A powerful HTTP client that lives in your terminal.
TopoNets: High performing vision and language models with brain-like topography (Score: 150+ in 8 hours)
Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6ncRL
Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6ncRL
我前一段时间犯懒的时候,就把一个需求喂给 R1,出来的代码开新聊天 Review,Review 改完再开新聊天清了上下文重复 Review,直到 R1 觉得这代码没问题了,就拿去用 ˊ_>ˋ
这种做法不会让你有长进,不要学我 ˊ_>ˋ
Nec: https://jandan.net/t/5843840
OO: 352 XX: 10
山青: 别念了别念了
OO: 64, XX: 0
不要叫我网友: 这是五行山,不是紧箍咒
OO: 20, XX: 0