Mālikī Fiqh: Matn Ibn ʿĀshir
Emphasized Sunnahs and Recommended and Detestable Acts in Wuḍū.
If I lived in any part of Dār al-Islām, under the blessed aural umbrella of the Adhān, I would have considered it an honor.
When my classmates were dreaming about jobs at Delloite & med school, I was in Syria, Egypt, Mauritania, Jordon, Pakistan & many other Muslim countries looking for scholars, gatherings of Dhikr & Masājid.
Don't come at me with this speech that resembles that of the hypocrites.
I was born here & this is my qawm, so I live amongst them.
But I don't consider living in Syria, or any other Muslim land anything but an honor.
As far as I'm concerned if you do, you have an ʿaqīdah problem.
Riyāḍ al-Ṣāliḥīn: Shām & What to Do About Sin
This week we discuss a number of lessons at the Sālik can take from what has been a eventful weekend Shām.
Then we talk about God's cautioning of the slave against His disobedience and what He commands he one who makes a mistake, but wants to make things right.
I have no doubt that the blessed people of Ghazzah are the only people who are truly free in this world.
Despite being killed in front of everyone's eyes in a way that most countries won't even tolerate abusing animals, they not only keep their dignity, but they love what is good for others.
Blessing people of Ghazzah, I have no doubt that this victory for the people of Syria is one of the first fruits of the tree that was watered by your sacrifice.
The messenger of Allāh ﷺ said none of you shall complete faith until they love for their brother what they love for themselves.
May this love of yours be repaid many times over in both worlds.
May the people of Shām come soon to your aid, and crash the devils and monsters who killed your children, defiled your places of worship, and attacked your hospitals.
Wow that was fast.
Now even the most partisan sectarian voices against the Syrian people are coming out as if they never stood like an iron wall for Bashshār.
I have done nothing for Syria but state the obvious and show love for my refugee brothers whenever I could.
The Ulamā Rabbāniyyūn and Mujāhidūn dug deep in their hearts and asked Allāh before walking out on the field with their hearts in their hands ready to give everything for our Beloved Allāh Ta'ālā and His messenger ﷺ.
I advise them and you now to beware of those who wait till all is said and done, then roll up their sleeves & come to "offer help."
After cussing out those who left their homes & those who helped them, and judging them all for their mistakes as if they are gods, and there is no god, but Allāh.
The mistakes of the righteous trying to be steadfast in God's way are more virtuous than the "perfection" of petty masturbators sitting on the sidelines, never ruining the creases on their clothes, but judging all.
Not every advice and correction is given like that, but many are and Allāh Ta'ālā knows the rectifier from the spoiler.
Don't let yourself get dragged by your ego into the latter group.
I just put in timestamps for people in case they want to skip from one part to the other.
Of particular note is information about the commander of the rebel forces, Abū Muḥammad Jawlānī, about whom I see a great deal of misinformation, but is a very interesting personality.
Mawlawī’s Take on Sham: A Muslim's Agenda
Points Discussed:
A lot of new developments are rapidly ensuing in Syria, seemingly in the orbit of the destruction of Gaza.
Why is Shām Important to Us?
WWI & Sykes Picot
Assadist Control
9/11 & the Gulf Wars
Iran: Borders Refugees & Afghan/Iraq Wars
Who is Abū Muḥammad Jawlānī, Ahmad Shar'?
AQ & ISIS? Similarities & Differences and why people intentionally confuse them.
Zionist Conspiracy?
Foreign Participation: Turkey, Russia, USA & Beyond
Who are the Tankies?
With the iterative cycles of events and reactions becoming shorter and shorter, people need to get rid of their tolerance for the platforming and a glorification of outsiders who pay lip service to our cause.
It needs to be replaced by the centering of voices of authority from within our community. I mean that as a Muslim American.
It's great that someone from the Jewish community, the Democratic or Republican Party, a pastor, or an academic has sympathy for us. Let their statements be like a snip of parsley on the already cooked and completed dish. Otherwise if you make it your main course, you're eating Ḥarām nothing good will ever come from that.
They all hate you in their own unique and special ways, with varying levels of politeness and masking. None of them care for your well-being. And why should they? That's your job.
While we have deep and sincere worry for our brothers and sisters oppressed overseas, make sure your own place of worship isn't a co-opted police state in which the remembrance of God and the teachings of His messenger ﷺ are silenced in the favor of platitudes to politicians, the distraction of honorarium-driven Islamotainers and Islamovangelists, and interfaith events devoid of any genuine sharing of our faith, but concentrically masturbatory displays with Rabbis and Pastors actively fundraising for the IDF.
A reminder not to let your off
time go to waste.
Take benefit while driving to your destination this holiday, or take a walk and put earphones in your ear so that you can benefit in your heart, in your body and mind at the same time.
The written copy of the Qur'ān, more properly referred to as the Muṣḥaf, is a sacred object.
According to the classical theory of international relations in the sacred Sharīʿah, the world was divided into two diametrically opposite realms. Carrying the Muṣḥaf from that of peace to that of war was prohibited due to this understanding.
Even though there are contentions, exceptions, disputations, and discussions to be had about that conception of the world, there's a lot more to be learned about how to properly venerate sacred things in this discussion.
Gold and silver, are mainly used amongst Muslims as a medium of exchange, currency and value, as well as adornment and beautification for women. Islam teaches that they are not for men in this world, but for men in the hereafter.
Likewise, flashing attractive colors and clothing are not befitting of men in this world. However, they will be the sign by which the men of Paradise are recognized in the next.
Learn about this, printing presses, foreign relations, and many other important and interesting relevant things in this lesson.
We start the reading and explanation of the classic work al-Murshid al-Muʿīn of Shaykh ʿabd al-Wāḥid bin ʿĀshir, a nearly ubiquitously present and taught text amongst the countries of the world in which the Mālikī school is ascendant.
We speak a little bit about the benefit and utility of memorization, it's relation to text that are versified, and what the point of learning the sciences of Islam is in the first place.
Thereafter we have a discussion regarding the importance and authority of Mālik amongst the scholars of the early generations, as well as mentioning Abū al-Ḥasan al-'Ashʿarī and Junayd al-Baghdādī.
عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: " بُعِثْتُ بَيْنَ يَدَيِ السَّاعَةِ بِالسَّيْفِ حَتَّى يُعْبَدَ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَجُعِلَ رِزْقِي تَحْتَ ظِلِّ رُمْحِي، وَجُعِلَ الذِّلَّةُ وَالصَّغَارُ عَلَى مَنْ خَالَفَ أَمْرِي، وَمَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ
ʿabd-Allāh bin ʿUmar: The messenger of Allāh ﷺ said,
"I was dispatched before Last Hour with the sword, that Allāh may be worshipped Alone and without partner.
My provision was placed under the shade of my spear.
Humiliation and abasement shall be the lot of those who oppose my imperative.
And whoever imitates a people shall be one of them."
[Webinar] The Virtues of al-Shām & Damascus
In this free webinar, Shaykh Hamzah W. Maqbul will discuss recent events in Syria with a lens of focus on the virtues of al-Shām (Greater Syria) through a rich collection of Hadith by Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad al-Rabʿī. All participants will be gifted a free eBook on this topic. It offers a comprehensive overview of this region's spiritual and historical significance, serving as an invaluable resource.
Webinar Details
Speaker: Shaykh Hamzah W. Maqbul
Tuesday, December 10th
ET: 1 PM / PT: 10 AM / CT: 12 PM / UK: 6 PM / Makkah: 9 PM
RSVP here: https://maghazi.org/syria/
Look at how humble they are.
The pent up emotions of decades, the adrenaline of battle, and the anger of a thousand injustices, all controlled and humbled in front of the Holy Name of God, taking their shoes off and entering into His Mubārak house.
Exuberance tempered by humility.
You will find no one like the slaves Allāh & the followers of Sayyidnā Muḥammad ﷺ in this creation.
(paraphrase as the literal text includes some Arabisms that won't translate well):
To our insurgent heroes
As you are on the brink of Ḥimṣ & Damascus & the fall of the regime is close, I renew my bequest to you my brothers to show mercy, kindness, and softness to our people in the cities and villages in which you are about to enter as humble victors.
And to the soldiers of the criminal regime of Assad and its officers: whoever enters his house, closes his door and holds back his tongue shall be safe. Whoever announces his breaking from the criminal regime, and lays down his arms, and surrenders, shall be safe."
This is an Imām from Jersey named Mohamed Moussa.
At 5:13 he starts to explain why he thinks the Ahl al-Kitāb get salvation after Rasūlullāh ﷺ and his Mubārak message.
It is not a difference of opinion, but clear Zandaqah.
He and any who so clearly state what he stated are Zindīqs.
To pray behind them is impermissible.
But this is the level of malpractice in Muslim institutions in the United States.
Not only is he a popular Imām kept in place by the third world bureaucracies that run masājid, funny enough, he's also one of the four members of Islamic Relief USA 's committee on Zakāt policies, while also, like another fellow member, actually being a contractor for IR.
Don't say that I'm causing fitnah by this post. The actual fitnah isn't allowing such a dumpster fire of a situation to become the status quo in the first place.
If the surgeon cuts with the scalpel, know that the surgery is for the betterment of the patient, not to harm him.
For those of you not on TikTok, God bless you, and, in general, keep you the hell away from it.
That being said, I was talked into opening an account in order to meet people where they are.
A local young man has been editing short videos for me, and I will be posting them there, as well as on YouTube.
The reason I mention it here, is that if anyone is already on there anyway, and they wish to follow me they can find me at @hmaqbul, and if they find it helpful, share me with people who are otherwise would not be able to find beneficial content.
For the rest of you, count your blessings, and keep praying for good...
The du'ā that we made for the people of Aleppo in the dark hour has been answered by the grace of the Lord.
Silence is food for the soul. However the path of our master Muhammad ﷺ one of moderation.
Cutting yourself off from your parents is unnatural, and claiming a father other than yours is dehumanizing, yet people treat it as if it's not a big deal, only to their own detriment.
Upon reflection it should be no surprise that the messenger of Allāh ﷺ spoke against it so harshly...
I see a lot of cope going on with Hizb's folding in front of the Zionist occupation.
An agreement in which they cede their heartland to the Lebanese army, after their main Christian allies left them, not to mention catastrophic damage inflicted on them, betrays heavy defeat.
The greater calamity for them, however is the fact that Iran seems to have had betrayed them quite early on in their escalated engagement.
It seems like the axis was more like a scarecrow & in order to save their homeland, their Persian speaking correligionists through them under the bus.
Now, the Zionist occupation will be tolerated on Lebanese soil for at least the next two months, allowing Israeli occupation & settlements in Haifa, and other evacuated parts of Northern Israel to be repopulated, giving a great boost to the current war cabinet in the Zionist occupation government.
The iconic promise not to stop resisting until the war on Gaza relents, has imploded in a whimper when compared to all of the sectarian chest thumping and bluster.
The naive public has once again fallen for propaganda and slogans over substance.
All the while the "axis" has kept up its unrelenting and torturous mischief on the Muslims of Syria, Iraq, and new fronts in Balochistan, Khyber PK & around the world.
The only solace I get from this "ceasefire" between snakes, is that both sides are surely planning all the ways that they're going to break it from before they even signed.
The Worship of Money Takes You to Strange Places
I see a lot of marketing out there.
If the past generations were afraid for selling their Dīn for money, I see the current one having not only embraced it, but brought it to a science.
This includes some who are bona fide scholars & Shaykhs of Ṭāriqah who have something substantial they are now trying to sell.
They are like an atol surrounded by a gang of fakers selling "courses, coaching, masterclasses & ijāzas."
The fatal flaw in the reasoning of the public is that somehow if you pay money, you get something of a better quality.
The greatest gifts that we were all given by the Lord were all free.
It is true, that you get out of things what you put into them, however not everything is a consumer good.
We received the Qur'ān for free.
Do you think you're going to receive its gifts more by exerting yourself harder and memorizing, reading, understanding, and acting on it?
Or by buying a more expensive course, Muṣḥaf with different colors, some kind of a pen, a premium app and lessons with the swankiest and most charismatic teachers?
Iraq and Afghanistan veteran and anti-war activist Matt Hoh describes his disgust at seeing Israeli children being bussed over to a vista point to see the destruction of Ghazzah live, pumping their fists and enjoying the genocide.
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