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Hello everyone ☕️

Let's take a break from studying today.

I just finished watching new cartoon "The Wild Robot". Can't explain feelings that I experienced by watching this. This cartoon is absolutely definition of pure love ❤️. Cartoon says that you have not to be or to act like everyone else. Instead, you have to live, act and do things on your own way, on way that makes you happy.

Also people that we think don't have hearts, maybe they have much more bigger hearts ❤️‍🩹

I'll leave the link to the cartoon so you can watch it online with subtitles👇

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When they say English is easy 😂

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📙McGraw-Hill Education

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⬇️ Down Verbs

➡️Sink — to (cause something or someone to) go down below the surface or to the bottom of a liquid or soft substance
➡️Sample: The cost of housing sunk after 2008

➡️Slip back — to return to a previous or lower position of value, especially unexpectedly
➡️Sample: Use of electricity slipped back to 50 in May

➡️Dip — to go down to a lower level
➡️Sample: Divorce rate dipped in the 60s

➡️Drop — o fall or to allow something to fall
➡️Sample: A drop in crime can be seen last year

➡️Plummet — to fall very quickly and suddenly
➡️Sample: Tourists to the city plummets after September

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📄British Slang Words

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📓Isobel by James Oliver Curwood

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Hello everyone 👨‍💻

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📔 Inside Reading Intro

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📗Improve your Skills Writing for IELTS Advanced

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Powerful Motivational Video


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📗Improve your Skills Writing for IELTS 6.0 - 7.5

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Hello everyone ☕️

It's raining and cold in Moscow

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📗Udemy Writing

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🎥Do IELTS examiners ever interrupt during the speaking test?

💭P/s: An examiner is experienced teacher, you shouldn't afraid of him or hate him


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Good morning everyone

From today Donald Trump is 47th president of USA. 🇺🇸

Everyone waits from him solutions for economy and migration problems in USA.
And I wish that he could improve the situation in Palestine, and that there would be peace everywhere 🙏

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📙McGraw-Hill Education

4 Academic Test
2 General Training Tests

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Hello everyone 🙃

Why so coooooold 😭
Because it's winteeer ❄️

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⬆️ Up Verbs

➡️Soar — to rise very quickly to a high level
➡️Sample: The use of water soared in March

➡️Leap — to make a large jump or sudden movement, usually from one place to another
➡️Sample: The prices leapt to 90% in one year

➡️Climb — to go up, or to go towards the top of something
➡️Sample: Populations climbed to over one million by 1980

➡️Rocket — to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success
➡️Sample: Use of cars rocketed in the first decade

➡️Surge — a sudden and great increase
➡️Sample: A surge of migration is seen in November

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Goooood morning everyone ☕️

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📓Isobel by James Oliver Curwood

💭 P/s: For story-lovers

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📖 Accept or Agree

Don't say: The teacher accepted to go with us.
Say: The teacher agreed to go with us.

❕ Accept means to take something that is offered to you.

Maria accepted the bunch of flowers.
It also means to believe something you're told.
Ken accepted his explanation.

❕Agree to means to do what one is asked to do.
David agreed to come to London on Monday, but agree with means to have the same opinion as someone else. The Long family never agree with each other.

📌 Note: We agree with a person, but to a thing. I agree with Luke, but I can't agree to this plan.

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📔 Inside Reading Intro
By Oxford

💭 With answer keys

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📗Improve your Skills Writing for IELTS Advanced

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📖 Prepositions Time and Place

AT – IN – ON

❗️ AT for a precise time:

➡️at 3 o’clock
➡️at 10.30am
➡️at noon
➡️at dinnertime
➡️at bedtime
➡️at sunrise
➡️at sunset
➡️at the moment on New Year’s Eve…

— I have a meeting at 9am.
— The shop closes at midnight.
— Jane went home at lunchtime


❗️ IN for months, years, centuries and long periods:

➡️in May on Sunday
➡️in summer
➡️in the summer
➡️in 1990
➡️in the 1990s
➡️in the next century
➡️in the Ice Age
➡️in the past/future…

— In England, it often snows in December.
— Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?
— There should be a lot of progress in the next century


❗️ ON days and dates:

➡️on 25 Dec. 2010
➡️on Christmas Day
➡️on Independence Day
➡️on my birthday
➡️on Tuesdays
➡️on 6 March…

— Do you work on Mondays?
— Her birthday is on 20 November.
— Where will you be on New Year’s Day?


When we say last, next, every, this we do not use AT, IN, ON.

— I went to London last June.
(not “in last June”)
— He’s coming back next Tuesday.
(not “on next Tuesday”)
— I go home every Easter.
(not “at every Easter”)
— We’ll call you this evening. (
not “in this evening”)

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Hello ☕️

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📗Improve your Skills Writing for IELTS

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📗Udemy Writing

Contains video lessons

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🚫Trust is like a paper, once it's crumpled it can't be perfect


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