I'm stuck at the quest above, how do I advance?**
The following bounty quests must be done in order to progress through the event story:
* セイントマルタ - Martha Wanted - costs 110 Artorium
* コスタマモ - Tamamo Wanted - costs 180 Artorium
* 孤独の沖田 - Okitan Wanted - costs 320 Artorium
These 3 are mandatory to unlock Demiya wanted quest (costs 400 Artorium) in shop. You need to do them to unlock Demiya wanted quest then do Demiya's to complete story.
3 years worth of pain... Just cause I called you an old lady... I meant mature. Please forgive me...
Fanart Tuesday
Hmph! Looking at other Servants when you have such a cute kouhai right in front of you.
Fine! I don't care anymore! Do whatever you want!
~~I will just get back at you another time. Oooh, what's this secret folder that I found?~~
What is this thread for?
Any non-OC and unedited fanart you wish to share can be posted here!
They are way too cute in the back
Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 |
#Questions for our dear Masters
+ What items do you have left in the shop?
+ How far have you progressed through the event's story?
Feedback is always appreciated. Please let me know if I missed anything or would like something added.
Friend Request Hub
As much as you all love counting on BB-chan to save the day, even digital AI need a break!
Here’s where you can find some friend supports to help you out with those oooh sooo difficult missions.
Post your friend code here for ~~me to hack~~ all the other Masters to add you!
I see some masters can't even set their support correctly. Pitiful. Take this guide before I change my mind.
What is this thread for?
Stuck in a story node and really need a specific unit? Need to grab a servant or CE for collection purposes? This thread is for you!
Bro im so lucky i got jalter in 1 ticket this is crazy bro i can't believe this is happening
"I can't believe you're still rolling Ishtar and Jane after the Calamity of Muramasa and how much Space your Wallet has!", it's the Saber Wars 2 Rerun Roll Thread!
will update schedule here later
Ford's $5 Day Fan Servant: Rider Henry Ford by OroJuice and Oliver_artwork
James Moriarty Commits Tax Fraud
"Emiya meets Gramps" translated, comic made by @Dignjooo
NA Event Sparrow's Inn Daily Report - Event Discussion Day 5
Looking for the JP thread? CLICK HERE
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*stretch* **Ah, finally some time to rest.** | You can thank the **newcomers for that.**
I'm worried about **the Berserkers though.** | I don't expect any challenges, **so they should be fine.**
#### FAQ
> How does the point mechanic work?
It's summer 1 ~~the good half~~ but you clock in your progress daily at 10:00 AM PST. Accumulate points by building facilities in the inn. Every day, your progress will get added to the point ladder.
> What is the drop rate for X ?
Senpai, the drop rates are linked a bit below.
> I just recently started playing, can I clear the event?
*The priest smiles*
#Useful links
| | | |
Guides | | | |
Lord Ashura's by /u/captainfalcongx | Gamepress | Ye olde JP guide by /u/EnergizingLemon | Infographic by /u/kevinrealk |
Event Info | | | | |
Shop Spreadsheet by /u/logicrevolution | Support List CEs by /u/sky-wisher | Drop Sheet by Atlas Academy | Drop Serializer
Other links | | | | |
Beni Enma Roll thread by the Mod team | | EN wiki | JP wiki |
# Summoning Banner
## Banner 1 - Hell's Kitchen Dechi
Pickup period | Pickup Servant Lineup
2021-01-01 00:00 - 01-01 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Fionn mac Cumhaill, Tamamo Cat
2021-01-01 20:00 - 01-02 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Tamamo Cat
2021-01-02 20:00 - 01-03 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Fionn mac Cumhaill
2021-01-03 20:00 - 01-04 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster), Fionn mac Cumhaill, Tamamo Cat
2021-01-04 20:00 - 01-05 19:59 PST | Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster), Fionn mac Cumhaill, Tamamo Cat
2021-01-05 20:00 - 01-08 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Tamamo Cat
2021-01-08 20:00 - 01-10 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Fionn mac Cumhaill
2021-01-10 20:00 - 01-11 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster), Fionn mac Cumhaill, Tamamo Cat
2021-01-11 20:00 - 01-12 19:59 PST | Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster), Fionn mac Cumhaill, Tamamo Cat
2021-01-12 20:00 - 01-13 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Tamamo Cat
2021-01-13 20:00 - 01-14 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Fionn mac Cumhaill
2021-01-14 20:00 - 01-15 19:59 PST | Beni-Enma, Fionn mac Cumhaill, Tamamo Cat
## Banner 2 - Old Man Li
Pickup period | Pickup Servant Lineup
#Previous Days
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Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 |
Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 |