We're all very tired of seeing the Hindu/Buddhist/Dharma/Jove larp. You've taken it too far, lads.
Learning from these other traditions and filling the gaps within our own occult understanding is okay, but becoming the subject you study is not.
With that said, Learning from these Non-European religions and holy books isn't even neccessary. One can more effectively fill the gaps within our occult understandings by studying Hermetic and magickal texts that originate from our ancestral homeland.
For us the answer is Wotan or nothing. The magick through the Wotanic process is real, and the source is seated within our blood and the natural universe around us.
Hail our Ancestors
Hail Wotan
Hail Victory
Back in the good old days when our people were sensible and knew how to handle bad ideas.
Читать полностью…The accounts are enemies of me, Andy "the Architect" Ngo, and must be reported and banned for breaking Twitter TOS!!!
-Gwen Snyder
-Elmfork JBGC https://mobile.twitter.com/elmforkJBGC
-"It's Going Down" https://mobile.twitter.com/IGD_News
-"Molly Conger"
-Anon Com
-Antifa International
(More to Come)
The cities are hellscapes, the people aren't alive. It's most apparent after you've dropped out for a substantial amount of time and you revisit a metropolis. Ugly buildings stacked on uglier buildings. Vehicles bumper to bumper racing each other in slow motion to their next consumption. Industrial warehouses and strip malls, owned by jewish conglomerates, line the freeways for countless miles. The populations are rude and anxious: look at them and search for any sign of humanity, you are met with a hostile gaze from flouride-eyes. You noticed this all before but now after your time away, it's jarring. And then you remember
why you started to Hate.
The message hasn't (and won't) change.
Tribe up, lean into collapse. We have no dog in this fight (yet)
Hail holy terror
Hail the saints
Let your mother know you love her
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope you’re all doing well and spending time with loved ones today. Todays a day of remembering what we’re grateful for.
Читать полностью…What is good? Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.
What is evil? Whatever springs from weakness.
What is happiness? The feeling that power increases, that resistance is overcome.
Censorship will not last forever or much longer, the ADL and various NGO organization have used up every bit of social control that they had for the last few years. The people are tired of the force-fed lies and the neutered truths.
Pure Truth will bring eschaton to this global house of cards that was built on a foundation of falsehoods.
Jordan is finally being honest. He's been lying to everyone about the Russian revolution for so long I almost thought he believed his own lies.
But now, he starts to explain how much he knows.
Antisemitism is a moral necessity, and the gates of hell have already been opened.
Jordan Peterson has always lectured about the Gulag Archipelago and praised it's author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. But he always left out the central point, and he never mentioned the non-fiction book related called 200 Years Together, which outlined the jewish question and the conspiracy of the jewish bolsheviks to otherthrow the Tsar and to punish the Russian people simply for being Russian.
But he knows, and he and all his ivory tower academics who tried so hard to prevent the coming holocaust are starting to understand that their work was in vain, and they will pay the traitors price.
This time the doors will not be made of wood.
If the object of your devotion is the King of your sworn enemy, perhaps it's time for some reevaluations?
Читать полностью…Gwen Snyder tweeted claiming Elon Musk lied about his child's death. Gwen is a high level antifa leader. Report this tweet.
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➡️ Right Side News
I'll keep it clean to avoid bans, as everyone already knows the score at this point.
Читать полностью…Thanksgiving is a day of remembrance and honor to the pioneering spirit, to remember that we can manifest Will anywhere that we lay claim.
Take the time today to thank your ancestors, and to look to your future.
What will you lay claim to?
What will you conquer?
Our god is named Abraxas and he is both god and the devil at the same
You will find in him both the world of light and of shadows.
Abraxas is not opposed to any of your thoughts or to any of your dreams but he will abandon you if you become normal and unapproachable. He will abandon you and look for another pot in which to cook his thoughts.
As an Aryanist, as a White pagan. It is your duty to find and claim Christian women as your own. Do not allow the weak limpwristed chr*stain "men" to procreate with them. Claim the Christian women, place your stake and fill their bellies with Aryan Anti-christ seed.
That is all.
..end of morning transmission...
Sieg Heil!