alens:9/AmericanMoon:f8" rel="nofollow">
Have you seen this Italian fake American manned moon landing documentary, users? The best compiled list of evidence and arguments against the Moon hoax.
Even if the manned moon missions happened, the credit for the Apollo program belongs entirely to Germany, and not to nigger mutt society.
NOW - Just Stop Oil climate LARPers spray Stonehenge with orange paint.
Look up the 773rd most common password,000_most_common_passwords
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly."
"Do not therefore do injustice to yourselves. Remember one day you will meet Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone." The Last Sermon of the Apostle of God pbuh
Muslims are all brothers doesn't matter the color
Islam is anti-racist and anti-White
Speaking of Carbon Dioxide... I looked into it and found sunlight naturally converts CO2 into O2 in the upper atmosphere.
Additionally, the seafloor is almost entirely made of olivine-rich rock. Olivine is used in industrial CO2 scrubbers.
Increasing CO2 concentrations increases the rate of these reactions, naturally regulating it.
Thinking of the geological scales involved, it's safe to say the effect life has on CO2 concentration is 0.
This soy eating science loving sickly GRIDs faggot convinced me microplastics are fake and gay.
He recommends tofu to lower microplastics intake.
MictheVegan/videos" rel="nofollow">
NEW - Fake meat and other "ultra processed" vegan food linked to heart disease, early death.
Global warming/cooling has new competition.
Meet peak oil/surplus oil.
If I were a bomber, I would refuse to carry Boeing bombs.
Читать полностью…It's over for the mouse jigglers
The Boeing hitmen are about to get a host of new targets.
Though Massie said he doesn't know if the "AIPAC babysitter" situation is the same for Democrats, the late former Democratic Congressman James Traficant of Ohio said similar in 2009 during an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News.
"I served in Congress for 17 years," Traficant said, "I've seen members question bills and votes on -- 'How does Israel feel about this?' -- I must have heard that every time there was a significant vote!"
"To suggest as you're doing here tonight that they control our Congress that quote 'They are influencing and the sole control of influencing of our domestic policy' is an absurdity, it sounds like you are a kook!" Hannity protested.
"Sean, I'm not suggesting it -- I'm telling it," Traficant responded.
Let's talk about the Nuclear Weapons Hoax. There are two good books written on the subject.
• Death Object by Akio Nakatani
• Hiroshima Revisited by Michael Palmer
Globohomo walked back the destructive narrative of nuclear weapons since their inception: from "setting the atmosphere on fire" to "nuclear winter." They are likely not much more powerful than conventional weapons, but come with an onerous logistics chain, like chemical weapons.Chemical weapons and nukes aren't used not because of the inherent goodness of Jewish governance, but because they're not much more effective than conventional weapons, but are costly to deploy.
Nukes are never "megatons" or "kilotons" of TNT." Like other thermobaric weapons, they are only marginally more destructive, but produce poison smoke.
You might ask "what about Chernobyl?" You'd be shocked to know only 42 people died, and only from exposure to reactor core material. There were no excess deaths caused by the radiation leak in the larger population.
Average grip strength by race and ethnicity.
Compare Indian and Pakistan men to Polish women in the second figure.
Source: Prognostic value of grip strength: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study (2015)
Most appropriate new design for US Government flag.
h/t: Bullzeye
Ukrainians have captured the latest bleeding edge battlefield weapon, the fearsome Turtle Tank.
This high-tech steel beast is being shipped to Area 51 as we speak. there it will undergo the most advanced alien tech reverse engineering available to Israel.
Soon all of NATO will have their hands on this technology and the momentum will shift back to Ukraine.
What transhumanism actually looks like in the Brave New Normal.
Aɴᴛɪ-Bᴜɢ Eᴀᴛᴇʀs
the tranny empire is finally at its end
again, Happy Father's Day
NEW - Pentagon wants to feed troops "experimental" lab-grown meat in a bid to "reduce the CO2 footprint" at Defense Department outposts.
NEW - U.S. House passes $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act, including an amendment to automatically register all U.S. males aged 18-26 for a potential draft.
What can we do about democrats not pulling their weight?
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Читать полностью…The Ukrainian watching you press “no tip” on the $700,000,000 weapons package
Читать полностью…Danes somehow got emasculated by Koreans
>I don't deny the six million
>No comments/reacts
In IFHS we deny the holohoax completely. Fuck Jewtide.