Founded by Bekzod Mirahmedov, the 1st NINER in Uzbekistan ⚡️Ingliz tili & IELTS 🏆Natijalar: 8x Overall 9.0 📑 26x CELTA 📞 55-511-0909 ✍🏻 Biz bilan bog’lanish: @ieltszone_community 📍 Manzillarimiz: @DirectionsIELTSZONE
❗️ Yoz oylarida IELTS olmoqchi bo'lgan candidatelar diqqatiga!
✅ IELTS ZONE o'quv markazi Jahon tillari filialida INTERMEDIATE va IELTS NOVICE kurslariga qabul ochilmoqda.
📌 Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun ushbu video ostiga + belgisini qoldiring
🦅 Navbatdagi natija IELTS 8.0 ball!
🔥 IELTS ZONE o'quv markazi Integro filialida Miss.Adolatning IELTS Standard guruhlarida tahsil olgan o'quvchimiz, Zebiniso Norova 8.0 ballni qo'lgan kiritdilar.
O'quvchimizning natijalari bilan tanishing:
• Listening — 8.5 ball;
• Reading — 9.0 ball;
• Writing — 6.5 ball;
• Speaking — 7.0 ball;
🚀 Overall band score — 8.0 ball.
O’quvchilarimiz qatorida siz ham kuchli ustozlardan dars olib yuqori natijalar olmoqchi bo’lsangiz izohlarda «➕» belgisini qoldiring
How was the lesson?
Leave your summaries under
Introduction dagi opinion bilan bir xil ketma-ketlikta paragraphing qilinishi kerak
Читать полностью…Computers are popular because it can be ideal for every situation.
What is wrong?
In one paragraph, one background has to be illustrated!
Читать полностью…What is the meaning of ‘mechanical’ in the slide?
Читать полностью…Coherence - how clear/easy to understand your sentences are
Cohesion - the linking between sentences and paragraphs.
📈 Day 12:Writing task 2: Coherence and Cohesion
🔥 Instructor: Adhambek Ismoilov (Writing 8.0 )
❗️ Time: 6AM (post-Suhoor), 8-april
✔️ Venue: @ieltszone_uz
📣 Postni ingliz tiilini o'rganayotgan do'stlaringizga ham ulashib qo'ying
Kuni kecha IELTS ZONE o’quv markazi Integro filialida 2 smenada Mock exam bo’lib o’tdi. ⚡️
Mock atmosferasini yuqoridagi videoda his qilishingiz mumkin 🙂
Siz ham imtihondan oldin o’z natijangizni bilmoqchi bo’lsangiz:
🔗 Keyingi mock examga ro’yxatdan o’ting
See you guys later in IELTS ZONE!
Good luck with your exams! 💪💪
Yana savollar bo’lsa mani o’zimdan so’rashila mumkin ( @adkhambek_15)
If your essay has about 200-240 words, you will lose one band for TR, if your essay has 245 words, you will not receive punishment.
#secret_fact 😉🤫
Your opinion should be as close to your conclusion as possible.
Читать полностью…While it seems to me that cities are a better option due to the facilities they offer, the natural benefits of life in rural areas make them a much better option.
Читать полностью…After all, GENERAL ENGLISH is the most important!
Читать полностью…If it doesn’t have an adverse impact on the world, it cannot be considered ‘catastrophic’
Читать полностью…Assalomu alaykum, we are about to start! Buckle up!
Читать полностью…🎤 Bugun IELTS ZONE o’quv markazi Amir Temur filialida ZONE QUIZ bo’lib o’tdi.
Event yakunida g’olib jamoalarga esdalik sertifikatlari berildi. ✔️
Yuqorida eventdan rasmlarni ko’rishingiz mumkin 🙂