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Initiative for Mains - Discussions strictly on study topics only. 📋✍You can practice answer writing and share on group OR email to ✉ iasdelhi.mains@gmail.com 📺One stop solution for important news👇 📲 @iasdelhi 🌐 https://t.me/iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Many UPSC aspirants are coming to Delhi for preparation. To get help regarding finding rooms/flats in Old Rajinder Nagar and surrounding areas, they can take help of following group.


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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


✨⚡️💫12 out of 18 candidates who appeared interview are in the final list of UPSC Civil Services Exams 2020!

🏆3 candidates in top 100!!

1. P Srija (AIR-20)
2. Akshita Gupta (AIR-69)
4. Rajesh Kumar Mohan (AIR-102)
5. Anchu Wilson (AIR-156)
6. Juikar Pratik(AIR-177)
7. Sandeep Kumar (AIR-186)
8. Shubham Maurya (AIR-241)
9. Nitish Gupta (AIR-287)
10. Amol Murkut (AIR-402)
11. Amit Ranjan (AIR-431)
12. Swami Shubham (AIR-523)

🔸Popular mentoring programs of IDI
👉 Prelims-cum-Mains (PcM)
👉 Medical Science
👉 Political Science(PSIR)
👉 Sociology
👉 History Optional
👉 Public Administration
👉 Essay
👉 Ethics

🔸For program details visit : www.iasdelhi.org
Join : @iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Subject wise Mentoring For Prelims (SMP)🥇

New Batch : 12th July 2021 (Monday)

For more details, click

Join us : @iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Ethics Mentorship with Answer Writing Practice🥇

We are thankful to students, for a good response to this program. Today by 5 pm we are closing early bird discount. So, all those who have made a mind, please be fast.

For details,
click here

For registration & admission, click here

Fees : Rs. 3000/- (Early birds discount of Rs. 500)

Contact :
Adesh Mule sir : 9555098967
Gajanan sir : 8527965204

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Public Administration Mentorship Program with Daily Answer Writing Practice🥇

🗓 Sunday : Day of performance evaluation


🎯 Today being Sunday, there are neither study targets nor answer writing.

Today is the day of fulfilling of one more feature of Public Administration Mentorship Program i.e. Weekly Performance Evaluation of each student regarding their study and answer writing practice in the last week.

📞 For this, today, each student will get a call from Mentor for one to one interaction.

Purpose of this interaction

💫 To check motivation level of each student, how much study targets of last week fulfilled by student, quality of answer writing etc.

👩‍💻 Faculty will also guide students regarding next week study targets. Students can take opportunity of this interaction to resolve all their queries regarding last week studies as well as upcoming week studies.

🧗‍♂️ Those students who missed some study targets of last week, take benefit of this holiday. Finish your all pending study and write answers to pending questions.

🗓 Tomorrow, before starting the new week, we want all our students to be at equal footing.


Admission is still open.

For registration & admission, click here

Contact :
Adesh Mule sir : 9555098967 (@adesh_iasdelhi)
Gajanan sir : 85279 65204 (@gajanan_iasdelhi)

Join us : @iasdelhi_pubad

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Public Administration Mentorship Program with Daily Answer writing Practice🥇

Private Telegram Group

🔹As promised in the Program features, we have created special Private Telegram Group. Faculty/Mentor will be part of this group. All candidates taken admission to this program are added to this special Private Telegram Group.

🔹Purpose of this Private Telegram Group is that all personal doubts of each candidate related to Political Science Optional shall get resolved. Candidates will always remain in touch with faculty.

🔹We are increasing support system for our students with sole target that candidate should score 300+ in Public Administration Optional.

🔹 Candidates who has confirmed their admission but yet not added to this Private Telegram Group please contact us immediately on following telegram ids so that we can add you to the Group.

Adesh Mule sir : @adesh_iasdelhi
Gajanan sir : @gajanan_iasdelhi

Join us : @iasdelhi_pubad

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Public Administration Mentorship Program with Daily Answer Writing Practice🥇

more details, click here

For registration & admission, click here

Join us : @iasdelhi_pubad

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

#Toppers_Talk : Dr Piyush Badhe IRS

How to effectively manage study of Optional, GS Mains & Prelims in next 4 months

Join us : @iasdelhi


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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

🥇Prelims-Cum-Mains (PcM) GS Mentorship Program with Daily Answer Writing Practice🥇

more details,

For registration & admission,

Contact :
Adesh Mule sir : 9555098967
Gajanan Wadje sir : 8527965204

Join us : @iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Hi all I have given civil mains and my last IAS attempt if anyone disciplined or mains attemptee or already taken Delhi coaching tests ..Want to do weekly answer review of each other etc for top 20 ranks do message me

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Visit : www.iasdelhi.org

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Visit : www.iasdelhi.org

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

✨⚡️17 candidates of IAS Delhi Institute cleared Mains 2020-21 and counting💫

🏆Congratulations to candidates of various programs of IAS Delhi Institute (IDI) who cleared Mains. We will continue our support during interview phase.

🎖Pre-cum-Mains (PcM) Mentorship Program (3)
1.Apoorv Amrut Balpande
2.Ghughe Anurag Panjabrao
3.Swami Shubham Vaijanath

🎖Medical Science Test Series (9)
4.Amol Murkut
5.Gangawal Shivraj Rajesh
6.A G V Naresh
7.Sandeep Kumar
8.P Srija
9.Akshita Gupta
10.Shubham Maurya
11.Anchu Wilson
12.Rajesh Kumar Mohan

Optional Mentorship Programs

🎖Political Science and IR (PSIR) (3)
13.Shubham Satyam
14.Ankit Kumar
15.Amit Ranjan

🎖Sociology (1)
16.Ankit Kumar Singh

17.Juikar Pratik Chandrashekhar

👉For program details visit : www.iasdelhi.org
Join : @iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Important topics/issues/queries/DAF/transcript etc

Link to join the group : https://t.me/joinchat/B9DlqU1oKr8vOY8bAzmhvw

Website : http://www.ianugrah.com

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Congratulations to all who cleared mains.💐

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

🥇Public Administration Mentorship Program with Daily Answer Writing Practice🥇

more details, click here

For registration & admission, click here

Contact :
9555098967 (@adesh_iasdelhi)
8527965204 (@gajanan_iasdelhi)

Join us : @iasdelhi_pubad

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Essay Mentorship Program with Toppers🥇

For more details,

Join us : @iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

UPSC notice to change the centre of CS Prelims examination-2021

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Ethics Mentorship With Answer Writing Practice🥇

For details, click

For registration & admission,

Fees : Rs. 3000/- (Discount of Rs. 500 for first 10 admissions)

Contact :
Adesh Mule sir : 9555098967
Gajanan Wadje sir : 8527965204

Join us : @iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

🛑Please don’t ignore this message!

🔴Facing issues in preparation of UPSC CSE⁉️

IAS Delhi Institute (IDI) has proven track record of solutions for mentoring, daily answer writing and handholding support.

Join various programs of IDI

🟢Mentorship Programs with Daily Answer writing practice
🔸Prelims-cum-Mains (PcM) for GS
🔹 Political Science & IR
🔹Public Administration
🔸History Optional
🔹Subject wise Mentorship for Prelims (SMP)

🟢Test series with personalized guidance
🔸Political Science & IR
🔹Medical Science
🔸History Optional
🔹Essay Test Series

📣✌️18 candidates appearing interview 2020-21 who benefitted from the programs of IAS Delhi Institute💐

Visit : www.iasdelhi.org
Telegram : @iasdelhi

Contact :
Adesh Mule sir : 9555098967
Gajanan sir : 8527965204

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Public Administration Mentorship Program with Daily Answer Writing Practice🥇

🗓 Day : 1

📞 Mentor is calling each student, who has taken admission to the program, individually from 1pm onwards one after another.

🚀 Purpose of the call

1. To assess the existing level of preparation of each student wrt Public Administration optional. 📈

2. To understand the approach followed by student in Public Administration optional preparation. 😇

3. To know, how much time student is giving from his daily study schedule to Public Administration. (This course requires only 4 hours of daily Public Administration preparation) ⏱

4. What all sources student is referring? 📖

5. To judge the concerns/doubts/problems (some time perceptions) students have regarding Public Administration. 🤗

6. Guidance regarding answer writing ✍️ for Public Administration, Notes 📝 making etc.

7. Discussion over program details, how student able to take maximum benefit from the program etc. 📋

📌 We request students who has taken admission either to Paper-I or Paper-II to restrict your doubts to section-A of respective paper to which you have taken admission. Because, this is just first direct interaction with faculty & such direct interaction will happen every weekend. (Mentor himself will be evaluating answers of each students)

more details, click here

For registration & admission, click here

Join us : @iasdelhi_pubad

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


🥇Public Administration Mentorship Program with Daily Answer Writing Practice🥇

more details,

Join us : @iasdelhi_pubad

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Prelims cum Mains (PcM) GS Mentorship Program with Daily answer writing practice


Join us : @iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)


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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

🥇Prelims-Cum-Mains (PcM)-2022 Program🥇

more details,

For registration & admission,

Contact :
8527965204 (@gajanan_iasdelhi)
9555098967 (@adesh_iasdelhi)

Join us : @iasdelhi

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Visit : www.iasdelhi.org

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Visit : www.iasdelhi.org

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

✨Free & personalised guidance for DAF✨

Detailed Application Form (DAF) is crucial aspect of your interview. It can make or break your chances to be in final list.

Get your draft DAF reviewed from the former topmost authorities of India, who were also part of UPSC panels, before final submission. Telephonic guidance is also available.

Don't wait for the last moment.



👉Email : sudhirchandra9@gmail.com

👉Contact number :
+91 11 4914 5470,
+91 84477 35676,
+91 99103 59259

Location : https://goo.gl/maps/NaZ4aR1WpEBycfmQ8

Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/B9DlqU1oKr8vOY8bAzmhvw

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Few tips for coaching mocks-

They are helpful but UPSC interviews are a different ball game altogether. Any advice from coaching shouldn’t be taken on face value - specially if they are trying to demotivate you.

Also, keep in mind they just want to print your name after you are selected and bloat their selection figures.

So, unless you are desperate for practice (and don’t worry about misuse of your name), you can give mocks but it’s better to limit to 2-3 only.

My experience from different mocks:

1. KSG - It was good. Went unprepared, Khan Sir pointed out some obvious flaws that I could rectify later.

2. Dhyeya - overall okayish, can be skipped.

3. Samkalp - group mock experience was good, normal mock was okayish.

4. Chanakya - focused on factual questions a lot. Can be demotivating, so appear at your own risk.

5. Vajiram - heard pathetic review about mocks, so didn’t apply for them. Just had an interaction with Ravindran Sir and it was very fruitful and motivating.

6. iAnugrah - heard about it from my friend Prudhvitej. It is run by Sudhir Chandra Sir (ex-CBDT Chairman). It was one of my best experiences. Sir gave lots of behavioural tips and how I can improve my appearance before the board. I would recommend you to give it a try.

7. Individual mocks with friends can also help sometimes, so if you are preparing with friends do try one/two mocks amongst yourselves.

The quality of mocks can also vary year after year, so get some feedback from your friends before appearing in any.

Remember the key is to have high confidence after giving all the mocks. So avoid anything and everything that creates negativity! Rest you’ll handle by yourself on D-day.

Best of luck! :)

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Public Administration (IAS Delhi Institute-IDI)

Visit : www.iasdelhi.org

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