All JOBS IN ONE PLACE. ለማንኛውም አስተያየት: @Harmeejob 👌በየቀኑ የሚወጡ አዳዲስ ማስታወቅያዎችን ለማግኘት ይቀላቀሉን! Website: ✍️Beeksisa Hojii fi Odeeffannoo wayitawaa Argachu yoo fettan join godhaa.
Vacancy at CARITAS Switzerland (CACH)
✅ positions: Finance and Admin Officer
✅ Qualification: BA degree in Finance and Accounting or Accounting from recognized university
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉 Apply online :-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🌍Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at National Electoral Board of Ethiopia- NEBE -የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ
🔰NEBE is invites job seekers for appointment on below position.
1. Media Documentation Junior Expert II
2. Junior Finance Expert
3. Cashier
4. Financial & Compliance Audit Expert
5. Senior Finance Expert
6: Human Resources Development Expert
7: Logistics Expert
8: Election Security Expert
9. Executive Assistant
10: Technical Field Manager (TFM)
11. Transport and Logistics Expert
12: Inventory Control Expert
13. Performance Audit Expert
14: Media Monitoring Expert
15. Assistant Storekeeper
16: Head, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation And Learning Department
17: Election Operations Planning Expert
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
or 👇👇
=>see if you are a fit:-
🌍Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at Akoya Groups
❇️ Position: Junior Accountant
❇️ Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, or related field.
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉 Apply online :-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🍎Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA )
CCRDA invites Interested and qualified applicants for the following Vacant positions.
1: Content Development and Communication Officer
2: Executive Secretary
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Read Detail:-
👉 ዛሬ የወጣ ሌሎች ስራዎች:
🍎Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Don't forget to Share 👥 Thank you!
#New NGO Jobs at SNV global
✅ SNV wants to recruit employees in the following vacant positions below.👇👇
1: Finance Intern(For Fresh Graduate)
2: Treasury Officer – Contingent to donor funding
3: Inclusion and Youth Engagement Advisor (Contingent to donor funding)
4: Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Advisor (Contingent to donor funding)
5: Procurement and Logistics Manager
6:Skill System Advisor (Contingent to donor funding)
7: Agri-Business Development Service Advisor (Contingent to donor funding)
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
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🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
Ⓜ️Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
🔴Share and Support your friend /እባክዎ ለወዳጅዎ ያጋሩት
#New Vacancy at Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia P.L.C
✅Safaricom Ethiopia are pleased to announce the following vacancy position:
1: Analyst – Quality Assurance
2: Sales Solution Lead
📌 ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at Oromia national regional state Oromia road and logistics Bureau
✅Number of Positions: 11-positions with EXP
📚Oromia national regional state oromia road and logistics bureau wants to recruit employees in the Different vacant positions:
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Read Detail:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🍎Telegram:- /channel/harmeeJobs
መረጃውን #Share /ሸር/ በማድረግ ለሌሎችም/ በስራ ፍለጋ ላሉ ወገኖቻችን እናካፍል።
Vacancy at Chemical Industry Corporation Muger Cement Factory/ For Fresh Graduate
✅Position: : Junior Information Technology Specialist
✅ Experience: 0 year
✅ Qualification: BSc/BA Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems, Electrical and Computer Engineering.
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
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👉🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇
=>See Detail:-
🔰Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at Dafa Soap and Detergent Manufacturing PLC
🔰 Position: Sales Supervisor
✅ Qualification: BA degree in sales, marketing, business administration or related fields.
📌 ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
🇸🇬National University of Singapore Scholarships 2025 in Singapore (Fully Funded)
University: National University of Singapore
Degree level: BS, MS, PhD, Post Doc
Scholarship coverage: Fully Funded
Eligible nationality: All Nationalities
Award country: Singapore
Last Date: 1 March 2025 (for BS) & 1 October 2025 (for MS, PhD)
• Full Tuition Fees
• Monthly stipend of $2,000, which will be increased to $2,500 after the passing of the Qualifying Examination
• One-time Airfare Grant of up to S$1,500*
• One-time Settling in Allowance of S$1,000*
🔰How To Apply 👇👇
👁Apply Link:-
🎓For more Scholarship Click here :
📌Telegram:- /channel/scholarshipsee
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Vacancy at British Embassy
🔶 British Embassy invites qualified and competent applicants for the following vacant position
✅ Position 1: CMR and Logistics Officer
✅ Position 2: TREE Technical Lead
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉 Apply online :-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🍎Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Don't forget to Share 👥 Thank you!
Careers Opportunity at African Union
🔰The African Union (AU) wants to recruit employees in the following vacant positions👇👇
1: Assistant Accountant
2: Senior Finance Officer IPSAS Expert
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Now:-
♨️For More Jobs 👇👇
📌click Here:-
🔴Share and Support your friend /እባክዎ ለወዳጅዎ ያጋሩት
✅Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at Women Empowerment – Action
✅Women Empowerment – Action would like to invite qualified and interested job seekers to apply for the following different position.
1: Project Accountant
2: Project Coordinator
📌 ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉 Apply Online:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🌍Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at Ahadu Bank S.C
🔰 Ahadu Bank wants to recruit employees in the following vacant positions👇👇
1: Junior Digital Application Officer
2: Customer Service Officer I
3: Manager, Credit Portfolio & Recovery
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🔰Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
🔴Share and Support your friend /እባክዎ ለወዳጅዎ ያጋሩት
#New Ethiopian Airlines - Call For Physical Screening
✅ Announcement : Et-Sponsored Cabin Crew Candidates
✅The Among Those Candidates Who Have Applied And Taken Written Examination For The Position Of Et-Sponsored Cabin Crew Trainee , The Following Listed Candidates Have Passed The Written Examination And Requested To Come For Physical Screening Only As Per The Below Place, Date & Time Schedule.
👉የስም ዝርዝር እዚህ ይመልከቱ/👇👇
👉 Please check name lists using the following links:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🔰Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
#New Vacancy at Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia P.L.C
✅Safaricom Ethiopia are pleased to announce the following vacancy position:
1: Business Assurance Analyst
2: Business Assurance Specialist
3: Senior Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
4: Principal Datacenter and Campus Network Engineer
5: Sales & Distribution Technical Lead ( Re-Advert)
6: EHOD – Compliance and Fraud Management
📌 ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
#New Ethiopian Airlines - Call For Physical Screening and Interview Exam
✅Position 1 : Et-Sponsored Cabin Crew Trainee
✅ Position 2 : College Trainee
✅The Among Those Candidates Who Have Applied And Taken Written Examination For The Position Of Et-Sponsored Cabin Crew Trainee and College Trainee , The Following Listed Candidates Have Passed The Written Examination And Requested To Come For Physical Screening Only As Per The Below Place, Date & Time Schedule.
✅Location : Addis Ababa University , Gondar University, Wollo University, Arbaminch University, Wolkite University , Dire Dawa University, Madda Walabu University, Ambo University, Wollega University,
👉የስም ዝርዝር እዚህ ይመልከቱ/👇👇
👉 Please check name lists and Date & Time Schedule using the following links:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🔰Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at Tsedey Bank S.C
🔰 Tsedey Bank Invites Interested and qualified applicants for the following job Position.. Position List 👇👇
1: Grade I Branch Manager
2: Manager, Grade I District
3: Manager, Grade II District
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የ NGO ሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
Ⓜ️Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
✅ 200 Fully Funded International Scholarships 2025 for world wide students
at World Top University - Tsinghua University under Schwarzman Scholars Programme.
☑️ NO Application Fee
☑️ NO IELTS/TOEFL Required
☑️ No Minimum CGPA Required
💰Benefits : Fully Funded (Airfare, Full Tuition, Accommodation, Stipend, Books and much more)
💰 stipend of $4,000
👉 Degree Programs: Multiple Degree Programs
☑️ Application Fee: No Application Fee
⚫️ Eligibility: World Wide Students
💯How to Apply 👇👇
🎓For more Scholarship Click here :
📌Telegram:- /channel/scholarshipsee
✅ Tag Your Friend and Share
#New NGO Jobs at Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
✅Norwegian Refugee Council (የኖርዌይ የስደተኞች ምክር ቤት) invites qualified applicants for the various positions.
1: Finance Technical Assistant
2: Finance Intern
2: Driver
3: Logistics Technical Assistant
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Read Detail:-
👉 ዛሬ የወጣ ሌሎች ስራዎች:
🍎Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Don't forget to Share 👥 Thank you!
Vacancy at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
🎓 Position: Communication Intern
✅ Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in communications, Journalism, Political Science, Economics or energy related fields related field
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
🔰አዳዲስ ስራዎችን በየቀኑ ያግኙ👇👇
=>See Detail:-
✅Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Don't forget to Share 👥 Thank you!
Vacancy at Norwegian Refugee Council
✅Position: Finance Intern
✅ experience: 0 years
✅ Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance, Fresh graduated and other related field of study.
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
✅ ዛሬ የወጡ የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች ሁሉም በአንድ ቦታ በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇👉
✅Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
Vacancy at Enat Bank(For Fresh Graduate)
🔰 Position:- Junior Programmer
✅ Experience:- 0 year
✅ Qualification: BSc in computer science and other related fields
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
🎓Apply Online:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
🍎Telegram:- /channel/harmeeJobs
መረጃውን #Share /ሸር/ በማድረግ ለሌሎችም/ በስራ ፍለጋ ላሉ ወገኖቻችን እናካፍል።
👥 Thank you!
NGO Jobs at Plan International
🔰The Plan International wants to recruit employees in the following vacant positions below👇👇
1: Nutrition Assistant & Measurer/Registrar
2: MHPSS Officer
3: UNICEF Project Manager
4: Nutrition assistant
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
👉Apply Online:-
🔰ከተለያዩ ድርጅት የሥራ ማስታወቂያዎች
በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
=>See Detail:-
ቴሌግራማችንን Join ያድርጉ 👇
Telegram:- /channel/harmeejobs
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Vacancy at Right to Play
🔰Right to Play Would Like To Announce A New Vacant Position 👇👇
1: Project Officer
3: MEL Specialist
4: Project Manager
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
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በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
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Position: Partnerships Analyst
✅ Education: A first-level university degree (bachelor’s degree) or Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Development, International Relations, Business, or related field.
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Vacancy at Bonga University
✅ Number of Positions: 37+ -positions 0 EXP( በ0አመት)
✅በተለያዩ የትምህርት ደረጃዎች የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ in collage of Social Science and Humanities, Business and Economics, Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Agricultural Resource Management ...and other
📌ሰለ ሰራው ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ👇👇
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በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
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Vacancy at Ethiopian Airlines Group
🔰Ethiopian Airlines Group Would Like To Announce A New Vacant Position 👇👇
1: Assistant industrial mechanic
2: Graphic Designer
3: French Language Speaking Customer Service Associate
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በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
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🇨🇦Canadian Government Scholarships 2025-26 in Canada (Fully Funded)
University: Canadian University
Degree level: Bachelor, Masters, PhD
Scholarship coverage: Fully Funded
Eligible nationality: International
Award country: Canada
Last Date: 18 March 2025
💯How to Apply 👇👇
👀Apply Link:
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Vacancy at Embassy of France in Ethiopia
✅ The French Embassy is recruiting a multi-skilled consular officer whose duties will be shared between the Administration des Français department and the visa department.
✅ salary : 114,914 ETB
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በዚህ ሊንክ ዌብሳይቱ ላይ ይመልከቱት👇👇
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