This is a working group for driving for a common base for all libhybris based mobile OSs. Please use pastebin to paste more then 4 lines.
hi, I'm trying to reproduce a build halium-9 for samsung-dreamlte, based on this PR
I've followed the 'get halium source' instructions, but whenever I do lunch dreamlte
I get a build/make/core/ error: Can not locate config makefile for product "dreamlte"
(full paste ) however, this doesn't seem to be a dreamlte issue, as I'm failing to build for any of the other halium-9 devices, eg. oneplus_bacon. it succeeds in synchro
nising repo source, but it then gives me the same error as in the above pastebin. I'd appreciate any help with getting a build going
Then you could've asked in the group linked in "getting community help"
Читать полностью…I have no idea how you ended up on the halium docs from now hmmm
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Читать полностью…but what you are refering to here is for those who need to change underpinnings of Halium ports, meaning the interaction between Android components and GNU/Linux pieces.
Читать полностью…not here
Читать полностью…oh ok since i only see in the Hallium source it stopped at hallium 12 i thought that there is not for hallium 13
Читать полностью…hey sorry for late answer, i read the docs but it doenst really answer my question, the last version of Hallium is Hallium12 so Android 12 but i have Android 13 and lineageos 20, so i need to downgrade my lineageos etc for make it work. Right?
Читать полностью…Still haven't figured out my audio issue though, but that's OT for here
Читать полностью…I think that's because those have parts that run in the halium container
Читать полностью…We have similar chipset on HP Tenderloin (TouchPad I think)
Читать полностью…I really need help fixing WiFi on halium 7.1, my device has the msm8960 SoC with BCM4335 WiFi, wlan0 is seen by network manager but is unavailable. I followed instructions on the halium guide for broadcom but it didn't work.
Читать полностью…So how can i put the things to work,
Im sorry Im very new to this can you give me any kind of guide or stuff to read
Halium more or less just provides the Android env for vendor services
Читать полностью…well i was just looking to see if my devices was supported by hallium since in the porting docs its end at 11 so i wanted to be sure
Читать полностью…Follow the guide I linked and additionally, read on other device ports on how they do it from
Читать полностью…Not quite, my understanding is you should not need lineage, you only need the kernel for the standalone kernel method
Читать полностью…so if I had to guess, I’d say you are better off following the newer device porting guidelines
Читать полностью…In the source you should be able to find halium-13.0 branches by now
Читать полностью…We do happen to have halium-13.0 builds now, you would have to point your deviceinfo file to version 13
Maybe, but the wifi part was irrelevant for my device, I found the solution I needed in the telegram group
Читать полностью…I'll have a look, dmesg suggests it could be something to do with an EFAULT
Читать полностью…Apologies, I likely don't have the knowledge to help, but it might help to say what.devkcd. it is
Читать полностью…check your target distro porting guides, don't focus on Halium
Читать полностью…the Android version of Halium image and VNDK of your vendor partition have to match
Читать полностью…you don't need to build Halium if porting for a Treble-compatible device
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