Reminder what the jews are doing in Palestine is what they will gladly do here when the time is right.
They don't just want us dead. They want everyone dead. Your family, your friends, your children. They want you dead. They just can't carpet bomb us with White Phosphorus yet because we're too many. Jews did the same in Palestine as well. Slowly displace the Arabs and when the jews made them a minority in their own lands, mop up the survivors in the most sadistic ways. It's a model to what they will do here.
This is why there is no negotiation with these people. There is no civil mass movement. How can you negotiate and compromise with someone that wants not only you but everyone else around you to die brutal horrible deaths with sadistic glee?
This is a satirical song a friend made with AI.
Читать полностью…Commies on reddit love this cartoon but don't know Karl Popper was an anti-communist liberal. Who carved out this exception to censorship on that basis.
Читать полностью…On another topic. We don't know why there are guys who freak out over FBI door knocks. We've had them many times. Guess what they are?
You get either some depressed divorced dad or some morbidly obese mexican woman knocking on your door. Then they wag their finger at you for saying nigger online. You decline to talk with them further. They go back to their office to then write in their diary why you suck and you're a big meanie.
That's pretty much the extent of it. Nothing to really freak out about honestly.
The Hidden History of Robert Mueller's Right-Wing Terror Factory
The swans living on this moat have rung the bell here for centuries.
Food drops from the window when they do so at around 1pm everyday.
Remember to practice racism in your daily life. This doesn't mean just hating people, but actually carry out your racism. Don't hold doors open for enemy races, cut them off in traffic, give them a smaller food order if you work at a restaurant, and be rude to them. Do anything in your power to make their life inconvenient.
A Kamala Harris victory would be excellent for us in terms of White radicalization.
She's already increasingly becoming more vocally anti-White. Such as a recent exchange with her VP pick about "wypipo don't season dey food". Tame stuff but generally shows what type of rhetoric she's going to go into as President. It's already angered many Whites too.
Beyond that, we could finally see the US Census data properly represented showing that Whites are less than 40% of the country. Which is already the case, US Presidents just have been avoiding it to not rile up Whites into becoming radical
Beyond that, a Trump loss would be excellent for us as well considering the last time he lost to another White. Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Building in anger. Imagine him losing to a black woman who openly has contempt to White people. It'll show to Whites this system isn't theirs.
Our only goal is increasing our numbers of radicalized Whites by any means necessary.
Shitskins are always kvetching about the British genociding millions. Yet they thought it would be a good idea to fuck with them and rape/kill their kids? You get what you fucking deserve.
Читать полностью…This article is retarded fear mongering.
From our experience, informants and undercover feds are going to be in any group larger than 5 generally. That's been at the heart of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover founded it to go after Anarchists and Labor Organizers. The FBI is the political police of the US and always will be. They even infiltrate and monitor MAGA and Social Democrat groups for good measure. Unless you're a NeoCon or NeoLib, the FBI is going to be interested in you by default.
Informants and Feds aren't even that big of a deal unless you're operating an illegal underground group, then obviously they're a massive issue. We've dealt with them for nearly a decade, and again not a big issue as long as you're not saying or agreeing to obviously stupid things (example bomb plots with strangers). They just write up in their secret diary (your FBI file) how you're a big meanie that makes them mad. Read Dr. William Luther Pierce's FBI file to know what we mean. It's just FBI agents on his case file getting progressively angrier over him being a big meanie they can't throw in prison despite their attempts.
Not fans of Patriot Front obviously, but all these conservatives coming out of the woodwork to use the fact there was a snitch in the group as a way to claim all nazis are FBI agents is some bullshit fear mongering.
Both sides of the American political spectrum have been radicalised beyond return.
The reality is for 99.9% of Americans, whether it’s a Biden or Trump, democrat or republican life will be the same. They’re too stupid to realise this.
Obviously take this news story with an extremely heavy grain of salt as this is just a MIGA run rag using the fact that there are FBI shenanigans in the movement. So they can claim everyone in the movement is an FBI informant to make conservatives look bad.
However, read past the obvious bias. There is still interesting info such as Jeff Schoep being an FBI informant the whole time etc.
There is actual truth by the way there is extremely heavy FBI involvement in the movement. The American Futurist, despite being a tiny blog run by a couple guys in their mid 20s, as schizo as it sounds, has been the target of direct FBI ops ourselves. Mostly in the form of rumor spreading and intimidation. But most grand was the NSO9A that later was confirmed to just be an FBI attempt to hijack the site because they're still asshurt we doxed Special Agent Christopher Leckinger because they fucked up including him in a court file by name.
Which is why one has to be extremely careful in the movement as there are snitches everywhere. But as long as you don't break the law. You're generally fine as like we've read in Dr. Pierce's FBI file. They can't really do anything even if you're a massive fedposter like Dr. Pierce was except seethe privately in your file forever on how you're an asshole meanie.
Canada is so communist that even the bears are race mixing.
“A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins”.
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
We have just launched a new Twitter page to test whether or not Elon Musk is truly a crypto-nazi. It may not last long, but we want to experiment with a new platform and some short form content. Give us a follow!
Scumbag missionaries killed by the niggers they loved and import into the US. Fuck Christian Missionaries who go to shithole countries to coax them into coming into the US. Missionary groups by the way import more migrants into the US from Latin America, South Asia, and West Africa than all leftist groups. These people are the biggest threat to Whites in America in terms of demographics if you look into who's actually importing these people in and sponsoring them for immigration.
Recently some of the staff have had to deal with this at their places of work where these missionary groups will pay businesses to give migrants and their families jobs to ensure they get to stay here. Seriously fuck these people and these people killed in Haiti deserved what they got from the locals if you consider how many of them they've imported to the Deep South for example. Imagine going to a country where the locals eat topsoil and engage in cannibalism and thinking this is a place to get them enough skills to come to the US.
Catholic Missionaries did the same shenanigans in Latin America in the 1600s encouraging race mixing among the Spanish and Natives rather than importing more Spanish women. Creating the mestizo race.