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Telegram-канал grupbahasainggrisforus - Grup Bahasa Inggris


Grup ini sebagai tempat praktek, berdiskusi dan saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan seputar Bahasa Inggris. Gunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dalam grup ini. Kontak Grup @gbiadminbot

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

beware of people DM-ing you with file content in it, might be viruses or idk

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Hi guys

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Eh..... I'll stay... Better u go alone

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

They r drunken of plastic bottle. They can't live without it

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Back to human consciousness again

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Abstract art is soooooo awe

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

The infamous Ciliwung river

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Lets goo lah. Shareloc!

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

It means sasa has too much bilirubin

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Black swan means unexpected events
Black duck means sasa haven't taken a bath

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

is that acting or naturally?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Ckckck.... U don't know how to Fox ur mind also? Ckckck

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

@Joe_ayam accompany her

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

@hiyyyyaaaaaaa yeeee anj sombong bat dah

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Quiet anguish, quiet self-condemnation filled his mind, overshadowed his purity of feelings driven by fear,

"Do you not hate me? for using you like that"

He waited, dreading for the outcome,

"No, I don't." The old man retorted while attention was drawn to a piece of his worksheet.

He shifted his gaze toward the man, confused and even confounded by the response.

"You need to carry on and finish it" the man continues; "But I would hate you for not publishing it. And if I can help in anyway, and heaven forbid, be an inspiration to you, I couldn't be more thrilled"

He was still grappling with self-loathing over his earlier decisions, yet the man’s words seemed to lift some of that weight. As he shifted his gaze away from the man, his expression remained blank and unfocused, though there was a subtle shift within him—relief mingled with the remnants of regret. It wasn’t a clear sense of peace, but rather a quiet acknowledgment that the words had offered some comfort, yet he was still burdened by what had come before.

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

@PAYMENTONG [7657891291] diblokir.
Karena: sus dm

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

i'm not gonna bite you

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Hi miiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnm

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Fun fact, u r a croco itself

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Becareful of croco. U may catch it once u fishing there

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Ahaaaa..... We have the best water there... That's the most artistic river ever

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Cool place! I prefer somewhere else

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

U need to do sun bathing sasa...

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

I taught u some idioms 😒

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

bro's English skills is on another level

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

So, you can either fox or fix your mind?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

One who meditates needs no companion

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Black Swan what are you doing up there alone?

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

@hiyyyyaaaaaaa sini naek, ngbrol

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Grup Bahasa Inggris

Nanda: What did you do before leaving for school this morning?
Ardy: I .. my pets.
A. fed
B. feeds
C. feed
D. was feeding
which one is correct?

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