What is the origin of the lake tank image that has become a meme? (2021) (🔥 Score: 160+ in 2 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6igEd
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Why don't you move abroad? (Score: 151+ in 5 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ig37
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Why is Apple Rosetta 2 fast? (2022) (Score: 150+ in 15 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ieWr
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6ieWr
Shift Left Is the Tip of the Iceberg (Score: 150+ in 23 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6idpT
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Using uv with PyTorch (Score: 150+ in 13 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ieZ5
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Blender 4.3 (Score: 155+ in 5 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifJh
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Bottles of OOP now available in Python (❄️ Score: 150+ in 4 days)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6i22n
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Epic Allows Internet Archive to Distribute Unreal and Unreal Tournament Forever (🔥 Score: 159+ in 2 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifCx
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6ifCx
Open Riak – open, modern Riak fork (Score: 150+ in 9 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ieJY
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SpaceX Super Heavy splashes down in the gulf, canceling chopsticks landing (Score: 155+ in 6 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6if3r
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Hand Tracking for Mouse Input (Score: 150+ in 10 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ie8C
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Using Erlang hot code updates (Score: 151+ in 6 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ieJT
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Show HN: Embed an SQLite database in your PostgreSQL table (Score: 150+ in 11 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6icWC
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6icWC
pglite-fusion is a PostgreSQL extension that allows you to embed SQLite databases into your PostgreSQL tables by enabling the creation of columns with the `SQLITE` type. This means every row in the table can have an embedded SQLite database.
In addition to the PostgreSQL `SQLITE` type, pglite-fusion provides the `query_sqlite`` function for querying SQLite databases and the `execute_sqlite` function for updating them. Additional functions are listed in the project’s README.
The pglite-fusion extension is written in Rust using the pgrx framework [1].
Implementation Details
The PostgreSQL `SQLITE` type is stored as a CBOR-encoded `Vec<u8>`. When a query is made, this `Vec<u8>` is written to a random file in the `/tmp` directory. SQLite then loads the file, performs the query, and returns the result as a table containing a single row with an array of JSON-encoded values.
The `execute_sqlite` function follows a similar process. However, instead of returning query results, it returns the contents of the SQLite file (stored in `/tmp`) as a new `SQLITE` instance.
[1] https://github.com/pgcentralfoundation/pgrx
Ask HN: How do you communicate in a remote startup? (❄️ Score: 152+ in 4 days)
Link: https://readhacker.news/c/6i2Fu
We are a remote company. Everything is going well. No plans to be in person, but I’d say we can do a better job at communicating. Any tips or articles to read?
OpenStreetMap's New Vector Tiles (🔥 Score: 152+ in 3 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6id5h
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6id5h
AAA – Analytical Anti-Aliasing (Score: 156+ in 7 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifZp
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Yi Peng 3 crossed both cables C-Lion 1 and BSC at times matching when they broke (Score: 150+ in 6 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifTL
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FireDucks: Pandas but 100x Faster (❄️ Score: 155+ in 6 days)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6hW29
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Understanding the BM25 full text search algorithm (Score: 153+ in 9 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifEu
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Webvm: Virtual Machine for the Web (Score: 152+ in 7 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifzV
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The Data Engineering Handbook (Score: 152+ in 16 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6iebJ
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Let's Encrypt is 10 years old now (🔥 Score: 152+ in 2 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifQN
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Apple Confirms Zero-Day Attacks Hitting macOS Systems (Score: 153+ in 5 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifjp
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Tiny Glade 'built' its way to >600k sold in a month (🔥 Score: 151+ in 3 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ifu3
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Why I hate the index finger (1980) (Score: 150+ in 1 day)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ibUW
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6ibUW
Rim/Blackberry tales – reply all (❄️ Score: 150+ in 1 week)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6hRWx
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When did estimates turn into deadlines? (Score: 155+ in 5 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ieEk
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Show HN: Physically accurate black hole simulation using your iPhone camera (🔥 Score: 151+ in 3 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ie5w
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6ie5w
Fair coins tend to land on the side they started: Evidence from 350,757 flips (Score: 166+ in 8 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6icGj
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6icGj
The tragedy of running an old Node project (Score: 151+ in 20 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6iaLE
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6iaLE