"Angry" so'ziga 3 ta sinonim 🔖
Cross 😠
Please, don't get cross with me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Enraged 😠
My neighbor is enraged at our noise parties.
Furious 😠
I broke my sister's computer. She is furious.
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🔹 ( , ) comma
🔹 ( . ) period, decimal point
🔹 ( ; ) semicolon
🔹 ( : ) colon
🔹 ( ! ) exclamation mark / exclamation point
🔹 ( ? ) question mark
🔹 ( ' ) apostrophe, prime
🔹 ( " ) quotation mark
🔹 ( ( ) ) parenthesis
🔹 ( [ ] ) square bracket / bracket
🔹 ( {} ) brace
🔹 ( < ) less-than sign
🔹 ( > ) greater-than sign
🔹 ( $ ) dollar sign
🔹 ( / ) slash
🔹 ( % ) percent
🔹 ( - ) dash / hyphen
🔹 ( # ) number sign
🔹 ( & ) ampersand
🔹 ( @ ) at sign
🔹 ( * ) asterisk
🔹 ( _ ) underscore
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
✳️Foydali iboralar✳️
◼️I'm fairly / pretty keen on...
◼️I’m quite/pretty fond of - Men juda qiziqaman / juda qiziqaman
◼️I'm really into- Men haqiqatan ham yoqtiraman ..
◼️I'm quite a big fan of - Men juda katta muxlisman ...
◼️I simply adore - Men shunchaki hurmat qilaman...
◼️I'm quite enthusiastic about - Men juda qiziqaman ...
◼️I generally prefer... (use only when comparing) - Men umuman afzal ko'raman… (faqat taqqoslaganda foydalaning)
◼️I'm totally mad about... - Men umuman aqldan ozaman ...
◼️I'm quite passionate about - Men juda ishtiyoqmandman...
Siz like mavzudagi gaplarni boshlash uchun ba’zi iboralar
🔹Well in general I would say that - Umuman olganda men buni aytardim ..
🔹Well, to be honest I should really say that... - Rostini aytsam, haqiqatan ham shunday deyishim kerak ...
🔹Of course I think I'd have to say that... - Albatta, men buni aytishim kerak deb o'ylayman ...
🔹Certainly I would definitely say that.. - Albatta, men buni aniq aytaman ..
🔹Well, I guess that generally speaking I would certainly say that... - O'ylaymanki, umuman aytganda, albatta buni aytardim ...
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🔶a bright spark: an intelligent
Fred is a bright spark - he knows the capital of Mangolia
🔶full of beans: has a lot of energy.
Andrea's full of beans this morning
🔶take coal to Newcastle : supplying something where it is need.
Do you really think we can sell our cars in Japan? It's like taking coal to Newcastle.
🔶let off steam : release (nervous) energy.
After a tough day at work in the office. Ruth loves to let of steam with a game of squash.
🔶full steam ahead : time to go at top speed.
There are two months before my IELTS test , so from now on, it's full steam ahead.
🔶burn the midnight oil: working late at night.
Steff has been burning the midnight oil for the last two weeks .
🔶add fuel to the fire: making a bad situation worse.
Derek is already in a bad mood. Don't tell him about the broken photocopier right now. That will just be adding fuel to the fire.
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
Other ways to say - MONEY
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
💰hard cash
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🟥A great way to improve your IELTS score is by improving your IELTS vocabulary. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using synonyms for common words. Synonyms are words which mean the same and can be used to replace a word with a better one. Synonyms are of great help to get a good score in IELTS along with improving one's general vocabulary score.
🟧 There is a list of synonyms for common words which can help a great deal in getting you a good IELTS score
Dears, always stay tunned and keep checking our channel reqularly as the best things are coming!
✅Sharing is caring
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
Kanal admini sifatida iltimos qilaman qadirli obunachilar, ovoz bering!
Sizning ovozingiz men uchun muhim!
🔭Phrasal verbs with - "Have"
🚂 Have a good time - yaxshi vaqt o'tkazmoq
🚂 Have a rest - dam olmoq
🚂 Have a break - tanaffus qilmoq
🚂 Have a cold - shamollamoq
🚂 Have 3 meals a day - kuniga 3 mahal ovqatlanmoq
🚂 Have a headache - boshi ogrimoq
🚂 Have a toothache - tishi ogrimoq
🚂 Have a backache - beli ogrimoq
🚂 Have a stomachache - oshqozoni ogrimoq
🚂 Have a sore throat - tomogi ogrimoq
🚂 Have a flu - gripp bolmoq
🚂 Have a cough - yotalmoq
🚂 Have a sneeze - aksirmoq
🚂 Have one's English - Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanmoq
🚂 Have a smoke - chekmoq
🚂 Have a tea - choy ichmoq
🚂 Have a dictation - diktant yozmoq
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
❗️Yodlash kerak
✳️In predlogi bilan ishlatiladigan iboralar yodlab oling✳️
▪️in the rain — yomg‘irda
▪️in the sun — quyoshda
▪️in the shade — soyada
▪️in the dark — qorong‘ida
▪️in bad weather — yomon havoda
▪️in block letters — bosh harflar bilan
▪️in the affirmative (the negetive) ijobiy (salbiy)
▪️in bulk uyib, tepa qilib
▪️in any case har ehtimolga qarshi, ehtiyot shart
▪️in the circumstances ana shu (ushbu) sharoitda
▪️in the country qishloqda, shahardan tashqarida
▪️in demand talabda, xaridorgir
▪️in due course vaqtida
▪️in the east (west, south, north) sharqda (g‘arbda, janubda, shimolda)
▪️in full - to‘la
▪️in full swing - eng qizg‘in paytda
▪️in general - umuman
▪️in somebody’s interest(s) - ning manfaati uchun
▪️in the long run - oxiri, axiyri, oqibatda, pirovardida, axir
▪️in a loud (calm) voice — baland (tinch) ovozda
▪️in the market — bozorda
▪️in stock — omborda
▪️in store — zaxirada
▪️in the street — ko‘chada
▪️in a picture — rasmda
▪️in a mirror — oynada
▪️in ink — siyoh bilan
▪️in biro — sharikli ruchkada
▪️in pencil — qalamda
▪️in words — so‘z bilan
▪️in figures — raqam bilan
▪️in cash — naqd pul bilan
▪️in order (disorder) - tartibli, saranjom (tartibsiz)
▪️in part - qisman
▪️in conclusion - pirovardida, oxirida, nihoyat
▪️in the direction yo‘nalishda, -ga qarab
▪️in question - gap ketayotgan (Here is the book in question. Mana gapirilayotgan kitob).
▪️in English (Uzbek, Russian, French) inglizcha (o‘zbekcha, ruscha, fransuzcha).
🔹The letter was written in English.
🔸 Xat inglizcha yozilgan edi.
⚠️Lekin: He speaks English. U inglizcha gapiradi.
▪️in return o‘rniga
▪️in sight — ko‘rish maydonida, doirasida
▪️in so far as — modomiki, hamonki; sababli, uchun
▪️in the meantime — shu asnoda, shu vaqt ichida
▪️in the spring (summer, autumn, winter) bahorda (yozda, kuzda, qishda)
▪️in the morning (afternoon, evening) ertalab, (kunduzi, kechqurun)
▪️in the open air ochiq havoda
▪️in the front of a car — avtomobilning oldida
▪️in the back of the car — avtomobilning orqasida
▪️in the sea — dengizda
▪️in the corner — muyulishda, burchakda
▪️in excitement — hayajon ichida in the beginning (end) — boshida (oxirida)
▪️in a queue — navbatda
▪️in a row — bir qatorda
▪️in the open air — ochiq havoda
▪️in one’s opinion — ning fikricha
▪️in (at) one’s option xohlagani, tanlagani, didiga yoqqani
▪️in vain — behuda, bekorga
▪️in time o‘z vaqtida
▪️in a car/ in a taxi — avtomobilda/ taksida
▪️in a line — bir chiziqda
▪️in the past (future) — o‘tmishda (kelajakda)
▪️in a letter — ( bir) xatda
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
Band 7+ Vocabulary for IELTS 🔥🔥🔥
Informal Formal
❌ Ask for ✅Request (so'ramoq)
❌Look into ✅ Investigate (taftish qilmoq)
❌ Hungry ✅ Famished (och qolgan)
❌ But ✅ However (ammo)
❌ Mad ✅ Insane (aqldan ozgan)
❌ Let ✅ Allow (ruxsat bermoq)
❌ Worse ✅ Inferior (yomonroq)
❌ Keep ✅ Preserve (saqlamoq)
❌ Dim ✅ Indistinct (noaniq)
❌ Death ✅ Demise (o'lim)
❌ Job ✅ Occupation (kasb)
❌ Dad ✅ Father (ota)
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
Expressing of emotions - His-tuyg'ularni ifoda etish.
🍀Oh, my God!- Ey Hudoyim!
🍀What a good chance! - Qanaqa omad!
🍀I don't know what to say! - Bir nim deyishni ham bilmayman!,
🍀Oh, damn!- Jin ursin!
🍀Alas! - Afsus!
🍀Really? - Rostdanmi?
🍀What a pity! - Qanaday achinarli!
🍀I can't believe it! - Bo'lishi mumkin emas!; Bunga ishonolmayapman!
🍀I hope so. - O'ylaymanki, shunday.
🍀I feel ill (sad, disgusted). - O'zimni yomon his qilyapman (qamgin, jirkanch).
🍀I feel good. - O'zimni yaxshi his etyapman.
🍀Vice versa! (Just the opposite!) - Aksincha!
🍀Not a bit! (Nothing of the kind!) - Hechamda!
🍀That's nice (sound, all right, fine) (with me). - Hammasi joyida (yaxshi) (men bilan).
🍀No way! - Befoyda!; Foydasi yo'q!;
🍀With (great) pleasure! - (Bag'oyat) mamnuniyat ila!
🍀It is none of your business! - Bu sizga tegishli emas; Bu sizning ishingiz emas; Ishingiz bo'lmasin!
🍀That's too much! - Bu endi oshib tushdi!
🍀Wonderful! - Ajoyib! Qoyil! Zo'r!
🍀That's wonderful (superb, marvellous)! - Bu ajoyib (soz, mo'jaz)!
🍀My feelings were hurt.- Meni hissiyotlarim toptaldi.
🍀My hope is betrayed. - Mening umidim sindi!
🍀Absolutely! - So'zsiz!
🍀Exactly so! - Aynan shunday!
🍀Who knows! - Kim bilsin!
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🔰Vocabulary for family and friends
🔸A lifelong friend – A friend that you have had for most of your life
🔸A relationship of trust – a connection with another in which you have faith and confidence
🔸Arrange a dinner date – Plan to share an evening meal
🔸A shoulder to cry on – Someone to sympathize with you
🔸Close knit family – A close family with common interests
🔸Dear to my heart – Someone that I care about
🔸Distant cousins – People who share a common ancestor but are not closely related
🔸Extend the hand of friendship – Reach out to someone in a friendly manner
🔸Extended family – Uncles, aunts and cousins form part of the extended family
🔸Get to know one another – Learning different aspects of each other
🔸Get together – Meet up
🔸Immediate family – Spouse, parents, children, grandparents
🔸Long lost friend – A friend that you have lost contact with
🔸Long-term relationships – A committed relationship between partners
🔸Professional relationships – The relationships that we have in the workplace
🔸Share a common background – The share a similar heritage or culture
🔸Stand the test of time – To last a long time
🔸Struck up a friendship – To make friends
🔸To enjoy someone’s company – To enjoy spending time with someone
🔸To have a good working relationship – To work together well
🔸To have a lot in common – To have shared interests
🔸To hit it off – To like each other straight away
🔸To keep in touch with – To keep in contact
🔸To lose touch with – To lose contact
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
Juda kech uxlaydigan do'sting... 😄
✅ In English, to
➖A nighthawk
➖A night owl
➖A night person
➖A pub crawler
➖A night rider
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
📌 #grammar
♻️Breath - noun, ya'ni ot shaklida bo'lib, "nafas, nafas olish" ma'nosini bildiradi.
♻️ Breathe esa fe'l bo'lib, "nafas olmoq" degani.
❕Ahamiyat bering:
🔗 Breath so'zidagi "ea" tovushi, death so'zidagi "ea" kabi talaffuz qilinadi.
🔗 Breathe so'zidagi "ea" tovushi esa see so'zidagi "ee" kabi aytiladi.
✏️Example sentences:
Her breath smelled of garlic.
Take a deep breath!
Her chest felt too tight to breathe deeply.
While we breathe, there's hope!
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
❇️Ijodiy imtihon Speaking qismi haqida🗣
Assalomu aleykum. Bilasizku buyil ijodiy imtihon olinadi asosiy fani ingliz tili bo'lgan yo'nalishlar uchun va unda Gapirish(Speaking) qismi ham qo'shilgan Hozir shularni ko'rib chiqamiz.
Speaking 3 qismdan iborat bo'ladi
⚫️Part 1 (har bir savolga 30 sekundan gapirish kerak)
1.Do you live in a house or a flat?
2.How long have you lived there?
3.What do you like the most about it?
4.What is your favorite room?
5.Can you describe the view from your windows?
6.Do you plan to live there in the future?
⚫️Part 2 ( tayyorlanish uchun 1daqiqa beriladi va 2 daqiqa gapirish kerak)
Describe a time when you waited in line for a long time.
You should say:
when it was
where you were
why you were there
and how you felt about it.
⚫️Part 3 (tayyorgarlik uchun vaqt berilmaydi o'rtacha 30 sekund gapirish kerak)
1.Why do people dislike waiting?
2.What do you think of those who jump the queue?
3.Are people in your country accustomed to waiting?
4.Do you think the development of technology has reduced the time people spend waiting?
5.How can companies improve their customer service?
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
👋Other Ways to Say "Goodbye"👋
👋So long!
👋Take care!
👋Bon voyage!
👋Bye for now!
👋See you later!
👋Gotta get going!
👋I must be going!
👋Catch you later!
👋Have a nice day!
👋Talk to you later!
👋Have a good day!
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
Here are some idioms for "encourage":
Cheer on: To support or encourage someone by shouting or applauding.
Push someone forward: To encourage or motivate someone to take action or make progress.
Give someone a pat on the back: To praise or show approval for someone's efforts or achievements.
Lift someone's spirits: To make someone feel more positive or hopeful.
Be someone's biggest cheerleader: To be a source of unwavering support and encouragement for someone.
Keep one's chin up: To maintain a positive attitude in difficult or challenging circumstances.
Rally around: To come together to support and encourage someone or a cause.
Put wind in someone's sails: To give someone the encouragement and support needed to succeed.
Egg on: To encourage someone to do something, often something risky or daring.
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🔥Most commonly used Prepositional Phrases IN
🧷in conclusion. in combination with
🧷in confidence in confinement
🧷in confusion in action
🧷in of prison in of season
🧷in bulk. in consequence of
🧷in contact with in cash
🧷in character in charge of
🧷in code in convoy
🧷in custody. in danger
🧷in comfort in of stock
🧷in command of in of touch
🧷in dispute in of use
🧷in distress in doubt
🧷in difficulty in sight (of)
🧷in a heap. in a hurry
🧷in a sense in a mess
🧷in a tempe in a pile
🧷in abeyance in abundance
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
Word formation
•Advertise - reklama qilmoq
•Advertisement - reklama
•Advert - reklama, e'lon
•Advertising - reklama qilish
•Advertiser - reklama beruvchi, reklama qiluvchi
•Attract - jalb qilmoq
•Attractive - maftunkor, jozibador
•Unattractive - jozibasiz
•Attractively - jozibali ravishda
•Unattractively - jozibasiz ravishda
•Attraction - joziba
•Beauty - chiroy
•Beautiful - chiroyli
•Beautifully - chiroyli tarzda
•Decide - qaror qilmoq
•Decision - qaror
•Decisive - hal qiluvchi; 2) qat'iyatli
•Indecisive - qat'iyatsiz
•Decisively - ikkilanmasdan, qat'iylik bilan
•Indecisively - qati'yatsizlik bilan
•Desire - xohlamoq
•Desirable - maqbul
•Undesirable - maqsadga xilof
•Enthuse - to'lqinlanib gapirmoq
•Enthusiastic - ishtiyoqmand
•Unenthusiastic - ishtiyoqsiz
•Enthusiastically - ishtiyoq bilan
•Unenthusiastically - ishtiyoqsiz tarzda
•Enthusiasm - ishtiyoq
•Enthusiast - ishqiboz
•Expect - kutmoq
•Expected - kutilgan
•Unexpected - kutilmagan
•Expectedly - kutilgantarzda
•Unexpectedly - kutilmagan tarzda
•Expectation - kutish, umid
•Expectancy - kutish, umid, ishonch
•Fashion - moda
•Fashionable - zamonaviy
•Unfashionable - urf bo'lmagan
•Fashionably - urf bo'lgan
•Unfashionably - zamonaviy bo'lmagan holda
•Like - 1) yoqtirmoq; 2) o'xshamoq
•Alike - o'xshash
•Dislike - yoqtirmaslik
•Unlike - o'xshamaslik
•Likeness - o'xshashlik
•Likeable - yoqimli
•Unlikeable - yoqimsiz
•Liking - yoqtirish
•Produce - ishlab chiqarmoq
•Product - mahsulot
•Producer - ishlab chiqaruvchi
•Production - ishlab chiqarish
•Productive - samarali
•Unproductive - samarasiz
•Productively - samaralitarzda
•Unproductively - samarasiz tarzda
•Similar - o'xshash
•Dissimilar - o'xshash emas
•Dissimilarly - o'xshamagan tarzda
•Similarity - o'xshashlik
•Style - uslub
•Stylish - didli, zamonaviy
•Unstylish - didsiz
•Stylishly - did bilan
•Unstylishly - didsiz ravishda
•Stylist - stilist
•Stylishness - zamonaviylik
•Succeed - muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq
•Success - muvaffaqiyat
•Successful - muavaffaqiyatli
•Unsuccessful - muvaffaqiyatsiz
•Successfully - muvaffaqiyat bilan
•Unsuccessfully - muvaffaqiyatsiz tarzda
•Use - foydalanmoq
•Usage - foydalanish
•Useful - foydali
•Usefully - foydali tarzda
•Useless - foydasiz
•Uselessly - foydasiz ravishda
•User - foydalanuvchi
•Usable - foydalansa bo'ladigan, yaroqli
•Unusable - ishlatib bo'lmaydigan, yaroqsiz
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
⚡️ «TURKISTON JAMOASI» didingizga mos kanallarni tavsiya qiladi!
Ongli o‘sing
✅Ruhiy Motivation
Ruhiy Motivatsiya
🔍Foydali turkum:
✅Sayyoramiz manzaralari
Dunyo bòylab sayohat
🇷🇺Rus tili:
✅Rus tili
Rus tilidan yangi so'zlar
✅Tezkor rus tili
Rus tili 3 oyda
🇬🇧Ingliz tili:
✅IELTS tayyorlov
Kanaliga marhamat
✅Inglzicha gaplar
O'rganishni boshlang
✅Rus tilini 5 dan
onlayn o'rganing
✅Rus tildan
Tarjimon bo'ling
🔸 Yuqoridagi ro'yxatga qo'shish uchun!
🔥 Xabaringiz bor “YIL BRENDI-2022” uchun ovoz berish boshlangan!
🔹 2021-yil uchun Nura Group kompaniyasi bu mukofotni qoʻlga kiritgan edi. Oʻylaymizki bu yil ham Siz azizlarning qoʻllab quvvatlashingiz bilan bu mukofotni qoʻlga kiritamiz!
🔹 Biz ovoz berish jarayonini ushbu video rolikda toʻliq tushuntirib oʻtganmiz!
🔹 Ovoz berish uchun: @makon_brand_bot
⚡️ Unutmang! Faqatgina birgalikda “YIL BRENDI-2022” mukofotini qoʻlga kiritamiz!
☝️Eng kerakli iboralar yodlang✅
⭐️Rely on - tayanib qolmoq, o'rganib qolmoq
⭐️Introduce to - ga tanishtirmoq
⭐️Approve of - maqullamoq
⭐️Insist on - talab qilmoq
⭐️Introduce to - ga tanishtirmoq
⭐️Glance at - tikilmoq
⭐️Worry about - haqida havotirlanmoq
⭐️Congratulate on - Tabriklamoq
⭐️Displeased with - qoniqmaslik, mamnun bolmaslik, yoqtirmaslik
⭐️Include in - ichiga olmoq, qamrab olmoq
⭐️Comment on - da, haqida fikr bildirmoq
⭐️Disapprove of - maqullamaslik, inkor etmoq
⭐️Advantage of - ijobiy tomon
⭐️In time - o'z vaqtida(belgilanmagan vaqtlar uchun rejalashtirlmagan vaqtlar uchun)
⭐️On time – vaqtida(belgilangan vaqtlar uchun )
⭐️Wait for – kutmoq
⭐️Take off – yechmoq
⭐️Crowded with - bilan gavjum, to'la
✅Join and share us👇
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🆕Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami
🚩Mavzu: Ko'p qo'llaniladigan kirish iboralari va bog'lovchi so'zlar
✅ 10ta ibora | 🏛 @IELTS_ingiliz_tili
🎯 According to - …-ga ko’ra
🎯 Apart from - …- Dan tashqari
🎯 As to(as for) - …-ga kelsak
🎯 But for - …bo’lmaganda
🎯 By means of - …vositasida
🎯 In accordance with - …-ga ko’ra
🎯 As compared with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
🎯 In comparison with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
🎯 In conformity with - …-ga ko’ra
🎯 In consequence of - …-ning natijasida
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
🔰Vocabulary for family and friends
🔸A lifelong friend – A friend that you have had for most of your life
🔸A relationship of trust – a connection with another in which you have faith and confidence
🔸Arrange a dinner date – Plan to share an evening meal
🔸A shoulder to cry on – Someone to sympathize with you
🔸Close knit family – A close family with common interests
🔸Dear to my heart – Someone that I care about
🔸Distant cousins – People who share a common ancestor but are not closely related
🔸Extend the hand of friendship – Reach out to someone in a friendly manner
🔸Extended family – Uncles, aunts and cousins form part of the extended family
🔸Get to know one another – Learning different aspects of each other
🔸Get together – Meet up
🔸Immediate family – Spouse, parents, children, grandparents
🔸Long lost friend – A friend that you have lost contact with
🔸Long-term relationships – A committed relationship between partners
🔸Professional relationships – The relationships that we have in the workplace
🔸Share a common background – The share a similar heritage or culture
🔸Stand the test of time – To last a long time
🔸Struck up a friendship – To make friends
🔸To enjoy someone’s company – To enjoy spending time with someone
🔸To have a good working relationship – To work together well
🔸To have a lot in common – To have shared interests
🔸To hit it off – To like each other straight away
🔸To keep in touch with – To keep in contact
🔸To lose touch with – To lose contact
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🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
Topic vocabulary
•Put on (phr v) - kiymoq
•Wear - kiymoq
•Costume - kostyum
•Suit - kostyum shim
•Dye - bo'yamoq (asosan matova sochni)
•Paint - bo'yamoq
•Fit - loyiq, mos
•Suit - munosib
•Match - mos juftlik
•Cloth - mato
•Clothing - kiyim
•Blouse - kofta
•Top - tananing tepa qismiga kiyiladigan kiyim
•Design - dizayn
•Manufacture - ishlab chiqarish
•Current - hozirgi
•New - yangi
•Modern - zamonaviy
•Look - tashqi ko'rinish
•Appearance - tashqi ko'rinish
•Supply - ta'minlamoq
•Produce - ishlab chiqarmoq
•Glimpse - ko'zi tushib qolmoq
•Glance - ko'z tashlamoq, bir qarab qo'ymoq
•Average - o'rtacha
•Everyday - har kunlik
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish
♻️ New vocabulary
🔰funeral — ceremony held when somebody has died — dafn marosimi
🔰passage — journey; transition — safar
🔰cremation — ceremony during which a dead body is burnt — o’likni yoqish marosimi
🔰joy — great happiness — shodlik, hursandchilik
🔰celebration — occasion when people get together to enjoy themselves because something special has happened — bayram
🔰gather — come together in a group — to’planmoq
🔰pay one’s last respects — show one's good opinion of someone who has died, e.g., by attending a funeral (phrase) — so’nggi hurmatini joyiga qo’ymoq
🔰procession — line of people who are going somewhere together for a special reason — saf, odamlar to’dasi
🔰corpse — dead body — murda, o’lik
🔰container — something which you can put things in, e.g., a box — tobut
🔰transfer — move to a different place — bir joydan boshqa joyga o’tkazish
🔰soul — the part of a person which is not physical and therefore it's commonly held that it does not die when the body dies — ruh, qalb
🔰scatter — throw things so that they spread over a large area — sochmoq
🔰cleansing — freeing from anything unpleasant or evil — poklanish, tozalanish
🔰purification — removal of sins in a religious ceremony — poklanish
♻️ New vocabulary
🔰funeral — ceremony held when somebody has died — dafn marosimi
🔰passage — journey; transition — safar
🔰cremation — ceremony during which a dead body is burnt — o’likni yoqish marosimi
🔰joy — great happiness — shodlik, hursandchilik
🔰celebration — occasion when people get together to enjoy themselves because something special has happened — bayram
🔰gather — come together in a group — to’planmoq
🔰pay one’s last respects — show one's good opinion of someone who has died, e.g., by attending a funeral (phrase) — so’nggi hurmatini joyiga qo’ymoq
🔰procession — line of people who are going somewhere together for a special reason — saf, odamlar to’dasi
🔰corpse — dead body — murda, o’lik
🔰container — something which you can put things in, e.g., a box — tobut
🔰transfer — move to a different place — bir joydan boshqa joyga o’tkazish
🔰soul — the part of a person which is not physical and therefore it's commonly held that it does not die when the body dies — ruh, qalb
🔰scatter — throw things so that they spread over a large area — sochmoq
🔰cleansing — freeing from anything unpleasant or evil — poklanish, tozalanish
🔰purification — removal of sins in a religious ceremony — poklanish
#vocabulary #glossary
🇬🇧 @IELTSLight - kanaliga ulanish