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Grup Bahasa Inggris

You are being fooled

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

You are being fooled

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

i have buy on shoope the price is 35 per month but after using 2 week my account has been block

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Wkwk they are exist bro

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Like, who would watch movie every single night?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

I need to race with other user for being the first login wkwk

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Chat gpt helped me understand, so she restricted the account that the two users used, to create another profile so that they won't collide

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Ah now I get it.

One account is limited to one device, which is the device first used to sign in. The account is meant for only two users. But the 'one account, one profile' is something I haven't fully grasped yet

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

50 Common Phrasal Verb

1. Account for =Explain

2. Act up= Misbehave

3. Add up =Make sense

4. Back down = Retreat

5. Back up =Support

6. Blow up= Explode

7. Break down = Analyze

8. Bring about =Cause

9. Bring up= Mention

10. Call off =Cancel

11. Carry on =Continue

12. Check out - Examine

13. Come across =Encounter

14. Come along - Progress

15. Come down with =Become sick

16. Count on =Rely on

17. Cut off-Disconnect

18. Do away =with Eliminate

19. Do over =Repeat

20. Drop off =Deliver

21. Eat out = Dine outsid

22. Figure out =Solve

23. Fill in =Complete

24. Find out =Discover

25. Get along =Have a good relationship

26. Get away - Escape part 1/2

27. Give up= Surrender

28. Go ahead - Proceed

29. Go over= Review

30. Grow up=Mature

31. Hang out= Spend time

32. Hold on =Wait

33. Keep on= Continue

34. Let down =Disappoint

35. Look after - Take care of

36. Look for =Search

37. Look up =Search for information

38. Make up= Invent

39. Pass away= Die

40. Pick up =Collect

41. Point out= Highlight

42. Put off =Postpone

43. Put up with - Tolerate

44. Run out= of Exhaust the supply

45. Set up= Arrange

46. Show up =Arrive

47. Stand out =Be noticeable

48. Take after - Resemble

49. Take off =Depart

50. Think over = Consider

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

It is impossible if 1 account only cost you below idr 50k

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Well the seller said she'll give one account for only one user aka private account, I'm a bit confused tho

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

And I heard that you can download the movie right? Can I save it to my device so that when the account is inaccessible, I can watch it without a need to wait

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

65k a month? Private account?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Has anyone ever tried buying this cheap Netflix sharing about 15k-20k a month? Is it even legit?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

(RC) Remote Control 👀

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Excuse meee i am not

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

wtf is wrong with you

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

✨Word of the Day: “Resilient”✨

*Meaning:* Able to recover quickly from difficulties; tough and adaptable.

*Example:* "Despite facing many challenges, she remained resilient and achieved her goals."

👉 Try using “resilient” in a sentence today! Practicing new words helps expand your vocabulary and improves your confidence in English.

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

How advance chatgpt is.. wah

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

But it can't be that competitive with only 2 users within 1 account right?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Have you tried this btw? What's your exp so far abt it?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris


And one account one profile is a mystery for me wkwk

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Ah, it's better no? One account just 2 users? Screen limit risk is at very minimum

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Does it mean that 1 profile => 1 account, which belongs to 2 users. You can only login using 1 device at one time.

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

I'm not sure what she meant, can you help me understand that?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

You have to share 1 account with some people
Around 4 users
And you can't use it at the same time with another user
I don't know if we can download the movie or not

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

I'm a bit of a beginner here, what's screen limit? Does that happen often? It usually happens to several users within one account?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Its legal , i subscribe with my credit card 65 for month

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

room chat ig? 😭😭😭

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

I'm sorry for whomever was fancy to practice with me as a response to my prior request, you don't really have to delete the Convo we had outside here tbh but thanks for having showed me your willingness

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