How about a sequel to the children's book The Emperor's New Clothes. The emperor that was tricked into walking around naked has lost credibility with his subjects, so he turns to a new advisor he hired recently who has a rather large hooked nose. The advisor tells the emperor to start implementing policies that will make his subjects softer and weaker so they can't organize a rebellion against him. He also encourages the emperor to start a war of aggression with the sand people.
Eventually the people are pacified with bread, circus and sexual deviancy to the point that most of them have no real free will. The ones who still have free will can't do anything because the emperor's advisor controls their finances now. Soon after they are invaded by the sand people, and everyone is murdered and made slaves. The emperor's advisor simply changes sides because he is from a different tribe anyway and feels no loyalty to the emperor.
The emperor's advisor becomes an advisor for the sand people and handles their finances. The entire cycle starts over again with nobody noticing it was the advisor and his tribe causing all the problems the entire time. It's called The Emperors New Nose. @HateFacts
"Ursula says thank you!
Dear friends and supporters,
a higher destiny arranged it. I was on the floor in excruciating pain and couldn't get up. But I knew that someone would be coming soon to take me to a medical examiner to determine my ability to be detained at almost 95 years of age. With this dramatic intervention, fate said unequivocally: No! It spared the judges and medical officers the verdict. Five ribs are broken, it's going to take a long time! I was in the hospital for 13 days and have been home since June 28th.
Kind regards to you
Ursula Haverbeck on July 1, 2023"
RickyBobbySez:44/FranceOnFire:9?r=8YXVGTyAztz3oMagdcqKTVd2guaUYtoW" rel="nofollow">
Читать полностью…Man, WN is pretty fucking gay and embarassing sometimes. Who cares what faggots think?
Читать полностью…Richard Houck on the little-known conflict between white gay men and blacks over gentrification — and why white gay men are prone to cultural preservationism and renewal.
Читать полностью…This is why political moderates on the Right Wing can't be trusted.
We should never side with the MAGA/Patriot Movement crowd. They're our enemies as far as we're concerned.
This is also why one should be armed if they want to do these demonstrations. If any of these moderate pussies tries attacking you, draw a firearm and if they continue then use force if the law allows it of course. Most states are stand your ground so this applies to some guy attacking and punching on you unprovoked as proven by legal precedent multiple times due to the fact that fists are a deadly weapon. We saw this with Kyle Rittenhouse too.
The only way people like these retards stop attacking us is if they get pushed back. Might is right. We get the Active Clubs are anti-gun but still, have non-felons carry weapons for this reason at the very least.
Last thing you need is one of these retards accidentally killing or severely injuring an NS guy. Just being armed alone is a deterrent. Don't open carry though, that's LARPing and gay
Faggots have always been pedophiles. Nobody should be surprised by their behavior.
Читать полностью…You can take one of two positions when it comes to White Boy Summer.
The first is a bleak view that defeat of our race is inevitable, we're doomed and we may as well have a good time on our way to extinction.
The second, and the view that I have is that we are resilient and spit in the face of the danger facing us, and that the current jewish onslaught will never, ever dampen our spirits. We will be victorious and we'll have a good time while we're doing it.
White Boy Summer 2023. White Boy Summer Eternal.
Finally, a migrant ship gets what it deserves. I hope they were eaten by sharks before they got a chance to drown. Press S.
Devin Stack explains painfully obvious facts about Christianity
The nation formerly known as France has FALLEN after selling its soul to the religion of Diversity.
What was once a bastion of Western civilization has become the French-African Islamic Caliphate.
This is the future of America if we do not DRASTICALLY and immediately change course.
Rich Houck reflects on what the Fourth of July — and America — mean to him.
Читать полностью…This demon had 3 different tranny faggot advertisements and a abortion advertisement on her uniform at her job. I am so sick of this shit. Fuck these people!
Читать полностью…Saved by @InstantMediaBot
Holocaust memorial in France being desecrated in riots
Just remember, if Richard Spencer and Grindr Greg offer you a wine cooler, don't drink it. You'll wake up in Greg's sex basement and you'll never be fine again.
Читать полностью…Pride Boys peacefully protest child grooming pedophiles, and violently attack anti pedo Nazis.
Pride Boys are hereby known as pedophile protectors.
Tucker Carlson - Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.
"We’re sad to report that the rainbow crosswalk on Willis Way was vandalised with tire marks. There is no place for hate in Waterloo. Crews have been working hard to clean things up and give the crosswalk a fresh shine for now, with a full restoration coming soon."