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Sci-fi books that you may never have heard of, but definitely should read (Score: 152+ in 1 day)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gZ6q
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gZ6q

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Hacker News

How I write code using Cursor (Score: 155+ in 5 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h4eD
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Hacker News

HTML Form Validation is underused (Score: 150+ in 8 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h3nT
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Hacker News

Steve Ballmer was an underrated CEO (Score: 150+ in 7 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h3sU
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Hacker News

A return to hand-written notes by learning to read and write (🔥 Score: 157+ in 3 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h3iZ
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Hacker News

Mill: A fast JVM build tool for Java and Scala (Score: 150+ in 18 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gYzQ
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gYzQ

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Hacker News

How Gothic architecture became spooky (Score: 150+ in 9 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gZdT
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gZdT

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Hacker News

So Long WordPress (🔥 Score: 166+ in 1 hour)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h2M7
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6h2M7

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Hacker News

Buy payphones and retire (🔥 Score: 160+ in 1 hour)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h2h3
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6h2h3

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Hacker News

New iMac with M4 (🔥 Score: 161+ in 1 hour)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gZR8
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Hacker News

Using Rust in Non-Rust Servers to Improve Performance (❄️ Score: 151+ in 3 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gQcv
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gQcv

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Hacker News

Care Doesn't Scale (❄️ Score: 163+ in 2 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gRCg
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Hacker News

Ask HN: What Are You Working On? (October 2024) (Score: 151+ in 12 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/c/6gY4U

What are you working on? Any new ideas that you're thinking about?

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Hacker News

Freenet: A decentralized alternative to world wide web (Score: 150+ in 16 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gXsz
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gXsz

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Hacker News

ATL: A layer to run Android apps on Linux (Score: 154+ in 5 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gYgT
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Hacker News

What's New in POSIX 2024 (Score: 151+ in 12 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h3UF
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6h3UF

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Hacker News

Debian's "secret" sauce (❄️ Score: 150+ in 4 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gQeT
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gQeT

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Hacker News

Using reinforcement learning and $4.80 of GPU time to find the best HN post (Score: 151+ in 11 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h2sr
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6h2sr

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Hacker News

Why so few Matt Levines? (Score: 150+ in 6 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h3dj
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6h3dj

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Hacker News

How JPEG XL compares to other image codecs (❄️ Score: 150+ in 5 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gHnr
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gHnr

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Hacker News

The sins of the 90s: Questioning a puzzling claim about mass surveillance (Score: 154+ in 5 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gZZ6
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gZZ6

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Hacker News

We're forking Flutter (🔥 Score: 152+ in 55 minutes)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6h2Ur
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6h2Ur

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Hacker News

Fearless SSH: Short-lived certificates bring Zero Trust to infrastructure (❄️ Score: 150+ in 5 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gJsF
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gJsF

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Hacker News

Hoard of coins from Norman Conquest is Britain's most valuable treasure find (❄️ Score: 150+ in 5 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gHjj
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gHjj

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Hacker News

418 I'm a Teapot (Score: 151+ in 10 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gYCK
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gYCK

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Hacker News

Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend (2016) (Score: 153+ in 6 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gYMT
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gYMT

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Hacker News

Pollen: A publishing system written in Racket (Score: 150+ in 21 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gXe5
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gXe5

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Hacker News

New Architecture is here (❄️ Score: 150+ in 3 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gNXz
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gNXz

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Hacker News

Saturated fat: the making and unmaking of a scientific consensus (2022) (Score: 150+ in 1 day)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gVmx
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gVmx

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Hacker News

'Visual clutter' alters information flow in the brain (❄️ Score: 150+ in 5 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6gGBU
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6gGBU

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