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pindah yuk ke @iKONYGE dan @withhanbin131 sekalian sama group chatnya @INAiKON dan @IDIndonesia131

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

besties, we moved to @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

guys, udah pada tau belum anak iKON sekarang pakai Weverse. so buat kalian yang belum subs channel baru kita, cepetan deh di subs @iKONYGE semua perupdatean ada disana. dan juga channel baru khusus untuk I.D's @withhanbin131


guys, did you know, iKON member's using Weverse now. so for those of you who haven't subscribed to our new channel, hurry up @iKONYGE that's all about daily update iKON member's. also for I.D's we have a special channel @withhanbin131. Go go subscribe our new channel

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

besties, we moved to @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

happy birthday dongiii💕 wish you the very best and wish you always get your happiness, and also hope you'll always gettin better in the future💕💕 i'll always waiting your next song, always! ALSO YOUR SOLO, OF COURSE!! @_dong_ii , one last thing that i wont never forget to tell, HAENGBOKHAJA DONGII😉😉

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday bang dongi, sehat2 ya bang, bahagia selalu, stay safe and stay healthy, love you❤️🎉🎉🎉

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

(n.) "a person that will always love and protect iKON from all bad things in the worlds." ✨✨

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

happy birthday kim donghyuk

stay healthy and happy always. hopefully what you want will be achieved soon. thank you for making us iKONICs happy.
i love you dongi 🥰🙌🏻


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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Hbd, oppa~!! >_< sehat selalu, jaga kesehatan, panjang umur, ya sayang nya akoh 😆🥳🌻

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

HBD dongiii hope you'll lebah and i'll always waiting your next song, always! AND YOUR SOLO, OF COURSE! keep being the nicest person, we love you dongiii, neomu neomuu saranghae💕💕

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy Birthday Kim Donghyuk ❤️❤️🎊🎊
I hope that I can become a better person, successful in my career, we all love you. thank you for enduring until now. i love you❤️

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday dongiiii,wish you all the best❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday dongi oppa
Selamat bertambah umur, semoga diusiamu dan di thn ini semua keinginan mu tercipta, sabar yah kalau anak" Suka bikin naik darah hahaha, sehat di sana stay safe and stay healthy, udah itu aj doaku untuk mu, cepet comeback yah dah ditunggu nih ama parak ikonic 🥰#FlowerDonghyukDay

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

happy birthday dongiii! wish u all the best yaa! semoga makin sukses, sehat selalu, cepet comeback dongg, jgn bikin oleng terus hehe, ilysm 💞🥺

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday cwo baikk ❤️ I hope you will always be healthy, get lots of good news, become a better person, have a long life. in the future, I want to see you have a solo album too , i love u❤️❤️

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Selamat ulang tahun Donghyuk! Aku harap di hari ulang tahun mu ini, semoga kau panjang umur dan sehat selalu dan juga bahagia bersama iKONIC. Aku harap kau dan member lain bahagia dan baik-baik saja disana.Aku selalu mendukung mu dan iKON!!❤️

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

besties, we moved to @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

besties, we moved to @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday Dongii ❤️
Wish you all the best pokoknya♡
Tetep jadi bunganya Ikon ya🌻
Love you❣

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131


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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy Birthday My Dongdong 🎉❤️

Doa yang terbaik untukmu, semoga awal tahun 2021 yang terbaik buat IKON-IKONIC ♥️ l Miss you IKON
@D_dong_ii @YG_iKONIC

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Dear Donghyuk, happy birthday ❤️ I pray for your happiness and success, meek man no one can express how ikonic loves you 사랑해

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

happy birthday dk🥳

kamu terbaik
selamat menua ganteng💗

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday to little baby donghyuk. Always be healthy, live a long life, and hopefully always be full of happiness. We love u❤️

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday DK🤗 I hope you are always healthy and keep spirit...I'm waiting for something new from iKON ..we always love and support iKON..🥰🥰

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday DK🤗 I hope you are always healthy and keep spirit...I'm waiting for something new from iKON ..we always love and support iKON..🥰🥰

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday My King Dancer \(^o^)/🎉🎊🎂
WYATB , thanks for your hardwork , thanks for make me happy , i hope u always happy ❤️ 🧡
God bless you ❤️

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

happy birthday dk🤩❤️ I hope this year is filled with happiness and we will meet soon🥺🥰

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Dongiii ✨✨
Happy birthday youuuuuu soft boy 🤗
Always be healthy sama pnjang umur 🔥
당신에게 행운을 빕니다
Love youuuu dong dong 🤗❤️

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

Happy birthday Dongii😘❤️ Wish you all the best smg panjang umur sehat slalu❤️ makin sering berantem Ama Bobby:v😂 Pokok nya yg terbaik❤️😍

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Pindah ke @iKONYGE & @withhanbin131

210103 iKON mobile update

#iKONUPDATE x #FlowerDonghyukDay

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