Figma Editors Should Pay by the Second Instead of by the Month = 0.0000058dollars/second
A fairer way for Figma to charge editors would be based on how much they actually use the platform, rather than a flat $15 monthly fee. Prorating costs by the second would mean casual editors only pay for the time they actively spend, making it more reasonable—especially for quick tasks like copying a design between team files. No one should have to pay a full month's fee for a one-off edit or scramble to remove editor rights to avoid unnecessary charges.
A pay-by-the-second model would also make it easier for organisations to add more editors without worrying about the cost. Teams could collaborate more freely without micromanaging permissions, giving occasional contributors easy access without breaking the budget. This flexible system would encourage teams to use Figma more widely, integrate it into more workflows, and get clearer value for their spending. In the end, it’s a simple idea: pay for what you use, nothing more, nothing less.
Just an idea.
Rune 开始进入 Alpha 的平台稳定期了,现在主要解决几个问题:
* Windows 平台封面墙页面内存抖动
* OGG / FLAC 解码问题
* 疯狂切歌程序可能会炸
* CJK 的 Fallback Font 问题
逃避好久的事情了,得搞了得搞了 _(:3 」∠ )_
ˊ_>ˋ 出于性能考量,我有点想让 Reveal Highlight 默认关闭,只有用户显式操作之后才打开……我找时间线发一个测试版本看看社区反映再决定默认值怎么设置吧……
Читать полностью…程序开发作为一个常接受负面反馈的工作,不适合作为长期工作。
首先,bug 汇报、问题汇报会带来严重的情绪负反馈。
OO: 437 XX: 10
蛋友17009c666ae98: 抬上来三个人一起,丢的时候如果只有一个人的话,就是一种霸凌了。
OO: 123, XX: 6
辅酶: @蛋友17009c666ae98 丢?等着老师来问啊
OO: 55, XX: 2
蛋友8fae2b339ef0bc: MIT的学生非常乐于把车停到10号楼大圆顶上面,成保留节目了。
OO: 20, XX: 2
OO: 438 XX: 20
vevan: 火山熔岩披萨,吃过,难吃
OO: 205, XX: 1
红白机: 你忘了还有菌子。
OO: 169, XX: 3
阿菇_: @vevan 这个火山就是芝士酱加上奥利奥饼干碎,我真服了
OO: 72, XX: 2
辅酶: @vevan 买过一个,打开一看中间流得干干净净…明明是加了钱但还少中间一大块馅,血亏
OO: 46, XX: 1
Demaner: 真应该看看薯片口味的本土化
OO: 21, XX: 0
DFT: 搜一下必胜客哥布林披萨
OO: 11, XX: 0
蛋友8fd4e9d8f87966: 这个视频我看过 他评测了在中国的四家快餐 麦 肯 汉堡王 达美乐 最后被肯德基炸鸡征服
OO: 7, XX: 0
没有注解的海洋地图原图出处(最近看到好几个有趣的地图都是这个 storymaps 上的了!要是有更好的内容集中订阅方法就好了)
#fun #visual #nature