What's New in Ruby on Rails 8 (🔥 Score: 152+ in 1 hour)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fQqD
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Can You Get Root with Only a Cigarette Lighter? (🔥 Score: 152+ in 1 hour)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fQan
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fQan
Hetzner Object Storage (🔥 Score: 155+ in 1 hour)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fQ5m
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fQ5m
How do HTTP servers figure out Content-Length? (Score: 154+ in 9 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fP8n
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fP8n
Fast B-Trees (Score: 151+ in 10 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fNXL
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fNXL
Congress fights to keep AM radio in cars (Score: 150+ in 1 day)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fJKc
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fJKc
Google’s AI thinks I left a Gatorade bottle on the moon (🔥 Score: 153+ in 3 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fNP3
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fNP3
Wi-Fi Goes Long Range on New WiLo Standard (Score: 150+ in 15 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fM5h
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fM5h
AVX Bitwise ternary logic instruction busted (Score: 151+ in 5 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fN4s
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fN4s
AI is an impediment to learning web development (Score: 150+ in 5 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fMBr
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fMBr
Whence '\n'? (Score: 152+ in 1 day)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fJHS
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fJHS
So thieves broke into your storage unit again (Score: 152+ in 15 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fLri
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fLri
Playing with BOLT and Postgres (Score: 150+ in 1 day)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fH52
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fH52
Fuzzing 101 (Score: 151+ in 1 day)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fJvD
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An Intuitive Explanation of Black–Scholes (❄️ Score: 150+ in 2 days)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fCXw
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fCXw
Photos of an e-waste dumping ground (🔥 Score: 152+ in 2 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fQ3y
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fQ3y
Show HN: Visualization of website accessibility tree (Score: 152+ in 4 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fPP5
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fPP5
When COVID-19 started I needed something to get busy to not go crazy. I happened to work on our app WCAG compliance for a few months at the time and was frustrated by the state of of accessibility-related tools for developers.
I've spend two months delivering a tool that is easy to understand and helps catching accessibility issues on my apps. A few years later it's pretty popular despite being mostly abandoned.
I will be happy to work on this further but honestly lost my enthusiasm some time ago. I'd love to get in touch with some company in the accessibility testing space and discuss how to improve it.
Starbase: SQLite on the Edge (❄️ Score: 150+ in 2 days)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fJTb
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fJTb
Ants learned to farm fungi during a mass extinction (❄️ Score: 151+ in 3 days)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fEg2
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fEg2
We're excited about our new roundabout (Score: 150+ in 1 day)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fLsE
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fLsE
Rust needs a web framework (Score: 150+ in 5 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fNtP
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fNtP
Gleam Is Pragmatic (Score: 151+ in 7 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fMYV
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fMYV
Sq.io: jq for databases and more (🔥 Score: 150+ in 3 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fNyK
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fNyK
CoRncrete: A corn starch based building material (2017) (Score: 150+ in 1 day)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fKMN
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fKMN
XFCE 4.20 Aims to Bring Preliminary Wayland Support (🔥 Score: 154+ in 3 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fMUX
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fMUX
The Book of Kells, now digitized and available online (🔥 Score: 151+ in 3 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fMBC
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fMBC
Life, death, and retirement (❄️ Score: 150+ in 4 days)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fxLZ
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fxLZ
HPy – A better C API for Python (Score: 153+ in 7 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fLNh
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fLNh
What P vs. NP is about (❄️ Score: 150+ in 4 days)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fyN9
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fyN9
We need a real GNU/Linux (not Android) smartphone ecosystem (Score: 151+ in 6 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6fLsu
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6fLsu