🗓️ 18 JANUARY 2021
DAY 1 #
* Philippians 3: 7-8 * _But what was gain to me, I now consider loss for Christ. On the contrary, I count everything as loss, because the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord, is greater than all. It is because of Him that I have given up all these things and considered them trash, that I might gain Christ, _
There are many Christians who have been members of the church for years and worship diligently every Sunday, but their daily lives have not produced any tangible fruit. Marriage is often tinged with bickering and even domestic violence is not uncommon. Or not a few Christians are involved in illegal drugs. There are also those who still commit crimes and cheating in their work. Their lives haven't changed. Why does this happen? Most likely they have not experienced a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit.
When the Spirit of God leads our lives, our lives are sure to change. We can see how the life changes that happened to the disciples of the Lord Jesus between before and after the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost. The students' attitudes changed from being selfish to being willing to take risks. Even willing to die for the sake of maintaining faith. The Apostle Paul, was a persecutor of the church of Christ. However, after experiencing a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit, he became an apostle who dared to preach the gospel the most. The Apostle Paul dared to pay a very high price because of his extraordinary love for the Holy Spirit.
Yes, when we have a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit, we can't help but fall in love with Him. What we once thought was very valuable, becomes meaningless, even like trash, after we know the Lord Jesus. For this reason, if we desire to have a new and victorious life, it is very necessary for us to meet the Holy Spirit personally. Ask earnestly and continue to communicate with the Holy Spirit. If our hearts are hungry and thirsty, the Holy Spirit will surely reveal Himself and be pleased to meet us personally. An encounter that will totally transform us. Good nature, character and our way of thinking. So that our lives will bear tangible fruits and glorify the name of our Father in heaven more.
* _ PERSONAL EXAMINATION * with the Holy Spirit will * CHANGE_ * us * _SECA TOTAL_ *.
1. Have you had a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit?
2. Why do we need to have a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit?
3. What changes have you experienced after meeting personally with the Holy Spirit?
_ "Lord Jesus, we are grateful we have Your Holy Spirit in our lives. We long for our personal encounter, so that our lives will be totally changed. In the name of the Lord Jesus we have prayed. Amen ”_
📱Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️
Sunday 10th January, 2021
Ministering: Segun Olumide
TEXT: James 1:3-4 NLT
*3 For WHEN YOUR FAITH IS TESTED, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.*
1 Peter 1:7 NLT
I welcome you to a pleasant 2021 in Jesus' name.
For the full message, click the link below:
🗓️ 17-JANUARY-2021
* Revelation 2: 4-5 * _However I criticize you, because you have left your first love. 5 Therefore remember how deeply you have fallen! Repent and do again what you originally did. Otherwise, I will come to you and I will take your lampstand from its place, if you do not repent.
Falling in love, it's a million. This is how people who are in love feel. They feel that the world belongs only to the two of them. Yes, when we fall in love, even what is bad will feel good, even what is heavy will feel light, because our hearts are filled with the first love. The feeling of wanting to always meet, and the feeling of wanting to always please our loved ones always fills our hearts. That's what it feels like to be in love.
The question is, is there still falling in love like that we feel in our hearts to the Holy Spirit? Do we still feel His commandments are not heavy because we do all of them for the One we love? Do we still yearn for moments of personal fellowship with Him? If we feel that falling in love like that has long since left our hearts, let us return to our original love. Remember that the Holy Spirit never stops falling in love with us. Let us respond to His love by returning to our original love for the Holy Spirit.
Third session of the January 2021 series * “THE YEAR OF THE HOLY SPIRIT” * or * “YEAR OF THE HOLY SPIRIT” * titled * “IN LOVE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT” * or * “FALL IN LOVE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.” *
Burn * FALL YOUR LOVE * to the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit always has * FLYING LOVE * for us.
1. Investigate, how is your love for the Holy Spirit right now?
2. In your opinion, what causes our love for the Holy Spirit to fade?
3. What commitments will you make so that you can continue to ignite your love for the Holy Spirit?
_ "Holy Spirit, forgive us if all this time we have often neglected You who have loved us so much. Today we want to return to our first love for You. Give us a loyal heart and love and obey You more and more every day. Thank you God. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen. "_
📱💖 Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion
Hello Great person😁✌️🔥
Today I'll want to tell you about the greatest thing you can do🙈🔥😂.
Life is filled with beautiful things, and we are pushed to work a looott for our wellbeing💴🤑.
Yes it's good, but real satisfaction I assure you comes from putting your life into helping others. Nobody cares about how you make yourself, but rather how you make them🔥✌️.
Try to make a positive impact in the lives of people...not expecting anything and you'll be the happiest man on earth🌍😌.
Greater love has no man than this, that a man gives up his life for his friends.
John 15:13
🗓️ 16 JANUARY 2021
DAY 6 #
* Isaiah 55: 8 * _For my plans are not your designs, and your ways are not mine, says the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, So are my ways higher than your ways, and my plans are higher than your designs.
When we read God's words in Isaiah 55: 8-9, we often think that God has a plan that is different from what we have planned. Even the difference is very far, like heaven and earth. None of that is wrong. But when we pondered it deeper, it was written that 'As high as the heavens above the earth, so high are My thoughts ABOVE your thoughts, and My ways ABOVE your ways (Isaiah 55: 9 BIMK). The words 'ABOVE' indicate that GOD HAS A PLAN THAT IS MUCH BIGGER, even bigger than the vision we have planned for our life.
This is what happened to Joseph. He thought, his life was directed. He has a vision to be a leader. And at his father's house, he is also equipped with a lot of knowledge. In human terms it is enough. He can be a leader in his father's house. But it turns out that GOD HAS A BIGGER PLAN AND VISION. And by His unexpected scenario, Joseph is brought up far beyond human expectations. He was not only a leader in his father's house, but a great ruler over all of Egypt. That is the miracle of God's way!
The same thing will definitely happen in our life. Pandemics could set us back a lot. We must fight to find a way out. We start making plans for our lives. But never forget that what God has planned for our lives is MUCH BIGGER THAN WHAT WE CAN THINK. That's why we need His guidance more than ever. Don't give up whatever we are facing. Make a commitment to go upstairs. Seek His approval, return to a close relationship with God and do not allow our first love to die. Then, we too will be led through His unexpected ways and we will see His vision and plan that is much bigger than we can think, fulfilled in our lives. Hallelujah!
The Holy Spirit can work in * A VERY DIFFERENT WAY * with the scenario we have in mind, because * HIS WAYS ARE NOT LIMITED *.
1. What plans have you made for your future?
2. To what extent do you involve God and ask Him for guidance in each of the plans that you have made?
3. What differences did you find in carrying out a plan that involved God and did not?
_ Holy Spirit, thank you because You are the one who faithfully guides us. We believe that you have a big plan in our life. Teach us to understand Your plan, O Lord, and this is our commitment, that we will walk according to Your guidance. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen ._
📱💖 Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️💛
🗓️ JANUARY 16, 2020
DAY 6 #
* Psalm 139: 1-2 * _For the choir leader. Psalms of David. Lord, you have searched and recognized me; You know, when I sit or stand, You understand my thoughts from afar.
That day Kezia had to travel all day, from morning to evening. When she got home, Kezia rushed to take a shower to clean herself from the pollution that stuck to her body. After taking a shower, he headed to the dining room. But Kezia felt something strange in her ears. He immediately felt it and how shocked Kezia was when she realized that her favorite earring was missing one side. The earrings were a birthday gift from his friends. Kezia immediately turned back to the bathroom. Carefully and thoroughly he searched every corner of the bathroom. But he could not find the earrings. Kezia's husband helped to search all corners of the house even in the bag and vehicle they were riding earlier. But the result is still nil. Kezia was very sad, but there was nothing more she could do.
Several days have passed. Kezia no longer hopes to find her earrings. But that morning, after he had taken a shower, suddenly he seemed to hear a voice from his heart. A strong urge to look down at a corner of the bathroom. How surprised Kezia was when she found her missing earrings, just lying on the floor in the corner of the bathroom. Even though after a few days, of course the bathroom had been cleaned several times. But Kezia has never seen the earrings there. Until now, Kezia was still wondering, how could that be. But Kezia believed that it must all be the work of an omniscient Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is not only omnipresent and omnipotent, but he is also omniscient. He is able to reveal all that is veiled (Dan 2:22). The Holy Spirit also knows what plan is in front of us, which is the plan of peace! The Holy Spirit knows how to restore our homes, the Holy Spirit knows how to be successful in the midst of a pandemic. He knows how to make our lives happy. The Holy Spirit knows how to solve all the problems in our lives, because He is infinite. Therefore, include Him in all things. The all-knowing Holy Spirit will always guide us and make our lives never the same again. Our life will be limitless! Unlimited, together with the Holy Spirit.
* _HOLY ROH_ * is a person who * _MAHATAHU_ *.
1. Have you relied on the all-knowing Holy Spirit in your life?
2. Why do you need the Holy Spirit in your daily life?
3. What are you doing to involve Him in everything in your life?
_O Lord, we are increasingly realizing how much we really need the Holy Spirit as our helper in our lives. Because we know that we are very limited as humans and the Holy Spirit is an omniscient spirit so that together with Him, we can do and experience even impossible things. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen ._
📱Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️
Election Chaos - Does God Always Choose American Presidents? GOD RAISES UP & PUTS DOWN LEADERS!
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🗓️ 15 JANUARY 2021
DAY 5 #
* Isaiah 40: 18 * _So whom do you want to equate God, and what can you consider to be like Him? _
That day Reina was attending a TRC at her church. He told his brother who was out of town. Reina's sister also asked her to turn on her cellphone when she prayed that her brother and her husband could join in praying. At that time, cellphones were not as sophisticated as they are now, which could be used for live streaming or video calls. What Reina did was call her sister and put her cell phone next to her seat. Even though Reina and her sister were quite far apart, at the time of prayer, they seemed to be in the same realm. They feel the same touch and visit. Reina's brother who was at home, felt the power flowing even though only by telephone. The Holy Spirit can work in different places at the same time.
Yes, the Holy Spirit is an infinite Spirit. Nothing can limit His power. The Holy Spirit can work wonderfully anywhere and anytime. Like when we attend Worship, the Tabernacle of David or the Altar of Morning Prayer online, we can both feel the visitation of the Holy Spirit even though our places are different. Because the Holy Spirit is a ALMIGHTY Person, who cannot be limited by space and time.
No human being can match or resemble what Allah is able to do. Love anything, no matter how much, but humans have limitations. No matter how hard we try, it is impossible for us to be in 2 places at once. However, the Holy Spirit of God, can be present anywhere at the same time. Therefore, we need not feel afraid alone, feel lonely or too far and isolated for the Holy Spirit to reach us. He who is not limited by space and time, is always with us who believe and love Him. And with the Holy Spirit, there is no limit to what we can achieve and do. (LEW)
The Holy Spirit is * UNLIMITED * by space and time, because He is a * ALMIGHTY PERSON *.
1. Have you experienced the Holy Spirit who is not limited by time and space? What kind of experience is that?
2. What made you realize that the Holy Spirit is a Supreme Person?
3. What do you feel, knowing that the Holy Spirit cannot be limited by space and time?
_Lord Jesus, we believe the Holy Spirit is an infinite Spirit. You cannot be limited in time and space. Wherever, whenever the Holy Spirit is always with us and You will always work with us. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen ._
📱Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️
Remember that growth as a Christian should be balanced, you can't grow by only prayers or only reading the Bible...take all aspects serious😌🔥
Grow Up step by step not in a hurry.
Learn from people not just how you think is right.
And above all make sure what you are feeding on is the genuine word of God.😘👌
🗓️ 14 JANUARY 2021
DAY 4 #
* Romans 8: 19 * _Because with eager longing for all creatures await when the children of God are revealed ._
This month is the time to hold a replacement for the chairman of the housing complex residents' association. Each resident already has a candidate who will be proposed to be chairman. Likewise, Mr. Andre, who is the only Christian resident in the complex. He has nominated someone's name to become chairman. However, when the election ceremony took place, it turned out that all the residents agreed to ask him to become chairman. The residents think that they need someone who is good and dignified, who is considered capable of being an example for the community. All residents agreed that all the requirements for a leader they needed were on Mr. Andre.
Through his letter, Paul explained the truth of the gospel to the churches in Rome. He assured that all suffering such as sickness, affliction, poverty, persecution and distress in its various forms, is insignificant in comparison to the blessings, privileges, and glory which will bestow upon the believer and be faithful in the future. For the children of God have a new life led by the Spirit that leads them to glory.
If you look at all the events that took place throughout the last year and the beginning of 2021, it seems like the heavier this year we will go through. The pandemic is getting worse, there are also many disasters and accidents. However, in the midst of conditions that make people want to give up, we can give thanks. Because we know that this year is the Year of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, let us welcome the coming of the Holy Spirit. Let us be more focused and obedient to climb upstairs, seek and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Now is the time for the power of the Holy Spirit to truly be manifested through God's children. This year we will see many of God's children appear to bring solutions to existing problems and take over the power of the world. Let's prepare ourselves well, because the Holy Spirit will work without limits to break all existing limitations.
When the world * _MENYERING_ * _ * the children of God appear and * _TAKE A CHOOSE *.
1. Have you ever felt like giving up in today's world?
2. Why should we not give up as God's children?
3. How can you become a child of God who takes over when the world gives up?
_Lord Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit who gives strength to us. Even though many people in the world have given up, with the Holy Spirit, we will rise up and take over. We believe that we will see and experience the limitless power of the Holy Spirit this year. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen ._
📱💖 Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️💛
* THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2021 *
* DAY 4 # *
Jeremiah 32:27 "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all creatures; is anything impossible for me?
Having a comorbid, or congenital disease, made the mother of drg. Ricky Backer is one of the COVID-19 patients who find it difficult, even impossible, to survive. Not to mention that he is already 70 years old, so the list of impossibilities is growing. However, when the Holy Spirit worked in the isolation room of the hospital, where the mother of drg. Ricky continues to enter God's presence with the help of our church's online Pondok Daud broadcasts, so the impossible can be made possible. The Holy Spirit turned anxiety into joy, fear into faith in God's power, so that miracles of healing took place on him. What humans say is impossible, with God nothing is impossible.
It is in God's hands that there is the power to make what is not into existence, which could not possibly be possible. When we allow the Spirit of God Himself to work in our lives, then we as limited humans will be enabled to do and experience things that are beyond human capacity.
Today, make a commitment to rely on the Holy Spirit in all aspects of our lives. Without the Holy Spirit, we will become human beings who are completely limited and often meet dead ends in life. But with the Holy Spirit, there is no such thing as a dead end. With the Holy Spirit there is always an open way, because the Holy Spirit will give us wisdom and power to be victorious in every season of our lives.
The Holy Spirit is * ABLE * to do the very * IMPOSSIBLE * thing though.
1. The Holy Spirit is a Person who is able to do all impossible things, what impossible things in your life have the Holy Spirit done?
2. What is it that still makes it difficult for you sometimes to fully rely on the Holy Spirit for everything in your life?
3. What is your commitment to continue walking in the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that every great vision of God will be fulfilled for your life? Meditate and write!
“Lord Jesus, we really thank you because You have given Your Spirit to stay with us, so that through the Holy Spirit, we can gain wisdom and guidance that enables us to do all impossible things with You. We want to continue to live in Your wisdom and guidance, O Holy Spirit. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen. "
2 Chronicles 30-31
John 18: 1-18
❤ Love God, 💓Love People, 🔥with Passion
Don't Curse Your Blessings
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🗓️ JANUARY 13, 2021
DAY 3 #
* Isaiah 2: 22 * _Do not hope in man, because he is no more than a breath, and as what he can be considered? _
Interpreting or interpreting dreams, is not something that is too difficult to do. But to both guess someone's dream and interpret its meaning, of course something that is very impossible for humans. This is an absurd job, and anyone who orders must have lost his mind. Perhaps this is what occurred in the minds of the eunuchs when King Nebuchadnezzar asked them to tell what he saw in a dream and what it meant (Daniel 2: 5-11). We too must have had the same thoughts as the eunuchs. How can we know what someone is dreaming of, while our own dreams sometimes we forget after waking up. Even though the eunuchs were the brightest and most respected elect at that time, still King Nebuchadnezzar's requests were too heavy and beyond their capacity. It was impossible for them to answer.
In this life, sometimes we can also experience what the eunuchs experienced. Challenges that are humanly impossible for us to solve. After almost a full year in 2020 we were hit by a hurricane, some people are afraid to expect too much. Some began to reduce their targets or began to cut their vision. Many people do not dare to think big anymore, because they feel that it is impossible to achieve it in the conditions like today. Yes, if we only rely on human abilities, there will be many things that are impossible for us. But what we need to catch and remember carefully, this year is the year of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who is without limits, the Spirit who cannot be limited by anything, is at work in a mighty way.
The Holy Spirit will be happy to help us if we ask Him. Right now, if we feel that we are facing an impossibility, remember that we have an infinite Holy Spirit. We can't, but the Holy Spirit is more than capable. Put Him first in our lives and don't limit His power with our limited thoughts. Then we will see, how the Holy Spirit will take over and make the impossible possible. Jesus bless you. (ASH)
If we only rely on * HUMAN ABILITIES * alone, then many things are * IMPOSSIBLE * for us.
1. What have you been doing to the best of your ability as a human being?
2. Are the results what you expected?
3. What impossibilities are you facing right now? Have you relied on the Holy Spirit to solve it?
_Lord Jesus, forgive us if all this time we have been too confident and only rely on our own strength. Now we realize that we are very limited. Only with the power of the Holy Spirit will we be able to break through all absurdities. Thank you Lord, for the gift of Your Holy Spirit upon us. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen ._
📱Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️
* Wednesday, January 13, 2021 * * Day 3 # * * Limited Humans, Unlimited Holy Spirit * * Rhema Today * Jeremiah 10:23 I know, O Lord, that humans are not in power to determine the way, and the people who walk are not powerful to set their steps. His name is Dr. Richard Teo Keng afternoon, a famous cosmetic surgeon in Singapore. It is still young, but it has become a billionaire because of his expertise. The patient's queue can reach three months before they can get their services. Many people call it a very great young doctor. However, who would have thought at the height of his life, he was suddenly sentenced to suffer from stage 4b lung cancer. He who during his life rely heavily on his own abilities and felt he did not need God, suddenly became a helpless person, so he could not want to come to God. Dr. Richard Teo died at the age of 40 years by leaving the following message: "Happiness does not lie in money, career, or a Ferrari car. True happiness comes from the introduction of God. " Yes, as great as humans, must have limitations. Indeed, no one in this world can relies on himself or rely on other people completely, because humans are very full of weaknesses and limitations. Only the Holy Spirit is not limited. Every human being will surely face something that exceeds his ability to overcome the problem. That is why, we need the unlimited Holy Spirit to always help and walk with us. Don't let us realize our needs of God through painful ways and at a late time. Start now to invite the Holy Spirit to take over our lives. Build an intimate fellowship with Him every time. Let the Holy Spirit replace our limitations with His infinity, and see how God will bring our lives from glory to glory. * Devotional * Greatly * Humans, * Definitely Have * Limitations. * * Application * 1. Gron Plapse, what often makes us unaware of our limitations? 2. Leisure What often realizes us that ourselves are very limited? 3. What will you take what you will continue to live fully to the Holy Spirit? * Prayers for today * "Lord Jesus, Thank you for today, for the Rhema of Your Word who always becomes a clue to us. We realize that ourselves are very limited, that's why we need you of the Holy Spirit who can work without limits in our lives. Strengthen us to continue walking in your big tits and designs over us. Thank you, Lord. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen. " * Bible reading a year * 2 Chronicles 28-29 John 17 ❤ Love God, 💓love People, 🔥with Passion
Читать полностью…🗓️ 12 JANUARY 2021
DAY 2 #
* John 11: 40 * _Jesus answered, "Didn't I tell you, If you believe you will see the glory of God?"
Steve Jobs made a tough decision only 6 months into his first year at Reed College. He said, "So I decided to drop out and believe that everything will be all right. It was scary at the time, but it was one of the best decisions I have ever made." Jobs only had time to take courses that he was interested in, such as a calligraphy class that explored different fonts, variable space between letters and so on. It turns out that ten years later, the typography that Jobs learned was successfully used on the Macintosh, becoming the first computer with beautiful typography. The decision to do what he believes in, is the key to the success of the Apple Company.
When Jesus asked to remove the stone covering the cave used to bury Lazarus, Martha, Lazarus' brother, tried to prevent. For Martha was worried that Lazarus's corpse, 4 days old, must smell bad. But the Lord Jesus said, if he believed, he would see the glory of God. And miracles did happen, there was no smell but the living Lazarus, who came out of the cave.
In fact, the biggest obstacle to the work of the Holy Spirit is ourselves. When we limit His power with our thoughts and logic, that's when His Power no longer works. There were many problems that we experienced in 2020 yesterday, and it is not impossible, the problems will continue this year. If we can see, we really need the help of the Holy Spirit to get through this year well. Then will we give full trust and also freedom freely to the Holy Spirit to lead us? If we believe, in 2021 everything we have faith in CAN HAPPEN UP by the power of the Holy Spirit. Don't get your hopes up on our intelligence, our strengths or our experiences. But learn to believe in God. Live our days with the Holy Spirit, learn to be sensitive to His voice and obey His guidance. Then we will see, the extraordinary and limitless work of the Holy Spirit occurs in our lives.
If we * _ BELIEVE_ *, then in 2021 everything we believe in * _ CAN HAPPEN * by * _KUASA HOLY SPIRIT_ *.
1. What do you believe is happening in your life?
2. Has what you believe happened in your life? If not, what caused it?
3. What do you need to do so that what you believe can happen in your life?
_Lord Jesus, thank you for your words tonight. Thank you because You are the Almighty God to strengthen our faith and strengthen our trust in You. Teach us to continue to uphold Your vision and continue to walk in God's great plan and plan for our lives so that Your promise in 2021 is fulfilled in our life. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we have prayed. Amen ._
📱💖 Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️💛
* MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2021 *
* DAY 1 # *
Psalm 51:13 Do not throw me out of your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me.
For Joel, spirituality was just a routine. From a young age he was used to attending church every Sunday. But there was nothing special for Joel. In fact, he had antipathy for the charismatic Christian church because he considered it too fanatical. In the past, he often laughed at people who spoke in tongues and made it a joke. Until as an adult, Joel faced a big storm in his life. That's when he realized that he really needed God. He devours all spiritual things like a person who is thirsty and hungry. He participated in the Komsel, SOM, Encounter Retreat, and was diligent in reading the Word.
One morning, while Joel was quieting, the Holy Spirit came down to fill his heart and mind. God's presence was so strong that Joel could only cry and cry. Feel how much God loves and cares for him. Even since he was still living carelessly and arbitrarily, God has loved him first. That morning, Joel fell in love with the Holy Spirit. Now he understands why Christians are so persistent in seeking and saving souls, something that used to keep him away from Christians. Because only the love of the Holy Spirit is true. Such pure unconditional love. Love that can restore, transform, and save.
Yes, when we earnestly seek God and try our best to live His word, the Holy Spirit will fill our lives. He will enable us to understand and understand God's feelings and what His will is for us. No one can resist falling in love with Him after knowing Him. The expression of David's heart, which loved the Holy Spirit so much in Psalm 51:13, seemed to represent what we felt. In this year of the Holy Spirit, let's fill our hearts and minds with the Holy Spirit. Give Him the main place and let Him work fully, then we will see how awesome and extraordinary, what He is doing in our lives. (PF)
We will * FALL IN LOVE * the Holy Spirit when we experience * THE FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. *
1. What can you explain about the Holy Spirit?
2. Do you remember when and how you fell in love with the Holy Spirit? What happened in your life after that?
3. What commitments can you make to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit?
"Lord Jesus, we truly thank you for Your Holy Spirit that You have bestowed on each of us. A helpful spirit, gentle and patient, guided us. Who always comforts and strengthens us. We love You, Holy Spirit. Live and work fully in our life. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen. "
Ezra 3-5
John 20
❤ Love God, 💓Love People, 🔥with Passion
Do Not Forget the Works of the Lord
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* SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2021 *
* DAY 7 # *
Isaiah 49: 6 “There are too few for you to be my servants, to establish the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved Israelites. But I will make you a light to the nations so that my salvation may be mine. to the ends of the earth. "
A very wealthy conglomerate son once said to his father, "Pah, I want to be a more successful entrepreneur with a company that is bigger and more go international than Papah's company." His father's reaction, of course, was not anger, but pride. He is proud because his son has the courage to have a big vision. He is also proud that his son has full confidence in his father's ability to support his success.
What happens if a conglomerate kid dreams of becoming a street vendor by the side of the road? Of course all the great resources his father had would be useless and useless. However, are we aware that many of us have only dared to have small visions and dreams, which we think we are capable of achieving on our own? Without realizing it, we have played down the ability and power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives.
At the beginning of this year of the Holy Spirit, begin to realize and instill in your heart that the Holy Spirit has unlimited resources. Resources that can make us successful in achieving the great vision that God has set in our lives. That's why, don't waste this resource of the Holy Spirit. Dare to have big vision in our life. Believe that the Father in heaven wants us, His children, to be successful and blessed people. Because He desires to use us to be His witnesses and reveal His glory wherever we are.
Dare to live with a * BIGGER VISION. * Don't let us * SHORT THE HOLY SPIRIT * with our small vision.
1. What great vision has the Holy Spirit given you in 2021?
2. Can you believe that you can achieve this vision in 2021? Why is that?
3. What steps will you take so that God's great vision is fulfilled for your life in 2021? Write it down!
“Father, thank you for your message today. We are truly grateful for having a great God, so that we are also taught and led to have big visions and dreams for our lives. Forgive us if all this time, we haven't understood and haven't caught the big vision that God has put and set on our lives. Starting today, we want to continue to hold onto Your vision and walk with You to achieve Your great vision for our life. Thank you, God the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen. "
Ezra 1-2
John 19: 23-42
❤ Love God, 💓Love People, 🔥with Passion
Pray without ceasing
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* SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2021 *
* DAY 6 # *
Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God."
Desperate because of a very heavy struggle, Pak Maulana, who at that time did not know God, decided to end his life. However, it was not until he had drunk the poison that was already in his hands, someone prevented him and then advised him using an afterthought. At that time, Pak Maulana was touched by his heart and felt very blessed through this meditation, which became known as the Family of God (ReKA). Since then, he has been following ReKA's reflection after reflection. His faith began to be awakened, his spirit was revived, and his life was restored by God. From a man whose life was on the edge of destruction, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, Pak Maulana was transformed into a child of God who was full of joy and continued to grow in God.
Whatever destruction we are currently experiencing, whether in terms of health, family, finances, or anything else, the Holy Spirit can transform them into complete restoration, even immense glory. Because the Holy Spirit is Almighty. Never mind the destroyed, even though the dead are able to be raised by God into something new. For Him, nothing is impossible.
What is difficult for us, is not at all difficult for the Holy Spirit. No matter how big the challenges that come our way, it is not greater than the power of the Holy Spirit that He is able to work on in our lives. No matter how hard we struggle, the Holy Spirit, in His infinite power, is able to help us. That is why, let's rely on the Holy Spirit at all times throughout the year 2021, then we will experience a lot of impossibilities that are turned into miracles.
* THE HOLY SPIRIT * is an * ALMIGHTY * Person. *
1. What are some of the impossibilities the Holy Spirit has done in your life?
2. What are the things that sometimes still make it difficult for you to fully “believe” in the * ALMIGHTY * Holy Spirit?
3. What is your commitment to proclaim * ALMIGHTY * the Holy Spirit? Meditate and write!
“God the Holy Spirit, thank you for the power for the power that You have revealed over our lives every day and every moment. Teach us to realize more and more that we can't do anything without relying on Your power. We really want to set our hearts only on You. Thank you God. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen. "
2 Chronicles 34-36
John 19: 1-22
❤ Love God, 💓Love People, 🔥with Passion
Good evening friends 😚🤙
Remember God is our Dad and He supplies according to His resources which are infinite🔥😌, but what about our other relatives🧐...yes as Christians we should really care for everyone but family always comes first😏👌😌... Jesus said His brothers and sisters are those who do the Will of the Father(God).
Let's tryyyyyy even though it's harrrrd to do the Will of God, also we should motivate others to do same so they join the family 😌❤️
Matthew 12:50 📖🥳
🗓️ 15 JANUARY 2021
DAY 5 #
* Psalm 139: 7-8 * _Where can I go from your spirit, where can I run from your presence? If I climb to the sky, You are there; if I put my bed in the realm of the dead, there be You ._
A little girl is suffering from a very rare disease for which no cure has been found. That night, doctors had to operate, even though there was little hope of a recovery and survival. When taken to the operating room, the girl asked the doctor to pray before the operation began. The doctor who was sorry for her condition gave her permission. The little girl folded her arms and prayed, “Jesus, you are good shepherd. Bless Your little lamb tonight, in the dark, May You be close to me. Protect me until the morning sunshine comes and also bless the doctor who will operate on me. " After closing her prayer, the little girl said, "Now I'm ready, doctor."
The doctor was so moved, before starting to operate, the doctor prayed, "Dear God, you may not help me in another operation. But this time please help me to save this little girl. ” Then the operation started. The hand of God worked that night, the operation went very smoothly and a miracle of healing happened to the little girl who had great faith.
The Holy Spirit is an Omnipresence or Omnipresent Spirit. No place can block the presence of the Holy Spirit. Until David said, wherever he went, he could not run away from the presence of the Holy Spirit. Even into the realm of the dead, the Holy Spirit can find it. This spirit was sent by the Father to the world after the Lord Jesus ascended to heaven. The infinite Holy Spirit. He is present at church, but also present in each of us at the same time. The Holy Spirit is in our complexes, our families, work rooms, as well as examination rooms and operating rooms. The Holy Spirit is present when we are working on projects and meeting clients, or when we are facing school exams. Therefore, we must always maintain our holiness and not to grieve Him. Because the Holy Spirit is always present in every second of our lives. When the Holy Spirit is pleased, He will be happy to work wonderfully and without limits in our lives. (PF)
* _ROH KUDUS_ * is a person who * _MAHA ATTENDS *.
1. Have you realized that the Holy Spirit is an omnipresent spirit?
2. Through events have you realized His omnipresence?
3. Since the Holy Spirit is omnipresent, what are you going to do with your life?
_Lord Jesus, we give thanks for Your Spirit who is always with us. We can feel His presence wherever we are. Help us, Lord, to always learn to please the Holy Spirit's heart. Sanctify and purify our hearts, so that Your Spirit may be pleased to live with us. Thank you Lord, in the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen ._
📱💖 Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️💛
* FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021 *
* DAY 5 # *
Daniel 2:22 It is he who reveals the hidden and the unexpected, he knows what is in the dark, and light is upon him.
There is nothing the Holy Spirit cannot reveal. Everything was bright before the Holy Spirit. That is what happened to Bpk. Pdt. Obaja Tanto Setiawan when he was still a textile entrepreneur. Due to limited existing capital, at that time Bpk. Obadiah bought a textile machine that had not been used for a long time and had turned into scrap metal. Then he came to a textile machinery fair to find out everything about textile machinery. Upon his return from the exhibition, Bp. Obaja started to rebuild the textile machinery, which was actually a wreck. It was not easy for him, but with the enlightenment and help of the Holy Spirit, finally the textile machine was able to produce, so Bpk. Obadiah could gain more profit than other textile factories that bought machines at high prices.
The Holy Spirit is the source of light. When we encounter darkness in our lives, the Holy Spirit will give His light to shine on our darkness. He will reveal things that our human minds cannot think of. He will give wisdom, guide, and teach things our minds cannot understand.
Yes, with the Holy Spirit, there is no more confusion. The infinite Holy Spirit can always provide answers to everything we need. The key is to stick with God and His Word. Interact intimately with the Holy Spirit every day. Put off our own thoughts and ideas and put them at God's feet. Then the Holy Spirit will freely guide us and provide His enlightenment in our lives, so that we can achieve success in 2021.
Even in * DARKNESS *, * THE LIGHT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT * shines indefinitely in our lives.
1. What does the infinite light of the Holy Spirit look like in your life? Tell me!
2. What have you done to bring forth the infinite light of the Holy Spirit upon you?
3. What help has the Holy Spirit revealed when you were in the dark, and what commitment will you make to make the light of the Holy Spirit more evident in your life? Write and meditate!
"God, Holy Spirit, thank you for every help for the help that You have expressed in our lives. We realize that only the light of Your Spirit can save us from darkness. We want to open our hearts wide to be fully guided by You. Thank you God. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen. "
2 Chronicles 32-33
John 18: 19-40
❤ Love God, 💓Love People, 🔥with Passion
Forgive 70 Times 7
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🗓️ 14 JANUARY 2021
DAY 4 #
* Philippians 4: 13 * _I can bear all things in Him who gives strength to me ._
A young man has a dream to become a millionaire one day. This dream was conveyed to his lover. And some time later they got married. But before long, there was a severe economic crisis. This couple experienced many sad events. They are forced to lose their jobs and cars, their homes are mortgaged, while their savings are running low. This young man was frustrated because he felt he had failed in his life and could not be a good husband. Who would have thought, it turns out that his wife never lost hope at all. It is the wife who, with full of love, always strengthens and convinces her husband that the dream of becoming a millionaire has not died.
She invited her husband to think and design, what they would do if they became millionaires. Whenever they finished dinner, they did this. Until one day, the husband got an idea to create a money game. That is, what items would be bought if someone had money. They continued to develop this idea, and it became the game of monopoly as we know it today. Charles Darrow and his wife Esther, sold the game to a businessman for a million dollars. The dream of becoming a millionaire came true.
One of the characteristics of God's children is that they never give up and are always optimistic. When the people of the world give up, God's children appear and take over. When others say they can't, God's children say CAN! Others say No, we can say YES! To others the door seems to have closed, but we can say, it's starting to open! This is what distinguishes God's children from the world's children, because we have a very extraordinary Father. Father who is infinite what He can do. And the Spirit of the Infinite Father is currently being poured out for His children. Don't worry and worry about whatever we might face in 2021. The Holy Father's Spirit is with us. With Him, anything can happen and nothing is impossible this year. (PF)
When the others said * CANNOT, * the children of God said * _CAN_ *.
1. What haven't you done right now because other people said they couldn't?
2. In your opinion, what makes God's children different from the people of the world?
3. Can you believe that with the Holy Spirit you can do what other people can't? What steps will you take?
_Lord Jesus, thank you for Your Holy Spirit who is infinite. The Spirit that You bestow upon each of us who believe. Spirit who is at work wonderfully this year. With Him we can do what we could not do before. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen ._
📱Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️
Who sent the message?🧐📖
Today we will discuss how to know who is giving you a message. Most of the times people quote bible verses and explain differently🤔💭 causes a lot of confusion and stuff😢.
But hope you remember when Jesus was tempted by the Devil with the word of God😐.
Everything the devil says brings shame to God, and glory to himself... imagine telling Eve that God lied can you imagine 😭💔.
The Word of God is a sword, learn how to handle it else you'll be killed by the same words that bring others to life.🚨
Let's beware let's not be deceived😁✌️
🗓️ 13 January 2021 Days 3 # * For God Nothing Is Not Impossible * 🔖 * Rhema Today * * Matthew 19: 26 * _Yesus views them and says: "For humans this is not possible, but for God everything is possible." Joy is a church and December 18, he fell ill and had to undergo hospitalization at the hospital. After checking, the doctor found that there was a lung infection which made it often breathing. On Christmas Eve, JOY was actually very longing to attend onsite worship, but because of its critical situation, he could only follow worship online. Every word delivered by Mr. Jonathan, he arrested and Imani. He believes the power of the Holy Spirit cannot be limited by anything. At the same time, one of his friends who had not received Jesus, had visually night. One with clothes like sheep shepherd, with brown hair and there is a crown above his head. The person extended and opened his hand towards Joy. The next morning, Joy's friend told what he saw that night. Not washing the opportunity, Joy immediately evangelized his friend even though his condition was weak. Joy told who Jesus and many Sharing Firman with his friend. January 4, 2021, the condition of Joy improved. Joy can go home. Day after day his health is increasingly restored by God. And his friend who was not yet familiar with Jesus, is now worshiping in GBIKA. In the midst of limitations, God used Joy to save the lives. Human minded, where might Joy weak and moderately in critical condition can be used by God. But what is impossible for humans, not necessarily impossible to happen. There is still a task for Joy, God has not finished him. And Praise God, Joy responded well so that the Holy Spirit can work and give healing for Joy. In the face of every possibility, remember, that this year is the year of the Holy Spirit. Year where the Holy Spirit is without limit is working for every of us. What a human look is impossible, for God everything is possible. So let's open your heart wide for the Holy Spirit in and dominate our lives. Release the Holy Spirit declare His power in our midst and look at the breakthrough and the great miracle that God states and is gone in our lives. 📌 * Devotional: * Which is impossible for humans, * _Beum is certainly impossible * to occur. 🚶 * Application * 1. What prevents you from seeing that God is able to do everything? 2. What do you think it's impossible to do now for you? 3. Have you opened the heart to the Holy Spirit without limit to your life in your life? 🙌 * Prayers for today * _Allah Holy Spirit, we want to see as you see. That nothing is impossible for you. Even if we are limited, you are the Holy Spirit without limits. Who is able to do great things in our lives. In the name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amin._ 📱💖 Love God 💕 Love People 🔥with passion❤️💛
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Love not Lust❤️😊🔥
Many of us have reasons why we do somethings, some reasons are good but lust should be ruled out.
Lust is to have a strong desire for something, usually to satisfy your selfish needs.
Lust leads to almost all sins🛣, lust will make you greedy, lust will make you jealous😒, lust will make you sexually sinful😐, lust will make you choose money🤑 over love and many more.
We should try to live by love, trying to live not for just ourselves but for the life of others.
Try it and see your sins reduce.
Remember LOVE not LUST😊❤️
LUST doesn't LAST😂😂💔
🗓️ 12 JANUARY 2021
DAY 2 #
* John 14:12 * _I say to you, Behold, whoever believes in me, he will also do the works that I do, even the works that are greater than that. For I go to the Father; _
For the sake of efficiency in operating costs, including expenses for salaries, the reduction of employees is practiced by most companies in the world today. In fact, many companies have had to temporarily close due to the impact of the pandemic. But this does not apply to the church led by Pastor Oyedepo. In just 1 year, 2020 yesterday, they succeeded in building 11,000 new churches. 10,200 churches in Nigeria and 800 new churches in 35 other countries. Every new church has at least 1 fulltime pastor. This means that when the world is under massive layoffs, they are recruiting 11,000 new pastors.
This is the real work of the Holy Spirit on Pastor Oyedepo's church, not by means of limited human strength and might, but because of the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ understands this very well. If He remained on earth, His work would be very limited by time and space. By ascending to heaven, His Holy Spirit will be given to the Father to every believer. With the limitless Holy Spirit, we can do even greater works than the Lord Jesus ever did while He was on earth.
The year 2021 is the year of the Holy Spirit, meaning that there is no limit to the Holy Spirit's work this year in our lives. Because this year, the Holy Spirit will work. The Holy Spirit will dominate, the Holy Spirit will take over a lot, the Holy Spirit will help a lot. With the Holy Spirit dominating our lives, all of our limitations will be broken into infinity! All the most impossible possibilities can happen. This year of the Holy Spirit is a year without limits. Everything can happen in 2021, beyond what we can imagine and think.
1. So far, what has dominated your life? Your job, your hobbies and interests, your studies, or something else?
2. What do you experience when something that is not the Holy Spirit dominates your life?
3. How will you get the Holy Spirit to dominate your life?
_Our Father opened his heart wide to accept the mighty work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We trust Father, in this year of the Holy Spirit, nothing is impossible. Everything can happen, so that only Your name will be glorified. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen ._
📱Love God 💕 Love People 🔥With Passion❤️