📝 314 replies
India cow dung cakes being sold in Germany
Ind*ans have brought their cuisine to Germany and the rest of Europe. You can now order cow dung cakes online
Thanks ind*a
Tragicomic scenes from Odessa. A paramedic is called into the AFU recruitment center. He falls ill but they don't let him leave. More paramedics are called. They are locked inside the recruitment center and not allowed to leave, also to be conscripted. More paramedics arrive to try and get their colleagues out and get into a fight with recruitment center staff.
People have recently been debating "casualty ratios" and things like that again. No one knows the precise numbers, but the fact that a military-aged Russian man can take a leisurely summer stroll through the parks and gardens of any Russian city without fear of being kidnapped, while a Ukrainian man has to dress in his wife's clothes to go to the supermarket, and even paramedics are being press-ganged, should give you an idea.
The US lost 10k manned aircraft according to the wiki. This means that something like 20k out of the 60k American dead are pilots.
Doesn't that sound funny to anyone?
>be US
>field 2.7M soldiers in Vietnam
>be up against 860k enemies total
>kill 1M enemies
>wound 604k enemies
>lose 58k soldiers
>lose war
>self-identify as winner
There isn't a single post anywhere on the web questioning any of these holohoax tier numbers. Why is that?
>liquefy snail brain
>inject new snails with liquefied snail brain
>new snails slow down
>we altered their memory, goy
>In experiments by Dr. Glanzman and colleagues, when these snails get a little electric shock, they briefly retract their frilly siphons, which they use for expelling waste. A snail that has been shocked before, however, retracts its siphon for much longer than a new snail recruit.
Germany: Ursula Haverbeck (95) appeared in court in a wheelchair as she was sentenced to further 16-months in prison.
Ursula was asked to repent for claiming the holocaust is "the biggest and most persistent lie in history".
She rejects that 6 million jews were killed, and insists few thousands died from starvation and diseases caused by ‘Allied blockade’.
Ursula was in her 20s during WWII and insists that Auschwitz was no more than a labor camp.
Twitter: Klaus Arminius
Because Tom from Survive the Jive (STJ) made this post recently, I am going to release another public statement. I have no other choice here.
I firmly maintain my innocence in spreading slander against both him and against his family. These things simply are untrue accusations. I never once even mentioned anything about his family, either, or against his kinsmen.
Tom is not the same person that his followers see in one-on-one conversations. All of his academic decorum quickly fades away the moment he is confronted about the falderal he speaks and spreads and about his associations. He actively promotes bestiality, and he is on record for saying things such as "If I was a Bronze-Age king, I would bang a female horse maybe once in my life. Only a faggot like you would think of such things in a profane and inverted way." What else is there? When it comes to the sensible, literal interpretation of the myths and the Gods, he has responded by saying things such as, "Do you understand that the literal interpretation of myth has absolutely no bearing on the belief in the Gods? Why don't you actually read a single Pagan philosopher for once instead of making New-Age arguments? Mythic literalism is fine for peasants but no intelligent people thought that was how to understand the gods. The gods are very real and the myths are there to help you understand them." (Yes, he calls people "peasants" a lot, all the time, as well as "retards" and "idiots".) On top of it all, he actively associates with Jewish individuals, one whom I can name, Dr. Boaz / Borja Villalonga.
I was going to let the rest be history, but it seems Mr. Tom is so unbelievably preoccupied with his image that he dares try to levy the charge of slander against those he finds disagreement. Tom here is a parody of a Heathen. Did I even mention he charges his members of his following money to access material that is openly available in the public domain? Am I wrong, too, about that, his being someone capitalizing on folkish faith? All of these details about him are public knowledge, not private, and I know for a fact that I am not the only one that shares these complaints and grievances.
Be careful with whom you associate, especially Survive the Jive. He is just that, a hilding and nithing, and an academic shyster and an unethical shell of a man.
IFHS has developed inhouse nanomaterial technology
post what you think in the comments
Canadian Cancer Society apologizes for not referring to cervix as 'front hole'
I wish these people would just shut their front holes, their upper front holes.
JUST IN - Jury finds Hunter Biden guilty in gun trial.
They're hiding the truth about the Vietnam War from you. The truth is that America deployed far more than the official 3M soldiers, and they lost far more than official 50k soldiers. The truth is that the Vietnam war was a war of American African American Slave annihilation.
The white devils sacrificed Six Million Black Men in a ritual sacrifice by fire. An American Holocaust.
The Jews are doing their best to hide this fact from you. This is what the whitey "officer" fragging was about. The clever devil yakub tried hiding the extent of the murders from all of us by pretending six gorrilion jews were killed by the Honorary Black Man Hitler.
This will not stand. The world will know the toll of the vietnam war was Six Million Blacks.
Massaging metrics is a proud Western tradition that stretches back to the Battle on the Ice, on 05APR1242, where Germans lost only 26 men, to the uncountable thousands of Russians.
GDR lives!
(German elections results map, Black is Christian Democracy, Blue is AfD)
The Taliban asked Germany to deport Afghan immigrants who commit serious crimes such as murder or rape.
Germany has refused the offer saying deporting them would violate their human rights, and it would legitimize the Taliban rule.
This is insane!
Twitter: Klaus Arminius
He has a point. If we inject all non-Whites with CRISPR (or just gasoline or air or whatev,) the world will become 100% White.
Healing 🙏
No weather forecasts, yes forced labor, yes draft in Germany until the evil Putler is defeated.
📝 302 replies
Waiters to get body cameras
New low trust society technology just dropped. Restaurants across the country are investing in body cameras for their servers. The days of scamming via “I didn’t order that” or “I said medium rare not well done” are over.
Video https://x.com/Rainmaker1973/status/1798760831406191062