Grup ini sebagai tempat praktek, berdiskusi dan saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan seputar Bahasa Inggris. Gunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dalam grup ini. Kontak Grup @gbiadminbot
Ability = My mental capacity is clouded at this hour. I am gonna sleep on it.
Abolish = This group chat will be obliterated on exit
Abstinence = Fasting is the abstinence of eating, drinking and other things that nullify the it.
Abstracted = He's so absent-minded that the teacher had to scold him.
Abuse = I don't accept this mistreat you have given me so far
Accidental = The accidental exposure of user's password is a bad sign
Accompany = Let me escort you to your room
Acknowledge = I acknowledge how little my knowledge about this subject is
Active = He seems vigorous and excited lately
Adapt = Acquire, Adapt, Improvise. Make sure you got these three in order
Admonish = Let me rebuke your statement about how programming is not important for the mind.
Adulterate = This seemingly sophisticate matter is out of domain
Advance = He advances to the next slide without telling me first
Adventurous = How audacious the princess was, going alone into the wood just by herself.
Advice = I suppose your advice is on point
Advise = I recommend you to take rest while you still can.
Affair = This affair is getting out of hand
Affect = the poison affect her mental well-being
Affectation = Her mannerism is rotten
Afflict = How dare you torment my kitten
Afraid = I am no afraid of no one
Ageless = This eternal memory will eternally saved to my memories
Agitate = Let the sleeping dog lies, don't agitate it.
Agree = How come people conform to his demand easily?
Alm = The streram of current is alm
Airy = I just ordered a two beds room from Airy room
Alarm = The thief's movement doesn't ring any alarm.
Allocate = My program will allocate some free memories and let garbage collection when it's due
Alone = The solitary soldier is left alone in the woods
Also = I, too, like roman numeral
Amateur = What a bunch of dabblers
Ambigous = The enigmatic machine never ceases to amaze me
Ambush = The police ambushed the drug dealer on time
Amenity = This amenity is up my alley
Amiable = Amy, the amiable girl.
Amiss = Something is amiss, I can feel it
Amuse = Let amuse ourselves with keroncong music
Analyze = The AI analyzes my data gracefully
Ancestor = My ancestor is not an ape or monkey
Anger = Don't inflict her anger more than it should
Angry = The angry bird is angry
Announce = The headmaster announced the departure of my beloved teacher
Annoy = He annoys the living daylight of me
Answer = The answer is really piece of cake
Anxiety = She is so happy like she has no worries in the world
Apology = I accepted your apologia
Apparent = It's made apparent that he's just an annoying grammar nazi
Appear = He appears smart outside but no so much when you know him that much
Appendage = The monster has somewhat unsettlings appendages
Applaud = I applaud your bravery young man
Appoint = I appoint you as my advisor
Appreciate = Thanks, your hard work is appreciated by my boss so far
Apprehend = I can apprehend her teaching now
Apprehension = School reports are always received with some apprehension.
Appropriate = This is not appropriate time to do it
Arbitrary = His rule is so arbitrary
Argue = I won't bicker with him anymore
Argument = Your argument is invalid
Argumentative = You're in an argumentative mood today?
Arrange = Let's organize our room now, shall we?
Art = Drawing is the cheapest form of art
Artifice = His remorse is just an artifice to gain sympathy.
Artificial = Artificial machine intelligent is a common thing now
Assent = I can never assent to such a request.
Assert = He managed to avert suspicion
Assign = The job will be assigned by the CEO next week
Assistant = I am done being your assistant
Attack = The soldiers attacked the troops quickly
Attribute = I ascribe his conduct to insanity.
Authentic = Your way of behaving is inauthentic at all
Authorize = Enter your credentials to authorize yourself
Average = On average most people flinch with the idea of working with Spreadsheets
Aware = I am aware that Sinue will keep sending us these
Letter - A
Ability :-capacity, faculty, talent, skill, competence, apucude
Abolish :- exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, eradicate, obliterate
Abstinence :- self-denial, temperance, sobriety, continence.
Abstracted :- absorbed, distraught, absent-minded
Abuse :- misuse, mistreat, ill-treat, maltreat
Accidental :- fortuitous, contingent, incidental, adventitious
Accompany:- conduct, escort, chaperone
Acknowledge :- admit, own, avow, confess, concede
Active :-energetic, dynamic, vigorous, lively
Adapt :- accommodate, adjust, conform, fit, reconcile
Admonish :- reprove, rebuke, reprimand, reproach
Adulterate :- debase, doctor, load, sophisticate
Advance :- forward, foster, further, promote [RETARD]
Advantage :- edge, handicap, odds
Adventurous :- adventuresome, audacious, daredevil, daring, venturesome.
Advice :- counsel, recommendation
Advise :- counsel, recommend
Affair :- business, concern, lookout
Affect :- influence, impress, touch, move, strike
Affectation :- pose, air, mannerism
Afflict :- agonize, excruciate, rack, torment, torture
Afraid :- apprehensive, fearful [UNAFRAID]
Ageless :- eternal, timeless
Agitate :- churn, convulse, rock, shake
Agree :- conform, harmonize, accord, correspond, coincide [DISAGREE]
Alm:- direct, level, point, train
Airy :- diaphanous, ethereal, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, sheer, transparent, vaporous
Alarm :- alert, tocsin, warning
Allocate :- appropriate, designate, earmark
Alone :- lonely, lonesome, solitary
Also :- too, likewise, besides, moreover, furthermore
Amateur :- dabbler, dilettante, tyro [PROFESSIONAL]
Ambiguous :- equivocal, obscure, recondite, abstruse, vague, cryptic, enigmatic
Ambush :- ambuscade, bushwhack, waylay
Amenity :- comfort, convenience, facility
Amiable :- affable, good-natured, obliging, agreeable, pleasant
Amiss :- afield, astray, awry, wrong
Amuse :- entertain, divert, regale
Analyze :- anatomize, dissect, resolve
Ancestor :- forebear, forefather, progenitor [DESCENDANT]
Anger :- rage, fury, ire, wrath, resentment, indignation
Angry :- furious, indignant, irate, ireful, mad, wrathful
Announce :- advertise, broadcast, declare, proclaim, promulgate, publish
Annoy :- irritate, bother, irk, vex, provoke, aggravate, peeve, rile
Answer :- respond, reply, retort
Anxiety:- worry, care, concern, solicitude
Apology :- apologetic, apologia, defense, justification
Apparent :- clear, clear-cut, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, patent, plain
Appear :- emerge, issue, loom, materialize, show
Appendage :- appurtenance, adjunct, accessory, attachment
Applaud:- cheer, root
Appoint :- designate, name, nominate, tap
Appreciate :- value, prize, esteem, treasure, cherish
Apprehend :- comprehend, understand, grasp
Apprehension :- foreboding, presentiment, misgiving
Appropriate :- arrogate, commandeer, confiscate, preempt, usurp
Approve :- endorse, sanction, certify, accredit, ratify
Arbitrary :- capricious, whimsical area region, belt, zone, district, locality
Argue :- quarrel, wrangle, squabble, bicker
Argument :- dispute, controversy
Argumentative :- combative, contentious, disputatious, quarrelsome, scrappy
Arrange :- marshal, order, organize, sort, systematize [DISARRANGE]
Art :- craft, expertise, knack, know-how, technique
Artifice :- trick, ruse, wile, feint, stratagem, maneuver, dodge
Artificial :- synthetic, ersatz, simulated ask questions, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz
Assent :- agree, accede, acquiesce, consent, concur, subscribe
Assert :- assert, declare, affirm, avert, avow
Assign :- allot, apportion, allocate
Assistant :- aide, coadjutant, helper, lieutenant, second
Attack :+ bombard, assail, storm, assault, beset
Attribute :- ascribe, impute, credit, assign, refer
Authentic :- bona fide, genuine, real, true, undoubted, unquestionable
Authorize :- accredit, commission, empower, license
Average :- medium, mediocre, fair, middling, indifferent, tolerable
If it's love I'll do it and life just when you're up 😜🎼
Читать полностью…every man for himself. Contrary to your condition, Reina loves sleep so much she always prefers sleep over anything else 🥱
Читать полностью…sorry to break it to you but the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. Many diseases will line up to get you down the line
Читать полностью…London Bridge is falling down falling down
London bridge is falling down my fair lady
Information: on 22nd of October we will observe Santri Day in Indonesia 😊
Читать полностью…ohh jordanian i don't know jordan all i know is jordanian i'm sorry
Читать полностью…Awkward = Stop being awkward. You embarass me.
Читать полностью…Aware :- cognizant, conscious, sensible, awake, alert, watchful, vigilant
Awkward:- clumsy, inept, gauche, ungainly
All what I know is I can't sleep more then 3 or 4 hours because I can't stop my hookah 😂
Читать полностью…yea sleeping is not just about not doing activity. It's when your body fixes yourself and helps you stay young. There was a research done by a gentleman named "Matthew Walker" he was a great professor studying the effects of sleep on humans' body. He wrote his findings as a book. It's totally eye opening
Читать полностью…I know that but I don't like to sleep I have time to sleep when I get old lol 🎼
Читать полностью…I can't sleep before 6am and I'll wake-up at 11am😂😂😂😂
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