Grup ini sebagai tempat praktek, berdiskusi dan saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan seputar Bahasa Inggris. Gunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dalam grup ini. Kontak Grup @gbiadminbot
89.Far cry from-very different from
90. Two heads are better than one-better results when you work with someone
91. Rome wasn't built in a day-when you need to be patient
92.Strike while the iron is hot-go for it when there is opportunity
93.Blood is thicker than water-family relationships are stronger than others
94. Fish out of water-uncomfortable
95.Burn the midnight oil-to work late in the night
96.Zip your lip-to be quiet
97. Crying over spilt milk-regretting something that has already happened
98. In the twinkling of an eye-immediately
99.Odd man out-a person who differs from the other members of a group
100. To get all ducks in a row-to be fully ready for something
101. To cut to the chase-come to the point (of a talk)
102. Needle in a haystack-something extremely hard to find
103. Happy as a clam-very happy
104.Get the axe-lose your job
105.Being full of hot air-talking a lot (meaningless)
106.Forty winks-short sleep during the day
107.Down in the mouth-unhappy or discouraged
108.Jump out of your skin-to be extremely surprised
109.Go great guns-being successful
110. Pull yourself together-calm down
Tell me something you have that you'd never want to forget, anything, and why?
Читать полностью…Don't worry he's gonna rejoin or already there actually 😏
Читать полностью…IELTS Reading Tips
👉🏻Look out for synonyms.
👉🏻Use only the stated number of words.
👉🏻Read the IELTS Reading instructions carefully.
👉🏻Read as much as possible.
👉🏻Improve your reading skills- Skimming and Scanning.
👉🏻 Manage your time.
👉🏻Focus on the question.
👉🏻Know the different types of questions.
👉🏻Be careful with keywords.
For football lovers, tonight we have a party... from Isha to subuh
Malam ini full bola ..
Mantap 👊
Dari isya sampai subuh
🕒 19:30
Leicester -v- Chelsea
🕒 22:00
Fulham -v- Wolves
🕒 00:30
Man City -v- Tottenham
🕒 03:00
Celta Vigo -v- Barcelona
Yoo Rymit gotta go, might come back later late
Читать полностью…Kalau di perantauanku di kotaku ini lumayan ada 5 pasang..
It is interesting 🫠 many choice for me
Kok aku ragu buat balik kampung ya 🥲
Because in my kabupaten only one kandidat .. alias cuma 1 calon..
Only agree or disagree with this kandidate
Oh ya in Indonesia we will have regional elections soon... November 27th... Do you plan to vote or abstain, alias enggak datang?
Читать полностью…Hmm to be honest, I couldnt think of any in particular.
Читать полностью…1. A hot potato-trend, debatable topic
2. To be over the moon-to be happy
3. To be on cloud nine-being very happy
4. Down in the dumps-sad
5. Under the weather-to be ill
6. Out of blue-suddenly
7. Once in a blue moon-rarely
8. When pigs fly-never
9. To have a paramount importance-to be very important
10.Cost an arm and a leg-expensive
11.Hit the sack-go to bed
12.A tough not to break-hard
13.A rocket science-hard
14.A piece of cake-easy
15. Miss the boat-losing your chance
16.It's Greek to me-it is complicated
17.Go the extra mile-putting more effort
18.Let off steam-relax, calm down
19. An average Joe-ordinary person
20. In a nutshell-in conclusion
21.All in all-to conclude
22. Have a knack for-having ability
23. As fit as a fiddle-to be very healthy and strong
24.Dog days-the hottest days of summer
25. Night owl-a person who stays awake late at night
26. Bag of bones-someone who is extremely thin
27. Kill two birds with one stone-accomplish two things at the same time
28. Call it a day/night-to stop doing something
29.Big cheese-a person who has power in an organization
30.Down to earth-realistic
31.Dressed to kill-when someone (especially woman) wears fashionably
32. Full of beans-active person
34. Poker face-expressionless face
35. In my own sweet time-in my free time
36.A blessing in disguise-something positive that isn't recognized until later
37. Throw in the towel-to give up
38.On the ball-ready and able
39.Smell a rat-to sense that something is not right
40. Working against the clock-not having enough time to do something
41. Caught between two stools-being in dilemma
42. Whole nine yards-everything
43. Barking up the wrong tree-to be mistaken
44. Do something at the drop of a hat-doing something without planning
45. Give someone the cold shoulder-ignore someone
46. The elephant in the room-the big issue which is avoided by people
47. Rock the boat-cause a problem; make an issue
48. Up in the air-undecided, uncertain situation
49.A real go getter-ambitious, hard-working
50.A burning question-problem of general interest
51. Let your hair down-to relax
52. Make your blood boil-make you feel very angry
53.In deep water-in difficulty, in trouble
54. Next to nothing-to cost very little
55. On the dot-on exactly time
56.Last straw-final point (problem)
57.Go cold turkey-suddenly giving up doing something
58. To be in hot water-to be in bad situation
59. Eat like a bird-to eat very little
60. Eat like a horse-to eat very much
61. Beat around the bush-avoiding the main topic
62. Elvis has left the building-the show has come to an end; it's all over
63.Golden boy-young man who has a great skill (especially in sports)
64. Drive someone up the wall-make someone angry
65. By hook or by crook-using whatever methods necessary
66.Go all out-use a lot of energy
67. Like chalk and cheese-very different from each other
68. Hit the ceiling-to get very angry and upset
69. Off the top of my head-first thing comes to my mind
70. On the hence-when you cannot decide or choose something
71. Hit the hay-go to sleep
72.All that jazz-other similar things (etcetera)
73. Like a duck to water-learn or adapt to something quickly
74. Kick the habit-to overcome on addiction to something
75. Until hell freezes over-forever
76. Ants in one's pants-to be so excited
77.Couch potato-lazy person
78. To jump the gun-doing something too early (without plan)
79.A drop in the ocean-a very small part of something much bigger
80. In the heat of the moment-doing something suddenly without thinking
81. Rain or shine-whatever happens; no matter what
82.Be all ears-eager and ready to listen
83. Fresh out of something-used up the last of something
84. Bite off more than you can chew-when you do something so hard for you
85. Back to drawing board-starting again
86. Find one's feet-to become comfortable
87. Fixed in one's ways-not wanting to change how you think or act
88. The best of both words-having all the advantages of the situation
Are there any recommended YouTube accounts to learn from the very beginning?
Читать полностью…May I ask, if you want to learn English for beginners, where should you start?
Читать полностью…@Whizxs I gotta go, Thank you for tonight, have a great day
Читать полностью…Speaking tips
➤Introducing a topic
• What we're going to discuss today is ...
• I want to draw your attention to ....
• Recent studies indicate that
• You may have read recent reports in the media about
• Nowadays there is a trend towards
• An increasing number of people are
• The purpose of this presentation is to ...
•That's just what I was thinking.
• I agree entirely.
• I think you're right.
• That's exactly my position!
• I couldn't agree more.
➤Asking for clarification
• Excuse me. Could you explain why
• Sorry. Does that mean...?
• Sorry, I don't quite understand. Perhaps you could give an example?
• Could you clarify what you mean by...?
•Would it be right to conclude that...?
➤Giving arguments
The advantages and disadvantages:
• One of the benefits/drawbacks is
• On the one hand /on the other hand there is
• Those in favour of it argue that...
• Those opposed to it claim that ...
• One justification often given is
• A common misunderstanding is that ...
• However we mustn't forget that.
• Sorry. I see things differently.
• I tend to disagree with that idea.
• That's not right! I disagree.
• I strongly disapprove of that.
• I'm absolutely against the proposal.
➤Giving an explanation
•Yes, the main cause/reason is.
• What I mean essentially is that...
• Let me elaborate on my explanation.
• I'll be more specific and show you...
• Yes, for instance... / for example
• Yes, that's perfectly correct.
I didn't elect any president anyway, I'm still me, miserable
Читать полностью…I actually asked you this but you didn't give no attention
Читать полностью…