Grup ini sebagai tempat praktek, berdiskusi dan saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan seputar Bahasa Inggris. Gunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dalam grup ini. Kontak Grup @gbiadminbot
She had a few early weeks but then, she completely shut down.
Читать полностью…With Meryl Streep, who also play in The Post
Читать полностью…IELTS Writing Synonyms
Answer = respond
Happy = elated
Begin = commence
Hate = loathe
Big = huge
Have = possess
Calm = peaceful
Help = aid
Dangerous = risky
Hide = cover
Decide = determine
Idea = thought
Destroy = demolish
Important = vital
Difference = dissimilarity
Love = adore
Dull = uninteresting
Tidy = neat
Famous = well-known
New = modern
Funny = humorous
Old = ancient
Get = obtain
Show = display
Good = superb
Wrong = inaccurate
hallo widya glat to meet you
my name is joy
joyfully is my full name 🗿
Time to sleep well.
Indonesia 2-0 arab 🫠
Getting closer to qualifying for the 2026 world cup
Our first world cup 🖐️
i thought remember the guy has this group i forgot his name
Читать полностью…Pharmacy dealer sounds more like people who is selling the drug store itself
Читать полностью…I was wanting to ask you this, does she completely have no gap every weekend to use her phone?
Читать полностью…afaik, it's a line in a movie entitled "The Devil Wears Prada"
Читать полностью…👉🏻👉🏻Idioms for IELTS👈🏻👈🏻
• On top of the world - Feeling extremely happy.
• A dime a dozen - Something in common.
•Get the hang of - To understand or become skillful at something.
• A piece of cake - Easily accomplished.
• Cutting corners - Doing things to reduce expenses.
• Nailed it - To be precisely accurate.
•Bend over backward - Making a great effort.
• Easy does it - Slow down the process.
• In the blink of an eye - Something happened instantly or very quickly.
• Miss the boat - It is too late.
• Get your act together - Encouraging to work better.
• A blessing in disguise - A bad or unfortunate thing happened but the outcome was beneficial.
• Speak of the devil - People showing up when you are speaking about them.
• Let the cat out of the bag - Tell or reveal the secrets.
• Keep your chin up - Being positive and optimistic during difficult times.
• Autobiography :- Life story written by oneself
• Manuscript :- A handwritten document
• Vegetarian :- One who does not eat meat
• Orphan :- A child whose parents are dead
• Transparent :- That which can be seen through
• Pessimist :- A person who always expects the worst.
• Infant :- A child under seven years of age
• Insolvent :- Unable to pay debts
• Introvert :- A person who is shy and reserved A
• Extrovert :- person who is outgoing and sociable
• Somnambulist :- A person who walks in their sleep
• Oath :- A solemn promise
• Hypocrite :- One who pretends to be what they are not
• Aggressor hostilities :- A person or nation that initiates
• Glutton :- A person who eats too much
• Vegan :- A person who does not consume any animal products
• Circumnavigate :- To sail or travel all the way around something.
• Nostalgia :- A sentimental longing for the past
• Emigrant :- A person who leaves their own country to settle in another
• Antagonist :- A person who actively opposes someone or something
• Ambiguous meaning :- Something that has more than one
• Biography :- Life story written by someone else
• Euphoria :- A feeling of extreme happiness
• Pseudonym author :- A false name, often used by an
• Inevitable :- Certain to happen; unavoidable
• Optimist of things :- A person who looks at the brighter side
• Misogynist :- One who hates women
• Omnipotent :- All-powerful
• Anonymous :- Someone whose name is not known
• Selfish :- A person who is selfish and self-centered
• Philatelist :-A person who collects stamps
• Convalescent ::- Someone recovering from illness
• Veteran :- A person with long experience in a field.
• Patriarchy - A society ruled by men.
• Insomnia :- Inability to sleep
• Feminist :- One who advocates for women's rights
• Omniscient :- All-knowing
• Nomad :- A person who moves from place to place.
• Anthology :- A collection of literary works.
• Autocracy :- Government by one person with absolute power
• Immortal :- Someone who lives forever
• Polyglot languages :- A person who speaks multiple
• Bilingual :- A person who can speak two languages
•Euphemism :- A polite term used in place of a harsh or unpleasant one
• Orthodox :- Conforming to traditional beliefs or established doctrines
• Philanthropist :- A person who loves mankind
• Archaeology :- The study of ancient civilizations
• Omnipresent :- Present everywhere
• Theist :- One who believes in God.
IELTS Writing Synonyms
Usually = generally
Banned = forbidden
Tourist = traveller
Consume = use
World = Earth
Advantages = merits
Necessary = essential
Disadvantages = demerits
Children = juveniles
Agree = in favour
Develop = grow
Migrating = moving
Information = data
Teacher = tutor
Students = pupils
Prison = jail
Encourage = motivate
Women = females
Online = virtual
Difficulties = hurdles
Modern = contemporary
Strict = stern
Traditional = conventional
Logical = rational
Young people = youth
Calm = peace
Alhamdulillah the final score is 2-0
Mantap timnas Indonesia 🖐️
For the Arab National Team, please ask FIFA for a penalty.
Ha ha
I see in the your profil
You look like yalili