Gudao-chan Goes (Back) To School (Translated) [Shiseki Hirame]
Spending New Years with Kama (MAX BOND)[kasabuta9500]
Happy Birthday Morinaga Chitose . Seiyuu of Bradamante .
[JP Event] Saber Wars II: To the Origin Universe (Lite-Edition Rerun)
#Saber Wars II: To the Origin Universe (Lite-Edition Rerun)
**Duration:** Jan. 6th (Wed) 18:00 JST to Jan. 20th (Wed) 12:59 JST; event progression is time-locked.
**Requirement:** Solomon Clear
* [Official news page](
* [Official banner](
* [\[Roll thread\] "I can't believe you're still rolling Ishtar and Jane after the Calamity of Muramasa and how much Space your Wallet has!"](
* [\[Clock\] Current time JST](
* [\[Countdown\] Event end time](
* [Wikia event page](
* [Appmedia guide](
* [NicoNikon Event Infographics](
* [Original FGOGuide Thread](
* [Mission List Spreadsheet](
##Rate-Up Schedule
Part 1 Banner: Space Ishtar and Calamity Jane.
**I just started the event, what should I focus on?**
Prioritize buying shop CEs as per usual. Artorium is needed to unlock certain story missions, so try to stack a high a bonus as possible in your party setups. Gacha CEs for shop currency should be secondary in priority to Artorium.
**How do I beat this story fight vs. Billy the Kid? He NPs every turn!**
Mystic Code backup is key; pick something that will help you kill him turn 2 or survive turn 2 for a 3rd turn of damage. If you have the MC from Summer 3, try:
* Use all Ishtar's skills W1, lock on Arts NP, BAA
* Use all MC's skills, NPAAExtra
**Do I lose Artorium if I enter a quest that requires it and fail?**
No, attempt as many times as you need to.
**How much Artorium do I need to farm?**
You need 7410 Artorium to clear out everything. 4260 to buy all the Wanted Quests and 2750 to pass all the main story locks. The mission list, however, should give you 900 Artorium for completing stuff.
**I can't progress! How do I unlock the next quest?!**
When the next step of the story is locked, it will usually tell you what you need to do to unlock it. In the example below early on in the event, it is telling you that you need to complete Mission No. 12 (Kill 25 Humanoids) to progress. Run the Free Quest node below it till you can proceed.
**Are bounty quests required to complete the story? / I'm stuck at the quest above, how do I advance?**
The following bounty quests must be done in order to progress through the event story:
* セイントマルタ - Martha Wanted - costs 110 Artorium
* コスタマモ - Tamamo Wanted - costs 180 Artorium
* 孤独の沖田 - Okitan Wanted - costs 320 Artorium
These 3 are mandatory to unlock Demiya wanted quest (costs 400 Artorium) in shop. You need to do them to unlock Demiya wanted quest then do Demiya's to complete story.
"Well actual-Li, the tips Gozen to the Tribute Palace", it's the Enmatei 2021 Part 2 Roll Thread!
Fate Extra CCC Manga (Omake Chapter) Translated
I Ask of You, Are You My Dinner?
What a Chef Desires. [Translated] (08_alex_01)
/r/Grandorder Mod Applications Open! New Year New Team!
Hello, all! The Mod Team at r/grandorder wants to kick off the brand new year by conducting a huge Mod Team overhaul! Many moderators will be graduating/retiring, so we are looking to hire a BUNCH of new moderators!
#####Apply Here!
We are slowly seeing Reddit shift towards New Reddit functionality when it comes to Moderating such as the scheduled posts on New Reddit, so we will greatly appreciate any applicants who are well versed with New Reddit. Old Reddit is relatively easy to moderate on, and applicants who are skilled in CSS or are eager to make bot applications for the subreddit would be amazing to have!
More importantly, we want applicants who care for the community and desire to make changes to make the community flourish. We want people who logically criticize us and wish to change the rules, with a solutions-oriented perspective.
Our lovely eggplant has said it herself, it is only through change and adversity could we improve.
[Valentine's Day 2021] Servants who haven't received fully voice-scene.
Chaldean Brain Trust FGO Sprite Comic #001 The Agartha Experience
Mori Calliope(Hololive EN) wearing a custom Eresh costume (ft. Kiara)