भारत की मूल संस्कृति - कृष्ण संस्कृति
श्रील प्रभुपाद: "भारत की स्थिति अब अराजकता और भ्रम की स्थिति है क्योंकि हमने इस वैदिक सभ्यता को खो दिया है, हमने कृष्णभावना को खो दिया है, हमने भगवत्भावना को खो दिया है। हम सनक द्वारा निर्देशित हो रहे हैं। इसलिए यह भारत की बहुत ही शोचनीय स्थिति है, हालांकि यह कृष्णभावना भारत की मूल संस्कृति है, कृष्ण संस्कृति। श्रीकृष्ण इस भूमि पर प्रकट हुए थे। हालाँकि श्रीकृष्ण किसी विशेष भूमि के लिए नहीं हैं, लेकिन फिर भी, श्रीकृष्ण भारतवर्ष की इस पवित्र भूमि, मथुरा में प्रकट हुए।
इसलिए यह भारतीयों का कर्तव्य है कि वे कृष्ण संस्कृति, कृष्णभावना सांस्कृतिक आंदोलन को समझें और इसमें गंभीरता से भाग लें। यही चैतन्य महाप्रभु का निर्देश है।"
―प्रवचन, भगवद्-गीता १३.३
२६ सितम्बर १९७३, बम्बई
👉 *श्रील प्रभुपाद वाणी - हिन्दी* 👈
India's Original Culture - Krsna Culture
Srila Prabhupada: "India's position is now chaos and confusion because we have lost this Vedic civilization, we have lost Krsna consciousness, we have lost God consciousness. We are being directed by the whims. So it is very lamentable condition of India, although this Krsna consciousness is India's original culture, Krsna culture. Krsna appeared on this land. Although Krsna is not for any particular land, but still, Krsna appeared in this holy land of Bharatavarsa, Mathura.
So it is the duty of the Indians to understand Krsna culture, Krsna consciousness cultural movement, and take part in it seriously. That is the instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu."
―Lecture, Bhagavad-gita 13.3
September 26, 1973, Bombay
*One who is violent to living entities cannot attain The Lord.*
Highlights from the discourse of *His Holiness Srila Nava Yogendra Swamiji Maharaj* 🙏
Home Program Pravachan.
Date: - *25th August 2023, Vancouver.*
🔸 One has nothing to do in the world, as everyone gets forced to leave out of here. Happiness is at the feet of Hari, not in this world. No one belongs to anyone in this world. The world is full of selfishness. *The Lord doesn't like selfish people. He likes those who are in a prayerful mood.*
🔸 The suffering one takes to progress in the spiritual path is penance. By doing service, the body gets purified, and by donating money, it gets purified (donation in the service of Krishna, for propagating the name of Krishna).
👉 *Don't forget two things if one expects welfare.*
*One is Death, and the other is The Lord.*
👉 *Do bhajan of Shri Krishna, as it will be handy.*
*Money and people will be left behind, but Harinaam comes along.*
To join our WhatsApp group, send *Name & place to 9911001530.*
*_Hare Krishna General Insurance_*
Thanks 🙏
हम आध्यात्मिक जीवन में प्रगति कर रहे हैं या नहीं, इसकी जांच कैसे करें?
परम पूज्य श्रील नव योगेन्द्र स्वामी जी महाराज के प्रवचन से मुख्य अंश 🙏
दीक्षा समारोह प्रवचन।
दिनांक:- अगस्त 24, 2023, इस्कॉन वैंकूवर।
🔸हम प्रतिदिन मृत्यु के करीब आ रहे हैं लेकिन हमें नियमों का पालन करके और अपराधों से बचकर कृष्ण के करीब आना होगा।
🔸हमें किसी की आलोचना नहीं करनी चाहिए। *निंदक व्यक्ति पापों को बढ़ाकर नारकीय स्थिति में पड़ा रहेगा।*
🔸हमें कृष्णभावना को अपनाने में बहुत गंभीर होना होगा। *जप से हमारा मलिन हृदय शुद्ध हो जायेगा।*
🔸यदि *ईर्ष्या* और *कामवासना* कम हो रही है, तो समझना चाहिए कि आध्यात्मिक जीवन में प्रगति हो रही है।
इसी तरह के सुंदर सूंदर पोस्ट प्राप्त करने के लिए हमारे WhatsApp broadcast से जुड़ने के लिए 9911001530 पर ADDओर अपना नाम और स्थान लिखकर भेजें।
Hare Krishna General Insurance
Contact us for all types Insurance, Mutual Fund, personal loan
Phone no : 9911001530
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🌟 *पुरुषोत्तम अधिक मास 18 जुलाई से 16 अगस्त तक प्रारंभ हो रहा है।*🌟
हम सभी को विशेष रूप से इस माह में आध्यात्मिक जीवन में आगे बढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित रहना चाहिए। इस माह में हम जो भी आध्यात्मिक कार्य करेंगे वह सामान्य दिनों से हजार गुना अधिक होगा।
*इस कथा को अवश्य सुनें, YouTube पर comments करें और यदि आपके कोई प्रश्न हों तो पूछें।*
Again I assert the Holy Name is the living embodiment of all spiritual rasas
"There is nothing but the Holy Name to be had in the fourteen worlds"
❝take shelter of the holy name as your only business❞
"Harer nāmaiva kevalam"
~Sripad Aindra Prabhu
Basic Culture of India - Krishna Culture
Shrile Prabhupad: "India is now a state of chaos and confusion because we have lost this Vedic civilization, we have lost the krishnacharana, we have lost Bhagwattana. We are being guided by Sunk. So it is a very fascinable state of India, although it is the basic culture of Krishnan, the Krishna culture. Shri Krishna appeared on this land. Although Shri Krishna is not for any particular land, Shri Krishna appeared in this sacred land of India, Mathura.
It is therefore the duty of the Indians to understand the Krishna culture, the Krishnanana cultural movement and participate seriously in it. This is the direction of the Chaitanya Mahabhu. ""
The Word, Bhagavad Gita 13.3
26 September 1973, Bombay
👉 Sriel Prabhupad's speech - Hindi raj
© 2018 Krsna Culture. All rights reserved.
“India’s position is now chaos and confusion because we have lost this Vedic civilization, we have lost Krsna consciousness, we have lost God consciousness. We are being directed by the whims. So it is a very important condition of India, although this is the main culture of Krsna culture. It is not for any particular land, but it is still present in this holy land of Bharatavarsa.
So it is the duty of the Indians to understand Krsna culture, Krsna’s cultural movement, and take part in it seriously. This is the instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
English Français Español Español Deutsch Deutsch 中文 Deutsch 中文
September 26, 1973, Bombay
One who is violent to living entities cannot attain The Lord.
Highlights from the discourse of His Holiness Srila Nava Yogendra Swamiji Maharaj 🙏
Home Program Pravachan.
Date: - 25th August 2023, Vancouver.
🔸 One has nothing to do in the world, as everyone gets forced to leave out of here. Happiness is at the feet of Hari, not in this world. No one belongs to anyone in this world. The world is full of selfishness. The Lord doesn't like selfish people. He likes those who are in a prayerful mood.
🔸 The suffering one takes to progress in the spiritual path is penance. By doing service, the body gets purified, and by donating money, it gets purified (donation in the service of Krishna, for propagating the name of Krishna).
👉 Don't forget two things if one expects welfare.
One is Death, and the other is The Lord.
👉 Do bhajan of Shri Krishna, as it will be handy.
Money and people will be left behind, but Harinaam comes along.
To join our WhatsApp group, send Name & place to 9911001530.
_Hare Krishna General Insurance_
Thanks 🙏
How to check if we are progressing in spiritual life?
The main excerpts from the preaching of the Lord Shiva, the Lord of God.
The initiation ceremony discourse.
Date:- August 24, 2023, Iscon Vancouver.
We are coming closer to death every day but we have to come close to Krishna by following the rules and avoiding offenses.
We should not criticize anyone. The new person will continue to increase the sins and have a negative position.
We have to be very serious in adopting the Krishnanavana. This will cleanse the heart from the heart.
If you are getting less, you should understand that spiritual life is progressing.
Send ADDOR by writing its name and location at 9911001530 to connect with our WhatsApp broadcast to get the same beautiful Sundar Post.
Thank you!
Hare Krishna General Insurance
Contact us for all types of Insurance, Mutual Fund, Personal Loan
Phone No: 9911001530