This is a working group for driving for a common base for all libhybris based mobile OSs. Please use pastebin to paste more then 4 lines.
not without kernel hacks to allow multiple active LSMs at least
Читать полностью…also UT wants AppArmor while Android won't boot without SELinux
Читать полностью…There are changes to the Halium Kernel that Android sometimes doesn't like with some devices or it just cause a performance issue
Читать полностью…I gotta reiterate I am far from an expert but the one who is, is a genius and I trust her judgement 100%
I installed Waydroid helper first as couldn't find Waydroid so that might help
I honestly don't know, but heard (from a genius expert) the dual boot is kinda hacky and not reliable
Waydroid is great tho, and basically a dual boot, well almost
I have a random question, but does the Halium kernel support directly booting android as well or is it strictly for booting distros such as Ubuntu Touch and whatnot? The reason I ask is I might want to try a dual boot without having to switch kernels, something like using a Unified kernel
Читать полностью…Using this:
Читать полностью…There are some exceptions such as 4.19 for redmi note 11 but the backport is broken
Читать полностью…Hi. What does it mean that the kernel is GKI? What does it provide? Is there a number one thing about the Halium project?
Читать полностью…you're not supposed to build a device specific full systemimage since 10+
Читать полностью…maybe you can ask in #sailfishos-porters as the support was written by mal
Читать полностью…Depending on the device (mainly qualcomm processors with close to mainline support), booting android with a halium kernel is possible (in my experience). But you will get alot better support and performance using waydroid.
Читать полностью…How soon can halium-14.0 be released? I can't downgrade namely.
Читать полностью…Wondering what kind of Makefile trickery is necessary to unblock mka systemimage
from functioning... right now with the 32bit Halium device it fails to find the target for modern Ubuntu Touch porting way
Читать полностью…Does halium 12 contain halium-boot
/ directory?
Because when I sync the repo I don't get that directory
after playing around with icd vkinfo tries but failes too
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